Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

PAGE EIGHT THE MARION DAILY 28, 1926- FIRST AND BEST AS USITAD- 2 "Ah! 'Animal Cookies!" 5 and there's a set of these Cookie Cutters for YOU! can hardly wair until cookies are out of the CHILDREN when they're made with these animal cutters. cost Four in you the nothing set but cat, the packing and mailing cost -15c. lamb, goose and bunny. And they'll With them we'll send a Davis Cook Book, too. The cookies you'll make are examples of the many Davis good things made with Davis biscuits Baking feathery Powder.

light, is pure and sure--it makes cakes and cookies so palatable and pleasing! And in of any other high grade baking powder. addition, it costs you less and you use no more than DA Bake it BEST with DAVIS AKIN BAKING POWDER WE Gentlemen: As Davis per Dept. your 350 Baking offer, Hoboken, please Powder send N. Co. me the Cookie Cutters and the Cook Book.

enclose.15c in stamps to cover postage and mailing. Name. Only one set of these Cookie Cutters cun be sent to a family; this offer, expires April, 1, 1026. Clip this coupon and mail today. HARTFORD CITY HARTFORD -The new traffic signals, which work automatically by electric powher, have been placed in operation in Hartford City.

Within a few days officers. will start the work- of instructing the public in the use of these signals. The milk diet work has been extended to all the grade schools: of the city. The work has been very successful in the junior high school. Students taking the milk have shown uniform increase in weight.

The program for the annual Kiwanis revue, which will be held on Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, was announced yesterday. The cast for the show has been making rapid progress. The -proceeds from the show will be used for the charity fund of the club. The Moose lodge here is planning the erection of a new building here. Three sites are being considered.

The building will be of brick consist of two stories. "The lodge is, one of the biggest in the city. Henry S. Blake, prominent Hartford business man, yesterday filed 'suit, in the Blackford: circuit court against Ella Blake, asking CITY, Jan. 28.

divorce on the grounds of incompatability. Isiah Glancy, a promifarmer, is asking a divorce from Mary Glancy on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment. forming a basketball ofethe and will The business men city are enter the industrial league, which is being formed here. A schedules being drawn up for the league now and None it will off the soon be radio in fans operation. in this is city have succeeded in getting.

the foreign stations during the 'international radio week. The storms in the north Atlantic, coupled with the S. O. S. salls of vessels, has drowned the radio programs from overseas.

GOES TO WASHINGTON The most. recent levelpoments in radio as shown at the bureau of standards will be studied by 0. F. Hesslar, vice and achier engineer of the Indiana Manufacturing and Electric company, manufacturers of the Case radiowapparatus and accessories, who is in Washington, D. for the week.

Mr. Hesslar served as lieutenantcommander in the U.S. navy and gained much experience in development work for the government at the bureau of standards before to Marion. 9 Letters 1f. Questions About Health By Dr.

Lewis Baker and Associates An Advertisem*nt Informing The Public la A Common Manner How To Distinguish The Simpler Ailments. And Symptoms, And the Right Remedies for Treatment. Each Medicine Possesses The Highest Qualities For The Purpose Intended. In the tubules of the kidneys, creatSome no times, small cryatals form Ins irritation and producing the sensation of Often these crystals are formed In the bladder, producing pains and irritation very annoying to the person. The imperfect secretion of the urinary product also accounts for burning, Stinging sensations while frequent calls at night disturb the sleep and rest, required to renew energy.

Elderly persons often have to. arise from three to dozen times to get a temporary relief from such distress. For such trouble I. recommend a compound of diuretic, soothing, 86- dative agents, Balmwort Tablets which act promptly in almost every case, producing a normal flow with comfort, strength and a general feol-. ing of well being.

1 A R. B. J. writes: "I have a tremblIng of the nerves and a 'shaky' gensation In arms and legs which annoys me greatly. I am in a nervous, run-down state, with poor appetite.

Don't sleep well and am both weak and easily irritated all the time." Anawer: If constipation 1s one source of your trouble, take Sulpherb tablets as a liver and bowel tonic, while taking Cadomene tablets 15 a tonic for the blood and nerves. They may be taken at the same time. Mra. A. C.

writes: "My two chilhave been out of school for two weeks because of a severe cold and cough. Nothing we have used has seemed to help them and I write tor advice." Answer: Obtain essence Menthoand dilute it with sugar syrup or honey. Give this to your children every hour ur two. This 1s being used by thousands mothers, because: it is: quickly effective and contains no opiates, chloroform, or narcotics: to. upset the little atomache, L.

J. writce: "I am auffering with terrible rheumatiam and went a sale relief without morphine for kindred drugs." Answer: Ask druggist for 5-grain Su-thol tablets (pronounced sootheall). Contain no opiates or narcotics, but act quickly' in relieving pain, headache, etc. Answer to Miss B. Perspiration odors, armpit odors, foot odora, are readily banished and prevented by the regular use of medicated Chex soap for toilet and bath.

It has elusive fragrance, but no medical odor, la beautifying to the skin beon use of its high quality and unusual medication. Answer to 'A. For nasal catarrh apply Meatho-Laxene Salve in nosmorning and night. This salve useful in preventing colds in the head and should have 4 place in every home. De.

Lewis Baker, Medical Director of Mack burn Products $12 College Bldg. Obia, will wad his valuable guide to Beauty, to say address upon receipt Cato The trustworthy medicines adobtained of all leading druggists. esteem in which he is held evidenced by Dr. Baker la known to millions, and the the scores of grateful letters received daily, similar. to the following: LETTERS TO DR.

BAKER Sulpherb Drives Pimples Away BINGIIAMTON, Master Isadore Zlinsky, 1 Rogers writes: "I am writing of the benefits I redelved from using Sulpherb Tablets, and I recommend them to all who suffer from pimples (acne) boils, constipation, etc. In the last two: years iny face was badly covered. with pimples and my blood. WAg poor. I read about Sulpherb wand when I had finished the second box my pimples had disappeared entirely.

ate better and seemed to be getting along wonderfully, etc." Nasal Catarrh Benefited PATERSON. N. Mrs. A. Zimlingham, 547 E.

23rd writes: "The children and myself are using. Mentho-Laxene Salve for nasal Cu tarrh and we breathe much more freely, etc." Common Trouble Corrected NEWARK, N. Mrs. J. E.

White, 34 Chestnut writes: "I am a wonan over forty, Was troubled with: a scant flow of urine. After taking two large boxes of Balmwort Tab. lets the flow became normal, a 8 It: should and I feel very much benefited and to recommend it, etc." "Night" Coughing Gone CHICAGO, ILL, Mrs. Joseph Balaboa, 55 W. Ohio writes: "My husband and baby had a choking rough that nothing we could find helped.

and I Wag In despair for sleep. One bottle of Mentho-Larene -it's not all gone, but the coughs are, and for. the first time in. weeks we all sleep. waR bothered with: constipation until I used the CascaRoyal Pills, and now I Am regular every day.

These products will always have a regular place In. our medicine chest, etc." Tonic-Medicine Brought Strength NEW TORK CITY. Air. Prete, 119. 15th writes: "I am 33 years old and married.

Working as waiter and for a long time ing Indigestion, I becaine all run down. After using I can be on In feet 12 hours, home and feel like enjoying Before I took Cadomene would be all in and could not even talk to iny wife. Now my wife tells Ine I look like a young mad again and full of pep, etc." Chex Soap Above Any" WACO, TEXAS: A I'hysician endorses Chex as follows: "We find. Chex to be high grade tollet and deodorant soap and think no better could be made. By test it 1s far above any we have ever used, THE BLACKBURN PRODUCTS Dayton, Ohio.

"Information: Dependable much Drug Stores." Banquet Ice Cream By The Way Its Male RADIO PROGRAMS JAN. 29 International Radio Programs WHITE- CAPS $:30 WFAA (476) Dallas -The :30 WEAF (432) New York- The Eagle Neutrodyue WEAF. 9:00 KMA (252) the Elk's Municipal Baud. 12:30 KCW (482) PortlandOwls Frolic. SILENT STATIONS Eastern: BBR.

W' GBS, WIP WOR, WTAM KFUO, WCBD, EAO, SAI, WS.MB, Western: K.GO, K.PRC. EVENING CONCERTS 5:45 P. M. WOC 484 Davenport Chinas Concert 6:30 P. WANG (316) Richmond Hill.

Musical 17:00 M. WNYC (526)" New York. WCAP (469) Washington Organ, WCX (517) Detroit. Symphony Orchestra WEAr (492) New York: Happiness Boys. K8D (546) St.

-Louis Fur Hour WAUG (316) Richmond Hill- Great: lists, Recital, WRAT: 12461 Richmond, Past Negro Club. 7:15 P. WLS (345) Chicago. WLIT (395) Philadelphia, Studio Program WEAR Cleveland. Studio: Program.

WTIC 1476) Hartford Rout Burns A u- niversary. 17:30 P. M. WSMB (319) New Orleans. Musical: WDAD (266) Nashville.

Hawalian. Music. WTIC. (476) Hartford. Special Communit Night Program.

WBZ (333) Springield. Boston. Symphony Orchestra WCA (462) Pittsburg Studio Program WEAF (492) N. Y. Eagle Trio.

WHO (526) Des Moines. a Musical. KPNP (266) Program. WEEI (349) Boston. Neapolitan Girls Quar WHAS.

(400) Loutsvilla Concert. P.M. WPG: (300) Atlantic Concert. (341) New York. Hardman Hour.

CAY (384) Winnipeg. Musical. WEAR (390) Cleveland. T. CARA (291) Moncton.

Studio: Pragram. (484) Daveuport. Special Musical. WBBM. (226) Chicago.

Studio Musical WARG. (316) Richaund Hill. Studio cital. (366) Kansas Clu. Around Towa.

CART (351) Toronto: Trinity ('hoir. KDKA (309) E. Concert. WBZ. (333) Hour.

8:15 P. M. WCAP (469) Washington. Wardman Part.a WECO (417) Paul: Minn. Grand lodge of Odd Fellows Program.

WRN (259) N. Studio. Program, 8:30 P. M. WGN (302) Chicago, String Trio, WEE (349) Boston.

5 Carter's Incas. 4WMAQ (448) Chicago. Whitney Trio. WGR WEAA (319) (476) Buffalo. Dallas.

Melodette Musicat. Ladies Brooklyn Orch WAHG (316) Richmond; Hill. Auto P. M. CFC (411) Montreal, Concord Entertainers NIBA (236) Madison Varied 9:00 to 10:00 P.

M. Special program Canadian, Cuban and Mexican for European' reception. A 10:00 to 10:15 Only: East Coast Stations on; the atr. :10:15 to 10:30 Only Central Stations on the :10:30 10:45 M. Only Rocky, Mountain.

Stations on the 10:45 to 11:00. PAM. Only Pacific Stations on the air. tar 11:00 P. MA Portland.

vert 12:00 Mid. WJJD (370) Mousebeart. 4 Vocal KOW: (492) Portland. Studio. KTCL Seatule.

Features. (2 br.) WAC (300) Memphis Midaight Frolic A. M. NQJ (448) Hotsy Tutsy. FEATURE TALKS 6:00 P.

M. WCAP (469), Washington. Story Teller. (314) Monctou Kiddies Half Hour 5:30 P. M.

WGY. (380) Schenectade. Sunday School. 6:00 P. (316) New York.

Radio Problema. 6:30 P. M. WRNY (259) New. Yore.

Continental Code (252) New York. "House of WEAR (492) N. Y. Hir Hobgoblin's Stories also WCAE, WEAR, WGR. WAR WOO.

P.M. CFCE (411) Montreal. Kiddies: Stories French and English. WCAE (462) l'ittaburgh. Motor Topics.

KFDM (316) Beaumont, Teras Bedtime 7:30 M. WRNY New York Chemistry. KNX (337) Hollywood. 1 Talk. KSD (546) St.

Louis, on C('ommerce Hour. KPO (420) San Aunt Dolly. 8:30 P. M. KG0 (361) Oakland.

Girls Half Hour. WHAS (400) Louisville. Civil Service WORD Batavia, Uncle: Dau KOA (322) Deuver. Sunday School WANT TO DANCE? 7:00 P. M.

WWJ (353). Detroit. News. 7:30 P. M.

(411) Montreal, Mo. Royal WABB 1230) Chicago. Trianon. 7:45 P. M.

WLIT (395) Philadelphia. Welch's Minstrel 8:00 P.M. WBZ (333) Dance AGR (319) Buffalo. -Musical. 8:30 P.

M. WHIT (395) Philadeiphla. Harmony King WUAO (215) Belridere. WRW Tarrytown. Dance.

WAC (500) Memphis. P. M. ETH9 (315) Hot Springs. 11:30 P.M.

WEBlI (370) Chicago. Oriule, DAF. (366) Kansas City. Nighthawk 11:45 P. 1509) Oakland.

Sweets'. 12:00 Mid. (405) Los Augeles. Hickman' kJK (385) Seattie. Kilbourne's.

4PU 1430) Sau Francisco. States 12:30 A. M. Vie. MCW 1492) Portland.

Hoot Owl Frolle. 1:00 A. M. KNX (337) Hollywood. Cocoanut Grove (Copyright, 1926, by International Radio Chicago.) A WABASH WABASH, Jan.

services for Benjamin Park, -68, who died Tuesday after two years' illness with dropsy, were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Surviving are three. daughters, Mrs. W. C.

Gephart, Mrs. Charles Barnes and Mrs. Elvin James, all of Wabash, and one son, Homer Parks, of Fout Wayne. Mrs. Helen Graf, deputy county clerk, who was taken to the Wabash county hospital suffering from a vere cold, is reported to be improving.

A jury in Wabash circuit court which heard evidence in the damage suit of Ora Buzzard against his brother, William T. Buzzard, awarded the plaintiff damages of $130. The sum of $5,000 was asked. The suit was the outgrowth of alleged injuries, Ora Buzzard charging his brother- struck him and him, the attack resulting in a stroke of paralysis. Alpha Mu chapter of the Delta Theta, Tau sorority is planning to send a' delegation to the districted meeting to held in Marion Sat-' 5 i.

From BLUMENTHAL'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE -Evervone is learning more about the unsurpassed economies which prevail in our "Downstairs Store" and There is still more to being merits investigation from time to time. Women who practice sound economy will hind a dress or a coat priced far below their expectations: needs are far under priced and the men folk can -save more on Porkshirts, etc. Our Downstairs Store is fast becoming the economy spot of Marion. Wouldn't You Walk Down a Flight of Stairs Silk To Women's Save and COATS $12.00 DRESSES to Wool Winter 8 You would be surprised how many are doing it. but it is so little effort to save such a large amount.

The dresses are correct spring models, each displaying new ideas in pleated and flare effeets. The colors and trimmings are notably springlike. The coats of warm, well- Wearing fabrics will compare, in most instances with the higher priced garments, in line and trimming. They too, are only $8.00. Blankets Domestics Savings On Men's Wear $1.45 Fancy Plaid $1.49 Seamless Men's a Men's 89c Work Blankets, each $1.00 Sheets, each $1.00 Trousers $5.00 69c twilled blankets, Seamles bleached sheets.

Size 81x Men's and young men's worsted and stitched ends, assorted, plaids. 90. A good sturdy quality, unfinished worsted trousers for spring $3.50 Double $2.29 35c Pillow Cases- wear, $5.00. 200 cloth English Shirts. Broad- Special.

$1.49 Blankets, pair Each 25c borders Plain of. twilled pink, cotton blue, tan blankets! and Fancy red. Made of good quality bleached mus- 4 35c. Pairs Wool Socks, $1.00 Sizes 66x80. lin.

Sizes 42x36 and stitch, Men's 4 35c pair part for wool $1.00. hose with drop Ties Men's 75c 59c Size $3.95 66x80. Plaid Spec. Blankets. pr.

$2.95 $1.25 Each A Cotton Batting, 95c Men's neckwear in all the latest Fancy, plaid double bed size cotton Cotton batting for making com- Fincks $2.25 $1.79 shades Sand designs. Regular 75c blankets. Assorted colors. forts. Regular, $1.25.

Now 95c each. Overalls values for 59c. Men's Overalls Calumet Hardwater Coconut Soap. $1.39 12 In assorted. Bars colors, For Indian brand overalls.

Extra are An heavy constructed extra exceptional weight well for blue -made value. hard denim. garments, service. These THE OLD RELIABLE STORE 1863 ESTABLISHED 49c Take Stairway In Men's Store To The Basem*nt FOR COLDS, SORE THROATS, BRONCHITIS You Are Safe When You Use Father John's Medicine Backed by 70 years of success Father John's Medicine is now the family medicine in millions of homes where wise mothers depend on its value for colds, coughs, and as a body-builder. Safe for all the family because it is free from alcohol or dangerous drugs -Adv.

urday and Sunday. Wabash Delts who are planning to the convention are Martha LaSelle, Katherine Holderman, Dorothy Williams, Margaret and Ardis I'rice, Mrs. James Burnwell and Jirs. Loren Lynn. 1).

J. Claude in Marion. Mrs. David Freeze is spending several days in Chicago. The Gene Stratton l'orter Delphian society will meet this evening in the basem*nt of the library at.

7:30 o'clock. W. C. T. U.

COUNTY BOARD WILL MEET Mrs. Della Kirkpatrick, president of the' Grant County Women's Christian Temperance Union. announced today that the county executive of the W. U. will hold an all day meeting at the W.

C. A. Friday, February 5. starting al 10 o'clock in the morning. Plans for the annual county W.

C. T. U. institute will be made at the executive meeting and all members are requested to be. present.

The executive includes all county officers and heads of departments A and the president of each local union. The place for holding the, Institute, the date of the meeting, and the progrant will be at the meelIng of the executive. brewers refuse to use barrels made of. American oak, declaring that it gives a tannin, flavoring to the beer. Skate-like shoes with soles chin corrugated metal have been inventfor traveling on ice or at will.

NOON MEETINGS OPEN TOMORROW The second- series of the noon-day shop meetings will be held at three factories tomorrow, it was stated Jo M. Davis, general secretary of the Y. D.C. which 18 sponsoring the meetings: Programs, including songs and short sermons, have been arranged for the Delta Electric company and Indiana Fibre Products company. Mr.

Daris stated that although a meeting. was arranged- for the Indiana Truck company, the mittee at the factory requested that none be held as many of the workers there are leaving at Martinsville to witness the game. GOES TO ANDERSON At the invitation of L. Rood, scout executive at Anderson, A. L.

McDopald, local scout executive, will go to Anderson the evening of February 3 and deliver an address on camping before- the scoutmasters' training school, which is being conducted there. $100 Reward for a box worth 60cl He was 4,000 miles from home, in a land where cooka fried everything; and all his Stuart's a trunk they couldn't find! "I'llgive almost anything to get ''he told me, "for can eat anything in the world if I take a tablet Chew a Stuart tablet after the heartiest meal, and you, too, can smile at Indigestion. Stops all gas and belching. Relief Is instantaneous. In fact, hearty eatery--hard smokers -high livers -find these lablets a boon and blessing.

Here's proof: Full Box FREE! Every druggist has Stuart's tablets, 25c and 60c. Or, a full box freeif you write the F. Stuart Company, Dept. WV. Marshall, Mich, Get a metalbox of Stuart's for the pocket -and keepit filled STUART'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Mrs.

Alma Pearson was hostess last Thursday, afternoon to the W. C. T. U. at- -her home- here.

Themeeting was opened by singing; revotional was sled by Mrs. Frank Scott of Marion, a former resident and member of the local union. After a short "business session musical program, was rendered. A duet was sung by Mrs. Pearson and Mrs.

Raber; two violin solos were given Miss" Fern Dome Mary Duling at the piano. Vivian Carey, state secretary, gave a splendid report of the national W. C. T. U.

convention. The cominittee appointed served refreshments to the fol'owing: Mesdames Lent -Dickerson, -Lulu Dickerson and children, Ellie and Esta Ailes, Nellie Pearson, -Iva Caskey, Murray, Audio Leach, Mary Dome, Eva Partridge, Grace Langsdon, Mattie Simons, Oilie Duling, Lib Thorn, Raber, Lulu Nottingham and -Misses Janette Simons, Mary Simons, Fern Dome and Mary- and Mrs. Vivian ('arey son, Mrs. Mable Hardicsty and Mrs. Deborah Scott and laughter, the last two ladies named were residents here.

for inany years al inembers the local union but are r.oiv residents of Marion, Word received here Monday evefrom Mrs. Marion., ridow of the late Marion Haynes, that. she is suffering from double pneumonia and being; of extreme advanced age little hope is being held out for' he recovery. Mr.

and Mrs. Haynes -rat moved their membership from the old Bethel church, north of ty the M. P. Here and remainel in. the church until Mr.

Haves was called by death some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dye and family were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

C. -R. P'artridge. Several friends from here have visited Roy Rogers, local garageman, who was taken, to the Grant County hospital on Tuesday evening of last week in an unconscious condition, caused some means of an explosion in his automobile while enroute to Marion. Mr.

Rogers seems to recognize his frienda but on the following day seemingly has no knowledge of any of -his friends calling on him. Revival services are in progress at the M. P. church here with Rev. John Rhoads, pastor of the church, in charge.

Day services each morning except Saturday. Services. beginning at 10 o'clock. Tioning at Baer's. Ninth Washington.

1 FOWLERTON. INFANT'S FUNERAL HELD Funeral services of Edward, infant son of Mr. -and Mrs. Henry held this afternoon. at.

2 o'clock Hilts, 703 Railroad avenue, Were the residence. Rev. Ice was charge of the services. Burial was made at the 1. 0.

0. F. cemetery: per cent of the mouth organs exported by Germany are sent 1 to the United States. DEAN HUFFMAN TO PREACH In the absence of Rev. and Mrs.

C. G. McCrocklin who have gone to the dlayo Brothers hospital, where Mrs. McCrocklin will undergo a11 operation, Dean J. A.

Huffman of the Marion College will preach at the Swayzee St. U. B. church Sunday, both at the morning and erening services. The British brass trade has been on- the decline since the war.

3 handy packs for WRIGLEYS CHEWING KIP SWEET CHE WING SWEET CHEWING P. K.J WRIGLEYS SWEET P.K. New Handy Pack More for your money and the best Peppermint. Chewing Sweet for any money Look for WRIGLEYS P.K.Handy 1 on your Dealer's Counter 08 F..

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.