The Washington Post from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Washington, District of Columbia

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fSSi SmSS amx MSte fffyy fe1 iiirarase Wesses Tell Federal Com 1 Mission Lines May Fail OWNEESHIP FAVOEED Samuel Bertron Financier of Many Street Railway Companies Believes Public Operation Effl ifc cient Homer Ii Ferguson Says liir A WiUirttr jrttosciigtio mc ue Municipal ownership of street rail rays yesterday received for the first ings By Helen Rowland Unto the Simpleton All Things Are Simple Even Woman But the Wise Man Keepeth His Counsel Concerning the Subtler Sex Know ing How Little He Knoweth Thereof 5 ii a jEt iJ XK Director Vote to Increase It Shares to Stockholders Obtainable at 100 Imine the approval of a witnessappear DELiGHTED am i to see before the Federal ltrlc rail gimpeton congratuateth liiways commission Samuel Bertron Verily verily saith the fool in his heart what a simipie thing is woman Yea she is SO primitive in all her impulses But the Wise Man keepeth his counsel concerning the Subtler Sex not caring to reveal how little he knoweth thereof Lo when she greeteth him with laughter and rejoicing crying How thee the himself LIST PAPER STOCK irays commiss if New York who said his banking irm had financed about 50 street rail ray properties including those in Juffalo New Orleans Memphis ana Mrmingham declared his belief that Vac Hon nronerties owned by a munic ipality would be operated efficiently ma not oe suDjeci iu me jjumi rjptner evns oranarnj uucu form of government I fr Bertron agreed Tuith Job Ilfaedges receiver for the New York Railways Company and New ban representing traction interests i xt ioc ct lniiiu and other JritlPB who albo were heard that Arn ii i nr lv luniess someming a uic Hw ipreferably increases in rates for tem porarv relief the plight of tne street Railways throughout the country would Ifbe serious Mr Hedges said that the Companies might go out entirelyand koc a nrt of community life avao Countrys Most Acute Problem II Homr Ferguson president of the Chamber of Commerce or tne LUnited States expressed an upxinun Iftiiat the financal situation oi uiu Istreet railway was the most acute IJlinternal problem now facing the coun ts try he present neeu no naiu Han increased fare He declined to sug tgest a permanent solution unuiaram Ifmittee apponu by tne cnamuei i litK lr convention has stuaiea me situation and reported Mr Ferguson said he had found that recent high wages had made the average citizen willing to pay increased street ear fare when the necessity was explained to him Asked IJyhow long such increased wages migiu I jibe expected to continue Mr rerBuu Ssaid he believed the wage level could Jnot fall for years John Stanley president oi me Cleveland Railways Company described the service at cost plan originated there which has received much attention from the commission Struggles of New York Company Job Hedges receiver of the New York Railways Company said the cunatinn in which the New York Rail finris itself was not unlike that of many other companies throughout the country testimony re or riin huh already had been heard by the commission i As a concrete example of the situation Mr Hedges said during the six months ending March 3 lUy tthe New York Railways Company i earned in operating income oer no expenses and taxes only I202bo On ja valuation of 50000000 which is very conservative the company pam rm these six months less than 11 ner cent This 1 per cent does not Sfoiw for fixed charges like mortgage interest rentals on leased Operating Costs Too High Mr Hedges attributed the companys poor showing to the greatly Increased cost of operating expenses especially labor City experts Mr Hedges said admitted after a thorough investigation that relief in some form for the company was necessary In an effort to cover the ground thoroughly the commission has decided to hold night sessions beginning tonight It is expected the hearings will last throughout the remainder of July and run several weeks into August Thus far only the testimony of railway experts has been heard saying Behold I have made a hit Yet observe his folly For were this so then would she have met him coyly and with assumed surprise saying Oh Is it YOU When she beguileth him with songs and entertained him with chatter and gossip and divers stunts he ex claimeth in his heart How she exerteth herself to please me Lo I have her going Yet a Wise Man knoweth that when a damsel is SMITTEN laughter and chatter are hateful unto her and she can think of naught to say She waxeth dreamy and distrait and all her stunts fall from her Yea she is flatter than a marcel wave on a wet morning When she agreeth readily with all his opinions and approveth all his ways the Simpleton rejoiceth secretly saying HOW she admireth me But alas he hath been deceived by false signs ji -For only when a damsel seeketh to MOTHER him when she admonisheth Wwtrict Manufacturing Co him concerning his habits when she criticizeth his ways and his cravats when she urgeth him to give up smoking when she commandeth him to wear rubbers and to change the parting of his hair yea when she assumeth the possessive and becom eth exceeding fussy can a man say Aha She is INTERESTED When he observeth his photograph displayed upon her piano frankly mpany Makes Application to Local Exchange BY YK BOOKER JR Directors of the Security Savings id Commercial Bank have decided to increase the capital of the bank from 100000 to 200000 A special and with open design the Simpleton meeting of the stockholders has been is muchly flattered Lo he exclaimeth I am IT Yet I say unto thee it is only a DECOY For the portrait of Him that ruleth her heart is not flaunted in the sight of the vulgar but reposeth in a dark corner of her most secret cabinet Go to A man that understandeth women vaunteth not his knowledge either boasteth of his conquests For he never knoweth when his next defeat shall come Thus all the days of his life doth Woman keep him guessing and every damsel is a brand new problem to him But unto the Simpleton all things are simple and he never knoweth how LITTLE he knoweth about any woman Which is exceeding fortunate Selah Copyright 1919 by the Press Publishing Co Keeping Down the Spirit of Youth By Sophie Irene Loeb Strict Rules and a Mean Temper Crash the Finest Spirit in the World little old grandmother few lessons in her old There is who needs age I love grandmothers but this is a horrid one She is the sole relative and guardian of a young girl her granddaughter whose life she has made miserable by keeping down the spirit of youth Just because this old woman has a few paltry dollars to leave to this girl she has forced her to live subject to her whims and desires as almost to reach the point of tragedy The young woman is 21 years of age and up to now has had little or no companionship of young people She has a very attractive personality good looking and altogether sweet tempered It is because of this latter quality that the old lady has been able in the vernacular to get away with it The girJs mother had reared her to love and respect her grandmother and to be tolerarjt She has borne the abuse of the aged one so long that she somehow feels duty bound to bear it She is just now beginning to see Cant you understand that by your strict rules and mean temper you are crushing the finest spirit in the world that which is in the young It is by such hard treatment that you keep barred the natural instincts and you become the direct cause of misdirected energy and enthusiasm that will not down but may go the wrong way Of course it is very important that a gentle and even firm guidance should be put upon the young that they do not stray from the sound paths of life But just as soon as you make ironclad regulations and put up too many bonds for the spirit of youth it finds ways to break the bars and to exercise the energy with which nature endowed it This grandmother if she does not change her course will die unlovely and unloved The young woman will naturally wait for the dead womans shoes and in her heart of hearts will be glad that she has been liberated from her jailer If that old woman only knew it she could keep young herself by be little more clearly the yoke under ingr clse touch with the spirit of which she has been held She was allowed to go away for a bit of a visit to some relatives in the West and has had a little respite from the tyranny of the crabbed grandmother She is beginning to question her own rights and it is only that great sense of responsibility to her mothers mother that is holding her within bounds Oh you foolish old woman and there are many guardians like you Dont you see that youth cannot possibly look through old eyes youth and giving it the opportunity it craves There are many people like that Experience has shown that when people of mature years are surrounded with young people and enter into their lives that they actually stay younger themselves and get more happiness out of it all In the final analysis every parent or guardian must realize that he was young himself and that too fleeting indeed was the time when the heart sang with the very joy of living Copyright J010 by the Tress Publishing C0 PKOTESTS ENTRY FOR LIQUOR Plan Froposed for Dry Law Called In American by Writer Editor Post The attempt to enact a law whereby the government can enter my house in search of property for liquors legally purchased is violative of reason common sense and i the constitution of the United States Did we send millions of men over seas to free other and then enslave ourselves I do not know what others may do but if any one attempts to enter my house to destroy or take my property the consequences to them will not be of my creating The shotgun orblud geon relics of barbarism will become modern answers to the insane legislation There is a limit to American endurance Even the dreadful Huns would not dare such action The drys are responsible for the stocking of cellars the consequence of their illogical and un American attempts to bridle the human mind and stifle the freedom of action SIMON WOLF Poland Springs Me July 21 1919 Americans Killed and Wounded In Fighting on the French Front KILLED IN ACTION Privates Brunson James I Cascilla Miss Camacco Angelo New Haven Conn Gryp Andre Brighton Fenton Claude Terra Haute Ind Nell John Edinburg 111 Wojcieskowski Stanley Poland DIED OF WOLNDS Sergeants Seiler William Kansas City Mo Whittle RalphvDes Moines Iowa Corporals Fleming William Philadelphia Pa Lenart Kazmer Ironwood Mich Ruste Robert A Montrose Dak Privates Let them suffer I Airier Antoni Port Homer Ohio Basile Fred ilonturo Italy Berendzen Jacob Henley Mo Betz Joseph Lebanon Pa Bower Austin Bremen Dak Dockery Charles Cincinnati Donabedian Fall River Mass Porrell Harry Indianapolis Dybdal Olaf McLeod Dak Gallas Oscar Pittsburgh Oann Samuel Philadelphia i Kodada William St Paul Minn Kreuze Frank St Paul Minn i Landis Isaac Cresmont Va Martin Lemuel Mt Vernon Ind i Messer Garney Furnace Ky ODonnell Frank Morgan Pa Pederson Walter Mason Wis Prout William Catlettsburg Ky Pulvenckes Vincent Tamaqua Pa Rubin David Bronx I Shubert William Edgemoor Tenn Sloam Morgan New Albany Ind iStambaugh Melvin Carlisle Pa Stibs Emil Prentice Wis Trucano Eugene Palatka Mich Voukidis Dimitrios Hartville Wyo DIED OF DISEASE i LieutTant Cannon William Sergeant San Francisco Cal CARDINAL GIBBONS 85 TODAY Bowling George Howardsville a i Kees Redondo Beach Bratcher I Arkansas City Kans Privates Budlong George Detour Mich iCawlev YnmpstnT rihio Bufore Pearl A Lancaster Ohio Dinnis Nelson Prairie Mia Burton Ernest Nattingshire Eng Fischbach Peter Ionia Iowa Campbell Robert A Weston Idaho Gross JoseDh West Hohnkon tc Anniversary to Be Spent at Shriver Home at Vnjon Mills ld United Press Baltimore Md July 22 Cardinal Gibbons tomorrow will observe his eighty fifth birthday anniversary He will pass the day quietly at the home of Robert Shriver at Union Mills JId Bishop OConnell of Richmond Va who is visiting the cardinal will be the only person with him except members of the Shriver family The cardinals intellect is as keen as ever He takes his daily walks and enjoys them During the year Cardinal Gibbons has been unusually active He has interested himself in virtually all the war welfare cam it patgns and in war work of other ffklpcts He has given innumerable in terviews ana just a iew months ago II he celebrated his golden jubilee EABDON FOR DEFACING IMAGE Representative Wood Calls Soldiers Insult to Confederacy Patriotic I Representative ood Monday in I Aanltflinn tn errant in Private Charles A McAnally who recently was sentenced to six ntin imprisonment after being found guilty of palnting the German thn statue erected bv the Daughters of the Confederacy at An iidersonvilLe Ga to Henry Wirz com 6 jhander Of tne prison iut4ieu mere intthe civil war LThft resolution declares that McAn Hywas actuated by patriotic mo lt lives Prfcnrose Miiislxel Gravely 111 lA 1 Tnf July 22 Georee I 4 Primrose veteran minstrel who Ml i rvfihree weeks ago suffering ii stomach iBcase was reported mwmnmit today FysJssKSSSwSSw5 iSTSSKJSiRSKKHJS Weston Idaho I Cox Clifford Rockville Ind Criscuolo Louis New York Di Carlo Luggiero Chicago i Gylfo Carl Buffalo Healv Daniel Hartford Conn Tensen Healey Stillwater Minn Krusac Michael Manistique Mich La Rocca Antonio New York Logg Joseph A Cameron La Machurski Simon Milwaukee McCollum Burlington Kans McLennan Roy Florence Ariz Maenpaa Elmer McCall Idaho Maguire James A Philadelphia Mercer Wilbert Philadelphia Merren William Redruth England Meyer Dennis Pittsburgh Meyer Frank Jamesville Wis Millen George Aherdeen Wash Miller Joseph New York Mitchell James Lewistown Pa Moss John Gallipolis Ferry Va Owens Glen Peru Ind Parrott Leslie Endeavor Wis Peyton Joseph Baltimore Pinnecke Adolph A Akron Ohio Pratt Omar Atlas Mich Pucello Joseph Segrue Italy Quintiliani Dominick Cheswick Pa Rasico Paul Ernest East St Louis Roseberry Carl Moundville Mo Rondinelli Tony Irvin Pa Salassi II French Settlement La Snders Earl Newport Ky Sholtis Andrew Streator 111 Showalter Frank Wichita Kans Shooly Carl Chicti Italy Shupienis John Sharon Pa Simmons Charles Carroll Ohio Smith Fronze Wenatchee Wash Smith Goebel Sadieville Ky Williams Richard Eupora Miss Williams William Palmyra Tenn DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Lieutenant Nicholas Raymond Kane Pa Corporal Bates Robert Jackson Mich Bucher Amos Bluffton Ohio Rhodes Tom Gibson Station Okla Schockley Ernest Clinton Mo Musician Peterson Reuben Dayton Iowa Wagoner Deal Homer Lyons Ga Privates Beck Hubert Saxton Mo Byrd Clemie Everett Wash Oady Melville Greenfield Center Cloxom Chris Charleston Daymon TJlises Larchmont I Hewitt Wm Spartanburg lines Ralph Macomb 111 1 Lane James Chesterfield McLeod Walter Lyons Ga i Reddick Mearl Warsaw Mo Ruffin Letha Benson I Thompson John Anderson Civilian Wakeford Francis Mobile Ala MARINE CORPS KILLED IN ACTION Corporal Dunn Allen Levanna Ohio DIED OF WOUNDS Privates Bryan John Downers Grove 111 Edge Edward Thos Wilmington Del Garvey Edward Binghamton Grennan John Sequim Wash Price Rusel Pine Hill Ky Stevenson George West Denver DIED OF DISEASE Private Peterson Lawrence Chicago DIED RESULT OF ACCIDENT Private Stegall Jerry Rossville Ga ARMY DOUGHNUT GIRL WEDS called for August 6 tp approve the issue The new stock is to be sold to the present stockholders at 100 a share each having the right to subscribe to the amount of his present holdings on this basis The present market value of the stock is well above 200 The book value on the date of the last comptrollers call was 177 a share With the increase in the capital this would make the book value approximately 140 a share George Linkins vice president of the bank stated yesterday that the increase in the capital stock was made necessary in order to take care of its increasing commercial business The deposits of the bank are close to 3500000 The stock was placed on a 12 per cent dividend basis on July 1 and it is understood that the dividend rate will be maintained when the capital is increased Confer Today on Utilities An important conference between a subcommittee of the bankers committee representing the noteholders of the Washington Utilities Corporation and Col Kutz of the public utilities commission is to be held this morning The subcommittee is made up of Robert Harper Galli her and Charles Warden The purpose of the conference is to get the views of the commission as to how the bankers can best serve in bringing about a satisfactory solution of the problems of the Washington Railway and Electric Company Members of the bankers committee already have held a conference with President Ham of the railway company and with officials of the Federation of Citizens Associations The bankers expressed gratification yesterday at the way their efforts have been received by officials of the company and the citizens of Wash ington and said they considered prospects good for arriving at a satisfactory basis of settlement of the difficulties Would List Preferred Stock Application was made yesterday by the District of Columbia Paper Manufacturing Company for permission to list the 300000 of new 8 per cent preferred stock on the Washington Stock Exchange Under the rules of the exchange all applications to list new issues must be posted for ten days before action is taken and the paper company stock will doubtless be listed at the end of this period The local syndicate handling the new stock reports that two thirds of the issue already has been subscribed Since the stock is being marketed exclusively in Washington the fact that so large a proportion of it has been taken during the first week of the offering is regarded as most encouraging considering conditions in the money market Income Forms for Estates Forms 704 and 705 for filing returns of estates of resident and nonresident decedents have been issued by the bureau of internal revenue Returns must be filed for the estates of resident decedents the gross value of which at the time of death exceeded 50000 An administrator or executor appointed by court decree must file within 60 days after his qualification a notice which must contain a statement of all the property constituting the gross estate of the decedent Harding on Export Company Discussing the proposed 3000000 000 export corporation which is to make long term credits to European purchasers of American goods Governor Harding of the Federal reserve board makes the following comments in the current issue of the Magazine of Wall Street Loans by the LTnited States government can no longer be made to European nations Financing the operations of reconstruction must be from priyate sources here The government has already lent about 10 000000000 to Europe and we estimate that the needs of reconstruction will call for further loans of about 3000 000 000 Europe is mostly in need right now of basic materials which constitute our exportable surplus products such as cotton copper wool textiles and foodstuffs It is equally important with us that we have a market for these products for if the market is curtailed it will cause unemployment here Hence there is a double need for the movement of those materials to Europe Acts for Various Groups To meet the problem of financing the exports of our surplus products there has been planned a corporation backiatliIsJdesksf yesterday after spendlngrseveraldays In New Tork a9ainiiaaejpnia on Business KFHPYOBX BONDMAEKET New York July 22 American Foreign Securities 5a 99H American Tel Tel cv 6s 102 Anglo French Bs 97 Arnur Co 4 85 AtcKIson gen 4s 73 Atlantic Coast Line 1st 4s 80 Baltimore Ohio cv 4s 75 Bethlehem Steel ref 5e 89 Central of Georgia consol 5s 89 Central Trainer 5s 96 Central Pacific lata 76i4 Chesapeake Ohio cv 5s 89 a Jt 4s 96 IT St cv 4s 75 RiI Ry ref 4s 71 Wgen 3s 69 Chile Copper cv 7s 123 City of Paris 6s i 97 Colorado Southern ref 4s 80 ref 5s 60 Distillers Securities 5s 90 Dominion of Canada 5s 1981 95 Erie ken 4s 53 General Electric 5s t97 85 180 71 97 82 t93 84 66 60 92 98 Great Northern 1st 4s Illinois Central ref 4s Interborough Rapid Transit 5s Int Mer Marine 6s Kansas City Southern ref 5s Liggett Myers 5s Louisville Nashville un 4s 1st 4s Missouri Pacific gen 4s Montana Power 5s New York Central deb Norfolk Western cv 6s 108 Northern Pacific 4s 79 Northern Pacific 3s 58 Oregon Short Line ref 4s 85 Pacific Tel Tel 6s 92 Pennsylvania consol 4s 95 Pennsylvania gen 5s t93 Reading gen 4s 81 Republic Iron Steel 5s 1940 94 St adj 6s 65 Seaboard Air Line adj 5s 50 Sinclair Oil Refining 7s 99 Southern Bell Tel 5s 90 Southern Pacific cv 5s 107 Southern Railway 5s 92 Southern Railway gen 4s 65 Texas Company cv 6s 103 Texas Pacific lsts 90 Union Pacific 4s 85 Rubber 5s 88 Steel 5s 100 Virginia Carolina Chemical 5s 96 Wabash lsts 94 GOVERNMENT BONDS July 21 July 22 2s registered 99 99 2s coupon 9Vi 99 cv 3s registered 89 89 cv 38 coupon 89 89 4s registered 106 4s coupon 106 Liberty 3s 9946 Liberty 1st 4s 9380 Liberty 2d 4s 9320 Liberty 1st 4V4B 9490 Liberty 2d 4s 9376 Liberty 3d 4s 9496 Liberty 4th 4s 9340 Victory 3s 10000 Liberty 4s 9996 Bid Turrered Total sales of bonds 12997000 against 13095000 yesterday 13936 000 a week ago and 4376000 a year ago iiiiiiilift iM iTe cf S52 tTVl I ryffiJ 3fesvrVy i jrs a j8mWaAifm 5 Dollar at Par First Time Since America Entered War Buenos Aires Monday July 21 Byj the Associated Press The Amerl 4 can dollar reachecjpar in foreign ex Borrowers Seem to Believe 1 change quotations today for the first time ince the United States entered the war following the arrival of 350 kegs containirig170d0000 in American gold coin which reached here on the steamer Vauban on Saturday When the banks opened this morning dollars werentioted at 1 peso 4 centavos and after several fractional declines during the day dollars still remained slightly above par Par value of the dollar in Argentine gold is 1 peso 3 centavos 106 106 9944 9376 9324 94 SO 93 S4 9494 9356 9998 9996 CultB MABKET BEVIEW Special to The Washington Pot New York July 22 The declining trend witnessed during yesterdays operations came to a halt as the curb market opened today and as the session wore on some good recoveries occurred in the various groups Sentiment was not altogether settled as shown by a lesser volume of buying orders both for local and out of town interests Much of the advance today was fostered by a professional short covering The unsettled foreign exchange labor and political situations are exercising themselves as more important market factors and retarding the growth of interests to the long side of the account in tne maustriai group gooa rrac tional recoveries occurred in American Writing Paper Cities Service Sweets Company and British AmericanAmerican Chemical while General Asphalt New York Shipbuilding Union Carbide and United Retail Stores bettered an average of a point Continued good buying occurred in Acme Coal Among the tire and rubber section Pressman Tire sold to a new high above 20 and Martin Parry sold above 34 from an opening around 22 The Savold Tire issues ruled on a firmer basis as did Fisk Tire Independent oil stocks were also on a steadier basis with Commonwealth Petroleum Simms Petroleum Sinclair consolidated Transcontinental il Brazos Oil Salt Creek and White Eagle among the leading issues Mining stocks were moderately active but no important price changes occurred LOCAL STOCK EXCHANGE There was no change in the situation on the Washington Stock Exchange yesterday Only a few brokers were present and there was little demand for either stocks or bonds Capital Traction was the only stock traded in Forty shares sold at 89 At the close 88 was bid for the stock with 90 asked Bonds were equally slow Sales were confined to 1500 Capital Traction 5s at 96 and a 500 Potomac Electric debenture 6 at 932 Sales Regular call 12 oclock noon Capital Traction Railroad 5s 500 at 96 1000 at 96 Potomac Electric deb 6s 500 at 93 Capital Traction 10 at 89 25 at 89 NEW YORK COTTON New York July 22 The cotton market just about recovered yesterdays losses today owing to the continued bad weather in the South and reports of a steadier tone in foreign exchange October contracts sold as high as 3568 or 78 points above last nights closing and closed at 3555 with the general list closing steady at a net advance of 33 to 90 points Futures High Low CI Bid Julv 3530 3470 3525 October 3568 3473 3555 December 3586 3490 3580 January 3573 3487 3570 March 3580 3475 3570 DAILY COTTON MARKET New York July 22 PORT MOVEMENT Middling Receipts Esports 3500 5 at S9 BONDS PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid I Gladys Mclntyre Salvationist Bride of Virginia Lieutenant New York July 22 Miss Gladys Mclntyre who with her sister Irene gained fame making doughnuts for doughboys at the Salvation Army huts in France was married last night to Russell A Harmon of Floyd Va formerly a lieutenant in Company 104th regiment Twenty sixth New England national guard division it was announced today The wedding was the culmination of a romance begun in the Toul sector of France where Lieut Harmon was stationed and where fhe Mclntyre sisters began their Salvation Army work Mrs Harmons father is a colonel in the Salvation Army Am conv 4s 84 Am conv 4s 88 Am col tr as S8 Am conv 6s 102V Telephone 1st 5s 95 Col Gas Elec 1st 5s 82 Capital Traction 1st 5s 96 Georgeown Lt 1st 5s 92 Metropolitan 1st 5s 94 Pot Elec Power 1st 5s 95 Pot El Power cons 5s 93 Pot Elec Power deb 6s Pot El Power gen 6s 98 Wash Gas Light gen 5s 96 Wash Ry El cons 4s 68 Wash Ry El gen 6s 94 MISCELLANEOUS 99 97 95 95 Asked 84 90 ss 103 Amer Grapho 1st 6s of Col Mfg 1st 6s Riggs Realty long 5s Riggs Realty short 5s Sec Stge Safe Dep 6s STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITIES Capital Traction 8S Washington Gas 51 Steamboat 190 Wash Ry El com 20 Wash Ry El Co pfd 58 NATIONAL BANKS American 165 Capital Columbia 190 Commercial District 166 Farmers Mechanics 240 Federal 180 Lincoln 165 Metropolitan 200 Riggs 475 Second 141 Washington 200 TRUST COMPANIES Continental Trust 113 National Savings Trust 265 Union Trust 115 Wash Loan Trust 245 SAVINGS DANK Commerce Savings 12 East Wash Savings 12 Liberty Savings 120 Merchants 130 Sec Sav Coml 210 Seventh Street Sav 140 FIRE INSURANCE Arlington 7 Corcoran 75 Firemens 19 German American 240 National Union 5 TITLE INSURANCE Columbia 4 Real Estate 74 MISCELLANEOUS Col Grapho Mfg com 4 27 Col Grapho Mfg pfd 95 Chapin Sacks Mfg Co 145 Diet of Col Paper Mfg 90 Lanston Monotype 69 Merchants Tfr Stge 105 Mergenthaler Linotype 144 Old Dutch Market com 4 11 rtfb Marlrt nfrt 1DU i ii i rt Avnftf nf Kv1 which eiiuuiu av i iui ciijuiicio ui i Securitv Htorage zoo various groups Many advantages are Sec Stge Safe Deposit 110 suggested by the plan of one large corporation rather than attempting the financing through individual group organizations It will be the function of this large corporation to market the obligations arising from exports and based upon long term credits extended to European buyers The cotton exporters for instapce will take their bills the corporation evidencing transactions with foreign buyers and those bills will be Issued in the form of obligations for investment Every other group of exporters do likewise and the obligations will be secured by the resources of the large corporation backed by the credit of the exporters and the importers 96 98 99 96V 69 95 100 100 101 90 52 Vo 40 60 175 220 260 200 230 125 120 255 6 80 450 96 71 6 12 Washington Market 17 Ex dividend CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago July 22 With hog prices today equaling the topmost level ever touched the corn market developed corresponding strength and closed firm 1 to 3 cents net higher with September 194 to 195 and December 165 to 165 Oats gained to 1 and provisions 12 to 60 cents CORN No mixed 193196 No 2 yellow 198 200 Oats No 2 white 8182 No 3 white 8082 RYE No 2 161162 BARLEY 122 132 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS FUTURES Corn Open High Low Close Attractive to Investors There is no doubt of the ability of the people to absorb the securities which will be issued by the large corporation They will undoubtedly prove very attractive to Investors and if the country can subscribe 25 0000011000 for liberty bonds which it did in two years there is little doubt that it can take 3000 000000 of the corporations issue in three years which is the length of time the board estimates will be needed to place Europe in position to produce enough for its own needs and to begin actively exporting its surplus John Larrner president of the Stork FtU213 I0JIH5 238fi9 232876 10409 U210 29772 071 0 4H3t 3S 9 ICO 5045 875 80H59 5718 1233J26 8718 Ssons total 65378015410984 Sales New Orleans 2356 Galveston 695 Savannah 339 Norfolk 1090 INTERIOR MOVEMENT Middling Receipts Shipts Stock Houston 3500 Mempiis 3450 Augusta 3437 St Louis 34 CO Atlanta 3495 Little Rock 34v00 Pallas 3480 Montgomery 3400 Totals today ew Orleans 3450 4015 Galveston 3550 4743 Mobile 3400 582 Savannah 3425 7824 Charleston 3400 Wilmington 3325 352 Texas City 358 Norfolk 3375 1719 Raltimore Boston 35 fin Philadelphia 3B30 78 New Tork 3605 265 Minor prrts Totals today 20536 Wks totals 48008 3816 4261 104557 Ii04 2518 188055 1329 1178 136814 296 860 12225 1S83 793 27752 731 159 21190 8359 9768 550593 Sales Houston 1484 Memphis 1200 Au gusta 92 Atlanta 300 Little Rock 159 Dallas 379 193 163 Sept Dec Oats Sept Dec Pork July Sept 5145 Lard Sept 3427 Oct 3425 Ribs July Sept 2825 80 82 195 165 81 83 19214 162 79 82 194 165 81 83 5175 5145 3447 3435 3427 3425 2840 2825 5400 5175 3447 3432 2860 2837 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS Philadelphia July 22 DRESSED POULTRY Higher fowls fresh killed choice to fancy 3939 small sizes 3038 roosters 25 POTATOES Firm Eastern shore No 1 500 9 700 per bbL do No 3 LIVE STOCK MARKETS Chicago July 22 HOGS Receipts 19000 estimated tomorrow 12000 strong mostly 25 to 50c higher some 60 to 75c up top 2300 Bulk 21405 2290 heavv weight 21802290 medium weight 21752300 light weight 21502300 light light 2075 jz2250 heavy packing sows smooth 210052175 packing sows rough 20252100 pigs 20002100 CATTLE Receipts 21000 estimated tomorrow 13000 slow Beef steers medium and heavy weight choice and prime 17001850 medium and good 12751700 common 1050 1275 light weight good and choice 1475 1775 common and medium 9 75014 75 butcher cattle heifers 7001430 cowa fi 75013 50 canners and cutters 550 6 75 veal calves light and handy weight 18 00018 75 feeder steers 85001250 stocker Steers 75001125 Western range steers 90001650 cows and heifers 850012 75 SHEEP Receipts 22000 estimated tomorrow 20000 strong Lambs 84 lbs down 147501800 culls and common 97501450 yearling wethers 105001400 ewes medium good and choice 7250950 culls and common 3000675 New Tork July 22 BEEVES Receipts 1400 no trading CALVES Receipts 1200 weak Veals 16 00021 00 culls 10 00014 00 skim milk calves 1000 Westerns 125001550 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 10 000 easier Sheep fi 2509 00 culls 4no75600 lambs 127501775 culls 100001200 HOGS Receipts 1320 steady at 230002325 roughs 2025 NEW YORK PRODUCE New Tork July 22 BUTTER Steady receipts 11960 creamery higher than extras 54 55 cream erv extras 92 score 54 firsts 51 053V packing stock current make No 2 45 EGGS Steady receipts 18814 fresh gathered extras 53 054 do extra firsts 50052 firsts 46049 State Pennsylvania and nearby Western hennery whites fine to fancy 65067 State Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whites ordinary to prime 55 0C4 State Pennsylvania and nearby hennery browns 55058 do gathered browns and mixed colors 50553 CHEESE Steady receipts 5051 State whole milk flats current make specials 32 33 do average run 31 032 State whole milk twins current make specials 32 033 do average run 31032 POULTRY Live Firm broilers 3943fowls 40 others unchanged Dressed Steady and unchanged RAW SUGAR Steady centrifugal 728 fine granulated 900 FLOUR spring patents 1200 1250 spring clears 95001025 LARD Firm middle West 34750 3485 COFFEE Spot dull Rio 7s 22 Santos 4s 28 BALTIMORE MARKETS Baltimore July 22 EGGS Maryland Pennsylvania and nearby firsts 44 Western firsts 44 West Virginia firsts 44 Southern firsts 43 All loss off Call Funds Will Go Higher in Future BONDS FAIRLY ACTIVE Trading in Industrials Improved Libertys Irregular and Traction a Shade Lower Sterling Firm Special to The Washington Post New Tork July 22 Bonds were i fairly active and Irregular Trading In industrials improved because of the strength of industrial stocks Tractions were a shade lower The statistical average gained 01 to 8454 Liberty bonds were irregular with 3s off 02 to 9944 first 4s 10 to 9480 third 4s 02 to 9494 and 3s 02 to 9998 Victory 4s were unchanged at 3996 Second 4 gained 08 to 9384 and fourth 4s 16 to 935S Victory bond payments on July 15 were over 405000000 which leaves only about 600000000 still due The last installment is on November 11 Subscriptions to the new issues of certificates of indebtedness dated July 15 and maturing eight months hence thus far aggregate 250360 000 with subscription books still open Call Money Situation Time money heM at its high level and borrowers appeared anxious to finance commitments at prevailing rates believing that call money will go higher in the future 12 per cent being talked about Call money renewed at 6 per cent and 7 per cent respectively and later loans were slightly shaded That the period of high money rates has not faded from the stock market is the best banking opinion in Wall street Western money has been pouring into the New Tork market for the last few weeks lured by high call and time money rates Bankers say that the huge expansion in the loan accounts is directly attributed to the influx of this interior money It is pointed out that if the credit situation should be acute when Western loan call begins on account of crop movements the stock market may witness liquidation due to the hesitancy of local banks to broaden their already expanded position Exchange Problem Difficult Sterling was dull and firm following early weakness and the other foreign exchanges also experienced a decided improvement which was particularly notable in francs and lire Bankers serving on the committee which is charged with the duty of studying the foreign exchange situation and reporting to the association of foreign exchange bankers have no exaggerated notions of what they can do to correct conditions They are by no means inclined to take themselves as seriously as they have been represented in certain circles They freely admit that they are practically powerless in the face of existing state of affairs which can be remedied only by the establishment of huge line of credits in favor of European countries But the committee will probably justify its existence by seeking to expedite these credits A subcommittee may be appointed to confer with Mr Davison and urge upon him the absolute necessity of extending loans to Europe without further delay Term Settlements Discussed Recent fluctuations in the call money rate in New Tork and the adverse effect they have had upon the local discount market has again brought to the fore the question of creating a system of term settlements on the New Tork Stock Exchange fn lieu of the present method of daily settlements Prominent bankers hold the opinion that ultimately the desirability of changing to term settle ments will be proven and that a really perfect financial system will not prevail until we separate the call exchange market from the call discount market Paul Warburg expressed himself favorably for term settlement What the old guard of bankers think about the problem was given in the following view of A Barton Hepburn chairman of the advisory board of the Chase National Bank He stated It has always been my opinion that term settlements such as they have in Europe would do away with the essential quality of call loans or at least impair the loans to some extent New Tork has al ways depended upon its call money market for ready funds and without this market as it has existed the banks would have frequently been placed in an embarrassing position The moral effect and the practical effect I fear of term settlements would be to taboo the calling of loans within such period I may be wrong but that is the impression I have held all along and for that reason have been opposed to term settlements However we are rapidly adopting the acceptance system which makes commercial paper usu able for purposes that call loans have formerly supplied and it may be advisable and proper within the near future to adopt term settlements but I have not as yet worked myself up to that conviction Far East Expects Cheaper Sver Bar silver is holding around 105 cents an ounce 10 cents below its recent level The Far East has been right so far because it expected a decline while this country in large part expected an advance and for this reason boomed silver smelting and copper stocks Even the Far East does not think that prewar levels will be brought about as the general level of commodity prices is more or less permanently on a higher plane The Far East based its opinion on increased silver production in Mexico with the return of more normal con I ditions there similar increases In New Bonds Yield About Biofe CTRONG collateral secu rity is back of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co 10 year 6s Their comparatively high yield lias its appeal to investors Send for Circular MP 236 TheNational Company Correspondent Offices in 51 Cities Washington 741 15th St Nw Telephone Main 3176 Business Properties Quick Buyers Only Income or Speculation Opposite million dollar depot and hotel to be located between 11th and 12th sts on ave Over a wide frontage Price much less than adjoining property sold for 14th St Corner 38500 rents for 3800 a year business no flats Corner Downtown 1000 Less Than Cost Must Be Sold Soon 39000 rent 365 a month good modern improvements Near Boston House 67500 rent one tenant 4500 a year Valuable corner Get our list of business properties on all business streets we have the best Stone Fairfax 1342 New York Ave A Bargain Well Rented Apartment Corner West of 14th St 90000 rents 14640 year might trade Another Washington Heights 50 000 rents 6450 year send for list Stone Fairfax 1342 New York Ave Liberty and Victory Bonds CASHED AT HIGHEST PRICES We Also Pay Cash for Part Paid Liberty Bond Cards and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Without Going Through Any Red Tape We pay Interest yopr bond is sold up to day Inquire elsewhere tor prices bnt dont sell your bonds or stamps until yon set our prices Liberty Investment Co Phone Main 7589 920 Street NW Room 106 Open dally 8 30 am to 6 130 pm INSURANCE Fire Uabilltj Automobile BurrUry Ralph Lee MR Colorado nidc 14th A BUTTER Creamery fancy 5556 other silver producing countries and choice 5354 good 510 52 prints a freer flow of silver with the re 5658 blocks 5557 ladles 4847J ova of th mbareoM Tn aiiHnn Maryland and Pennsylvania rolls 46 0 tneemDaroes in addition g46 Ohio rolls 4445 West Vir lt believed that owing to a grad ginia rolls 444o store packed uai change to normal in all trade 44 Maryland Virginia and Penn conditions of the world the proml SVbStter lo318 4546 PrOCnent export position of the Far East THE METAL MARKET New Tork July 22 COPPER Electrolytic spot nominally 23 Futures firm July 23 August 23 September 24 IRON Steady and unchanged Metal exchange quotes lead firm spot 545 August 575 spelter firm East St Louis delivery spot 75 August 795810 At London Spot copper 104 17s 6d futures 105 12s 6d Electrolytic soot 109 futures 118 Tin spot 25 2s 6d futures 259 12s 6d Lead spot 23 10s futures 24 will not be held in the future and this reverse will call for smaller silver exports to China and India For these reasons legislation bas been urged to raise the limit belOTv which silver will not go above the present 1 an ounce at which the Treasury will enter the market under the PIttman act Those who have enthusiastically talked about L5Qan ounce have been disappointed and Senator PIttman himself does not ex pect silver to go higher than 115 an ounce He says that England is higher price would probably have a disturbing influence on the rupee The largest demand at present comes from arts and industries which have been starved for the white metal during the war Big Rail Order Predicted The steel industry reports that it has information that the railroad administration may place another steel rail order in the near future probably for 200000 tons although a much larger tonnage could be used The fact that the tendengy of steel prices is upward may influence the Federal rail administration to place a larger order than expected in event that It places any order at this time Tt will probably call for bids and what effect a strengthened steel market as compared with the one prevailing at the time of the earlier order will have on bids for the next rail tonnage will be one of the interesting developments i Whole Family Sick All of my six brothers and slate as well as myself bave suffered since childhood from stomach and liyer trouble and bloating I thought it ran in the family and that I could never be cured but thanks to Mayrfs Wonderful Remedy since taking lt nearly a yar ago I have been enjoying the best of health and feef like a new person I have no trouble from anything I eat Ifris a simple harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus fronV the intestinal tract and allays the ln flammatiori which pauses practically all stomach llyer ahA intestinal alii ments including appendicitis One dose will convince or money refund ed Peoples Drug Stores tndMmr vfe Wmm ffjyjgrfe 31itf1ryf iE ik iC SjS wasnington xaan ana i rusti Jom 4Z5we37 Spelter spot 43 10s futures 44 ouiai uu mjr gtsi every wuera Aavyip xi A a sJft4ljii ii tr JF JcjP JsJS i ii is A j23 S4i5S r5KT CiiT 3 wCSUr jr 73K 7V fmn.

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