The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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The Washington Posti

Washington, District of Columbia

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COtftf A 0 ARTHUR BURT WOODWARD A LOTHHOP MISS BONAPARTE'S BOW 1 MRS MANY GUESTS The Wife of the MLwrmrf Senator BLANKETS Ihcl*tding the Product of Slippers 25c each COPIN' CO 7 tai' inherited by Miss ip ar HUB ir hd rir 28 30 S3 St IS ng aio we Inti bruMlnc Gowni Bitt joben Wrap I tuc Our sp clal'y an 11 4 A ll wool Blanket the exception LAP KOBE 1:5 5:850 am 51750 ur Robes are i HORSE BLANKETS quartet i 75o 85c and 8115 id Three quarter Bed Mar from I N50 fS'j tnS $5 Double bod Mars 11 re Qu 55 Ofl furniture: i 'ns To day DAY AND BOYs to each And froui I 1nic (' from S750 up Men uuollered In for lais Size Or fc'CES Bps 62i WOODWARD OTHR Tenth Eleventh 'and Streets Ndh mi relf might be told and retol ISc CUI Mr Potta han Issued card for a tbe from 5 to 7 o'clock ou Saturday afternoon str we Jstlble into UUVS JjANfiBURGH'S Attended by known Society Personal Mention 12 Iabked Cape Overcoats Extra Quilu: h'e bare Red border sightly Huck i 10 1 I RICES iLVEUTTHLta a order to i this: Mrs red Marble la still ecu fined to her bed with a never attack of Krtj Mr Bedtteld Proctor will receive Tbars Sfek 40 COo i WRAPPER BLANKETS A splendid lno ot Rlrinkeii for mak blng for' mak take this rj our "abort ii ifmr airing ger Rug are JruMl Body and Moqutt lot of Printed bordering from 1 to 3 from 811 5 to tly one half of Debut of a Descendant of a amily of World wide Renown Seethe LT AX" tha wonderful rll jalay inK iartraaeau i Comb ick i Co a nt res Spoauect Wue satin and i bro cade Mrs John Muljan black and white striped silk with front draperiea of Suffered Greatly Dottons Palled Believe bpeedily Cured Dy Cutipura Reiucdie Sanders de Stayman 934 Street Northwest 13 Charlo Baltianog EATHER PILLOWS Every pair guaranteed to be free any odor 2HIbs $375 a pair 3 lbs 50 pair lbs 525 a pair 4 lbs SB a pair (Second lloor lltb st building): 'to which we bare attached dtminutire prices pt you are expert women Ail IX U4 wMeb imrt AUo th ami the Par tM Asa Asg i La1a iraala sod ChUdven irsry jw war Itod fitf to the Laed The Mouuincnlal TS save uraaM Atr 12 1 AIT wooT Blankets je50 830 a pair 4 340 S8c 42n 4Jo to se 3tc 35c sre 1 VESTS ANr Is rapidly drawing tai a close IT CANNOT LAST MICH LONGER If you want JKbT vLAbS CLOTHING for ianuxt nothing lice and diamonds Lincoln oln rose point draperies of lavender nioireMrs If you want liomethinx that Is warn) th giving wi Down Comfofts ai anu sauue i I 11 1 Whita AH wod Blankets fcj to a pair 114 kite 'Wool blankets 8X75 $3 to 15 a pair uur i'rrpiwv have been on a Merino Underwear Department consisting of mid I sires and tiara LAD1 1 Nil HI CH I ESTEY ORGANS 250000 MADE and SOLD DECKER BKOSt illSHK I ISCH KB EsTfcY I VI RS and POXD If yon wish finer markets we show Stat? DdpU Mr fh ster Doiplt Mwlm Kotrwro Mrs Jota SLer WsXid M'm Ida Tbi is: Mr Pwilk MUs Brsaer of New Tori Jus ties 1 (Arian Justice asi Mt Brewer us: hi and Mrs Bviwa Mr Jules Osthridce Mrs airfield fnvr Beieti McCarthy cB rlj Mrs JrtH Lanebnrn Geo wrs Mr and Mtse MoDonsld ansi lion ja I CAN'T BRUTHE 1L Chest ains Soreness Westks 17x35 fnotios extra ial Lwell assorted PALACE 812 314 7tfl St Huek Towel size heavv and firta mate all te or colored borders $139 a dozen Excellent for boarilmg house uae 750 tic 3be io inwn iMdir' hS Ladu ftoua fTi Dri( ra IIaMBCECER Press Lifters We offer 6it lrrM fUr aaan tatrodneUon for Unparalleled t4RLo Offering' rp tn I lO DAY AUKSDAY comp beyond uucetJon tki 10 4 White Wool Blankets 2 82 4 and E3 a pair Hite All pure Wool fidH and $5 a rialr less and look far betted if ypu will spend keep PALACE cnliAT cuanuil soi: NIGHT IL A ITU tho product! a mills They An Acceptable Sledlutn to Russia Miss Clara Barton yesterday received the following letter: iMreuixL Russian iLraxriox Washington Jan 3 W2 Ciabi Barton President of i the American National fte i Cross I Deas Madams: In view of the apparent con fusion in th minds Of the American people a to the medium tbr jUk which their contribu tions will be transmitted to Russia and dis tributed io her famine stricken people I deem It proper to assure you In tLe name of the Rus sian government that the Red Cross organiza tion whiih you have the honor ito represent will be In all respects a most acceptable medium for such transmission and distribution and so recognized by my government I Accept dear niiulgme the assurance of my high consideration A Gniaia i Charge of Kussia Prices range from 3 32250 nip nt Janusiy nles this LINENS Hi i HALLET DAVIS CO With SUPERB oJK UL HOUDaY AjreW aw 1 WHITE QUILTS meet your everr! wrant In single three Ptot we mention uf Kobe andl In order to every nnfi of them out we i 1 I CuUrfb AM5XK PitrUy and rete unonir Dy Ct Antt Pi Platwri Soth py like it for Weuk Lnsgx i i HORNER CO i urniture Makers and I mporter I' 616365 West 23d St NEW YORK Ar? a Special Display of fVrticlef Suitable for volt The Monumental 937 and 939 XV I JI I ine Afilliiiyry Cloaks Hos iery Gloves Sold everywhere Price Cmcdaa 25c: Kg otvxsr 31 Prepared by the Pcmxa: Dare iDCBCXMatCrWvno Boston I CJy to Curt Dl eskes 4 Hlostralo and IX sR ii nlalr tn led free I i In the summer of ISSS a sore canta the fleshy Part of my right leg not far fromjtbe sdn bone It continued to increase in lizc and eveWuxlU formed a Urge ulcer three inches long by two wide 1 employed a regular phi sicUn put he tjave in? no relief It was very painful Anu teventudilly part of the be boue dropped out After buffering with it LrMx tonnhw I was to try the Cutucra IUmedhc At thw time 1 wm tip tnable to walk witboufccrtitcbe nd tatfered srtaatly In sbotii a week the sore beran toftbuwbijfns nt hup ore menu and eventually wtu compete df RK Another then broke out on joy Instep but the sama lr? atmenl bohj i tfcaU I wtu in debted solely io the CTTtcrtu'KEWEimw for my restoration to health My 1 now well av it ever wai ami aiuoe then I ti've been trim bled with sores kERiU El(urilU Miss We' brr bv certify that we age acuuinte with the aforwxld Merritt and regrdhim as a reliable truthful man and I beiteyb nw statement to be true In every particular I Uadi er Mayor Jno IL Bi sum Circuit and Chancery Clerk ii Dev am Shene Cuticura Resolveht Tbe new Blood andkln Purifier 4nd greatest o7 1 amor InternaliyttocU nsa ihe blood of all Irnpurii ar tliui and CWKl'SA tbe great Hktn ijire and CCTt CUKA Soap an exqu tc 'kin Beautifier axter nxiy (to clear the ski and wp ad restore tbs hair) cure every species of ajeoaiztng iu Ing burning aiy a plmpiy fUseaw of tbe ikin scalp and blood dll fib Weyt make ritr Pur Rinzl and Three quarter Bed Crochet Quilts At dvLivs I Cor 13th I1 Sts 1 a RUGS AT HAL AND TWO fTIURDS or the post ten day or mors one workrooms have boon busy manufactur ing Kegs of various sizes fgom our lengths'' of carpets and borders We place them on sale aj thistlinaeaoh year and many of our patrons patiently await their sale knowing they will ob tain the biggest monayL worth of tho year We have already had many In quires a to the exact day we shall put I tfirwe on sale IWe now eg to announce that they wlHi go said to day (Tus i day) Wo bare also made up a Rugs from two1 wtd ihs of carpeting 3 ft 6 in wid yiis long ranging in prle SB thtoo Drlcei being exac what th materials wet id oust by tbe a A llnr ms' to Ing them np We simply means of gottirg tid and at Hie a you a bargain The lamale from Tapestry 1 Wil tns Velvet Cariiet and many of theiu are Suitable for covering an entire roc of our Robo De wn sncb a lind of 1 lll 1 al 2 I I AM fir'll mut aim niu wm i pucca wrrs mu uwiiv hare rwiurd 1 th price tn I Cl iLDl kN liEAVY VNDIJIWKaK I I kN Ml KIN superior qnal slrt i ft lh vo ami st I de i i tL Al ITA CHU VEST rench 01 IB imMf tiao M4 sea But L' RIGHT lu Top selr rtlon i raus in huckaback towels One of the best tetrgaiha the season Is 1 50 dozen extra fine and heavy Qr nan Huck Towels with pride open hem atluh il hemsi aruu! measuremeut Im Lm Wide by 40 incnea! img Wswafr dtetly Lia this one aij the head ot aU the mnpy choice Towel offered tyus during the past years at 23o iCb I over to their drapers tnebas 1 yard VVe have welcomed th cotulnE let pmr this month we tipj ha iitl that tn do possible We can lighten Pre labor by lighicnltig the prices As long the SILKS Wc might a aellMiow our hand" there firt The inductions will be clear snving for you Of course tho plain SILKS arc gnl an wheat we have not meddled with those They are the NUVTL TII that have to "stand the blunt" of our "undcr roarkitigs" BEGIN N1NG AT ONCE the $4 qualltv Is S3 I I 1 $350 quality is and 8250 53 quality I 82 $250 quality is 3175 and 32: I JlQuallty I 3125 and $150 5160 quality Is 3125 CARTING L'lTUS 7'0 Extr Hrary SM" dtactiaak Carv ing 1'lotbs 'in a larg ari 3t of new and paUvrtrt trvui to a yard in lougtO I I 1 I bOq each The artual value Of Bese from 65c tail Ucoond Soor Uth bulHlrg) Tba grand ball Sflvetx last night at the Arlington Hotel by CoL 1 and Mvltn Jerome in honor of the but of their daughter was one! of th ot elegant affairs ever given the KatlOnal Capital where maauiffeent entertain ments ar the rule rather than the excep tion Tba anlte of three parlors and im meoe bait room bad been in the hands of the decorators since early 'mornlnj and by tbe time the guests began to arrive presented a picture long to be remem bered Tbe corners of the three parlors were hlen by tali fern rvaebiug half way to tbe celling: whit fern and cut Covers bonked the mantels I Down eitherside of tbe ball room back of tho chairs arranged for tbe cotillion was a groove of palmetto At the far end of the room the balcony In which the musicians were stationed was covered with laurel and holly which was met from beneath by the tail palmettos which formed a dense nia oi foliage as back ground to an immense white and gold slipper of fancy basket wprk This was heaped with small slipper fitted with sweet scented flowers ui ss favors In one of the figures ot the cotillion On either ride of the large slipper were (all screens of openwork iron Which held the bvsutiful favors brought by Col and Madam Bonaparte fro abroad for this occasion or the ladies there were feather fan in pompadour colors in the shape of diamonds hearts spades and trump little hat ornamented with rosette of ribbon of ererr color beautiful drums Directoire canes tied with bows and floating ends of ribbon while for tbe men were white and gold canes brass trumpets to be slung across Use shoulder by bright bud ribbons and tambourines ornamented in similar ssli loria to le pinned to the lapel of the coat 3 he cotillion of seventy five con tiles was led by Mr Walter Van Rdnasajaer Bvrry at 12:15 at which hour supper was served for the chaperon At 2:15 supper was nerved for tbe dancers Col and Madam Bonaparte received in tbe tapestry tle middle of the suite out of which on the right open the Lottis XIV and On the left the gold room Madame Bonn parte wore a lowVneck gown of black vel vet the Bonaparte diamonds blazing from her throat corsage ears and Law The handsome young debutante who in appearance is a tj pical Bonaparte i having the look withal of her mother wore a gown of white tulle garlanded with lilies of the valley about the low neck A pearl necklace and pearls ill Ler hair were worn I tun narts Ktand her on and 'daughter in law Mr and Mrs NewLod Edgar who came from X'ew York for the occasion Tbe latter wore peach broca ie trimmed with point lace and diamond ornaments Mrs Webster lgar whoe husband is now at sa was present ih a gown of black Itulle embroidered in bow knota of bine am! jet The corsage of black velvet was ledged with a fall of light blue chiffon about the low neck Diamond ornaments Mi Mirrfee ot New York slater of Mrs LeKoy Edgar und Mr De orest Marrice the guests of Col and Airs Bonaparte were also present Among the other guest who came irom New York foi the ball were: Mfr MeAllister daughter of Col Ward Mc Allister Mr scliuyler Crosby Miss Angelica Cnjsby Mr De Uartnendia and Mr David Slewart rom Baltimore were Mr and Mrs Robert Garrett Mr and Mrs Elisha Dyer Mr an i Mrs Gilmore Mr Arthur William Mr Gilmore Hoffman Mr Morton i Mr Jenkins and Mr JwirT) Among the Washingtonian present were ire President an I Mrs Morton Sir Julian and Lady Pucnu lute the paunerfote Mr Johnstone Hon and Mrs Michael Herbert Mr bpring It lea the rtneli minister and secret tries of iecat'mi ('mimaudatit and Madame LotUn Mr Jfotufw Mr lint jlumni and attaches the German lega'k senor Hurtado the Columbian minister Minister Grin liarou Beck rils ot Oor Mr and Mia CarrolL Justice and Me wy Miss O'Donnell Mis Acosta wtice Blatehford and niece Ml Porter TinJ Miss Mo gon of N' York marter General Mrs: and Mhr VA aziamaker Si'cretaiy and Mies Blaine Mr Damrosqh Sen ator and Mr anicron enaur and Mrs Hale yennVr Gibson of Lonidat'a senator ahd Mrs Mei'tieiaon Re re ntitive Mrs and Ml Cauot Lodge Miss Edis and Mia rank Itiges Gen and Mrs Nich olas Anlersot Miss Elsie Anderson Comuioilore'and Mrs luttnsaj" Mrs ind the Misses Enmry Miss Bradley Mrs WycKilffe Preston Mis Alice iliga Miss Janie Riser judge and Mr John Divia Dr rank Loring Mr Imgher Mr Hazen Mr and Mrs John McLean Mrs Audenreid Mr and Mrs tho Misses Leiter Admiral i pstiur Mr and Mrs Lowndes Judge and Ml Cox Mr bamuql Ward of Nev York Mr Ward Thoron Gen rohoiield Mr Ser llou Rroa Mr George Hel en' Gen Baird Mavr yenl Bey Count Nponnwk Mr Wallace Mr Robert Chew' Mr lary Kay IMr Acxlan Capt Mul lin Mr t'barle Glover Air Seaton Monioe Mr rank Traer Dr Charles Uaguer and Mr Nutmiiriel Wilson i Miss Ede wore a Worth gown of silver blue satin brocaded 'in bouquets of rose with revere ot old rose velvet on the left side of the skirt tbe low neck bodice trimme with Mechlin lace moud ornaments Mrs Wanamaker heli otrie brocade and old Venetian lace Mrs rMor'on black i lace and jet with di amonds and shoulder knots of ostricn tips Mr Pendleton whitesilk and pearls Nirs Nelson Brown white lace over blue satin with pink ribbons Miss Rosalie Brown pink faille Mis Hersey blue nille: Ml Caroline Hersey pinki silk: Miss Coleman black tlread lacq over white silkMb reeman white' satin with 'over draperies of pearl dotted net: Mrs Nicholas Andtsrson gold striped black gauze Miss Bradley wnita satin brocade Mrs Chatard light blue satin aK point iac Mrs McPherson white flowered orocauo Mrs ffiill with black lace over blue faille diamonds i i HlMir I ClzrlM Kr bnttercuti satin I'auncefote white satin Mis Jame pink Balin' Mias Van Heuaaelner Berry 'stifle silk flowered in stripes: Mrs Horace Grev silvtr gray brocade Miss Crosby garnet velvet court train over white bro taie jietticoit Mrsj Grteu white silk under black thread lace Mrs 'Gen Browne lute brocade ami pearls Miss Altnr white ilk Mr Long Edes black lace and jet Mr Wi liam SVbarton ola ro eand velvet Mr Schofield pinkstripe i fireende Min Annie Brewster of New York while chiffon with white and silver brocadx shoulder knots of green velvet ami Parma violets i Miss Linden Kent blate satin broom! and white thread lace Mis Alice Wilson pink crepe with Mr iCbbett Garrett of Batti more piuk satin embroidered in jet trimmed with sable and train of pi: tulle and dinmqnd ornament Miss i ter bl ack tulle elaborately jetted with court train of black velvet and turquoise blue easli Misa Panline le iter ligttt blue satin and Mrs Cabot Lodge light blue silk and pcim lace i Mrs co*ckrell eave a chartnlog tea yes terday afternoon iu honor of Mrs George Alien of St Louis wno wore a gown of rench grey crepe With jet trimmings Tbe gown worn by the botes vr Nile I green silk and brocade Toe other ladies of the receiving party were MrMont I gomery of Oregon iu Marie Loulf bine I velvet aud liu i ue same color brocaded in gold Mis Moritgwnerj white silk muslin with goid embroiarred Persian jacket of crimson velviet Mi Antoinette 1 Montgomery hit mull witn Persian I jacket of blue velvet M1 Ewing black I I In the tea room era Miss Marion co*ck rell in poppy colored and toile lu'nl nr 'ir io white an iMiss Keltou IU scarlet silk Mr lUibert Hluekiey yellow sitiu brocad'd lu gold with lace and dianiOB la let Ester bzy black court train front rose satin under wtHte thread lad MlssBlia wtiM aatta with pink and white toreead nouhle bed Crochet Quilts 75c $1 8116 and fcinfflte teineaQum jj Special Bargains in Cor seis S23O 4 araet hk Mt I 'A time i Bi1 ry wJ ivcto JOf i Io Bi! Grsi 41 tote (J Kilr Um reauctawk'wy wlff eJ al tt rovaei al id per eent below ths ragnl peiee Lad if i Jinler Garments To be effervd 1 60 per cent leas tqaa ruU Is'waia awl DUgccal fuefen eut to 8t T6 fltltu'li Jaik'14 i4 euttoli ft 4 tint rtettel JwMfrfeMN cut frwuajrji a eeout tol krt TatofiAAde j'W'UtfMM'd JKjfttltf Je eJe cUlu IX ur Cafes and Muff RIJar Capes 1 Out to 4 Sjfi Black WtW tn Vp oA Hi Mac WmIMI Caps eat ba AitrAU Cape ifflt 18 IncLe juvr ext 1 ray qfi ttj I tl 25 ami a aiuum Irin Da a i isiza or CO Inch square sa ily cbuce designs UR RIGHT Id Meekins to 1 arts wsi oo nf a krxdioj taLACtt? HMY TUU arban A Beaaett KKH1T HaruMJ A Lecoett si Ua place forzbe BRUT and HEA A pecW ofi I NE ELL DR 8lp I'M from $ii UP to Ji i HARBAN BENNETT TA ILOItlNG Lw HK'fe MltjN at Imlf I''co aud Girl' 5 sue pAf nlur rles I leering a a price ic eic tin lirts3lc 34c 4lcC ine Quality NATURAL WOOL VEST for I ladies I 49a All SI ARLKT VESTS and PANTS at reduced prices i 1 CC AR Wool JERSEY RIBBED VEST at Of I TC NATURAL WtMiI JlfRbEY RIBBED VEST at 4 7r 1 QI 1 Low neck and Xo elecvr SCARLET rSJlr) JERxKY RIBBED VST al 1 C' I f'Q BLACK tVOK TEllI RIBBED Eh MUO and PAN Th at 1 Btk Sea Sunday' Pied and Monday's Star for list of pecial price for dur clearing sale ot Milli nery Cloak and ancy Good URGE PIMl UICIB On Limb Completely Helpless Ln able to Walk itbout Crjilclies I ieeh to the Bone Dropped Out Mrs Wanauxaker rave a white and gold breakfast yesterday jnerning at 1 Th guest of honor were to have been Mr Elkins and Mr oster but tha former was detained in New York and tha latter was unable to leave home on ac count of heavy cold contracted while re ceiving at th White House on New Year' day On either aide of a center piece ot Marechai Neil roses and ferns were plats of Marguerite Bouquet of white Parma violet lay at each plate Mrs Harrison sat on the right of the and Mr Senator McMillan on the left The other gnsts were: Mr WllHatn A Hawreood Mr Thomwa Swaau Mi MoCatnmo'i Mra Charles BalL Mis MeCixA Mrs John oster Mr foaUe Mra ierce Cnebr Mrs Ahton Mrs Hatoy Athlon Mr AbnyMr Lowry Bell Mrs Gen 'reciiuri tge Mrs and Allas Hodre Mr Gsl landet Mrs Radcliffe and Mr Charles Moore of Detfu HIM Morgan of Philadelphia and Miss Wanatnaker Mr Almena William gar an at home yesterday afternoon at her residence 1 on Eleventh street from 4 to 7 Tbe parlors were ornamented with vaae of cut flower Miss Williams wore gown of white crepe the iKxliee finished about tbe neck with a fall of laoe The pearls worn wer inherited by Miss William from her great grandmother The other Jadi ot the receiving party were: Miss Powell in embroidered chiffon Miss Ida James embroidered satin and Mias Josie Newcomb pink silk In the te room MU Mrt a Hitchborn presided at the mall round table on which the silver service used was a century and a half nW having belonged to Dr Laidlee of New York an ancestor who figured prominently In the Devolution Among the guest were: Mrs Powell Mr John oster Mrs A Quaiffe Mi Cabell Miss lACey Miss Ewing Mt ts Romero Minister Guzman Mrs Carlisle Mrs ant Mis Soule Mrs Simon New eomb Prof and Mr Asaph Hall Mrs Major and Mrs Powell Dr Gill Miss Ida Thompson Prof and Mrs Mason Mr Lombard Mr and Mr William Springer Mr Thomas Tnllock and benator and Mr Allen MriWW Dixon wifeot the Represent ative from Montana gave a beautiful luncheon in the private dining room of the Shoreham yesterday Mrs Dixon with Mrs Liout: William and Mrs Gov McCreary received the guest iu the ad iniiJnoi norlnr rrhirh WdLQ deCOftted With palms The center piece on the lunch table was an oval flat basket of Ln rance roses tied with pink ribbons in Individual bouquet which were distributed among the guests at the conclusion of the lunch eon At either end of the table were cnlar basket of La rance roses At each I plate lay a piece of pink satin ribbon on which the name of the guest waj printed in gold The ladles nreent wre: Mrs Schofield Mrs Ade Mr Wilcox Mrs Nye Mr Lieut Williams Mr Andrews Mr Joiiah Pieroe Mrs Livingstone Mr Gibon Mr McCreary Mrs Toole Mrs Vnoent Mr Rucker Is Parker Miss Howell Mis Rose 1 crau Mi Andrew and Mrs Mile At the regular meeting of the Mozart Chorus Club last Monday evening at the residence ot Mr A Merritt Maryland avenue Capitol Hill Mr Ed Saxton in a short speech presented their leader Prof Hnntr with a handsome silver water pircher After short social season the club rehearsed the following choruses: Heaven Are and Tramp Moss and ell They adjourned to meet next Mon day at the home of Mls Storm on street Among those present were: Dr Miber president Prof Hunter leader Mss May Hunter pianist: Mt A Meintt secretary: Mr Haldeman Mrs Gillingham Mi: Mamie Carter Miss Nellie Smith Miss Kata Lewd Mis Etta Stevens Louise Hopkin Mis lorence Hughes Miss Maggie fitorm M1s Kate bim nnii Mi Merritt and Mis Ella Lawrenson Mast er John Hall entertained a few of hi friend Saturday evening at the Ardmore Thirteenth street northwest Among those present were: Mr IL Dry fuss Mr Chandlee and Misses Huston Pittsburg Pi and Elsie Lesson Pennsylvania Colin of rance: Corine Cbandloe Grace Chand luo Alice Chandlee Mabie Geyer Mary Geyer Edith Harrison Emma Greer Salite Hiaw Nellie bhaw an 1 Mr if Mayhem Mr JI IT New York: Mr Norman Stewart J'ennsvivania and Mauers reddie Keppler Samuel Carter John erguson Demon Mareti Horace Chandlee and Harry Chandlee Mrs Dolph will hold her first reception of tbe season to morrow when she wilt have assisting her among others her sis ter Mrs A Dolph and Mr Henry Green both of Portland Ore Afr A Dolph who has been with Mrs Dolph for several week and who has attracted much attention at the Capital leaves for hom*o to morrow night Mr Green ha just reached Washington and will be Mrs guest for a part of the season Ex Minister to Spain and Mr Curry gave a dinner last eight at which the guest were Justice and Mrs Harlan Jus tice and Mr Grey Senator and Mrs Wolcott Senator and Mrs Gordon ex GovD and Mrs Carroll Mr and Mrs 1 heodore Roosevelt Prof and Mr Well ing Mr Richard Pearson of North Car olina: Senator Gibson of Lout iana: Mr von Mumm of the Gertnfau legation and Mr Cal Carlisle The Washington Entertainment and Sociil Club met at tha Continental Armory Monday evening Those present were Mies Carter Street and White and Burgess Proctor and Mrs Burke Messrs Burke Kleiner Cook Jensen Seitz Moore and Winter visi tor Prof feta rr Mr Moran and brother and Mr fe Payne Rehears ing the comedy took up most ot the evening Mis Richardson daughter of Hon Jama Ricbardeon ot Tennessee will receive at the National Hotel Monday She trill be assisted by the Miss Jordan of Tennessee and her cousin Mis Jolly of Birmingham Ala These vonng ladle will spend tbe season with Mia Richard ou i Mrs airfield Carpenter will receive from 3 to 5 ou riday when sha will be assisted by Mrs Rogers Mr Ten Evck and her guest tbeMieS ebbio of Cazenovia In whose honor she wiUgive a small party tbe following evening The date for Cabinet dinner far as announced will be Monday January 11 by Vice President and Mr Morton ri day January 22 Secretary Tracy and Monday January 25 Po ma Ur General and Mr Wansmaker 5Mrs Secretary Noble will receir thisafternoon from 4 to fl o'clock assisted by th Misses Halstead Mis Walthall Miss Williamson Mi Waaabarn am! Mi Sileid Secretary Noble will alto be present Mi Elizabeth Wanamaker will entere tain the young peoples dancing class ri day evening at Mr Tboiuaa Waonmaker will com from Philadelphia for the occasion Mr Albert A Wilson has thi nttuma changed her reception day from riday to Wednesday but will not be at home to caller to day Mr Harrison yeaUrday afternoon from 5 to 8 gure her usual informal Tuesday reception Mu Rusk poured tea Mr and Mrs Rosenthal of New York are stopping with Mr Ro'enthal'g parent at tkM fetxth street north a eat ItepreaeoUtire and Mrs Hemphill re turned yesterday from their wadding trip and are at th Shoreham Mr aod the Mis Montgomery will receive at the Shoreham on riday throughout the season The wife of Senator Morrill I ill with tbe grip and will be to receive vta itors to morrow I Mrs Marnia of 1155 Sixth at ract north west who ha bean aarloual cuds In INANTS' WRA JATL'IAL WOOL VESTS SU si 21 80 3J 31 4o ''Jo BSu Vo 41' 44o 4x rssesa exception si xcilitlcs for TJtinttif and Never In the history rartment haVe we sbo i as low as the lowest I $250 and upward srmx quadtue Ttn in! tri will pie yon The shr to yOur eatwaitloa Try llretu STRICKLAND 1 COMORTS Bear mind do not teU any but Comfort caverdd with calico silka line or itlu" I 1 I Ji to 1450 each Extra fine Hock Towel with tong combed frlngesix 23 hjebe wde by 45 long ludlu ling ir tlietn in ah Wh ite or it jn of tie finest and most Towel ever udwn hr us I 25c each Do you know that yjiur horse will eat 1 a few dollars for a Hjiahket and him from shivering? It's so or stable use $125 $150J to 8L or street use i i to 8 I I If yon want to get pvP gown of the uture let us spread life fore ou our ailramt iyle of KINTED INDIA SILKS They are brilliant iffereut: from aiiy preiiou year in slaaign and coloring A usuaL our are excliusive tylcA If you are specially taken with any particular pattern better let cut off a for J1 ou ot ot eil do buy a early keryp them until! it I time rn iLcjm SbMitng Clauds from Sl Work Hiincfo frtn MJ iftO uja if 'loibr frtatMU Table Aoff nrth Csro lliu Bankhead and wite ad llliain orney Alabama: John 8 Henderson North Carolina James Epes Virginia: lorida and A A Warner Marietta Ohio illon Cobb wife and daugh ter St Louis Wash Arnold Benton Mo Gilles and wife Greenville Pt bten eer Philadelphia Pa Hon A Hopklu' Au rone Digit Duluth Minn anu Warren Butte Mont Co Murray Kansas City Jus tice Whiting and wite pt Clair Mich M1 Marshall Gcorue Derott rank Smith Ed ward ng Ctsries nd Clifton Davis Bo tm ranklin Smal insrj Chicago and rist and Ernlst rfst Colorado I St Carter and wife Chloaeo: Bartlett Pittsfield Mas: i John Brown and wife Del: Chsrie ff ddy and sister: (providence It CoLum Derry II 51 Beddle jr anti 12 bhort Carlisle Pa i rank IL Platt and Joseph En nl New York John JVRvon Montreal Ryer son Toronto: Hemphill atd wife south Carolina Mr and Mrs Satterfield Miss Marie Satterfield and Satterfield Buffalo 5 Mrs Alanson Harttenee and Mis liartoente Philadelphia Pa and Mr and Mr A Rice Ohio Senator Blackburn and wife and Misses Corinne and Luoile Blackburn Kerr tucky Hon Stevenson Minomnee Mich Hon Ed ward EL Valentine and wife Richmond Va CoL Bristol A petrott Mich Edwin Mavs San rantf'f Green Port land Greg George Broker and son Old Point Va and A Mathewson ConuOctiout Wesley Heights Wesley Height I 100 LOTS I 25X150 $4uO to 8700 Will be old on the following eay term during the month ot January oniy: One fifth cab Lal ano i in three and five years ith per cent in terest Money refunded after three year It purchaser is not satisfied with ttse in vestment A tew dollars well invested will Oring yon hap pinesa during the new year Jojbn Waesa man corner ourteenth and streets No man or woman can irford to be without Acme Blackinz Wehvc four pieces nf COLCiftHD two Grays one Tan and one that r0 counted They were 8175 NOW 1N It I Three 'pieces of VAILIjK KAN C11SE share tho wmfl tvyo Light Blue and one Nile Green 24 Inches reduced from $1 to 75c You be expect Ing hut here are some IlROCADllS for even hig brought Into this count ry this fall They were NOW Tf you can find use for a slice off this "bargain buy bj all means But he too long in 'making your for these new prices will' make baste with them What Varis approves 14 Just now STRIPED MplRE AN TIQUES Silks wit stripe of high color are all the rape over there We arc of he never behind so we ayeshowing this new novelty in WHITE and BLACK GROUNDS variously crossed in colors 22 inches I We have arranged you for a busy time in the Silk DepartmentAVc will have force enough on hand to1 serve you promptly 1 WEDDINGGIETS RANGING IN PRICE RM S5 to S5OO each The finest oreign and A merica Cori cspondencel a bers Menus Gucst Cards' Wedding finvitations IAn nouncenient Dinner i Recep tion ahd yVisiiing Cards Address Diep properly engraved Coals of Arms heraldically engraved on sfone or metal Illuminated and colored stamping WGdf fevoellers Silversmiths uo7ENNA Avf The tat of j4xs pt wn Wewknt to have as little Of do as possible tl tti and $20 ar rt $fl a pair Without beat for 00 I SPECIAL i Bargain Salo of Suslin and Cambric Underwear Beginning Torilay th cl very beat val ued ever offdred ndrwcr at Hr's ato 1 tn'ol avjxwMiJlv ti and far superior to offered Jenuiirr Jviy jiwmeot prrfevt litUag al careaur maie Al nikien'ilt are rHf Me tb fudnd ot qwl i guaraato rarreelL UNDER llE AR Tn OUWil at efeuLd low fitfice for luls HOC st gejTV tl and "pward1 1 Drewvt JL 55'r 45o tOd (kXk 5C Si an i ijparl Lalies' Winning feklrl Wu 73c S5X 8125 tsr I 11 fMlt and upward I la ret (r CRIB BLANKETS We are tboWtor a cboic Hue of Crib Dlan'ret in finje soft wook Size 80x 86x50 ahd 42X5fl! Sl23 to A0lA Pklr OvR CLOSING 0 GT Over piker Art ettary frn 6250 upward I Our Stock of Import co Navel ties Includes! undreds ttf Ait icles M'hidt caiiiiot bo eetn clsc here in Amt tea Ta reair tocattou of our Store t3d trret adjoining fklea Mure eay of tca fr kU part of tbe Cd and el fall very far be'ow ti truth SnSf it Ws ean irood Size for double aud extra larse teas All Whit or wltll Red i HM or IJink line borders We iiavo made arra'lge uicuU ei'oujti of these to uppl' the demand for at least a munch 25e each JS a dozen LARGE AND TIN DAM ASK TOWEL Size 22 Inch i wide by 43 inches long I i Including knotted fribee These come: In all White or witlk Led blue Pmk or Canary borders Th A belt valuator tbe money to tbe markei 25c ea'li S3 a dozen i ALL LINEN Ill'M STITCHED TRAY LOTH si Size lax ol Inches goodiweigbLwithl plain I ine been i i i i 25c each i We closed out tbe 'utiro dot of these goods in order to go: them to Red at this I rlce The actual value 3 Gjo SPECIAL A ALL I IN k'iM DAMA 2 WO yard of t4 ih hi ihravy half vr Loen Dmiekjn new and choice tv nitily tne best vajue for the mmu vi tb be1 ffered this wsmiu 'Moq tb'in dorn enol dr I from wfrk 4 reiiet Including several with li Borders i 1 Sue a yard I i I ri EXTRA INS Iff AC'lt 0 f4MAK Several oewmni desirable pattern In 70 neb Damask extra bekvy satn tiniaLed the best value tn tLe! markcL I I i I Si a yard Napkins to niav mredtum i I TURKEY l'U TJBir I' MASK MUMIN I UNDEH I If 1 A I 1 1 i I KJE blaek bred 1 red 'Ugh I IVI tapped and oily skin cured by Ccn ccuwur i have male tbe following redactions: $5 ur Lobes reduced tv S375 J750 ur red tri $125 ur Robes redl e'dj tp 310 SI 175 1 reduced Ji 2 We carry a full and rf Notion amt Drtsmafkers fwp nllretjaml the lowest price fur best quitfitic" SEAM RINDING CASING wu sd eottonj DRItoS HtELDs HOOKS AND El lES BELTING toll and eottobk WEtAlKBoNr ij itfebv tosgk Horn bon itna is wb L'tT 3 11 tll lil I kK fT RKI IH bEWlNQ ttyLKSUND TWIST SPOOt AND I INKN TAPES PREttSW PiOtl IN AND NKEDLKS i SILK LORD Sil MOH 41R nftMTU GOW AND mlykri CORDS AND Bit A I DI 1 wntacue braidK BosEbi rPuKTs Ynur chr jfl KI neck pearl CHAP Regular price Clear tai pri Shoe A HXL STtX or hdimr Scale I HimsybiiV i the guest of MrJ I 1 Mr Wanamaker will receive from 3 to 5 this afternoon i Mr ui G'it bridge will be beta JTHdays after January 4 i Mra Logun will receive io after nooo ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS i Jrinnt Hy Newport Albert Loemln New York and i atlersco Tttas Welck Oiutara aad wto Baldwin ban randsoo aad vti4re BlBarett Cfclcsuco Cbamberjia Hoa Martin Marin nt tans rank Walls Itdadelpbia and XcMurHkB jL isxL I MUs Ctarte Hart and Alex II iltkrt Philadelphia A Ha ra Kiectiob and hmitb BrKklyn'N I Mr and Mr irarxetLjfba Cora hackett Mr mlth and Mrs i Brown Rochester asid San Itweek MaraatoL IU He Tbo ras 8 Wright ICtarieij Greenaugh Boston Hoa SsselL Xev Jersey and iooton and Mika New York Howard Mr and Sirs A Carter Belfast Vs: Mr and Mrs It Galesburg i HL Mrs tdmm Boston Ma PM Jpre Bath IL Woodruff SL Louis and Mo I Neil Tarrington Conn 'J i VllUrd and wifa New York Garrett A Hobart Pa Uraoa Nk Joan Joa Youugstowa Vhto eod Albert Terry bt Luula and Gilmore and wife Ba timore Oxford Mrs a Welton Isdhna I Neriile and wife Denver Col Dante Conic lio aod wife Chloaru rank iBraadoru Loute Mu EranUon St Doul aaulioa Woi verton Pennsylvania Han Warren ranklin Hon Juba Croebv Pittsfield Mass Hon Kufua Lwier and wife bavanuah i lon A Quackenbush Mill water YwJ ana TDOfDae iiimuuii romcro vutv Metropolitan A Branch i hftd wants 1 11UJ A LHWAUUOU nasv can the are for Quality and durability prjdts rnnye fnmi 55 a pair amous STAR MIL Special vlie inapkins Ilktra best German Iu i actual jrvtruul 21: imches iurt new and holi deigns i a ttopriM i IrUh Dith Nap(iM i siz 44 or Inrtire square good patterns ant joqd vslu i i 51 a dozen 1 German Dsuzi Njkl sA AJS astro h'rai Wdnesdlay fan 6 ANNUAL SALE of Line and Other 1 housekeeping Goods 4Ma TVTVj our great ar 1 AND I I 5 HAXfBi'IH AND NAINSOOK LVUGt ll them sal wa tove handled them for a 1 m4 With tHi ffll oe 1 I A 1 ss ria1 tj a dcunAd Thia Is 1 tLe A rikrts ibis season and ao thrifty bonakv'pfr affix'! to I 1 1 I Wtst a torr we tuilriit tell shout p'ankepi' merits and low prltfe strength i OU WILL REMEMBER tbst ws sdrerri! th beriming 1 1 on that were the ir et traders in STAR BLANKS! la tbe ptarfrtof lirismbto This la fra arid we toll tb sort i on suoh otoaennary of profit that no him SW i'jwn rereve Me We have Borer found 'll to reriu the jwiy 1 I IU uw as the an to llm iC spiral sue rit Orth Star jrt tty The poods are here rr this month 1 calc more comprebenijve th in at aty 'prvtoU yw and it I with piore ttton ordinary pleasur wecill your attention totbto stock of Hour ice ping Linens svblchwere bought cscoially for this January sale! We purchasing very large 9th and tho Avenue i I Established 1 840 5 I 1 TELEPHONE MN thereby the ou the from whom supply ctirwlve at th towe posaltlo price and b'fnj anxiou todlttributa them ns rapidly a possible! vo bar marked them a vTI ixurginof profit or several years wi have supnlled families tho largest hotels res taurant public institution Ac in and out oflwasliliiEton wlthiLlnens and other LouS' boM furnishing goods and are pre pared to fir tb best attention as well as tuell prir When large quanti tltles tkredeeired we arepnabled to quota a pne Cn nearly every Instance) toqrr than ciur always low price Tha entire lt of attrketlon would be far too great to print in tbU space bene wy hat likli sn ectin of ucb (foods aswllLaerve io aq idea of ft va riety i i' er With trt UN EN LIN EN Jpta or cotton WE DO PT SELL IUR LINEN 2and 3s5i lhe Double bed Marseilles WOODlfiRL) SPECIAL SALE can meet your want hfi'er lbn ever as we' hare put tbe tuat Vaua a rwseK tAwhloh wa hare xrvM uhfff myr mijf to offer to day a La wAn'ii rtVAv fnt AtatAmeat they aft re UHm wiui un liaE JhKKT rts or tne mmmoo i 1 2 1 1 Street XV Suede makes beautiful' Slippers It is the inate rial and not strange that much is i used We have it in all the good shades and all the shapes Satin is older and forr some uses is better It is always elegant No matter how long you may keep them i Satin or an timehen you wear a silk pi1 satin They can be madesoj as to cost and we have that Icind Thev can be made of i most excellent Satin and be sold at I and we have that kind also Js i 'i 1 i I Hutidredsfof them in White Black Blue and I Pink and to go with them sweet little bows to match gay little Rosette iof Gauze and Tinsel or grand Pompons of Lace i or Satin (such I as your grandmother wore i The Satini Slippers are here with the Suede and the Bronze and Kid i Patent Leather too in Oxfords ither or all 4 for your pleasure but wp think those ladies are wise who choose the I SATIN SLIPPERS' Eitbr nt St5fl oirYI SLIPPERS OR CHILDREN i Desr little in Klu witb out beels lumps tA button over the Ip i steps The little 'todies fnlrlV dnnee around the store when thev trv them on btze to 2 tiM: smaller ones 25o i If they are ninlfftrttoewv ennueh we 1 have some with vamps daintily beaded mamma's'' for 2je extra I Ona lady bought some of there last week and when told the price be ex claimed: 'i I Why I had the Impression that your prices were high 1 bare sent to vou many customers who wanted line Shoes but thought I o41! not afford to deal her I khailoertainly coin here for toy next pair of i Our store is open Saturday evenings till o'clock i ARTHUR BURT CO BURT1S SHOESjj I2ii St Special i Ulster Sale 1 nis Veek Of a large and varied slnek I ot this prod Be lton at J'ntrancing 12 50 3500 an 8750 Uch 1 I DON COMORTS itboiii Weight see the Hoel enforts are shewing to sllki tach 1 Tiiiiiin in nn ifn I UH UM" IN I I I IIHTv ill uILliU i 53 nth St I i i a the LS 1 1 1 I I I I I I I' I i IB 1 I pH 1 I i i I the Washington post Wednesday January a im i 1 1 1 Jr 'U 7 $4J3 and a W4fl Kid Glo ve 5 5 I Volt Ill Lt I 1 3 rtoa tk ft I 4 I I 1 1 I 1 as 4 I 1 A I I 2 IL I A i 1.

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The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


Is District of Columbia different from Washington? ›

What is Washington, DC? Washington, DC, isn't a state; it's a district. DC stands for District of Columbia. Its creation comes directly from the US Constitution, which provides that the district, "not exceeding 10 Miles square," would "become the Seat of the Government of the United States."

Who is behind The Washington Post? ›

Learn more about the company history of The Washington Post here. Learn more about the leadership of The Washington Post, The Post Newsroom and Post Opinions. The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon.

What is the address of The Washington Post? ›

Letters to the editor can be sent via our online form, to, or to Letters to the Editor, The Washington Post, 1301 K Street NW, Washington D.C. 20071.

What is the audience of The Washington Post? ›

Audience composition can reveal a site's current market share across various audiences.'s audience is 47.28% male and 52.72% female. The largest age group of visitors are 55 - 64 year olds.

Why is it called the District of Columbia? ›

The new federal territory was named District of Columbia to honour explorer Christopher Columbus, and the new federal city was named for George Washington.

Who owns the District of Columbia? ›

Answer and Explanation: The federal government own Washington DC. Under Article I Section 8 Clause 17, the seat of the national government is under the purview of the Congress. Today, the majority of the city is owned by the federal government with foreign governments owning their embassies and consulates.

Is Washington Post a conservative newspaper? ›

The Post editorial board endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012; Hillary Clinton in 2016; and Joe Biden for 2020. While the newspaper predominantly endorses Democrats in congressional, state, and local elections, it has occasionally endorsed Republican candidates.

Is Jeff Bezos involved with The Washington Post? ›

Bezos bought The Post, the newsroom staff more than doubled and subscriptions increased sharply, helped by the paper's vigorous reporting on the Trump administration. But The Post's audience has halved since the 2020 election, Mr. Lewis recently told the newsroom, and the company lost $77 million in 2023.

Why is Washington Post losing money? ›

Web traffic was plunging. Subscription levels were falling steeply as well, and digital-ad revenues were slipping. Beloved sections of the Post—Outlook, the Sunday magazine—were being shut down to cut costs. Washington's paper of record was on track to lose money for the first time in years.

Is The Washington Post a secondary source? ›

Yes, in most cases. A Washington Post article is a primary source only when the content is original or a first-hand account of an event. If the article describes past events or an interview, then it's a secondary source.

Does The Washington Post have home delivery? ›

In addition to content access, you can download an unlimited number of top-rated e-books from Pulitzer prize-winning journalists at The Washington Post and will receive full access to our Washington Post archives. All home delivery subscriptions include a Premium Digital Subscription.

Who owns the Washington Times? ›

The Washington Times, which it founded and owned for several decades, is currently owned by diversified conglomerate owned by the Unification Church, Operations Holdings, through The Washington Times LLC.

Who owns Washington Post? ›

Jeff Bezos, the billionaire owner of The Washington Post, broke his silence Tuesday on the mounting turmoil within his newspaper, expressing support for maintaining high standards at the storied publication as questions swirl over the ethical integrity of its new publisher, Will Lewis.

Who is the CEO of The Washington Post? ›

Statement from The Washington Post Publisher and CEO William Lewis on WSJ reporter Evan Gershkovich.

What is the purpose of The Washington Post? ›

The Washington Post is an award-winning news leader whose mission is to connect, inform, and enlighten local, national and global readers with trustworthy reporting, in-depth analysis and engaging opinions.

Is District of Columbia a U.S. territory? ›

The District of Columbia is that portion of the territory of the United States ceded by the State of Maryland for the permanent seat of government of the United States, including the river Potomac in its course through the District, and the islands therein.

Why did Virginia take back DC? ›

In 1847, the portion of the city that had originally belonged to Virginia was retroceded, after the voters of Alexandria elected to leave DC, feeling that they had been left out of development on the other side of the river. You can still see some surviving, original markers for the District today.

Can DC citizens vote? ›

D.C. residents have no representation in the Senate. The Twenty-third Amendment, adopted in 1961, effectively entitles the District to three electoral votes in the election of the president and vice president. The District's lack of voting representation in Congress has been an issue since the capital's founding.

Does District of Columbia have a city? ›

The District of Columbia has one city, Washington, which is coextensive with the District of Columbia. Washington city governmentally consolidated with the District of Columbia in 1874, which is a functioning government at the equivalent of the state level.


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.