Hypolite Mixon - Southeastern Louisiana University (2024)

Archival Collection


BOX 1 –Correspondence


1. 1894-1900 (4 Items)

October 3, 1894-To James B. Evans, Vicksburg, MS; People mentioned: Mr. S. E. Anderson,
George Richerson, J. J. Watts, Amanda Carter, Marcus Carter; About land

September 11, 1899-From Robert S. Ellis of McClendon & Ellis, Attorneys-at-Law, Amite
City, LA; People mentioned: Van ____ Mansfield Drug Co. vs Burlin Starns and Standard
Oil Co. vs A. D. Starns; Receipt for payment


(a) August 20-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People
mentioned: L. Grunewald Co. Ltd. and Joe Johnson; About claim

(b) September 4-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Junius Hard, widow Sallie J. Hart, D. T. Taylor; About claim

2. 1901 (43 Items)

(a) January 22-To C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans, from
W. C. Pi_______; People mentioned: Mrs. A. Watson, Junius Hart; About note on piano

(b) March 25-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: L. Y. Lusk, J. A.
Lusk, and M. H. Lusk; About land

(c) March 29-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: L. Y. Lusk, Mary H.
Lusk, James A. Lusk, and Mary Lusk; About land

(d) April 2-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans (3 pages); People mentioned: Mary A. Lusk,
J. A. Lusk, Thomas A. Stone, L. Y. Lusk, M. A. Lusk,, Cole, Phil Patrick, James B.
Patrick, and Amos French; About land

(e) April 6-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mary A. Lusk, J. A.
Lusk, L. Y. Lusk, M. A. Lusk, and Cole; About land

(f) April 11-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mary A. Lusk, J. A.
Lusk, L. Y. Lusk, M. A. Lusk, Granville Lusk, and Cole; About land

(g) April 13-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: Granville Lusk, L.
Y. Lusk, McClendon; About land

(h) April 29-From M. W. Davidson, Attorney at Law; People mentioned: Mrs. Florence
Stanga and Mrs. Emily Edwards; Receipt for deposit fee about succession

(i) May 6-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: J. A. Lusk, Dr. Percy
B. Lusk, Mrs. Ella Guenaudan, Miss Flora Lusk, Mrs. Richard Mallette, J. T. Lusk,
L. Y. Lusk, and Cole; About land

(j) May 11-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr. Barnett, the Lusks,
and John Watt; About land

(k) May 14-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: Lusks, Barnett, Cole,
L. H. Young, Mr. Wm. W. Wall; About land

(l) May 14-From C. A. Schreiber, Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans, LA; About money order
covering balance due H. R. Gogreve, Ltd.

(m) May 14-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Junius Hart, D. Taylor; About a note

(n) May 15-Richard Mellett, Steam Fittings & Mill Supplies, Mobile, AL; People mentioned:
W. H. Howcott, Dr. Percy B. Lusk; About land


BOX 1 –Correspondence


2. 1901 Continued(43 Items)

(o) June 20-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans; People mentioned: L. Y. Lusk, James A.
and Mary Lusk; About a contract

(p) July 8-From George C. Franciscus, Secretary, The American Law List, Philadelphia;
People mentioned: R. S. Ellis, Mr. H. C. Van Vechten, Gutta Percha & Rubber Co., Protection
Fire Co. No. 1, Bolivar E. Kemp; About collecting $10

(q) July 16-From W. H. McClendon, Attorney-at-Law, Amite, LA; List of nine people
with notes belonging to Hagge, Kansas

(r) July 18-From George C. Franciscus, Secretary, The American Law List, Philadelphia
People mentioned: R. S. Ellis; About collecting $10

(s) July 20-Receipt from Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans for peaches

(t) July 24-Receipt from Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans for peaches

(u) July 26-Receipt from Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans for cabbage and grapes

(v) August 12-Bill from S. L. Allen for $10; payment received September 11

(w) August 27-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Thomas Blanchard, Hammond, J. Edmond Merilh, A. W. Cooper; About a collection of $447.82

(x) September 4-To Mr. M. C. Wilson, Clerk of Court, Greensburg, LA from W. A Richards,
Acting Commissioner, Department of the Interior, Washington; People mentioned: Edward
Erwin Hoge, Mendez and Edwin Israel Kersheedt (Kursheedt); About patents

(y) September 20-From W. H. Howcott, New Orleans (2 pages); People mentioned: John
Maginnis, Sarah Maginnis, Sarah Holland, Judge Reed, Richard T. Barnett, Schultz,
Pascoe, Natalbany Lumber Company; About succession

(z) September 21-From John Watt, Attorney-at-law, New Orleans (2 Pages); People mentioned:
Leathum and Smith, Boyd; About land

(aa) September 21-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; Receipt for cabbage

(bb) October 2-From A. P. Stevens, Pasman, LA; About payment of account

(cc) October 9-To C. O. Wilcox, Manager, Credit Association, New Orleans, from J.
P. Simmons, Manager, Junius Hart Piano House, New Orleans; People mentioned: D. T.
Taylor; About payment of account

(dd) October 10-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Junius Hart, Taylor

(ee) October 12-To Mr. James M. Carruth from W. W. Brashears, Brashears, Horne & Co.,
General Merchandise, Carpenter, MS; People mentioned: Maurice Brashears, Yelvington;
About land on Hog Branch

(ff) October 23-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Chas. S. Boyd; About land

(gg) October 26-From H. J. Sanders, General Merchandise, Tangipahoa, LA; People mentioned:
Joe Schultz, R. H. Smith; About conviction

(hh) October 29-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Merihl, Blanchard; About judgment

(ii) November 1-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans, LA (2
pages); People mentioned: Chas. S. Boyd; About contract


BOX 1 –Correspondence


2. 1901 Continued (43 Items)

(jj) November 12-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. Gauche & Co., Mrs. A. E. Bradford; About paying bill

(kk) November 13-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. Gauche & Co., Mrs. A. E. Bradford; About paying bill

(ll) November 19-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Merilh, Blanchard; About judgment of property

(mm) November 23-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans (3 pages);
People mentioned: Preston; About land

(nn) November 20-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Gauch, Bradford; About payment of a fee

(oo) November 30-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Junius Hart, D. T. Taylor; About a settlement on a claim

(pp) December 17-From Boyd heirs (3 pages); People mentioned: Charles S. Boyd, Harriet
M. Boyd, Mary D. Boyd, Samuel L. Boyd; Contract for recovery of land

(qq) December 31-To Cooper & Walshe, New Orleans from Frazer, State of Louisiana Auditor’s
Office, Baton Rouge; About an assessment roll for Tangipahoa Parish for the year 1872
being lost

3. 1902, January-June (40 Items)

(a) January 1-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Office, New Orleans; People mentioned:
I. T. Preston, Frazee, Boyd; About Headright 44, T 4 S, R 6 E containing 640 acres

(b) January 14-From H. L. Daigre, Attorney-at-Law, Alexandria, LA; About land acquired
from Washington and paying 25% for fee

(c) January 20-From Buck Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans (2 pages); People
mentioned: Merilh, Blanchard; About judgment of property

(d) January 21-From W. J. Waguespack, New Orleans; People mentioned: Edward Barnett,
Lusk heirs, Mr. Cole; About a land claim

(e) January 23-From John Watt, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr. W. J. Waugespack,
Lusk, Barnett, Mrs. Cole; About property

(f) January 23-From H. L. Daigre, Attorney-at-Law, Alexandria, LA; People mentioned:
Judge Junius E. Wilson of Greensburg, George Washington; About land in Livingston

(g) January 29-From John Watt, Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mrs.
Cole, Lusk; About land

(h) January 30-From L. O. Shackelford, Asst. Secretary, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association,
New Orleans; People mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips; About a claim

(i) February 13-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Mr. Merilh; About judgment of property

(j) February 15-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; About judgment

(k) February 15-From Greenlaw Lumber Co., Tickfaw, LA; People mentioned: A. W. Stevens;
About land

(l) February 24-From C. O. Wilcox, Manager, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Junius Hart, D. T. Taylor; About fee of 50% on the amount collected


BOX 1 –Correspondence


3. 1902 Continued (40 Items)

(m) February 28-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Office, New Orleans (2 pages);
People mentioned: Preston, Boyd; About abstracts on land

(n) March 14-From W. J. Waguespack, New Orleans; People mentioned: Lucius Y. Lusk,
Mary Lush, Mrs. Maria H. Lusk; About land claim

(o) March 25-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; Receipt for cabbage

(p) March 25-From B. M. Harvard, Sentell & Harvard, Real Estate and Collections, Hammond;
People mentioned: Murphy heirs, William, Catherine E., Mary E., and Anna A., Howcott,
Genesee Lumber Co., Stephen Nall; About land deals

(q) March 26-From Ed _________, Hammond; I cannot read the handwriting in this letter

(r) March 29-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Office, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Preston, Samuel L. Boyd; About land

(s) May 1-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Office, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Preston, Boyd; About land

(t) May 2-From W. J. Waguespack, Law Office, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mary Lusk;
About recovery of lands

(u) May 9-From Binger Hermann, Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Washington,
D. C.; About land NE ¼ NE ¼, Section 33 and SE ¼ SW ¼ and SW ¼ SE ¼, Section 27, T
6 S, R 4 E, Louisiana, Greensburg, Patent No. 4599

(v) May 18-From (no signature on letter), Greensbrug (2 pages); People mentioned:
William Kinchen, T. G. Davidson, Preston, Daniel Jones, Berlin Childress, L. H. Moore,
Bookter, Albert Morphy, Howcott, Sid Smith, Facundas, Watt, Samuel J. Raimells, David
Bradford; About land

(w) May 19-From M. Cooper, Springville, LA; People mentioned: Story, Felps; About

(x) May 19-Receipt from D. H. Landers on account

(y) May 19-To Mr. C. A. Schreiber, New Orleans from Hypolite Mixon (2 pages); People
mentioned, Phillips, Yarbrough of Liverpool, LA; H. R. Gogreve, Mr. Charles, Emma
Spears, Osyka, MS; About receipts

(z) May 20-From J. M. Carr; People mentioned: William Kinchen, Thomas Green Davidson,
Jones, Berlin Childress, Harvey Tate, W. L. Hutchinson; About Jones Island tract

(aa) May 20-From W. J. Waguespack, Law Office, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr.
Lusk; About recovery of lands

(bb) May 21-From Mr. Charles A. Schreiber, Attorney and Counselor at Law, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Phillips, Yarbrough, H. R. Gogreve, Ltd., McClendon & Ellis, Amite;
About account

(cc) May 23-From L. O. Shackelford, Asst. Secretary, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association;
People mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips; About recording judgment

(dd) May 24-Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Office, New Orleans (3 pages); People
mentioned: Isaac T. Preston, Jones, J. W. Frellsen of Akers, LA, Barber, Edwin M.
Rusha, Andrew Hero, Millard F. Tucker; About land

(ee) May 24-From Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co., Inc., Hammond, LA (2 pages)
(cannot read signature on letter); People mentioned: H. G. Hill; About land


BOX 1 –Correspondence


3. 1902 Continued (40 Items)

(ff) May 27-People mentioned: William Spinks, John J. Michell; About land

(gg) May 31-To Ed Liviane and Harrisee?; People mentioned: Frank Barber, I. T. Preston,
F. V. Gause; About cutting staves Preston land without permission and wanting payment

(hh) June 3-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans (2 pages);
People mentioned: Frellsen, Preston, Tucker; About Preston land on Jones Island

(ii) June 3-From J. M. Carr; People mentioned: Bookter, Jones, Addison, Barrier, Howcott,
Adville; About selling land

(jj) June 5-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans (2 pages);
People mentioned: Frellsen, Preston, About timber land

(kk) June 7-From M. Cooper, Springville, LA; People mentioned: David Phelps; About

(ll) June 13-From L. O. Shackelford, Asst. Secretary, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association;
People mentioned: Louis P. Rice & Co., D. S. Killeen; About enclosing check for $52.76

(mm) June 20-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans (2 pages);
People mentioned: Frellsen, Jones, Preston, Barber; About Jones Island

(nn) June 21-From Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co., Inc., Hammond, LA (cannot
read letter)

4. 1902, July-September (32 Items)

(a) July 14-From A. P. Stevens, Pasman, LA; About owing money to Hypolite Mixon

(b) July 14-From Florence Stanga, Ponchatoula, LA; People mentioned: M. W. Davidson;
About Mixon collecting money from Davidson

(c) July 14-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Preston heirs, Barber; About Jones Island tract

(d) July 17-To M. W. Davidson, Hammond, LA (2 pages); People mentioned: Florence Stanga,
Emily Edward; About collecting $10 from Davidson because he did not bring suit after
being paid to do so

(e) July 21-From J. M. Carruth, Greensburg (2 pages); People mentioned: Andrew Smith,
Mrs. Methvin, Bookter, Preston; About land

(f) July 24-To C. A. Schreiber, New Orleans (2 pages); People mentioned: H. R. Gogreve,
Phillips, Yarbrough, McClendon, Ellis; About collecting $20

(g) July 24-From M. Cooper, Springville, LA; People mentioned: Phelps; About land

(h) July 25-From Chas. A. Schreiber, Attorney and Counselor at Law, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Phillips, Yarborough, McClendon, Ellis; About collecting $20

(i) July 26-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Preston, Frellsen, Barber, Capt. Deibert, New Orleans Cypress Lumber Co.; About Jones
Island tract

(j) July 30-To Eureka Elastic Paint Co., Chicago, IL; People mentioned: Stephen Ellis,
E. B. Dees, D. F. Young, D. H. Sanders, M. F. Edwards; About collection of $46.50

(k) July 31-From M. Cooper, Springville, LA; People mentioned: F. P. Mix, Sheriff;
About land deed


BOX 1 –Correspondence


4. 1902, July-September Continued (32 Items)

(l) August 1-Statement of Account from Eureka Elastic Paint Co., Chicago, IL to E.
B Dees., Amite for merchandise bought March 20, 1900 for $46.45

(m) August 1-From Eureka Elastic Paint Co., Chicago, IL; People mentioned: E. B. Dees,
Stephen B. Ellis; About collection of bill

(n) August 4-From M. Cooper, Springville, LA; About land deal

(o) August 9-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:

(p) August 11-From W. G. Raoul, President, National Railroad Company of Mexico, New
York; People mentioned: G. T. Raoul; About Power of Attorney

(q) August 13-From W. H. Howcott, Dealer in Timber Lands, New Orleans; People mentioned:
D. D. Felps, G. W. Morgan, Caleb Cushing, Janin & Son, E. A. Janin, W. W. Frazier;
About land patent

(r) August 15-From Ed Yockum?, Hammond

(s) August 20-From Hypolite Mixon to Mr. C. A. Schreiber, New Orleans; People mentioned:
R. S. Ellis; McClendon & Ellis; About $20

(t) August 22-The Hammond Manufacturing Company, Ltd. (can’t read letter)

(u) August 22-From J. M. Carruth, Greensburg (2 pages); People mentioned: Alexander
Bookter, Mrs. Margaret Bookter, Ann Bookter wife of James McKie, Francis, wife of
David Gillespee, George Bookter, Rebecca Bookter, St. Helena Bookter, Elizabeth Bookter,
Macajah Harris, William Harris, James Harris, Isaac T. Preston, Abraham Markley, Robert
Duncan, Jacob Smith; About renunciations of interest of heirs of Alexander Bookter

(v) August 23-From Robert D. Vance, Lawyer, Henderson, KY; People mentions: G. G.
Slaughter, Joseph Cohen, Provident Saving Life Assurance Society of New York; About

(w) August 25-From J. M. Carruth, Greensburg; People mentioned: Facundas, Walker;
About land case

(x) August 25-From J. M. Carruth, Greensburg; People mentioned: Facundas, Phelps;
About land case

(y) August 26-From Hypolite Mixon to G. G. Slaughter, Hammond; People mentioned: Joseph
Cohen, Henderson, KY, About collection of notes

(z) August 30-From M. W. Davidson, Attorney at Law, Hammond (2 pages); People mentioned:
Mrs. Stanga; About $10 fee and suit for slander

(aa) September 2-From Florence Stanga, Ponchatoula; Mr. Davidson; About $10 fee

(bb) September 11-From Mrs. M. J. Callihan, Tilmon, TX (3 pages); People mentioned:
J. M. Carruth, Lewis H. Young, Dr. W. H. O’bainon, W. H. Howcott, Wynan Wall; About

(cc) September 12-From Eureka Elastic Paint Co., Chicago, IL; People mentioned: E.
B. Dees, Henry M. Hooker; About claim

(dd) September 16-From The Ohio Valley Buggy Co., Aurora, IN; People mentioned: J.
C. Farley; About financial standing of J. C. Farley

(ee) September 23-From Hypolite Mixon to Mr. A. Wolf, New Orleans (2 pages); People
mentioned: Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; About collection of note

(ff) September 29-From A. W. Cooper; Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New
Orleans; People mentioned: Jones, Preston; About Jones’ Island


BOX 1 –Correspondence


5. 1902, October-December (43 Items)

(a) October 2-From Cooper & Walsh, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans; About Jones
Island tract

(b) October 3-From W. G. Glassco*ck, Lancaster, TX; People mentioned: Mrs. Hegens,
J. M. Glassco*ck; About land

(c) October 6-From A. W. Cooper, Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans;
About drawing petition

(d) October 8-From J. M. Carruth, Greensburg, LA; People mentioned: James Glassco*ck,
Houze, Mrs. Sarah Glassco*ck, Lucinda, Rhoda, and Sarah Glassco*ck, H. S. Glassco*ck,
and Mrs. Julia McNabb wife of Henry McNabb, J. N. Glassco*ck, W. L or W. S. Glassco*ck,
Leatham and Smith, Day firm, Samuel Alexander Glassco*ck; About land

(e) October 8-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, Ltd., New Orleans; People
mentioned: D. T. Taylor; About claim

(f) October 9-From H. L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-law, New Orleans (2 pages); People
mentioned: W. E. Gaines; J. A. Addison; C. A. Gaines, Richard J. Venables, M. Houze,
Celeste Ann Gaines, E. J. Ellis, J. C. W. Ellis; About land

(g) October 10-From Hypolite Mixon to A. Lehman & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned:
Isabela Lumber Co.; About a judgment

(h) October 10-From A. B. Storey, Law Office, Lockhart, TX (2 pages); People mentioned:
Mrs. Callahan; Howcott, Wall and Wall, L. H. Young; About cutting timber off land

(i) October 13-From A. Lehmann & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Isabella Lumber
Co.; About judgment

(j) October 14-From J. M. Carruth; People mentioned: H. S. Glassco*ck, J. N. Glassco*ck,
Dr. Sitman, James Glassco*ck, Natalbany Co., J. M. Glassco*ck, Wm. G.; About land

(k) October 14-From W. T. Holland, Attorney at Law to S. & J. Katz & Co., New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. P. Phillips of Phillips, LA; About account for $41

(l) October 14-From Hypolite Mixon to H. L. Garland, New Orleans (2 pages); People
mentioned, Mrs. C. A. Gaines, W. E. Gaines; About land claim

(m) October 14-From William Winans Wall, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Young; About selling land

(n) October 16-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips; About settlement on claim

(o) October 16-From J. M. Carruth; People mentioned: Josh Methvein, Henderson, W.
L. and J. A. Tillery, Andrew Smith; About land

(p) October 19-From H. L. Garland, Jr.; People mentioned: Gaines; About land

(q) October 20-From M. W. Davidson, Springfield; People mentioned: Mrs. Stanga; About
$10 check in payment

(r) October 21-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips

(s) October 24-From M. W. Davidson, Springfield; About undated check

(t) October 27-From M. W. Davidson, Springfield; About check

(u) November 12-From N. D. Starns, Starns, LA; People mentioned: Roger; About note


BOX 1 –Correspondence


5. 1902, October-December Continued (43 Items)

(v) November 18-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, Ltd., New Orleans; People
mentioned: Junius Hart, D. T. Taylor; About drafts for $33.90

(w) November 18-From Philip Gensler, Jr., Merrick & Lewis, Law Offices, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Gauche, Killian; About remittance of $2 fee

(x) November 18-From Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Co., Hammond (cannot read

(y) November 20-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, Ltd., New Orleans; People
mentioned: Junius Hart Piano House, D. T. Taylor; About check of $12.75 for settlement

(z) November 20-From A. R. Lewis, Clerk and Recorder and Ex-Officio Notary Public,
Parish of Tangipahoa; Receipt for $13.85

(aa) November 26-From R. G. Patton, Attorney at Law, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned:
Chamberlain Medicine Co, D. S. Killian; About check for $10.67 of claim #918

(bb) November 29-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips; About wanting claim settled

(cc) December 4-From A. Lehmann & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Isabella Lumber
Co., F. C. Weist; About judgment

(dd) December 5-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Sam Preston, St. Tammany Lumber Co.; About Jones Island tract

(ee) December 8-From H. S. Glassco*ck, Bayou Barbary; People mentioned: James Glassco*ck;
About land being sold while H. S. Glassco*ck was in Texas

(ff) December 9-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, J. J. Carson; About account for $215

(gg) December 10-From Binger Hermann, Department of the Interior, General Land Office,
Washington, D. C.; People mentioned: David D. Felps, Henry Jackson Grayson; About
land NE ½ NE ¼, Section 14 and W ½ NW ¼, Section 13, T 8 S, R 4 E, Greensburg, Patent
No. 3776, May 1, 1861

(hh) December 11-From A. R. Lewis, Clerk and Recorder and Ex-Officio Notary Public,
Parish of Tangipahoa; Receipt for $5

(ii) December 12-From Harvey Spalding & Sons, Attorneys at Law, Washington, D. C.
to M. Cooper, Springville (2 pages); People mentioned: George Richardson; About land

(jj) December 15-From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, MN; Brochure for Louisiana Reports

(kk) December 18-From Eureka Elastic Paint Co., Chicago, IL; People mentioned: E.
B. Dees; About trying to collect on a claim of $46.50

(ll) December 25-From J. M. Carruth, Greensburg; People mentioned: Glassco*ck heirs,
Kent Co., Natalbany Co., Preston, Mayers; About land

(mm) December 26-From A. R. Lewis, Clerk and Recorder and Ex-Officio Notary Public,
Parish of Tangipahoa; People mentioned: D. T. Taylor, Mrs. Martha Addison; Receipt
for $10 for making copies

(nn) December 26-W. A. Richards, Department of the Interior, General Land Office,
Washington, D. C.; People mentioned: David D. Felps; About land W ½ NW ¼, Section
13 and Lot 4 of Section 15, T 8 S, R 4 E, St. Helena C. E. No. 1017, January 23, 1837


BOX 1 –Correspondence


5. 1902, October-December Continued (43 Items)

(oo) December 29-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, J. J. Carson; About whether suit is advisable or not

(pp) December 31-From H. S. Glassco*ck, Bayou Barbary; People mentioned: McNabb heirs;
About being a little hard as to terms

(qq) December 31-From Schmidt & Ziegler, Ltd. New Orleans to W. R. Kemp, Independence;
About statement for $20.58

6. 1903, January-March (36 Items)

(a) January 1-From J. J. Carson, General Merchandise, Chipola, LA (cannot read letter)

(b) January 3-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Schmidt & Ziegler, W. R. Kemp; About account for $20.58

(c) January 9-From Florence Stanga, Ponchatoula; People mentioned: Mr. Porter; About
lose of Mr. Porter horse out of her stable and his demanding $100 for it

(d) January 10-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; About information
regarding financial responsibility and standing of W. I. Bowen of Ponchatoula

(e) January 12-From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN; Receipt for payment of Vols.
104 to 107

(f) January 12-From A. W. Cooper, Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Ivy Preston, Charles S. Elms, Oregon W. Long, Barbier; About Jones Island tract

(g) January 13-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
W. I. Bowen of Ponchatoula; About whether he owns property or not

(h) January 13-From Hypolite Mixon to Florence Stanga, Ponchatoula; Mr. Porter; About
missing horse

(i) January 19-From John A. Klotz; People mentioned: Mr. Justice Monroe, Mrs. M. J.
Addison, D. T. Taylor; About application for the writ of review

(j) January 26-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, J. J. Carson; About making suit, $10 check to cover

(k) January 29-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Smith Bros. Co. Ltd., W. P. Hutchinson; About making suit, $10 deposit for costs

(l) February 1-From The Daily States Publishing Co., Ltd., New Orleans; Receipt for
$7 for advertising

(m) February 2-From The Daily States Publishing Co., Ltd., New Orleans; Receipt for
$7 for advertising

(n) February 3-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Smith Bros. Co. Ltd., W. P. Hutchinson; About settlement of account for $61.70

(o) February 4-From Florence Stanga, Ponchatoula (2 pages); People mentioned: William
Allen, Mr. Porter; About lost horse

(p) February 4-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: Kohn, Weil & Do., D. M. Williams; About account for $15.30

(q) February 5-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Smith Bros. Co. Ltd., W. P. Hutchinson; About enclosed check for $5.85 for balance

(r) February 9-From Florence Stanga, Ponchatoula; About lost horse


BOX 1 –Correspondence


6. 1903, January-March Continued (36 Items)

(s) February 21-From A. B. Lee, Kentwood; People mentioned: Henderson heirs, Kent
Co., Col. Amacker; About getting agreement Henderson heirs signed in regard to selling
their interest

(t) February 23-From M. Cooper, Springville, LA; Not able to find people you want

(u) February 25-From Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Washington,
D. C. (2 pages); People mentioned: David D. Felps, Daniel Morgan, George Waterston;
About land W ½ NW ¼, Section 13 and Lot 4 of Section 15, T 8 S, R 4 E, St. Helena
Meridian, Cash Entry No. 1017, January 23, 1837

(v) February 28-From A. Lehman & Co., Dry Goods, New Orleans; About judgment against
Isabella Lumber Co.

(w) March-From Winfield Gauche & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: J. K. Whittington;
Statement for $17.40

(x) March 11-From Thomas McC. Hyman, Clerk of Court, Supreme Court of the State of
Louisiana, New Orleans; He is asking for acknowledgment of postal money order for
$15.45 refunded in the case Taylor v. Addison, No. 14,707

(y) March 12-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association (3 pages);
People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, J. J. Carson; About enclosed bill from Clinton
Stegall for $1

(z) March 14-From Julia B. Faust, Kentwood; People mentioned: Mrs. Hagan; About $40,000
and about a witness dying

(aa) March 16-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Schmidt & Ziegler, Ltd., W. R. Kemp; Will investigate matter and write

(bb) March 16-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Winfield Gauche & Co., J. K. Whittington; About collecting $17.40

(cc) March 17-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: A. V. Houneye/Houye, B. J. Wolf & Sons; About checks for settlement of

(dd) March 21-From S. Gumbel & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: L. A. Webb;
About a judgment for $44.86 with 8% per annum interest since April 14, 1890

(ee) March 23-From M. C. Wilson, Clerk’s Office, Greensburg; People mentioned: Frank
M. Henderson, Thomas Mithouin; Receipt for $4.65

(ff) March 24-From Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Washington, D.
C. to H. D. Storey, Independence; People mentioned: Larkin Storey; About getting description
of land

(gg) March 27-From A. Lehmann & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Isabella Lumber
Co.; About status of judgment

(hh) March 27-From M. Cooper, Springville; People mentioned: George Richardson, Phelps;
About paying taxes on land

(ii) March 28-From S. Gumbel & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; About collecting money amicably
and paying 10% of amount collected

(jj) March 31-From Hypolite Mixon to Mr. Martin Cutrer, Sr.; About not doing work
on land


BOX 1 –Correspondence


7. 1903, April-June (37 Items)

(a) April 1-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People mentioned:
Mrs. M. Davidson, B. J. Wolf & Sons; About progress of claim

(b) April 3-From C. R. Eldridge; Receipt for lumber

(c) April 4-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People mentioned:
Kohn, Weil & Co., D. M. Williams; About account

(d) April 8-From A. F. Covington, Felixville, LA (3 pages); People mentioned: A. J.
Covington, Adville Atkins; About dividing lands of deceased wife between himself and

(e) April 10-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Noll heirs; About land

(f) April 15-From Cooper & Walshe, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Preston; About recording contract

(g) April 15-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Heirs of Stephen Noll; About land

(h) April 20-From The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned: Burkenroad-Goldsmith
Co., Ltd., J. K. Whittington, Roseland; About payment of $79.15

(i) April 21-From Kate Noll to Katie (2 pages); People mentioned: Mike Noll, Steven
K. Noll, Hoffman, Mr. Garland; About land

(j) April 21-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
A. R. Lewis; About land

(k) April 23-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans to Mrs. John
W. Fischer (3 pages); People mentioned: Stephen Noll; About land

(l) April 23-From J. M. Carruth, Greensburg; People mentioned: Mrs. Holloway, Glassco*ck;
About T 3 S, R 6 E

(m) April 25-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., Ltd., J. K. Whittington; About payment of $79.15

(n) April 26-From Mrs. John W. Fischer, Ponchatoula; People mentioned: H. Garland,
Mrs. Noll, Frank Hoffman of Port Huron, MI; About land

(o) April 28-From Michael (brother to Mrs. John W. Fischer); People mentioned: Mr.
Garland, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Noll, John Fischer; About papers and deeds to land

(p) April 28-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., Ltd., J. K. Whittington; About a claim for payment

(q) April 29-From Mrs. John W. Fischer, Ponchatoula; People mentioned: Mrs. Noll,
Mr. Garland, Steve Noll, Kate Noll; About land

(r) May 1-From A. R. Lewis, Clerk and Recorder and Ex-Officio Notary Public, Parish
of Tangipahoa; People mentioned: H. L. Garland, Heirs of Stephen Noll; Receipt for
$1 for rescinding agreement between Garland and Noll

(s) May 6-From The Constitution Publishing Co.; Acknowledged Mr. Mixon’s application
for membership in The Constitution Club

(t) May 9-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People mentioned:
B. J. Wolf & Sons, J. J. Carson; About a judgment and declaring bankruptcy


BOX 1 –Correspondence


7. 1903, April-June Continued (37 Items)

(u) May 12-From Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Washington, D. C.
to H. D. Storey, Independence (2 pages); People mentioned: Larkin Story (Storey),
George M. Matterston, Vincent Scivicaque [Scivicque]; Answer to status of Larkin Story
entries at land office

(v) May 12-From A. R. Lewis, Clerk of The Police Jury, Parish of Tangipahoa; People
mentioned: Harriet Thomas, Simian Thomas; Receipt for $10 for advance cost in suit
No. 306

(w) May 13-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Noll; About heirship of land

(x) May 15-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Winfield Gauche & Co., J. R. Whittington; About bringing suit for collecting $17.40

(y) May 15-From Ernest T. Florance, Attorney at Law, New Orleans (2 pages); People
mentioned: Winfield Gauche & Co., J. K. Whittington; Sworn statement with bill attached
for $17.40

(z) May 26-From Security Collection Agency, Chicago, IL; People mentioned: J. N. May
of Hyde, LA; about collecting $5.50 owed to the Dawson Soap Co., Chicago

(aa) May 26-From W. R. Kemp, Independence, LA to Edmund Gookin, Hammond, LA; About
terms of sale of land

(bb) May 26-From Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New Orleans and The Record Oil Refining
Co., New Orleans

(cc) May 26-From R. G. Patton, Attorney at Law, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned:
Chamberlain Medicine Company, Nettles & Bankston; About claim #917

(dd) May 27-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People mentioned:
Mrs. M. Davidson, B. J. Wolf & Sons; About check for $35.47 for collection of claim

(ee) May 28-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Gauche, Whittington; About receiving check for $10 and still owing $7.40

(ff) June 1-From Winfield Gauche & Co. to N. J. Tate, Tangipahoa, LA; Statement of
account for balance due of $7.18

(gg) June 11-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., Ltd., J. K. Whittington, Roseland; About bringing a suit
if claim isn’t paid by 20th

(hh) June 13-From Mrs. M. J. Callihan, Tilmon, Caldwell Co., TX; People mentioned:
Lewis H. Young heirs, W. H. Howcott; About getting letter from Mr. Mixon

(ii) June 16-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
F. F. Hansell & Bro. Ltd., J. Tate; About collection for $7.18

(jj) June 17-From The Record Oil Refining Co., New Orleans; Receipt for $4.27

(kk) June 20-Information about the Jeff Lee place; People mentioned: P. D. Turner,
W. F. Mixon, F. A. Turner, G. W. Nesom, G. W. Jones, W. P. Cox, H. A. Kimbal, James
B., Laura, Tilton, and Jones Turner; Description of land

8. 1903, July-September (36 Items)

(a) July 2-From A. L. Beeler, Attorney at Law, Minneapolis, MN; People mentioned:
Monroe Easley, Odell, LA, Twin City Jewelry Co; About three notes for $25

(b) July 6-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Gaines, Wm. Cooper; About property


BOX 1 –Correspondence


8. 1903, July-September Continued (36 Items)

(c) July 7-From Monroe Easley, Odell, LA (2 pages); Twin City Jewelry Co; About jewelry
being no good and it being sent back

(d) July 8-From Robert D. Vance, Lawyer, Henderson, KY; People mentioned: Joseph Cohen;
G. G. Slaughter; About papers sent about claim

(e) July 9-From The Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., Ltd. to J. K. Whittington, Roseland,
LA; Statement of account showing balance due of $44.13

(f) July 10-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
The Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., J. K. Whittington; About state of account

(g) July 13-From R. H. Morison, Norvilla Collegiate Institute, Greensburg, LA; About
getting Mr. Mixon to make collection of bills and how much he charges

(h) July 13-Postcard from Flemming’s Formulary about Civil Procedure

(i) July 16-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People mentioned:
E. J. Hart & Co., Ltd., J. M. Rodwell; About note for $43.91 dated 11/20/02

(j) July 17-From R. H. Morison, Norvilla Collegiate Institute, Greensburg, LA; Asking
what to do to get Mr. Mixon to make collection of bills, first amount for collection
is $400

(k) July 20-From Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; About asking jewelry company what they
propose to do about the jewelry that was not any good

(l) July 23-From Mrs. N. L. Strickland, Dealer in General Merchandise, Independence,
LA; About collecting notes

(m) July 25-From H. B. Hardy, California, MO; People mentioned: Robert Harper, Robert
W. Harper, William Harper, James H. Harper, John Harper, Susannah Harper, and Blanche
Harper, John Inglish, John M. Williams; About suit in equity for sale of lands for

(n) July 27-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
The Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., J. K. Whittington; About state of account

(o) July 30-A. L. Beeler, Attorney at Law, Minneapolis, MN; People mentioned: Monroe
Easley, Odell, LA, Twin City Jewelry Co; About wanting more time for payment

(p) August 4-From Chilton-Guthrie Trunk and Bag Co., Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
J. R. Wood; About collecting account

(q) August 5-From T. D. Wainwright, Covington, LA; People mentioned: Vicie? Rebors;
About Mr. Mixon coming to see him as he can’t make the trip himself because of the

(r) August 5-From A. L. Beeler, Attorney at Law, Minneapolis, MN; People mentioned:
Monroe Easley; About making collection on notes

(s) August 6-From Henry G. Stewart, Lawyer and Notary, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Thos. P. Simms, Tangipahoa, LA; About a claim for $15 balance due upon a Tulane Law
Lecture Book

(t) August 8-From A. Lehmann & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Isabella Lumber
Co.; About status of suit

(u) August 14-From Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; About jewelry that was not any good and
asking advice about how to get his money back

(v) August 17-From A. L. Beeler, Attorney at Law, Minneapolis, MN; People mentioned:
Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; Asking if suit has beenbrought or case tried about collecting


BOX 1 –Correspondence


8. 1903, July-September Continued (36 Items)

(w) August 20-From H. L. Crow, Slidell, LA; About accepting proposition of 15% on
the dollar and telling him he can proceed at once

(x) August 24-From A. L. Beeler, Attorney at Law, Minneapolis, MN; People mentioned:
Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; Check enclosed for payment to bring suit

(y) August 26-From Southern Coffee Mills, New Orleans (postcard); People mentioned:
T. G. Davidson; About $3.66 in payment in settlement of invoice

(z) September 7-From Frank McN. Gordon, New Orleans; People mentioned: Barbiers; About
making staves for $2/M and offering $2.50 for timber

(aa) September 9-From Frank McN. Gordon, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr. Preston,
Barbiers; About Jones Island

(bb) September 17-From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN; Receipt for $4.50 for Vol.
109 La. Rep.

(cc) September 19-From Chas J. Fulda, Deputy Sheriff, Amite City, LA; Receipt for
$703.50 for Lot 10, Sq. 27 succession of Mrs. Clara Snyder

(dd) September 19-From N. M. Spillar, Hammond, LA (2 pages); Mr. Syntell, Sam, Edith;
Sent $20 and says he will send other $5 later

(ee) September 19-Louisiana Tobacco Co. Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: H. L.
Strickland, Pine Grove, LA; About certified claim of account

(ff) September 21-From L. L. Lampton, Magnolia, MS; People mentioned: Banner Lumber
Company, Mr. B. M. Miller, Covington, LA; About getting deeds signed and doing some
abstract work

(gg) September 26-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans; People mentioned:
The Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., J. K. Whittington; About state of account

(hh) September 28-From Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; About not suing him until Easley
can see Mr. Mixon

(ii) September 28-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, New Orleans; People mentioned:
T. G. Davidson; About collecting payment without suit

(jj) September 30-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, New Orleans; People mentioned:
T. G. Davidson; About not losing money on this account

9. 1903, October-December (62 Items)

(a) October 1-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, New Orleans; People mentioned: T.
G. Davidson; About suing for payment of account, sent $10

(b) October 1-From R. H. Morison, Kentwood; People mentioned: Mr. Pricler; About statements
for collection sent to Mixon

(c) October 3-From Friend, Pass Manchac, LA; People mentioned: Barbier, Preston, Mr.
Cooper; About cutting timber and making staves

(d) October 3-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr.
Fowler, T. G. Davidson; About witness to signature of Mr. Davidson on the notes

(e) October 3-From Benj. M. Miller, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Covington, LA;
People mentioned: Banner Lumber Company, Ltd.; About titles to land


BOX 1 –Correspondence


9. 1903, October-December Continued (62 Items)

(f) October 5-From Henry G. Stewart, Lawyer and Notary, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Thos. P. Simms, Tangipahoa, LA; About a $2 payment for claim to collect payment for
a Tulane Law Lecture Book

(g) October 6-From A. L. Beeler, Attorney at Law, Minneapolis, MN; People mentioned:
Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; Asking if case against Easley had been heard and the result

(h) October 8-From Cage, Drew & Company, New Orleans; People mentioned: S. E. Anderson,
Hammond, LA; Asking if succeeded in collecting claim for $13.40

(i) October 9-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, New Orleans; People mentioned: T.
G. Davidson, Mr. Fowler; About witness to signature of Mr. Davidson on the notes

(j) October 12-From Benj. M. Miller, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Covington, LA;
People mentioned: Banner Lumber Company, Ltd., J. D. Walker, W. A. Grace, Clark Walker,
L. L. Lampton, Jesse T. Hayden, Mrs. R. P. Williams, Mrs. Maggie Ricks, Geo. W. Cox,
Isaac N. Cox, Mary Butler, Celia Tate, J. Newton McDaniels, R. H. Scarles, Spence
Coleman; About titles to land

(k) October 16-From Charles Dennery Bakers’ & Confectioners’ Supplies, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. O. Posey; Will pay $5 for service of collection

(l) October 17-From Herman E. Gayer, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned: Mrs. M. A.
Magee and Sons, Zona; About delaying collection of claim against Mr. Gayer’s grandmother
Mrs. M. A. Magee

(m) October 19-From The Credit Company; Receipt for $10 for The Bankers Register

(n) October 20-From Lyon Brothers, Chicago, IL; Statement of account to S. P. Callihan,
Chipola, LA for $27.02

(o) October 22-From Charles Dennery Bakers’ & Confectioners’ Supplies, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. O. Posey; Send check for $21.50 in payment of collection of claim

(p) October 24-From Milton Burns, Losa; People mentioned: A. B. Holiday; Mr. Holiday
paid and Burns will send check in payment as soon as Burns can get to Covington

(q) October 26-From J. D. Courmes, Independence; People mentioned: T. G. Davidson;
Sent check for $75 as per agreement

(r) October 30-From E. J. Meyer, Montgomery, AL; People mentioned: D. S. Killian,
Mt. Pelier; Wants to know what has been done on claim

(s) October 31-From C. O. Wilcox, The Credit Association, New Orleans (Postcard);
People mentioned: W. Gauche & Co., J. K. Whittington; About receiving check for $10.25

(t) November 5-From Frelich & Badt, Manufacturers of Pants, Overalls and Jumpers,
New Orleans (2 pages); People mentioned: Mrs. M. A. Magee & Sons; Asking Mr. Mixon
not to wait on trying to collect payment

(u) November 6-From Milton Burns, Losa; People mentioned: Holiday; Sent $59 check
in payment

(v) November 6-From Benj. M. Miller, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Covington, LA;
People mentioned: Peter Brumfield, J. O. Magee, C. H. Dyson’s wife, A. R. Lewis; Letter
stating deeds are recorded in Washington Parish and not in Tangipahoa Parish.

(w) November 6-From J. L. Beer, Eggs, Poultry, Produce, Commission, New Orleans; People
mentioned: T. G. Davidson, Independence; About collecting account


BOX 1 –Correspondence


9. 1903, October-December Continued (62 Items)

(x) November 7-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans (2 pages);
People mentioned: Noll, Howcott; About property

(y) November 9-From J. D.J. Courmes, Independence; People mentioned: T. G. Davidson;
Sent check for $24

(z) November 9-From Herman E. Gayer, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned: Mr. Miller,
Great Southern Lumber Company, John R. Wood, Chas. P. Corkern, J. cumme*r & Son, Stackart,
William Badon, Slidell, LA, Mrs. M. A. Magee and Sons; About title to land and check
for claim against Mrs. M. A. Magee & Sons

(aa) November 13-From Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; About not receiving credit for jewelry
returned to dealer

(bb) November 13-From S. B. Easterly, Dealer in General Merchandise & Plantation Supplies;
Denham Springs to B. J. Wolf & Sons; About not being able to pay his bill just now

(cc) November 14-From G. W. Nesom, Dealer in General Merchandise, Tickfaw, LA; People
mentioned: Mr. Kemp; About a $50 claim

(dd) November 16-From John D. Morris and Company, Philadelphia, PA (Postcard); Acknowledging
receipt of $2 remittance on account

(ee) November 16-From M. C. Wilson, Clerk’s Office, Greensburg, LA; About receiving
petition and check for $10 deposit and papers being prepared and being served in due

(ff) November 17-From Hugh V. Wall, Ratcliff & Wall, Attorneys at Law, Summit, MS;
People mentioned: Mr. Newman; About a judgment against Mr. Newman for $31.22 and about
making an appeal

(gg) November 20-Receipt from J. J. Lautier for building supplies, $1.60

(hh) November 20-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago, IL; People mentioned
S. P. Callihan, Chipola, LA; Asking for result of effort to collect claim for $27.02

(ii) November 21-From B. I. Preston, Hammond, LA (Postcard); People mentioned: Jones
Island; About getting description of property

(jj) November 23-From Benj. M. Miller, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Covington, LA;
People mentioned: Banner Lumber Co., I. N. Varnado, John T. Pierce and wife, Hins
C. Bell, Wickliffe Booty, Thos. F. Booty, L. L. Lampton; About closing matter if possible
by Dec. 16

(kk) November 24-From McIlvaine Adjustment Company, Chicago, IL; People mentioned:
Best & Russell Co., William Posey; About claim for $22.67

(ll) November 25-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: Leopold Levy, W. O. Posey; About collection of claim for $4.83

(mm) November 27-From Louis S. Burns, Losa; People mentioned: Milton Burns, John Burns;
About checks

(nn) November 27-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New York; People mentioned:
Frelich & Badt; About charging 20% instead of 10% and wanting their $3.90 returned

(oo) November 30-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Davidson; About getting claim paid

(pp) December 1-From Geo. Koepf, Jr., Madisonville; People mentioned: Liza Eckle,
Frank Brunett; About demand on him when the heirs should talk to Frank Brunett


BOX 1 –Correspondence


9. 1903, October-December Continued (62 Items)

(qq) December 1-From The Martin & Hoyt Co., Publishers, Atlanta; About shipping “Historical
Tales” per your order given Miss Deane

(rr) December 3-Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Joseph Pearce, Grace Pearce; About titles

(ss) December 4-Receipt from J. J. Lautier for $1.25 for repairs made to flew and
putting on pump

(tt) December 4-From N. D. Starns; People mentioned: Rogers; About pressing for settlement
on Rogers note

(uu) December 4-From Frelich & Badt, Manufacturers of Jeans and Staple Clothing, New
Orleans; Receipt for payment of $7.80 from Mr. Mixon

(vv) December 4-From The Martin & Hoyt Co., Publishers, Atlanta; About how to make
payment for “Historical Tales” as per your order given Mrs. V. Deane; acknowledged
payment of $1

(ww) December 5-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips, T. P. Sims, Tangipahoa; About collection
of claim for $35.88

(xx) December 5-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Sylvester F. Collins; About owning property

(yy) December 8-From McIlvaine Adjustment Company, Chicago, IL; People mentioned:
Best & Russell Co., William Posey; Asking about prospects for payment of account

(zz) December 8-People mentioned: J. M. Cooper, Alphareta Phelps?; About property,
W ½ x 2 1/4 of Section 13, Lot No. 43, Section 15, T 8 S, R 4 E, containing 204 acres
recorded in Conveyance Book No. 13, Page 329

(aaa) December 12-From E. J. Meyer, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Montgomery,
AL; People mentioned D. S. Killian; About collecting money

(bbb) December 12-From J. M. Carruth, Titles Examined, Plots Made, Abstracting, Greensburg;
People mentioned: W. W. Brashears, Yelvington heirs; About not finding a purchaser
and not clearing title and returning power of attorney; about poor quality of land
and timber

(ccc) December 16-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago, IL; People mentioned
S. P. Callihan, Chipola, LA; Asking for result of effort to collect claim for $27.02

(ddd) December 17-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: Leopold Levy, W. O. Posey; About discount on claim

(eee) December 18-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Davidson; About getting claim paid

(fff) December 21-From C. M. Pierce, Dealer in General Merchandise, Breenland, LA;
People mentioned: Gage Drew; About paying account

(ggg) December 22-L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: Hoehn & Dieth, S. P. Callihan; About account for $11.32

(hhh) December 22-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: Leopold Levy, W. O. Posey; About receipt of $2.67 to cover settlement of

(iii) December 23-From Law Library, New Orleans; Sending “Flemming’s Formulary” on
ten day approval

(jjj) December 29-From A. L. Beeler, Attorney at Law, Minneapolis, MN; People mentioned:
Monroe Easley, Odell, LA; Asking if case against Easley had been heard and the result


BOX 1 –Correspondence


10. 1904, January-March (55 Items)

(a) January 4-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Davidson; About collecting money on account

(b) January 7-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago; People mentioned:
S. P. Callahan; About collecting on claim

(c) January 8-From R. G. Patton; People mentioned: Chamberlain Medicine Co. and A.
J. Goodbee & Bros.; About check for $1.70 being remitted

(d) January 11-From St. Louis Jewelry Co., St. Louis; People mentioned: T. G. Davidson,
Independence, La.; About collection of claim of $112.50

(e) January 12-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: T. G. Davidson; About collecting money on account

(f) January 13-From W. R. Kemp; People mentioned: Ben Huck, Howel Wainwright, Jo Cutrer,
George Eckle, all of Independence; About summoning them in case vs. I C R R Co.

(g) January 14-From Southern Paper Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: T. G.
Davidson, Independence; About collecting $9.28

(h) January 14-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago; People mentioned:
S. P. Callahan; About collecting on claim

(i) January 14-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips; Clients asking cause of delay in collection
of claim

(j) January 14-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, J. T. George; About note for $100.00

(k) January 15-From Benj. M. Miller, Covington, LA; People mentioned Banner Lumber
Co.; About getting report on titles sent to him

(l) January 15-From Herman E. Gayer, Attorney-at-Law, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned:
Corkern heirs, Great Southern Lumber Co., Farrar, Jones and Krutchenett, Mr. Garland;
About employing an associate counsel in the case living at New Orleans

(m) January 18-From Benj. M. Miller, Covington, LA; People mentioned: Banner Lumber
Co.; About lands

(n) January 18-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd., New Orleans; People mentioned: H.
L. Strickland, Pine Grove, La.; About collecting claim

(o) January 20-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: T. G. Davidson; About collecting money on account

(p) January 20-From Herman E. Gayer, Attorney-at-Law, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned:
Corkern heirs, Great Southern Lumber Co., Mr. Garland; About employing Mr. Garland

(q) January 20-From Edgar C. Corry, Lawyer, Des Moines, Iowa; People mentioned: D.
Weeks & Co., Monroe Easley, of Odell, La.; About collection $3.50

(r) January 22-From W. P. Phillips, Phillips, La.; People mentioned: T. P. Sims; About
paying $35.00 for a receipt in full

(s) January 22-From Julius C. Wolff & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: F. C. Weist,
Amite Bank & Trust Co.; About collecting $62.40

(t) January 25-From Julius C. Wolff & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: John R.
Wood, Amite Bank & Trust Co.; About collecting $83.50


BOX 1 –Correspondence


10. 1904, January-March Continued (55 Items)

(u) January 25-From Julius C. Wolff & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: F. C. Weist,
Amite Bank & Trust Co.; About collecting $62.40

(v) January 25-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Davidson; About collecting money on account

(w) January 26-From W. R. Kemp; People mentioned: Mrs. Kemp, Bradley; About beating

(x) January 27-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce & Co. of Breland, LA; About claim for $26.96

(y) January 28-From Mrs. N. L. Strickland, Dealer in General Merchandise, Independence,
LA; About getting notes back to get someone else to collect them

(z) January 29-From Mrs. A. White & Son, dealers in Oysters, Fruit, Produce and Vegetables,
New Orleans, La.; People mentioned: W. L. Cronan, Amite, LA., Statement for $15.30

(aa) January 29-From Julius C. Wolff & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: J. B. Wood,
Amite Bank & Trust Co.; About collecting $83.50

(bb) January 29-From Mrs. A. White & Son, dealers in Oysters, Fruit, Produce and Vegetables,
New Orleans, La.; People mentioned: W. L. Cronan, Amite, LA., Statement for $15.30

(cc) February 1-From Banner Lumber Co., Ltd., Kentwood, La.; People mentioned: Mr.
Walker; About going to see Mr. Walker

(dd) February 3-From Mrs. A. White & Son, Commission Merchants, Packers and Shippers,
New Orleans, La.; People mentioned: W. L. Cronan; About check for $15.00

(ee) February 4-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People
mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips, B. J. Wolf & Sons, J. T. George; About
wanting a report of cause of delay in payment

(ff) February 5-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
About remittance of $89.51 and wanting a statement of amount received and payment
to them

(gg) February 6-From E. T. Coleman, V.P., American Manufacturing Company, Greensboro,
NC; People mentioned Amite City Bank & Trust Co., A. V. Houeye; About delivery of
our account

(hh) February 8-From Mrs. A. White & Son, Commission Merchants, Packers and Shippers,
New Orleans; People mentioned: W. L. Cronan; About check for $5.00

(ii) February 10-From David Van, Magnolia, MS; About getting money

(jj) February 13-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New
Orleans; People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, J. T. George; About a judgment on a

(kk) February 13-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago; People mentioned:
S. P. Callahan; About collecting on claim for $27.02

(ll) February 18-From Edgar C. Corry, Lawyer, Des Moine, IA; People mentioned: D.
Weeks & Co., W. O. Posey, Monroe Easley; About asking status of two accounts

(mm) February 23-Citation from State of Louisiana; People mentioned: John R. Wood
vs. John Barrett; About H. P. Mixon being appointed attorney ad hoc to represent John

(nn) February 24-From John D. Morris and Company, Philadelphia, PA (Postcard); About
acknowledging receipt of remittance of $2.00 which we credit to your account


BOX 1 –Correspondence


10. 1904, January-March Continued (55 Items)

(oo) February 27-From W. R. Kemp; People mentioned: R. L. Rogers; About not finding
notes in McComb and wanting to know what steps to take to establish claim

(pp) February 29-From A. L. Beeler, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Minneapolis, Minn.;
People mentioned: Monroe Easley; About claim against Easley

(qq) February 29-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Nick Bruno
of Independence, Rene Calmes, Deputy Sheriff at Independence; About berry farm assessed
in Bruno’s name

(rr) March 2-From Kaufman Flonacher & Cahn, New Orleans; People mentioned: D. S. Killian
of Mt. Pelier, LA; About collection

(ss) March 8-From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn; Paid receipt for subscription
to Louisiana Rep. Vol #10 for $4.50

(tt) March 8-From W. R. Kemp (2 pages); People mentioned: Mrs. Kemp, P. C. Bradley,
Minnie Varnado, Ogle, Tom Case; About trial for suit against Kemp

(uu) March 11-From Henderson & Fribourg, Attorneys at Law, Sioux City, IA (2 pages);
People mentioned: Remley & Ney, Lena B. Hermann; John Herman, Philip Herman; About

(vv) March 12-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans,
La.; People mentioned: S. & J. Katz & Co., W. P. Phillips; About claim for $32.96

(ww) March 14-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago; People mentioned:
S. P. Callahan; About collecting on claim

(xx) March 15-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans
(2 pages); People mentioned: W. L. Cronan, Boston Restaurant of Amite, LA, James C.
Drew; About collecting payment

(yy) March 16-From H. J. Bruning, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned Monroe
Mfg. Co., Ernst & Tchira of Maurepas; About collection on account

(zz) March 17-From A. L. Beeler, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Minneapolis, Minn.;
People mentioned: Monroe Easley of O’Dell; About check for $57.60 in full settlement
of claim

(aaa) March 23-From The Martin & Hoyt Co., Publishers, Atlanta, GA (2 pages); About
remittance of $2.00

(bbb) March 29-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
About returning all claims and stopping proceedings against debtors

(ccc) March 30-From Henderson & Fribourg, Attorneys at Law, Sioux City, IA; People
mentioned: John Herman; About wanting to know what defense has been put in

11. 1904, April-June (46 Items)

(a) April 2-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Brandon of Miss.; About land

(b) April 5-From M. C. Wilson, Clerk and Recorder Clerk’s Office, Greensburg, LA;
People mentioned: A. V. Houeye, Samuel R. Morgan; About account of $7.60

(c) April 6-From B. J. Wolf & Sons, New Orleans; People mentioned: S. B. Easterly
of Denham Springs, S. H. Marcuse; About bill for $284.80

(d) April 7-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: J. R. Wood of Amite; About collecting claims for about $200.00


BOX 1 –Correspondence


11. 1904, April-June Continued (46 Items)

(e) April 7-From Julius C. Wolff & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: John R. Wood;
About check for $41.75 against claim

(f) April 8-From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans; People mentioned: Abe Mayer
& Co., Arcola Merc Co.; About a claim and $10.00 for costs

(g) April 8-From A. R. Lewis, Clerk and Recorder and Ex-Officio Notary Public, Parish
of Tangipahoa; People mentioned: J. C. Nelson, C. C. Cooper

(h) April 8-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, S. B. Easterly; About sworn account for $284.80

(i) April 11-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Nick Bruno
of Independence; About claim for $19.30

(j) April 12-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis to S. D. Ellis, Atty.;
People mentioned: D. S. Killian, Montpelier, LA; About collection of $56.50

(k) April 15-From Ernest & Tschirn, Maurepas, LA; About sending receipt for $11.25;
Check attached

(l) April 16-From Henderson & Fribourg, Attorneys at Law, Sioux City, IA; People mentioned:
Dr. John Herman; About asking for a report as to condition of case you are handling

(m) April 16-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, S. B. Easterly; About $10 check for cover advance
costs for suit

(n) April 19-Letter from H. J. Bruning, Atty. at Law, New Orleans with receipt from
Monroe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. for $11.25 from Ernest & Tschirn

(o) April 19-From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans; People mentioned: Abe Mayer
& Co., Arcola Mercantile Co., Dwyer Bros.; About report on present status of claim

(p) April 22-From John D. Morris and Company, Philadelphia, PA (Postcard); About acknowledging
receipt of remittance of $2.00 which we credit to your account

(q) April 23-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, S. B. Easterly; About promising to pay account

(r) April 25-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned: S.
D. Ellis, Atty., D. S. Killian, Montpelier, LA; About collection of $56.50

(s) April 28-From A. D. Starns, Starns, LA, People mentioned: G. M. Rogers; About
collecting money

(t) April 30-From Herman E. Gayer, Attorney-at-Law, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned:
Corkern, Mr. Garland; About a trial

(u) May 10-From Falvy-Wilson Company, Ltd. Gas and Electric Fixtures, New Orleans
(3 pages); People mentioned: F. H. Drake, J. B. Rosser, Jr.; Sworn statement about
tiling floor for $155.00

(v) May 12-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago; People mentioned: S.
P. Callahan, Chipola, LA; About collecting on claim for $27.02

(w) May 16-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans (3
pages); People mentioned: W. L. Cronan, Boston Restaurant, Amite City, LA; About collecting,
Bill for $10.83 and Check on Peoples Bank for $10.83 which has out of business on
back are attached


BOX 1 –Correspondence


11. 1904, April-June Continued (46 Items)

(x) May 17-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans, People
mentioned: C. M. Pierce of Breland, LA; About collection $26.96

(y) May 17-From Acme Chemical Mfg. Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: B. M.
Hendry; About check for $7.55 in full from claim

(z) May 18-From A. D. Starns, Starns, LA; About selling land

(aa) May 23-From Julius C. Wolff & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: John R. Wood;
About checks totaling $38.40

(bb) May 27-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago; People mentioned: S.
P. Callahan; About collecting on claim for $27.02

(cc) May 27-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans,
People mentioned: F. C. Weist of Amite, LA, Creditors’ Mercantile Association Co.
of New York; About collection of $32.00

(dd) June 2-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans,
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce; About reply to letters about collection would be appreciated

(ee) June 2-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Nick Bruno
of Independence; About claim

(ff) June 4-From The Martin & Hoyt Co., Publishers, Atlanta, GA (Postcard); About
payment in full of $9.50 for Hist. Tales

(gg) June 6-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans,
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce of Breland, LA; Asking for itemized verified account

(hh) June 7-From W. L. Cronan, Boston Restaurant, Amite, LA to Messers Cage Drew &
Co., New Orleans; About waiting to collect since his restaurant burned

(ii) June 8-From John D. Morris and Company, Philadelphia, PA; About acknowledging
receipt of remittance of $13.50 and asking if he wants to buy some other books

(jj) June 10-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. L. Cronan of the Boston Restaurant; About collection

(kk) June 12-From F. H. Drake, Architect, Contractor and Practical Builder, Amite
City; Receipt for $2.50 for fire brick

(ll) June 13-From The National Collection Agency, Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
T. G. Davidson of Independence, LA; About a claim

(mm) June 15-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned: S.
P. Ellis, Atty., D. S. Killian, Montpelier, La.; About collection of $56.50

(nn) June 20-The Palmer Agency, Louisville, KY (2 pages); People mentioned: Bray Clothing
Co., W. P. Hutchinson; About collection of claim

(oo) June 23-From Mary M. Williams, Hincton?, LA; People mentioned: Mrs. Michel Perry;
About asking to collect $15.00 for her

(pp) June 24-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned: D.
S. Killian; About collection of money by July 5

(qq) June 24-From The National Collection Agency, Washington, D. C.; People men- tioned:
T. G. Davidson, Independence, LA, Reilly Taylor & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; About claim

(rr) June 27-From Seessel, Ashner & Sugarman, Fruits, Produce and Commission, New
Orleans; People mentioned: C. C. Nelson; About a check for $4.00 for his commission


BOX 1 –Correspondence


11. 1904, April-June Continued (46 Items)

(ss) June 29-From J. E. Strickland, Dealer in General Merchandise; People mentioned:
Nick Bruno, Geo. W. Davidson; Judgment for $19.30

(tt) June 29-From James B. Rosser, Jr., Lawyer & Notary, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Flavy-Wilson Co., Ltd., F. H. Drake; About collecting payment

12. 1904, July-September (43 Items)

(a) July 2-From Banner Lumber Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA.; People mentioned: Magnolia
Bank; Check for $72.00 for abstracting titles, canceling mortgages, etc.

(b) July 6-From Louis Pfister Wholesale Grocer, New Orleans; People mentioned: Bank
of Amite City, John R. Woods; About collection of $53.58

(c) July 7-From John Watt, Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People mentioned: N. B. Trist;
About memorandum of property

(d) July 7-From Law Office of Azel F. Hatch, Chicago; People mentioned: Chicago Writing
Machine Co., W. J. Joynten; About payment of $1.33

(e) July 14-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned: D. S.
Killian; About collection of money by July 5

(f) July 15-From N. J. Otis, Wholesale Grocer, New Orleans; People mentioned: H. Sanders;
About collection of claim

(g) July 21-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., Fruit and Produce Dealers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Goodbee, Arcola Merc. Co.; About claim

(h) July 21-From W. W. Leggett, Illinois Central Railroad Company, McComb City, MS;
People mentioned: T. E. Tycer; About collecting $2.00 each for three shoats killed

(i) July 27-From The National Collection Agency, Washington, D. C. (2 pages); People
mentioned: C. M. Pierce & Co., Kentwood, LA; About claim; A Report Blank attached

(j) July 30-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. L. Cronan of the Boston Restaurant; About collection

(k) July 30-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce of Breland, LA; About collecting $26.96

(l) July 30-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: C. R. Pitcher of Roseland, LA; About a case

(m) August 1-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned: D.
S. Killian, Montpelier; About whether to seek judgment or not

(n) August 4-From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn; Paid receipt for subscription
to Louisiana Rep. Vol #111 for $4.50

(o) August 8-From James B. Rosser, Jr., Lawyer & Notary, New Orleans; People mentioned:
F. H. Drake, Flavy-Wilson Co., Ltd., Mr. Ellis; Apology for not answering letter about

(p) August 8-From M. C. Wilson, Clerk and Recorder Clerk’s Office, Greensburg, LA;
People mentioned: George, Cole, A. V. Houeye; Asking why there bills haven’t been

(q) August 9-From W. F. Paxon, E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co., Paducah, KY; People
mentioned: J. J. Carson, Chipola, LA; Asking about present status of claim


BOX 1 –Correspondence


12. 1904, July-September Continued (43 Items)

(r) August 10-From D. S. Killian, Mt. Pelier, LA; Saying he owes company $45.00 and
will pay as soon as possible

(s) August 10-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce of Breland, LA; About collecting $26.96 after cotton
come in

(t) August 15-From Geo. Burnham, Amite, LA (2 pages); People mentioned: Mr. Cole;
About paying debts when he can

(u) August 15-From Benjamin Ory, Attorney at Law, New Orleans to Steven D. Ellis;
People mentioned: Mr. Herwig of Roseland; About collecting three months rent

(v) August 24-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, S. B. Easterly, Ben R. Mayer, Baton Rouge; About
payment of $267

(w) August 24-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned: D.
S. Killian, Montpelier; About client paying $45

(x) August 29-From Adville Atkins, Kentwood, LA; People mentioned: Ashford Addison;
Asking for a rough map of Section 45, 6 2 S, R 7 E

(y) August 30-From The Carpenter Company, manufacturer of Carpenter Organs, Brattleboro,
VT to Geo. Burnham, Amite, LA; About settling account as soon as possible

(z) August 30-From Martin Austin Company, The Carpenter, manufacturer of Carpenter
Organs, Brattleboro, VT; People mentioned: Mr. Burnham, Amite Bank & Trust Co.

(aa) September 8-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago; People mentioned:
S. P. Callahan; About collecting on claim for $27.02

(bb) September 9-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned:
D. S. Killian, Montpelier; About client paying $45

(cc) September 16-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New
Orleans; People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, S. B. Easterly, Ben R. Mayer Co., Ltd.,
Baton Rouge; About payment of $267

(dd) September 19-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned:
D. S. Killian, Montpelier, LA; About client paying $45 in a few more days

(ee) September 22-From N. J. Otis, Wholesale Grocer, New Orleans; People mentioned:
H. Sanders; About Sanders going back into business

(ff) September 22-From Mrs. S. Stanga, Ponchatoula, LA; People mentioned: Wallis Davidson,
Duncan Kemp; About collecting money for livery bill

(gg) September 22-From King & Saint, Olive Oils, Teas & Spices, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Anthony Bros. of Amite, LA; Asking whether they good for $35.00 on 30 days

(hh) September 22-From E. A. Whitman, National Surety Company, New York; About contract
for sole representation in next edition of “The National List” issued October 1904

(ii) September 23-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New
Orleans; People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, S. B. Easterly, Mayer Co.; About advising
that the matter is in your hands

(jj) September 23-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New
Orleans; People mentioned: Leopold Levy, J. B. Geisart, Arcola, LA; About party being
dead and asking what you can do with it


BOX 1 –Correspondence


12. 1904, July-September Continued (43 Items)

(kk) September 24-From W. R. Kemp, independence, LA; What is the least you will take
for the note you hold against the place

(ll) September 28-From _________, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mrs. Alaxander Brookter,
Bay St. Louis; About land acquired by Certificate 99, September 68

(mm) September 28-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. L. Cronan of the Boston Restaurant; About collecting $10.83

(nn) September 29-From _________, New Orleans; People mentioned: Alaxander Bookter,
Barbier; About land

(oo) September 29-From The Attorney’s Mercantile Agency Co., Milwaukee, WI; People
mentioned, E. M. Phillips, J. R. Wood; About claim for collection

(pp) September 29-From Herman E. Gayer, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned: Corkern,
Mr. Garland, Sachell, Garrett, Mr. Martindale; About notes

(qq) September 30-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New
Orleans; People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, S. B. Easterly; Mayer Gro. Co., About
returning letters

13. 1904, October-December (50 Items)

(a) October 3-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. L. Cronan; Asking for verified account

(b) October 3-From Mrs. E. Bookter Mitchell, Bay St. Louis, MS; People mentioned:
Dr. Nagel, Barbier, Mrs. Alex Bookter, Jr.; About cutting timber off of Jones Island

(c) October 6-From Dr. Nagel (2 pages); About cutting timber off of Jones Island

(d) October 6-From The American Credit-Indemnity Co. of New York, St. Louis, MO to
Mr. S. D. Ellis, Amite, LA; People mentioned: Mr. T. G. Davidson, Independence; About
handling a claim

(e) October 6-From Mr. W. A. Richards, Commissioner, the Department of the Interior,
General Land Office, Washington, D. C.; People mentioned: David D. Felps; Application
for repayment of purchase money

(f) October 6-From Lyon Brothers, Wholesale Dry Goods, Chicago; People mentioned:
S. P. Callahan; About collecting on claim for $27.02

(g) October 7-From Persistent Collection Agency, Milwaukee, WI; People mentioned:
E. M. Phillips & Co., F. C. Weist; About collecting $35.60

(h) October 7-From Thomas at J. W. Morgan & Co., Dry Goods Clothing, Columbia, MS
(2 pages); People mentioned: Clay Elliott, Mr. Lewis; About going to school to learn

(i) October 7-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. L. Cronan, Boston Restaurant; Asking whether Mixon can make collection

(j) October 10-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. L. Cronan; Asking collecting claim

(k) October 11-From Indiana Drug Specialty Company, St. Louis; People mentioned: D.
S. Killian, Montpelier, LA; About collecting $40.50

(l) October 11-From L. O. Shackelford, New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans;
People mentioned: B. J. Wolf & Sons, S. B. Easterly; About collecting $19.20


BOX 1 –Correspondence


13. 1904, October-December Continued (50 Items)

(m) October 12-From Persistent Collection Agency, Milwaukee, WI; People mentioned:
E. M. Phillips & Co., F. C. Weist; About collecting claim

(n) October 12-From Mrs. E. B. Mitchell, Bay St. Louis, MS; People mentioned: Dr.
Nagel, Facundas, Mrs. F. Bookter Weir?, Barbier; About cutting timber off of Jones

(o) October 14-From Dr. Nagel (2 pages); People mentioned: Bookter; About cutting
timber off of Jones Island

(p) October 18-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: W. L. Cronan; Thanks for collecting claim

(q) October 19-From The Attorney’s Mercantile Agency Co., Milwaukee, WI; People mentioned,
E. M. Phillips, J. R. Wood; About acknowledging receipt of remittance

(r) October 22-From The Credit Company, Chicago, IL; About further extension of account

(s) November 4-From R. C. Scott, Alanreed, Gray Co., TX (2 pages); People mentioned:
James McConnell, H. L. Karsedrick

(t) November 9-From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn; Paid receipt for subscription
to Louisiana Rep. Vol #112 for $4.50

(u) November 12-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New Orleans; People mentioned:
W. L. Cronin; Collection form for $27.25

(v) November 12-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans to Bank of Amite; People
mentioned: W. L. Cronin, Amite, LA; About turning over collection to Hypolite Mixon

(w) November 16-From B. J. Wolf & Sons; People mentioned: A. J. Goodbee; Statement
for $35.25

(x) November 18-From The Carpenter Company, Manufacturer of Carpenter Organs, Brattleboro,
VT; People mentioned: Mr. Geo. Burnham; About getting payment in the fall

(y) November 25-From The National Collection Agency, Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
Cage, Drew & Co., Ltd. and H. T. Cottom & Co., Ltd., both New Orleans, W. E. Craig,
Amite City, LA; About failing in business and trying to get judgment in the future

(z) November 25-From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People mentioned: B. J.
Wolf & Sons, A. J. Goodbee; About statement for collection

(aa) November 28-From A. D. Starns, President, The Police Jury of Livingston Parish;
People mentioned: Rogers; About getting $100 to surrender the note

(bb) November 29-From The Carpenter Company, Manufacturer of Carpenter Organs, Brattleboro,
VT; People mentioned: Mr. Geo. Burnham; About paying half the note now and balance
in 30 to 60 days

(cc) November 30-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans to Bank of Amite; People
mentioned: W. L. Cronin, Amite, LA; About turning over collection to Hypolite Mixon

(dd) December 1-From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association; People mentioned: B. J.
Wolf & Sons, A. J. Goodbee; About closing with him less the interest

(ee) December 1-From Vermont Chemical Manufacturing Co., Limited, New Orleans; People
mentioned: B. M. Hendry; About collecting $19.21

(ff) December 3-From Robert Cronan, The Boston Restaurant, Amite, LA (2 pages); About
paying when he could


BOX 1 –Correspondence


13. 1904, October-December Continued (50 Items)

(gg) December 3-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans; People mentioned: W.
L. Cronin, Amite, LA; Business sold and enclose statement to collect from new owner

(hh) December 6-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Wants to know success in collecting $26.96

(ii) December 7-From The Martindale System; People mentioned: John Dykes, Independence,
LA; Wilbur Stock Food Co., National Collection Co., Milwaukee, WI; Claim letter to

(jj) December 7-From M. C. Wilson, Clerk and Recorder Clerk’s Office, Greensburg,
LA; People mentioned: G. B. Ware, Mr. Womack

(kk) December 9-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans; People mentioned: W.
L. Cronin, Amite, LA; Business sold and trying to collect from new owner

(ll) December 12-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Wants to make collection of $26.96 before Christmas

(mm) December 14-From Dr. Granger Medicine Co., Cattanooga, TN; People mentioned:
J. J. Carson, Chipola; About collecting notes of $66.00 and $66.25

(nn) December 15-From The Carpenter Company, Manufacturer of Carpenter Organs, Brattleboro,
VT; People mentioned: Mr. Geo. Burnham; About paying half the note now and balance
in 30 to 60 days

(oo) December 15-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans; People mentioned: William
Dixon; About handling a claim

(pp) December 15-From The National Collection Co., Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
J. R. Gill, Tangipahoa, LA; Asking for information on this client

(qq) December 17-From Herman E. Gayer, Gordon W. Goodbee, Attorney-at-Law, Franklinton,
LA; People mentioned: Corkern et als., The Great Southern Lumber Co., Mr. Garland,
Mr. Krutchdnitt; About a case

(rr) December 17-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans; People mentioned: W.
L. Cronin, Robert Cronin, Captain J. B. Dumestre; About making suit

(ss) December 19-From The Cornish Co., Piano and Organ manufacturers, Washington,
NJ; People mentioned: E. Cooper, Amite, LA, Joe Chardy, Parker Cooper; Lease agreement

(tt) December 19-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans; Check for $5.00 enclosed
to proceed against Cronin

(uu) December 24-From The Carpenter Company, Manufacturer of Carpenter Organs, Brattleboro,
VT (3 pages); People mentioned: Mr. Geo. Burnham; About paying note, Also enclosed
carbon copy of letter written to Burnham

(vv) December 25-From A. C. Gibson, Independence (2 pages); About raking straw

(ww) December 26-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans; People mentioned: W.
L. Cronin; About sending $5.00 for claim

(xx) December 29-From The National Collection Co., Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
J. G. Gill, Tangipahoa, LA, S. E. Worms & Co., Ltd., New Orleans, H. T. Cottam & Co.,
Ltd., New Orleans, The Barfield Fruit & Prod., Baton Rouge; Asking about claims


BOX 1 –Correspondence


14. 1905, January-March (78 Items)

(a) January 2-From Louisiana Tobacco Co. Lmtd, New Orleans; People mentioned: W. L.
Cronin; About sending returning $5.00 advanced fee

(b) January 3-From The Credit Company, Chicago, IL; Paid receipt for The Bankers Register,
July, $10.00

(c) January 3-From Dr. Nagel to Mr. Ellis; People mentioned: Bookter; About staves

(d) January 3-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: Mr. Glassco*ck; About payment of account

(e) January 4-From James A. Farrier, N. G. M., Union Springs, AL; People mentioned:
T. M. Bankston, Sandy Jackson, Mr. Kemp; About collection on notes

(f) January 5-From Dr. Nagel; People mentioned: Barbier, Ellis; About how much suit
will cost

(g) January 6-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New Orleans; People mentioned:
Southern Coffee Mills, D. H. Hoffman, Terry and Lanier; Collection form for $15.30

(h) January 6-From Southern Coffee Mills, New Orleans; People mentioned: Terry & Lanier,
Amite, LA; About a sight draft for $15.30

(i) January 6-From Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned:
S. J. Johnson, Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Bill for $10.70 for gloves and ladies

(j) January 6-From Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned:
S. J. Johnson, Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Bill for drawers and overalls

(k) January 9-From Herman E. Gayer; People mentioned: John Grave & Sons, Mr. Garland;
Asking what property John Gave & Sons hold

(l) January 10-From Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned:
S. J. Johnson, Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Bill for underwear

(m) January 12-From Banner Lumber Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA.; People mentioned: John
Grace & Son, J. W. Smith, Mt. Point, LA; Acknowledging receipt of remittance

(n) January 17-From The Carpenter Company, Manufacturer of Carpenter Organs, Brattleboro,
VT; People mentioned: Mr. Geo. Burnham; About collecting payment

(o) January 18-From Benj. M. Miller, Covington, LA; People mentioned: Tucker, Benedict,
Sentell, Wilmot, Hermans, Hammond Banks; About brief

(p) January 20-From W. F. Stimpson Co., Detroit, MI; People mentioned: John Grace
& Sons, Bailey, LA; Statement enclosed for $65.00

(q) January 26-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Wants to know if he succeeded in collecting claim

(r) January 27-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Nick Bruno
of Independence; About account

(s) January 28-From W. R. Kemp, Independence, LA; People mentioned: Mr. P. Bradley;
About meeting and settling matter

(t) January 30-From Vermont Chemical Manufacturing Co., Limited, New Orleans; People
mentioned: W. A. Henry, Arcola, Mr. Krumm; About payment on account

(u) January 31-From Vermont Chemical Manufacturing Co., Limited, New Orleans; People
mentioned: B. M. Hendry; Statement for $9.21


BOX 1 –Correspondence


14. 1905, January-March Continued (78 Items)

(v) January 31-From W. F. Stimpson Co., Detroit, MI; People mentioned: John Grace
& Sons, Bailey, LA; Notarized statement for $65.00

(w) January 31-From W. F. Stimpson Co., Detroit, MI; People mentioned: John Grace
& Sons, Bailey, LA; About statement and lien contract

(x) February 1-From F. F. Cotter, New York; Receipt for The Illustrated History of
Freemasonry for $7.50

(y) February 2-From Richard C. Root, Dentist, Kentwood; People mentioned: Judge M.
S. Strickland; About collecting payment for almost $100.00 in and around Greensburg

(z) February 3-From Milford, Bastrop, LA (4 pages); People mentioned: Benny Stern;
About furniture being seized because he couldn’t pay for it

(aa) February 6-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
R. S. Ellis; Asking to settle for the $15

(bb) February 7-From Banner Lumber Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA.; People mentioned: J.
W. Smith; How are you getting along with the account

(cc) February 8-From National Surety Company, NY; People mentioned: Dr. G. W. Jones,
Denham Springs, LA, Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; Claim coupon for $24.00

(dd) February 8-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr. G.
W. Jones, Denham Springs, LA, Claim coupon for $24.00

(ee) February 11-From Vermont Chemical Manufacturing Co., Limited, New Orleans; People
mentioned: B. M. Hendry; Please push account collection

(ff) February 16-Dr. Granger Medicine Co., Cattanooga, TN; People mentioned: J. J.
Carson, Chipola; About collecting notes of $132.25

(gg) February 18-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr.
G. W. Jones, Denham Springs, LA; Claim coupon for $24.00

(hh) February 21-From H. B. Stevens & Co. Ltd, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr.
W. E. Craig, Amite, LA; Try to collect for us

(ii) February 24-From Wash. Davie & Co., Ltd., New Orleans to A. V. Houeye, Amite,
LA; Check from Amite Bank & Trust Co. for $57.66

(jj) February 24-From Wash. Davie & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: A. V.
Houeye, Amite, LA; About a 3rd draft from Amite Bank & Trust Co. for $57.66

(kk) February 24-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Wants to close out old accounts

(ll) February 27-From Henry L. Garland, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Corkern; About case

(mm) March 2-From Wash. Davie & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: A. V. Houeye,
Amite; Check for $5 for advanced costs for the claim

(nn) March 2-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Try to get settlement

(oo) March 3-From Wm. McL. Fayssoux, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
J. Morrison of Peace Grove, LA, near the line of Washington; About a small claim of


BOX 1 –Correspondence


14. 1905, January-March Continued (78 Items)

(pp) March 6-From W. F. Stimpson Co., Detroit, MI; People mentioned: John Grace &
Sons, Mt. Herman, LA; About statement and lien contract

(qq) March 8-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Wm. A. Bell of Husser; Endeavor to make collecto for $228.45

(rr) March 9-From The National Collection Co., Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
C. W. Westholz, Independence, LA; About a claim

(ss) March 9-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: F. M. Johnson of McDougal, LA; About collect on an account for $175.00

(tt) March 11-From Stafford & Lambert, New Orleans to Mr. D. S. Ellis, Attorney-at-Law,
Amite City, LA; People mentioned: Dr. S. W. Stafford, New Orleans, W. P. Copping,
Independence; About claim for $15.00

(uu) March 13-From I. S. Preston, New Orleans; People mentioned: Henry Barbier, Dr.
I. T. Nagel, Issac T. Preston, J. N. Frellsen, Richardson & Sole, Oregon W. Long,
Woodruff, Hampton and Buxton Preston, Robert Preston, Frank Barbier; About Jones Island

(vv) March 14-From H. T. Cottam & Co. Limited, New Orleans; People mentioned Bailey
& Naretto, formerly in business in Alma, LA; About claim for $70.55

(ww) March 14-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: F. M. Johnson of McDougal; Try to make settlement by getting 1/4
of amount

(xx) March 14-From Woodruff Preston, L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter, Syracuse, NY,
John M. Hyman, dealer, New Orleans (2 pages); People mentioned: Henry Barbier, Dr.
T. Nagel, I. T. Preston, F. P. Mix, Mr. Cooper; About Jones Island tract

(yy) March 15-From Benj. M. Miller, Covington, LA; People mentioned: S. D. Ellis,
Tucker, Benedict, Packwood; About memorandum of the decision of the Supreme Court

(zz) March 15-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: F. M. Johnson of McDougal; If you cannot make settlement, prepare

(aaa) March 15-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Wm. A. Bell; Don’t take any action in regard to this account unless
we notify you

(bbb) March 15-From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned: Underwood Bros.
of Watson; Wanting information for an account of about $15.00

(ccc) March 16-From T. G. Casanose, Houston, TX (2 pages); People mentioned: Genesee
Lumber Co.; About wanting to buy interest

(ddd) March 16-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: F. M. Johnson of McDougal; Have you made settlement

(eee) March 16-From Woodruff Preston, L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter, Syracuse, NY,
John M. Hyman, dealer, New Orleans; People mentioned: Henry Barbier, Nagel, Ivy T.
Preston; About Jones Island tract

(fff) March 18-From T. G. Casonose, Houston, TX (2 pages); About buying interest

(ggg) March 18-From Jos. Rittiner & Co., Fruits and Vegetables and Produce, New Orleans,
People mentioned: B. M. Hendry of Arcola; Send $17.60 check that he paid on account

(hhh) March 20-From Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned:
S. & Lewis, Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Bill for underwear


BOX 1 –Correspondence


14. 1905, January-March Continued (78 Items)

(iii) March 20-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr. G.
W. Jones, Denham Springs, LA; Send a report on this delinquent subscriber

(jjj) March 21-From The National Collection Co., Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
C. W. Westholz, Independence, LA, A. Kory & Sons, New Orleans, Battleship Mfg. Co.,
New Orleans, The Herald Shoe Co., Boston, MA; About claims

(kkk) March 21-From H. T. Cottam & Co. Limited, New Orleans; People mentioned Bailey
& Naretto, in Alma, LA; Sent check for $5.00 for advanced court cost

(lll) March 21-From Edward A. Kennedy, Lawyer, Iowa City, IA to S. D. Ellis, Attorney,
Amite, LA; People mentioned: J. C. Cochran, E. A. LeTard; Have you succeeded in adjusting
the account

(mmm) March 22-From National Surety Company, NY; People mentioned: Underwood Bros.,
Watson, LA; Claim coupon for $12.00

(nnn) March 22-From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned: Underwood Bros.
of Watson; Wanting information on an account

(ooo) March 23-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: F. M. Johnson of Holton; Client wants to know if he can get an extension

(ppp) March 23-From State of Iowa; People mentioned: Lowell Chamberlain, Chamberlain
Medicine Co., Underwood Bros., Watson, LA; Sworn statefor for $12.00

(qqq) March 27-From Hugh V. Wall, Attorney-at-Law, Summit, MS; Please send papers
and judgment

(rrr) March 27-From H. V. Wall, A. P. Sparkman, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Magnolia,
Pike Co., MS; People mentioned: Lampton, Banner Lumber Co., J. T. Neuman; Send papers
and judgment

(sss) March 27-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers) to Mr. F. M. Johnson, Holton, LA; People mentioned: Mr. Glassco*ck;
About payment of account

(ttt) March 27-From Offices of Ernest T. Florance, Attorney at Law, New Orleans, LA;
People mentioned: A. V. Houeye, Walter M. Barnett, Wash. Davie & Co., Ltd., New Orleans;
Sworn statement for $57.66

(uuu) March 28-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Mr. Johnson; Client wants to arrange his account

(vvv)March 29-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Johnson; We wrote yesterday and presume you have received our letter

(zzz) March 29-From G. H. Combel, Combel & Biegel, New Orleans, LA; Find check for
$30.00 as per request

15. 1905, April-June (85 Items)

(a) April 1-From H. T. Cottam & Co. Limited, New Orleans; People mentioned Bailey
& Naretto, in Alma, LA; Sent check for $5.00 for advanced court cost, failed to enclose
in previous letter

(b) April 3-From Walter M. Barnett, Wash. Davie & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned:
A. V. Houye; Push our claim


BOX 1 –Correspondence


15. 1905, April-June Continued (85 Items)

(c) April 4-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Mr. F. M. Johnson; Don’t take action on this claim until we advise you

(d) April 7-From W. F. Stimpson Co., Detroit, MI; People mentioned: Grace & Sons,
Mt. Herman, LA; You have scale in your possession and enclosing check for $8 in payment
of your bill for services and expenses

(e) April 7-From The Attorney’s Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Myer-Bridges Co., A. V. Honeye; Give claim your prompt attention and advise of prospects
of an early adjustment

(f) April 10-From R. J. Shooler & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: New York Cider
Co., W. A. Bell; Claim form for $7.36

(g) April 11-From American Copying Company, Chicago, IL; People mentioned: A. V. Houeye;
About an itemized sworn statement of account for 25 frames at $1.50 each

(h) April 12-From Oswego State Bank, Oswego, KS; People mentioned: J. F. Hodges, Amite,
LA; Draft for $15.00, if not paid, bring suit

(i) April 14-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New York; People mentioned:
Mrs. Jno. Saal, Amite, LA; Draft for $17.50

(j) April 17-From Wm. McL. Fayssoux, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Record Oil Refining Co., J. Grace and Son; About Grace running his store

(k) April 19-From J. H. Ferguson, Attorney at Law, New Orleans to S. D. Ellis, Amite,
LA; People mentioned: E. C. Lillard and R. L. Lillard, of Tangipahoa; About a promissory
not for $150.00, what is prospect of collecting by suit

(l) April 19-From Henry G. Stewart, Lawyer and Notary, New Orleans; People mentioned:
H. Sanders & Sons, Independence, W. L. Cronan, Amite City, C. C. Nelson, Hammond,
M. Ripp & Sons, Independence; Asking for opinion on claims

(m) April 19-From Adville Atkins; People mentioned: Glassco*ck, Hague?

(n) April 20-From B. M. Hendry, dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Arcola, LA;
About settling bill on Saturday.

(o) April 21-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr. G. W.
Jones, Denham Springs, LA; Have this delinquent subscriber return books

(p) April 24-From H. T. Cottam & Co. Limited, New Orleans; People mentioned Bailey
& Naretto, Mr. Rogers; Proceed to obtain judgment

(q) April 24-From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned: Underwood Bros.
of Watson; Wanting information on progress on account

(r) April 25-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: J. L. Hennessy; About a claim for $50.65

(s) April 27-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New York; People mentioned:
A. J. Goodbee & Bro., Arcola, LA, M. Pedersen Co. Ltd., New Orleans; Draft for $38.66

(t) April 28-From Wabash Baking Powder Co., Wabash, IN; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde,
Hyde, LA; Statement for $23.28

(u) May 2-From Ballard Snow Liniment Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: H. G. Posey,
Amite, LA; Asking if he will undertake making collection


BOX 1 –Correspondence


15. 1905, April-June Continued (85 Items)

(v) May 2-From Lewis L. Morgan, Attorney-at-Law, Covington, LA; People mentioned,
E. J. Frederick, J. R. Humble, Hammond Lumber Co. Et als; About land sold for taxes

(w) May 3-From Mackey, Stock Claim Agent, Illinois Central Railroad Company, McComb,
MS to Mr. J. B. White, Arcola, LA; Allowing $4.00 for hog killed if accepted promptly

(x) May 3-From American Copying Company, Chicago, IL; People mentioned: A. V. Houeye;
About trying to get $20.00 from client

(y) May 3-From The Williams Typewriter Co., Derby, CT; Trying to sell a typewriter

(z) May 3-From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Myer-Bridges Co., A. V. Honeye, Railroad Company; About bringing suit

(aa) May 3-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans; People
mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Make special effort to try to get settlement

(bb) May 5-From Charles M. Wooduff, Attorney-At-Law, Detroit, MI; People mentioned:
J. J. Kemp, M. D., Independence, LA; About past due subscription for Therapeutic Gazette
for $5.33

(cc) May 9-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., Arcola, LA; People mentioned: M. Pederson &
Co.; Sending payment of $4.00 on account, will send another in few days

(dd) May 11-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Let us hear if you have succeeded in collecting

(ee) May 12-From Jacobs Candy Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: W. O. Posey,
Amite, LA; About collecting claim for 25%

(ff) May 15-To the Williams Typewriter Co., Derby, CT; Mixon says he will sell the

(gg) May 16-From Vermont Chemical Manufacturing Co., Limited, New Orleans; People
mentioned: B. M. Hendry; Received check for $8.21 for account

(hh) May 16-From Office of M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: Goodbee
& Bro., Arcola, LA; Received a small remittance

(ii) May 16-From Office of M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., New Orleans; Give report of various
claims you hold for collection for our account

(jj) May 16-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Keep pressing him for payments on the account

(kk) May 17-From Placide M. Lumberton, Cashier, Kentwood Bank, Kentwood, LA to John
Cushing, Secretary, The Record Oil Refininf Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr.
E. W. Ott, of Mount Herman, LA, John Grace & Son; About check for $18.53

(ll) May 18-From M. C. Wilson, Clerk and Recorder Clerk’s Office, Greensburg, LA;
People mentioned: C. E. Burton, J. D. Kemp

(mm) May 18-From Wm. McL. Fayssoux, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Record Oil Refining Co., J. Grace and Son, Kentwood Bank; Asking to see check

(nn) May 20-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr. G. W.
Jones, Denham Springs, LA; Have you been able to effect settlement with client

(oo) May 22-From The Credit Clearing House, St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Evansville
Stove Works, F. C. Weist; About account to be paid on the 20th

(pp) May 23-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
A. R. Lewis; Asking whether its safe to trust person mentioned to make an account


BOX 1 –Correspondence


15. 1905, April-June Continued (85 Items)

(qq) May 24-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Nick Bruno
of Independence, B. M.Hendry, Farris Coconut; About accounts

(rr) May 24-From Walter M. Barnett, Wash. Davie & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned:
A. V. Houye; Let us know when party will pay balance of $37.76

(ss) May 24-From Henderson & Fribourg, Attorneys at Law, Sioux City, IA; People mentioned:
Hermann property, Charles J. Fulda, Benedict; About claims

(tt) May 25-From American Copying Company, Chicago, IL; People mentioned: A. V. Houeye;
About trying to get payment

(uu) May 27-From Fred L. Waters (2 pages); Asking for children to use the flying jincy
erected in a stump on your land

(vv) May 29-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
Tom Jackson; Asking whether its safe to trust person mentioned to make an account

(ww) May 29-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Mr. J. L. Hennessy, Arcola, LA; Wanting to hear from you regarding this

(xx) May 29-From American Copying Company, Chicago, IL; People mentioned: A. V. Houeye;
About trying to get payment on account

(yy) May 30-From Jos. S. Claverie, Pharmacist, Covington, LA; Wants to examine books

(zz) June 1-From Aug. J. Claverie, New Orleans; People mentioned: Gibson & Carpenter,
Independence, LA; Statement for $176.26

(aaa) June 1-From Simon Gretchman, Dealer in General Merchandise, Independence, LA;
About taking $15.00 and note in payment

(bbb) June 2-From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn; Paid receipt for subscription
to Louisiana Rep. Vol #113 for $4.50

(ccc) June 2-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr. G. W.
Jones, Denham Springs, LA; We will honor your bill for $7.50 for returning books

(ddd) June 3-From H. T. Cottam & Co. Limited, New Orleans; People mentioned Bailey
& Naretto; Enclosing copy of judgment

(eee) June 6-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
Mrs. L. Joyce; Asking whether its safe to trust person mentioned to make an account

(fff) June 6-From C. W. Gallagher, The Dayton Computing Scale Co., New Orleans; People
mentioned: B. M. Hendry, Arcola, LA; Please handle for collection

(ggg) June 7-From Gast, Crofts & Co, Louisville, KY to Mr. S. D. Ellis, Attorney,
Amite City, LA; People mentioned: B. M. Hendry of Arcola, LA; Try to collect and deduct
fee and remit balance

(hhh) June 7-From Simon Gretchman, Dealer in General Merchandise, Independence, LA;
Receipt for $13.50

(iii) June 7-From Rex Manufacturing Company, Paducah, KY; People mentioned: B. M.
Hendry of Arcola, LA; Have heard nothing about claim amounting to $11.75

(jjj) June 7-From Banner Lumber Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA.; People mentioned: J. W.
Smith; What progress are you making towards the collection of this claim

(kkk) June 8-From R. J. Shooler & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: New York Cider
Co., W. A. Bell; Would like to know if you succeeded in collecting


BOX 1 –Correspondence


15. 1905, April-June Continued (85 Items)

(lll) June 8-From Preston & Stauffer, Importers, Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Mr. J. L. Hennessy, Arcola, LA; Please make settlement of this account
by compromise

(mmm) June 8-From C. W. Gallagher, The Dayton Computing Scale Co., New Orleans; People
mentioned: B. M. Hendry, Arcola, LA; Enclosed statement showing a $10.00 balance on
cheese cutter

(nnn) June 9-From E. A. Whitman, National Surety Company, NY; Enclosed contact for
representation in the National List to be published October 1

(ooo) June 9-From Aug. J. Claverie, New Orleans; People mentioned: Gibson & Carpenter,
Independence, LA; Enclosed statement for $176.26

(ppp) June 12-From Gast, Crofts & Co, Louisville, KY; People mentioned: B. M. Hendry
of Arcola, LA; Will accept 25% in full settlement of account

(qqq) June 13-From Aug. J. Claverie, New Orleans; People mentioned: Gibson & Carpenter,
Independence, LA; Do utmost to get this amount out of these people

(rrr) June 15-From C. W. Gallagher, The Dayton Computing Scale Co., New Orleans; People
mentioned: B. M. Hendry, Arcola, LA; Enclosed original contract

(sss) June 20-From Walter M. Barnett, Wash. Davie & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People
mentioned: A. V. Houye; Will you please report on the claim balance of $37.76

(ttt) June 20-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr. G.
W. Jones, Denham Springs, LA; Enclosed an express money order for $5.00 to cover your

(uuu) June 22-From Red Cross Vinegar Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Thos. J.
Wilson, Tangipahoa, LA; Bill for $16.50

(vvv) June 22-From Office of Richard A. Steen, Attorney and Counselor, Chicago; People
mentioned: American Copying Co., D. V. Houeye; They have offered to compromise this
for $20.00, but unable to get a reply

(zzz) June 24-From A. J. Goodbee & Co., Arcola, LA; People mentioned: M. Pederson
& Co.; Check in the amount of $5.06 enclosed

(aaaa) June 26-From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned: Chamberlain Medicine
Co, W. H. Underwood, Underwood Bros. of Watson; Enclosed is check paid by client,
but refused by the bank

(bbbb) June 26-From Gast, Crofts & Co, Louisville, KY; People mentioned: Mrs. L. C.
Easley, Independence, LA; Statement enclosed, try to collect

(cccc) June 27-From Law and Collection Office, Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO;
People mentioned: Ferguson-McKinney D. G. Co., Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Claim/

(dddd) June 29-From Henriques & Duchamp, Attorneys, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Mr. Ivy T. Preston; Authorized us to request return the bundle of correspondence and
documents which he sent you some time since relating to land matters

(eeee) June 29-From R. J. Shooler & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: New York
Cider Co., W. A. Bell; Clients don’t want to bring suit on this claim, so return it

(ffff) June 29-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
Nathan Brown; Asking whether its safe to trust person mentioned to make an account

(ggg) June 30-From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Myer-Bridges Co., A. V. Houeye; Make a report in connection with this claim


BOX 1 –Correspondence


16. 1905, July-September (77 Items)

(a) July 3-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: R. G. Dun & Co.,
C. F. Hyde, of Hyde, LA; Statement for $74.06 attached

(b) July 5-From Jobbers Reporting & Collection Association; People mentioned: C. A.
Jenkins of Babington, LA; Wanting information regarding Jenkins

(c) July 7-From Aug. J. Claverie, New Orleans; People mentioned: Gibson & Carpenter,
Independence, LA; Enter suit against these people

(d) July 7-From Walter M. Barnett, Wash. Davie & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned:
A. V. Houeye, Amite, LA; Will you please report if claim is still unpaid

(e) July 9-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans; People
mentioned: C. M. Pierce; Keep pressing him for payments on the account

(f) July 11-From Wm. F. Roy, Editor and Proprietor, The St. Bernard Voice, New Orleans;
People mentioned: August J. Claverie; Sworn notarized statement

(g) July 10-From C. W. Gallagher, The Dayton Computing Scale Co., New Orleans (2 pages);
People mentioned: B. M. Hendry, Arcola, LA, Jeffries & Mackie, Drake; About lien on

(h) July 11-From Aug. J. Claverie, New Orleans; People mentioned: Gibson & Carpenter,
Independence, LA; About sworn statement

(i) July 11-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
F. W. Wildhouser; Asking whether its safe to trust person mentioned to make an account

(j) July 13-From Law and Collection Office, Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO; People
mentioned: Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Co., Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; What
are the prospects for collection the $46.58 account

(k) July 13-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Would be glad to know whether you have seen this party

(l) July 15-From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Evansville, IN; People mentioned:
Crescent Furniture Co., C. F. Hyde of Hyde, LA; Enclose for collection of claim for

(m) July 17-From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Myer-Bridges Co., A. V. Houeye; Make a report in connection with this claim

(n) July 17-From H. P. Mitchell, Cashier, The Merchants’ and Farmers’ Bank, Ponchatoula,
LA; People mentioned: Mr. G. W. O’Mally, Mr. Wm. Alford; Have him pay this account
or I will have him arrested

(o) July 17-From Henderson & Fribourg, Attorneys At Law, Sioux City, IA (2 pages);
People mentioned: Tucker, H. P. Benedict et al., John W. Sentell, W. M. Wright; Tell
me what you know as to the financial standing

(p) July 18-From Henry G. Stewart, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mrs. A. B. Rabite,
W. L. Cronan, Amite City, M. Ripp & Sons, Independence, LA; Take these two claims
and do the best you can to collect same without suit

(q) July 19-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Would be glad to know whether you have seen this party

(r) July 20-From Jno. M. Ray Suspender Co., Memphis, TN; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde,
Hyde, LA, Bank of Tangipahoa; Claim for collection


BOX 1 –Correspondence


16. 1905, July-September Continued (77 Items)

(s) July 21-From Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Co., St. Louis, MO, Travis & Travis,
Tangipahoa, LA; Statement for $46.58

(t) July 25-From Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Ferguson-McKinney
Dry Goods Co., Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Institute suit immediately for collection
the $46.58 account

(u) July 28-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Check enclosed for $10.00, make every effort to effect settlement without suit

(v) July 31-From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Evansville, IN; People mentioned:
Crescent Furniture Co., C. F. Hyde of Hyde, LA; About collection of claim

(w) August 2-From Mrs. A. L. Sanders, Fancy and Staple Groceries, Independence, LA
(2 pages); About claim against railroad

(x) August 3-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: J. R. Wood;
Indiana Mer. & Drug Co.; About collecting fee

(y) August 5-From M. Pedersen Co., Ltd, Fruit and Produce, New Orleans; People mentioned:
A. J. Goodbee & Bro. of Arcola, LA; What disposition have you made of this account

(z) August 8-From Jno. M. Ray Suspender Co., Memphis, TN; People mentioned: C. F.
Hyde; Please bring suit, account is long, long, past due

(aa) August 9-From W. L. Bell & Company, Manufacturers of Everything for Schools,
Kansas City, MO; People mentioned: Tangipahoa Parish; Asking about an order

(bb) August 10-From M. Pedersen Co., Ltd, Fruit and Produce, New Orleans; People mentioned:
A. J. Goodbee & Co.; Accept their proposition of paying in small sums on account

(cc) August 11-From Lewis L. Morgan, Attorney-At-Law, Covington, LA; Find check to
your order for $10.00 for services rendered.

(dd) August 12-From J. D. Courmes, Justice of the Peace and Notary, Independence,
LA; People mentioned: T. P. Carpenter, A. C. Gibson

(ee) August 12-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr. J.
B. Easterly, Denham Springs, LA; What are the prospects for immediate collection

(ff) August 12-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
F. C. Parker; Asking whether its safe to trust person mentioned to make an account

(gg) August 15-From J. D. Courmes, Justice of the Peace and Notary, Independence,
LA; People mentioned: T. P. Carpenter, A. C. Gibson; About a note

(hh) August 15-From Mackey, Stock Claim Agent, Illinois Central Railroad Company,
McComb, MS; People mentioned: T. E. Sanders; About a horse being killed and needing
the claim blank

(ii) August 18-From Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments, Nashville,
TN; People mentioned: Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co., C. F. Hyde, Hyde, LA, W. H. McClendon;
About a memorandum account for $61.12 attached

(jj) August 18-From Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments, Nashville,
TN; People mentioned: Irby & Gilliland Co., C. F. Hyde, Hyde, LA; About an itemized
and sworn account for $56.00 attached

(kk) August 23-From C. W. Gallagher, The Dayton Computing Scale Co., New Orleans;
People mentioned: B. M. Hendry; What are prospects for early settlement


BOX 1 –Correspondence


16. 1905, July-September Continued (77 Items)

(ll) August 23-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers) to Amite Bank & Trust Co.; People mentioned: Mr. Jno. R. Woods,
Amite, LA; About a sight draft for $6.30, if not paid, turn it over to Mixon for collection

(mm) August 24-From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned: Chamberlain Medicine
Co., W. H. Underwood, Underwood Bros. of Watson; Handed a check for $3.50

(nn) August 24-From Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Ferguson-McKinney
Dry Goods Co., Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Received $36.58 on account

(oo) August 24-From Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments, Nashville,
TN; People mentioned: Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co., C. F. Hyde, Hyde, LA, W. H. McClendon;
Asking about prospects for collection

(pp) August 25-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
What is the status of this claim

(qq) August 25-From A. R. Lewis; Receipt for $58.50 for cost of transcript to the
Supreme Court Cse of Preston-Bennett et al vs. D. L. Calmes et al

(rr) August 26-From J. D. Courmes, Justice of the Peace and Notary, Independence,
LA; People mentioned: T. P. Carpenter, A. C. Gibson; About a note

(ss) August 26-From Banner Lumber Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA.; People mentioned: J. W.
Smith; Mr. Smith mailed us a check so you may withdraw action that you have taken
in this matter

(tt) August 29-From Frank’s Medicine Co., Knoxville, TN; People mentioned: A. Rodignez
& Bro., Viola, LA; Advise of the financial standing of this firm

(uu) August 29-From Banner Lumber Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA.; People mentioned: J. W.
Smith; You may dismiss the suit which you have filed against Mr. J. W. Smith at our

(vv) August 31-From Jno. M. Ray Suspender Co., Memphis, TN; People mentioned: C. F.
Hyde; Would like to hear from you, account is long past due

(ww) August 31-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., General Merchandise; People mentioned: M.
Pederson & Co., Ltd.; About four statements against him

(xx) August 31-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Want you to bring suit

(yy) September 5-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., General Merchandise; People mentioned:
George M. Parkes; Wanting to sell mule to make payment

(zz) September 7-From Banner Lumber Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA.; People mentioned: J.
W. Smith; Check for $25.00 being the amount of your fee

(aaa) September 7-From A. R. Lewis; Receipt for $133.70 for cost of transcript to
the Supreme Court Case L. H. Holliday vs. Hammond State Bank et al

(bbb) September 8-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr.
J. B. Easterly, Denham Springs, LA; Have you been able to see this delinquent and
secure our $18.00

(ccc) September 11-From C. W. Gallagher, The Dayton Computing Scale Co., New Orleans
(2 pages); People mentioned: B. M. Hendry; What are prospects for early settlement

(ddd) September 12-From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned: Chamberlain
Medicine Co., W. H. Underwood, Underwood Bros. of Watson; Enclose check for $1.50
additional and request that you begin suit at earliest possible date


BOX 1 –Correspondence


16. 1905, July-September Continued (77 Items)

(eee) September 12-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to
Preston & Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: Mr. J. R. Woods, Amite, LA; Please
give this matter your prompt attention as soon as you can

(fff) September 12-From Charles R. Russell, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Columbus,
GA; People mentioned: Mr. R. L. Mendenhall, Gullett Gin Co.; Has a judgment for $60.00

(ggg) September 14-From National Surety Company, New York; People mentioned: I. A.
Minton & Co., Walker, LA; Claim coupon for $10.00

(hhh) September 14-From W. F. Paxon, E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co., Paducah, KY; People
mentioned: I. A. Minton & Co., Walker, LA; Itemized proven account and original order

(iii) September 14-From Wm. McL. Fayssoux, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Record Oil Refining Co., S. J. Harper of Roseland, LA; Claim for $39.34

(jjj) September 14-From Gem City Collection Agency, Quincy, IL; People mentioned:
William Posey, Joseph Knittel Show Case Co.; About a claim

(kkk) September 15-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New Orleans; People mentioned:
J. T. Hodges, McCloskey Bros., New Orleans; Draft for $154.75

(lll) September 15-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., NY; People mentioned:
V. Liebert, Amite, LA; A Bill enclosed from Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton,
NY for $13.00

(mmm) September 15-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: C. M. Pierce of Breland, LA; Will accept $20.00 in full settlement

(nnn) September 16-From Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Ferguson-McKinney
Dry Goods Co., Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; What are the prospects for settlement
of the balance of $46.58

(ooo) September 18-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., General Merchandise; Sorry you are sick,
please send back claims so that we can get someone else to collect

(ooo) September 20-From McCloskey Bros., New Orleans; People mentioned: J. T. Hodges;
Enclosed sworn and itemized statement against Hodges, file suit at once

(qqq) September 22-From Sarver & Ames, Mercantile Collections, Pittsburg, PA; People
mentioned: Illinois Rattan Co., C. F. Hyde; Bill for $42.40

(rrr) September 22-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro .; People mentioned: M. Pederson & Co.;
Will pay 25 cents on the dollar and get shed of it and consider ourselves lucky

(sss) September 23-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to
Preston & Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: Mr. J. R. Woods, Amite, LA; We are
in receipt of check for $3.30 in settlement of account

(ttt) September 23-From Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments,
Nashville, TN; People mentioned: Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co., Irby & Gilliland Co.,
C. F. Hyde; Asking about prospects for collection

(uuu) September 27-From Herman E. Gayer, Attorney-At-Law, Franklinton, LA; Court convenes
on November 13, I will attend to the suit

(vvv) September 28-From The Furniture Commercial Agency Co., Cincinnati, OH; People
mentioned: Marstall Furniture Co., C. F. Hyde, Hyde, LA; Draft for $73.79


BOX 1 –Correspondence


16. 1905, July-September Continued (77 Items)

(www) September 28-From J. T. Slaughter; Independence, LA; People mentioned: I. C.
R. R. Co.; See if you can collect my claim of $35.00 for steer killed on July 22

(xxx) September 29-From Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Ferguson-McKinney
Dry Goods Co., Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Claim has been paid except a small
balance of $10

(yyy) September 29-From R. J. Shooler & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: New
York Cider Co., W. A. Bell; Kindly return this claim as we presume it is worthless

17. 1905, October-December (73 Items)

(a) October 2-From The Credit Company, Chicago; Bill for $10.00

(b) October 2-From Wm. McL. Fayssoux, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Record Oil Refining Co., Thomas O. Easley, Independence, LA, Saal Brothers, Amite,
LA; Claim for $5.49, Claim for $17.16, Claim for $14.85

(c) October 3-From Mackey, Stock Claim Agent, Illinois Central Railroad Company, McComb,
MS; People mentioned: T. J. Slaughter; About a yearling being killed, will allow client
$10.00 in compromise

(d) October 4-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
V. Liebert; Advise the status of this claim

(e) October 6-From ______________ to H. G. Mackey, McComb, MS; People mentioned: T.
J. Slaughter; About steer being killed and worth more than $10.00

(f) October 6-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., Amite, LA: People mentioned: M. Peterson
& Co.; We wrote that we would pay 75 cents on the dollar, but have not heard from

(g) October 6-From National Surety Company, NY; Bill for The National List directory
for $3.00, also letter attached to bill

(h) October 10-From Wm. McL. Fayssoux, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Record Oil Refining Co., Thomas O. Easley, Independence, LA; Believes that his mother
is his partner

(i) October 12-From M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans; People
mentioned: A. J. Goodbee; Would advise you to accept the 75% at once

(j) October 13-From Mackey, Stock Claim Agent, Illinois Central Railroad Company,
McComb, MS; People mentioned: T. J. Slaughter; About a common, beef yearling being
killed and was of no value save as beef stock

(k) October 14-From The Credit Company, Chicago; Regret to learn of your illness and
marked up a further extension on your account until December 15

(l) October 14-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., Dealers in General Merchandise, Arcola,
LA; People mentioned: M. Pederson & Co.; Check enclosed to settle account

(m) October 19-From Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, PA; People mentioned: Dr. J.
B. Easterly, Denham Springs, LA; Have you been able to bring our account to some satisfactory

(n) October 21-From W. F. Paxon, E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co., Paducah, KY; People
mentioned: I. A. Minton & Co., Walker, LA; Advise us of present status of account


BOX 1 –Correspondence


17. 1905, October-December Continued (73 Items)

(o) October 23-From J. K. Johnson, Clerk and ex-Officio Recorder, 26th Judicial District
Court, Parish of Washington, LA, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned: Preston & Stauffer;
F. M. Johnson; Bill and written on bottom, checks enclosed to cover balance

(p) October 24-From Aug. J. Claverie, New Orleans; You may go ahead and hear the case

(q) October 26-From Herman E. Gayer, Attorney-At-Law, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned:
Thomas Lea, Robert Taylor; About emancipation of Thomas Lea

(r) October 28-From Lea Brothers & Co. by E. L. Whitington (Postcard); Registry Return
Receipt from Post Office at Amite, LA

(s) October 28-From J. D. Courmes, Justice of the Peace and Notary, Independence,
LA; People mentioned: T. P. Carpenter, A. C. Gibson; About trying to collect note

(t) October 28-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Wants to know what has been done toward the collection of claim

(u) October 30-From R. J. Shooler & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Red Cross
Vinegar Co., Thos. J. Wilson; Claim for $7.50

(v) October 31-From Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Ferguson-McKinney
Dry Goods Co., Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Let us know what costs are and we
will see if can settle and collect a fee

(w) October 31-From The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Binghamton, NY; People mentioned:
V. Liebert; If you advise that $6.50 is as good a settlement as you can make, we suggest
that you collect

(x) November 1-From G. G. Calmes, Walls, West Baton Rouge Parish, LA (2 letters-a
1-page letter with the date and a 2-page letter with no date); First letter is about
a trial at Centerville for his brother; Second letter People mentioned: W. C. Newsom,
James Turner; About examining titles of lands and buying land

(y) November 1-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: Bernard Kahn,
Sol Kahn, and Monroe D. Bloch; Wants to know whether you brought suit

(z) November 2-From Aug. J. Claverie, New Orleans; It would please me if you would
have the case assigned for November 9

(aa) November 3-From Herman E. Gayer, Attorney-At-Law, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned:
Thomas Lea; Expressing appreciation for copy of the judgment emancipating Thomas Lea

(bb) November 5-From The Oliver Typewriter; Bill for $87.75

(cc) November 6-From J. H. Warner, Cashier for Peoples Bank, Amite City, LA; Deposit
slip for Judge T. C. W. Ellis for $25.00

(dd) November 7-From Thos. J. Wilson, Dealter in Groceries, Produce, and Fruit; People
mentioned: Red Cross Cider Vinegar Co.; About $7.50 bill

(ee) November 7-From Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Ferguson-McKinney
Dry Goods Co., Travis & Travis, Tangipahoa, LA; Pay the one dollar costs in this case,
retain 2/3 of $5.00 as you fee and let us have the balance

(ff) November 9-From Geo. W. Hagan, Kentwood, LA; Let me know if you are going to
do anything with that land or if you can do anything with it

(gg) November 9-From R. C. Root, Kentwood, LA (3 pages); People mentioned: Grigsby,
Mr. & Mrs. Dickey; About getting legal work done for a 7-year girl that was given


BOX 1 –Correspondence


17. 1905, October-December Continued (73 Items)

(hh) November 10-From E. J. Wells, Roseland, LA; People mentioned: Osborn, Burting?;
About seizing furniture and cows if the furniture is moved; has someone watching furniture

(ii) November 11-From Henry G. Stewart, Lawyer and Notary, New Orleans; People mentioned:
W. L. Cronin, Ripp & Son, C. C. Nelson of Hammond, LA; About claims

(jj) November 14-From Ed Bennett, Mount Pelier, LA (2 pages); About some business

(kk) November 17-From Standard Mercantile Agency, Chicago; People mentioned: A. F.
Kern Co., Jno. J. Dahlstrom; Advise us as to debtor’s present financial condition

(ll) November 18-From C. D. Strickland, Tangipahoa, LA; People mentioned: Andrew Lee;
He says he will not pay note and told me to bring suit if you wanted to

(mm) November 18-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Have had no reply as to what proposed steps you taking in the matter

(nn) November 21-From Wm. McL. Fayssoux, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Marine Oil Co., Saal Bros.; Acknowledge your check for $13.50 being $14.85 less 2/3
of $2.00 commission

(oo) November 21-From G. G. Calmes, Walls, West Baton Rouge Parish, LA; You decision
was as I had expected, enclosed is $20.00

(pp) November 22-From Stewart Bros. & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: A. J. Baham;
We are unable to estimate the value of this judgment

(qq) November 23-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans (2 pages); People
mentioned: Jean Edmond Merilh, Thos. Blanchard; About land

(rr) November 23-From Law and Collection Office of Sipple Adjustment Company, St.
Louis, MO (2 pages); People mentioned: Wertheimer-Swarts Shoe Co., A. E. Bradford,
Ponchatoula; What is your idea on judgment

(ss) November 24-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Ask whether the suit against Hyde’s mother and brother-in-law as partners has been

(tt) November 25-From W. F. Paxon, E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co., Paducah, KY; People
mentioned: J. J. Carson, Chipola, LA; Take this matter up and collect our claim

(uu) November 30-From Henry G. Stewart, Lawyer and Notary, New Orleans; People mentioned:
August Chaband, J. P. Wall of Tangipahoa, Bowden & Wall, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable;
About a claim for $50.00

(vv) November 30-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Ask advice about what best to do in the matter of our claim against Hyde

(ww) December 1-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Jean Edmond Merilh, Thos. Blanchard; About land

(xx) December 2-From H. J. Laux & Co., Importers & Commission Merchants, Wholesale
Fruits, New Orleans; People mentioned: J. T. Hodges, Amite City, LA, Amite Bank and
Trust Co.; About claim for R5.50

(yy) December 2-From Preston & Stauffer; People mentioned: F. M. Johnson; Sending
our check for $15.00, amount of fees

(zz) December 7-From B. B. Varnado, General Mdse., Bolivar, LA (2 pages); People mentioned:
Albert Fox, William Brumfield; About witness list


BOX 1 –Correspondence


17. 1905, October-December Continued (73 Items)

(aaa) December 8-From B. B. Varnado, General Mdse., Bolivar, LA (2 pages); Enclose
check for, $10.00 will settle rest when I come down to the trial

(bbb) December 8-From C. L. Boyd, Jr.,W. L. Tillery & Co., Dealers in General Merchandise,
Chipola, LA; People mentioned: Willey Tillis, Goodman Davis; Davis heirs are going
to try to sell all the land in St. Helena

(ccc) December 9-From Law and Collection Office of Sipple Adjustment Company, St.
Louis, MO (2 pages); People mentioned: Wertheimer-Swarts Shoe Co., A. E. Bradford,
Ponchatoula; Please proceed with suit

(ddd) December 13-From Wm. McL. Fayssoux, Attorney at Law, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Marine Oil Co., Record Oil Co., Mrs. Eastley; Advise if you think that there is any
probability of realizing

(eee) December 14-From C. L. Boyd, Jr., Chipola, LA (2 pages); People mentioned: Jim
Carruth, Walker, John Deen, Goodman Davis heirs; Look after the notes

(fff) December 16-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck, Amite, LA; Account amounting
to $185.51, please advise if you can collect this for us

(ggg) December 18-From Jno. T. Welch; About pine straw and how it is to be paid for

(hhh) December 18-From Law and Collection Office of Sipple Adjustment Company, St.
Louis, MO (2 pages); People mentioned: Wertheimer-Swarts Shoe Co., A. E. Bradford,
Ponchatoula; Please withdraw suit and refile same in the Justice Court

(iii) December 21-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck, Amite, LA; As in our opinion,
quick action in this matter will obtain best results

(jjj) December 21-From W. Dorhauer; I will send you some money on the 30th of December

(kkk) December 22-From McCloskey Bros., New Orleans; People mentioned: J. T. Hodges;
Let us know the status of our claim

(lll) December 22-From E. J. Piggott, Chicago; People mentioned: F. C. Weist; Please
force collection, itemized statement enclosed

(mmm) December 22-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck, Amite, LA; We received
$75.00 from D. S. Glassco*ck, please credit this amount on the account we sent you

(nnn) December 23-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck, Amite, LA; Attached itemized
statement and our affidavit as to the correctness of same

(ooo) December 27-From Peoples’ Bank, Amite City, LA; Annual meeting of the stockholders
will be held in the office of the Bank

(ppp) December 28-From Gast, Crofts & Co., Louisville, KY; People mentioned: A. J.
Goodbee & Bro., Arcola, LA; Allow him the freight on the shipment and collect the
balance due

(qqq) December 28-From J. F. Smith & Company, Dealers in General Merchandise; Hineston,
LA; People mentioned: Perry; Please let know what they have decided to in regard to
the land


BOX 1 –Correspondence


17. 1905, October-December Continued (73 Items)

(rrr) December 28-From Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments,
Nashville, TN; People mentioned: Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co., Irby & Gilliland Co.,
C. F. Hyde; Claims should be placed in judgment for future use

(sss) December 29-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers) to D. S. Glassco*ck, Amite, LA; People mentioned: Mr. Baer;
About disposing of flour at a loss

(ttt) December 29-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck, Amite, LA; Letter to him
which explains itself and enclose $10.00 for cost and ask that you push this claim
at once

(uuu) December 30-From Webster M’F’G Co., Chicago; People mentioned Kentwood Oil Mills
& Mfg. Co., Statement for $176.22

18. 1906, January and February (83 Items)

(a) January 1-From W. F. Dorhauer, New Orleans; People mentioned: Dr. Stone; Enclosed
find money order for $2.00, will send next month again, please send a receipt

(b) January 2-From E. J. Piggott, Chicago; People mentioned: F. C. Weist; $10.88 received

(c) January 3-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: M. Cohn & Co., Ltd., Mr. G. F. Goldsby;
About a circular letter which make propositions to creditors about full settlement

(d) January 5-From E. E. Burnham, Post Master; Bill for Rent of Box No. 43

(e) January 5-From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn; Paid receipt for subscription
to Louisiana Rep. Vol #114 for $4.50

(f) January 5-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., Arcola, LA; People mentioned: Robt. Croft
& Co.; Enclosed please find check for $3.75

(g) January 5-From Edward A. Kennedy, Lawyer, Iowa City, IA; People mentioned: N.
N. Bankston & Son, Hillsdale, LA; Advise as to whether or not you can handle this
claim on a 10% basis

(h) January 6-From John C. Elfer, General Agent, The Oliver Typewriter, New Orleans;
Receipt for the sum of $87.75 in settlement of Oliver Typewriter No. 114765

(i) January 8-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Heilman,
Loth & Guttman, Mr. G. F. Goldsby; About a circular letter which make propositions
to creditors about full settlement

(j) January 8-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Mr. Merilh, Blanchard; Let us know what is being done and the prospect in collection
of judgment

(k) January 8-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: M. L. Cohn & Co., Ltd.; We think you are
right in the matter and have decided that we will accept the 25% cash

(l) January 8-From John C. Elfer, General Agent, The Oliver Typewriter, New Orleans;
Acknowledging receipt of $87.75 in full settlement of Oliver Typewriter

(m) January 9-From Sam Lee, Alma, LA; People mentioned: William Richardson, Jones
and Pickett, John Dokes, John B. Reed; Please make an abstract of land


BOX 1 –Correspondence


18. 1906, January and February Continued (83 Items)

(n) January 9-From L. C. Vadner?, Kentwood, LA; People mentioned: Mrs. _____ Watson,
________ Watson; Have store account, will go ½ with you if you can get anything from
estate sale

(o) January 9-From Chas. W. Appel & Co., Commission Merchants, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Amite Bank & Trust Co., Amite, LA, W. H. Thompson; Draft for $10.50, if
not paid, we instruct you to collect

(p) January 12-From Chas. S. Boyd, Calumet Club; People mentioned: Samuel S. Boyd;
About recovery of lands, asking about progress

(q) January 12-From Chesbrough & Graves, Manufacturers of Yellow Pine Lumber, Amite
City, LA; Paid bill of $1.75

(r) January 14-From H. E. Warner, Dennis Mills, LA (2 pages); About a title for the
sale of stock and farming implements to his mother

(s) January 15-From T. J. Rainey, Independence, LA; People mentioned: Jenivees; About
getting land surveyed

(t) January 17-From Edward A. Kennedy, Lawyer, Iowa City, IA; People mentioned: E.
A. LeTard, Amite, LA; Advise as to whether or not a claim of $37.50 is collectible

(u) January 17-From Jos. Rittiner & Co., Fruits, Vegetables and Produce, New Orleans;
People mentioned: V. Cefalu; Enclosed find check #118 for $7.85 which you failed to

(v) January 18-From W. M. Wright, Attorney at Law, Hammond, LA; People mentioned:
Harper Blanchard; Start proceedings nd make them show up their intentions

(w) January 18-From Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments, Nashville,
TN; People mentioned: Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co., Irby & Gilliland Co., C. F. Hyde;
Close you records in that case, enclosed if check for $5.00 to cover costs

(x) January 18-From R. J. Shooler & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: New York
Cider Co., W. A. Ball; Asking for report on collecting

(y) January 18-From Farrar. Jonas & Kruttschnitt, Law Officer, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Hackley, Hume & Joyce, J. D. Lacey & Co; Represented them in all their
interests in this State for several years

(z) January 19-From John C. Elfer, General Agent, The Oliver Typewriter, New Orleans;
Bill for $6.00

(aa) January 20-To Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments, Nashville,
TN; People mentioned: Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co., Irby & Gilliland Co., C. H. Hyde;
Send me the name of the president of Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co. and the law of what
state it is incorporated

(bb) January 20-From Sam Lee per John Dykes, Justice of the Peace, Independence, LA;
People mentioned: John Dokes; Asking for abstract of land

(cc) January 22-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New York; People mentioned:
A. J. Goodbee & Bro., Arcola, LA, Chas. W Appel & Co., New Orleans; Draft for $15.21

(dd) January 22-From W. Appel & Co., Commission Merchants, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Amite Bank & Trust Co., Amite, LA, A. J. Goodbee & Bro.; Draft for $15.21, if not
paid, we instruct you to collect


BOX 1 –Correspondence


18. 1906, January and February Continued (83 Items)

(ee) January 22-From W. Appel & Co., Commission Merchants, New Orleans to Amite Bank
& Trust Co.; People mentioned: A. J. Goodbee & Bro.; Draft for $15.21, please collect
for our account and make remittance

(ff) January 22-From Miller & Hart, Packers, Chicago; People mentioned: C. M. Pierce,
Breeland, LA; We feel sure you can collect this claim

(gg) January 22-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Mr. Merilh, Blanchard; Let us know what is being done and the prospect in collection
of judgment

(hh) January 22-From Hackley & Hume, Muskegon, MI; Consult with Farrar Jonas and Kuttschuitt
in suit against us

(ii) January 22-From James D. Lacey & Co., Timber Lands, New Orleans; Mess. Farrar,
Jonas & Kruttschnitt, Mess. Hackley, Hume & Joyce; Pleased to correspond in the suit
of the State

(jj) January 23-To Messers Farrar, Jonas, & Kruttschnitt, New Orleans; Told to confer
with you relative to answering suit filed against them by State

(kk) January 23-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck; Haven’t heard from you
and wrote to ascertain the trouble, press matter for settlement

(ll) January 24-From Security Mercantile Agency, Saint Paul, MN; People mentioned:
L. L. May & Co., P. J. McMichael; Please make personal demand at once and report the

(mm) January 24-From National Surety Company, New York; People Mentioned: P. J. McMichael;
Claim coupon for $28.71

(nn) January 25-From Farrar Jonas & Kruttschnitt, New Orleans; Entitled to 15 days
for answer

(oo) January 25-From Thilborger & Duffy, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Smith Bros. Co., Ltd, C. B. Goodwin, Independence; Claim for $78.35

(pp) January 25-From The Fidelity Adjustment Association, Atlanta, GA to Bank of Amite
City; People mentioned: Atlanta Press, Dr. Z. A. Goss; If he fails to pay draft kindly
turn letter over to the best collection attorney in your town

(qq) January 25-From Edward A. Kennedy, Lawyer, Iowa City, IA; People mentioned: E.
A. LeTard, Amite, LA, El Dorado Jewelry Co., J. C. Cochran; Enclosed we hand you for
collection a note for $37.50

(rr) January 26-People mentioned: Alex M. Bogy, Ferguson-McKinney Drug Co., Travis
& Travis; Sworn statement for $46.58

(ss) January 27-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Heilman,
Loth & Guttman, M. L. Cohn Co., Ltd.; Claim for $148.00, are satisfied to take the
25 per cent cash

(tt) January 30-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans (2 pages); People
mentioned: Mr. Merilh, Blanchard; If the purchaser of the property will not pay, there
is no help for it but to proceed according to law

(uu) February 1-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Baker
& Co., F. C. Weist, Amite, LA; Claim for $15.90, but entitled to a credit for the

(vv) February 3-From Annie Kysar, Osyka, MS; Wanting to know what has been done with


BOX 1 –Correspondence


18. 1906, January and February Continued (83 Items)

(ww) February 5-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Mr. Merilh, Blanchard; A separate notice should be given to each of the majors in
addition to the one to the widow and the special tutor

(xx) February 5-From F. Edward Newberger, Attorney at Law, Chicago; Front of an envelop
which says Jas. G. Hubbell

(yy) February 5-From H. T. Cottam & Co. Limited, New Orleans; People mentioned Bailey
& Naretto; Present prospects of making collection of $77.59

(zz) February 5-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., Dealers in General Merchandise, Arcola,
LA; See if these people will accept 75 cents on the dollar as settlement in full

(aaa) February 5-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck, Mr. LeTard; His bookkeeper
going into business with him and paying us 50% cash of the amount due

(bbb) February 6-From The Carpenter Company, Manufacturer of Carpenter Organs, Brattleboro,
VT; People mentioned: Mr. Geo. Burnham; Closing books and haven’t collected payment

(ccc) February 6-From Miller & Hart, Packers, Chicago; People mentioned: C. M. Pierce
& Co.; Make us a report on our claim

(ddd) February 6-From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY; People
mentioned: S. H. Winstead Medicine Co., McGovern Bros. & Lott; About collection of

(eee) February 7-From W. Appel & Co., Commission Merchants, New Orleans; People mentioned:
A. J. Goodbee & Bro.; As this firm is not insolvent, we do not see why there should
be any reason for our accepting a settlement of 75 cents on the dollar

(fff) February 7-From Central Label Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Wilson’s
Drug Store; We do not think you are entitled to a fee

(ggg) February 8-From The Attorneys’ Collection Agency, Limited, Cleveland, OH; People
mentioned: Jno. R. Wood; Giving terms of collection $17.65 past due account

(hhh) February 9-From W. Appel & Co., Commission Merchants, New Orleans; It looks
like the cost of proceedings would make us lose considerable more money than if we
made settlement on the 75 cents on the dollar

(iii) February 9-From Edward A. Kennedy, Lawyer, Iowa City, IA; People mentioned:
E. A. LeTard, J. C. Cochran; If you do not think that the amount of the claim can
be made on execution, it might be well to secure a return of the jewelry

(jjj) February 10-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Heilman,
Loth & Gutmann, M. L. Cohn Co., Ltd.; Our clients are asking for report on this matter

(kkk) February 10-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: M. Cohn & Co.; We have decided we will not
accept the 25% they offer as settlement in full

(lll) February 10-From Andrew & Hakenyos, Attorneys at Law, Alexandria, LA (2 pages);
People mentioned: Dr. Penninger; About purchasing land from a widow in community and
minors who live in your parish

(mmm) February 12-From C. N. Ricks, Bailey, LA; Don’t file suit against me, If I have
got it to pay I will pay it


BOX 1 –Correspondence


18. 1906, January and February Continued (83 Items)

(nnn) February 12-From Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys and Counselors,
Chicago; People mentioned: Kentwood Iron Mills & Manufacturing Co.; Advise us on the
present financial condition

(ooo) February 12-From A. J. Goodbee & Bro., Dealers in General Merchandise, Arcola,
LA; Enclosed please find check to amount of $11.71 for settlement of Chas W. Appel
& Co.

(ppp) February 12-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans;
People mentioned: E. A. Letard; We have been informed that this party has sold out
his business, kindly look into the matter for us and endeavor to make collection

(qqq) February 13-From Pinski Brothers, Wholesale Cash Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: H. C. Chandler, A. V. Houeye; Thank you for check for $58.35 less fee of

(rrr) February 14-From Southern Coffee Mills, New Orleans; People mentioned: E. A.
Letard; We understand this party has gone out of business, try to collect this account
for us

(sss) February 16-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago; People mentioned: Kentwood Oil Mills & Manufacturing Co.,
Webster Mfg. Co.; Request that you get after this firm and demand immediate settlement
in full

(ttt) February 17-From Mrs. Hattie Baker, Tangipahoa to Mr. Steve Ellis; People mentioned:
Harris Bowden, P. P. Sims; I will come down and bring note or will send by mail if
you agree to collect; I have another letter from her to Mixon about the same matter
(didn’t have a date)

(uuu) February 17-From The Attorneys’ Collection Agency, Limited, Cleveland, OH; People
mentioned: Jno. R. Wood, Albert W. Mayers; Giving terms of collection $17.65 past
due account

(vvv) February 19-From W. M. Wright, Attorney at Law, Hammond, LA; People mentioned:
Blanchard children-Laura, wife of Jno Johnson, Thomas Blanchard, Sebastion Blanchard,
Philomane Blanchard, May Blanchard, Mr. J. B. Arnold; Names of children given

(www) February 19-From Paul Capdevielle, Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Louisiana;
Enclosed the necessary documents to purchase the property mentioned in your letter

(xxx) February 19-From Farrar Jonas & Kruttschnitt, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Hackley & Hume and Joyce, Newton C. Blanchard; File documents at once and let us know

(yyy) February 20-From The Western Union Telegraph Company, Farrer, Jonas & Krittschnitt;
People mentioned: Hackley & Hume & Joyce; Have you received and filed exceptions and
petitions, wire answer

(zzz) February 21-From Thomas, Barnes & Miller,Wholesale Hardware, Memphis, TN; People
mentioned: D. H. Hull; Bill for $4.05

(aaaa) February 21-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to
Preston & Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: Mr. E. A. Letard, D. S. Glassco*ck.;
Please give the matter quick attention, and advise us at once if he is disposing of

(bbbb) February 21-From Edward A. Kennedy, Lawyer, Iowa City, IA; People mentioned:
E. A. LeTard, J. C. Cochran; We think it best to accept a return of jewelry in settlement
of account

(cccc) February 23-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago; We hope to hear from you shortly

(dddd) February 27-From T. D. Hoskins, Kentwood Oil Mills & Manufacturing Company,
Limited; It will be impossible for us to make a settlement on this account immediately


BOX 1 –Correspondence


18. 1906, January and February Continued (83 Items)

(eeee) February 27-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to
Preston & Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: Mr. E. A. Letard, D. S. Glassco*ck.;
Push this account and take some immediate action

19. 1906, March and April (44 Items)

(a) March 2-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New York; People mentioned:
A. V. Houeye, Harry S. Haspel; Draft for $186.00

(b) March 3-From R. J. Shooler & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: New York Cider
Co., W. A. Ball; Kindly return this claim

(c) March 3-From. B. B. Varnado, Bolivar, LA; People mentioned: Albert Fox; Please
let me hear from you

(d) March 3-From The Fidelity Adjustment Association, Atlanta, GA; People mentioned:
Dr Z. A. Goss; Check enclosed for $6.00 to cover proceeds of collection of $8.50

(e) March 7-From Randolph H. Blain, Attorney at Law, Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Louisville Lead & Color Co., Brock & Blackwell, Kentwood; What is the matter, can
you hurry payment a little

(f) March 7-From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned: Chamberlain Medicine
Co., W. H. Underwood, Underwood Bros. of Watson; Has this case been closed or any
part of it paid

(g) March 8-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck.; Check for $45.00, Push
this account hard to collect balance of $71.03

(h) March 12-From Geo. Hagan, Baton Rouge; People mentioned: Ed. Gotchrau; Let me
know a few days before the case comes up

(i) March 12-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Mr. Merilh, Blanchard; Check for $10.00 on account of costs

(j) March 13-From Charley Dumaurs to Mrs. Carrie Sanders, Independence, LA; Will you
take $15.00 rent for your field, ten acres, which I have been cultivating for 8 or
10 years

(k) March 13-From Southern Coffee Mills, New Orleans; People mentioned: E. A. Letard;
If you have not done anything in regard to our claim, kindly return same to us

(l) March 14-From The National Collection Co., Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
C. F. Hyde, Hyde, LA; File suit at once

(m) March 14-From Harry S. Haspel, Children’s Clothing, Knee Pants and Overcoats,
New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr. Houeye; The sooner you get the money, the more
thoroughly will I appreciate it; I also have letter from Haspel about A. V. Houeye,
but has no date on it

(n) March 15-From D. H. Sanders, Dealer in General Merchandise; Bill for $5.75 for

(o) March 15-From Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys and Counselors, Chicago;
People mentioned: Kentwood Oil Mills & Manufacturing Co., Webster Mfg. Co.; What has
become of our claim for $176.22, as we have not heard from you

(p) March 16-From Wm. Atkinson & Bacot Co., General Merchants, Osyka, MS; People mentioned:
Simeon Strickland, Emmitt Martin; What is the last day allowed for filing answer,
and what day was the suit filed


BOX 1 –Correspondence


19. 1906, March and April Continued (44 Items)

(q) March 17-From Randolph H. Blain, Attorney at Law, Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Louisville Lead & Color Co., Brock & Blackwell, Kentwood; Enclosed is plaintiff’s
check endorsed to you for $10, please press the matter and collect as soon as possible

(r) March 18-From Hattie Baker, Tangipahoa; People mentioned: Bowden ; Is there any
possibility of getting this money

(s) March 18-From Jessie Sanders, Independence, LA (2 pages); People mentioned: D.
H. Sanders; Do you think the rent offered enough, we have agreed between us to take
$20 if paid in advance

(t) March 19-From The National Collection Co., Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
C. F. Hyde, Hyde, LA, Cage, Drew & Co., Ltd., New Orleans; Kohn Weil & Co., New Orleans;
File suit at once

(u) March 19-From The National Collection Co., Washington, D. C.; People mentioned:
C. W. Westholz, Independence, LA, A. Kory & Sons, Battleship Mfg. Co., The Herald
Shoe Co., Cage Drew & Co., Ltd., M. Pederson Co., Ltd., Burkenroad Wilcox Co.; This
report is one year old, there has not been any new development

(v) March 21-From Wm. Atkinson & Bacot Co., General Merchants, Osyka, MS; People mentioned:
Sim Strickland, Judge Reid; Turn the papers in this case over to Judge Reid and send
us your bill

(w) March 21-From Mrs. Ayneard formerly DuFaur, Covington, LA; People mentioned: C.
J. Belden; I loaned him $1500 and he can only make it $999.25 and no interest. Tell
me what to do as I am old and with nothing to live on

(x) March 22-From Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments, Nashville,
TN; People mentioned: Van Vleet-Mansfield Drug Co., Irby & Gilliland Co., C. H. Hyde;
Enclosed our check for $4.00 which together with the $1.00 you have, makes your fee

(y) March 22-From Cole Bros., Greensburg, LA; People mentioned: Sitman, Addison &
Cole; What do you charge to make complete abstract of little piece of land

(z) March 26-From L. H. Holliday, Independence, LA; I would like to see the land you
mention, if it is fare timber, I will no doubt make an offer for it

(aa) March 27-From John Dykes, Justice of the Peace, Independence, LA; People mentioned:
Sam Lee; Will bring that money

(bb) March 27-From Cole Bros., Greensburg, LA; Please make abstract and send bill

(cc) March 27-From S. J. Campbell, Manufacturer of Building and Pressed Brick and
Lumber, Independence, LA; People mentioned: Mr. Sandoes; I will be up there Saturday
to fix things

(dd) March 27-From W. W. Nott, Hammond Planting and Manufacturing Co., Hammond, LA;
People mentioned: Brakenridge; Title is in a mix up and I need to come up to Amite

(ee) March 28-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Heilman,
Loth & Gutmann, M. L. Cohn Co., Ltd.; Advise us what the present prospects are

(ff) March 28-From American Express Company; People mentioned: Edward A. Kennedy,
Iowa, IA, S. D. Ellis; Receipt for 1 package

(gg) March 29-From Wm. Atkinson & Bacot Co., General Merchants, Osyka, MS; People
mentioned: Simms Strickland; Enclosed we hand you our check for $10.00 covering your


BOX 1 –Correspondence


19. 1906, March and April Continued (44 Items)

(hh) March 30-From Maston Mixon, Wilmer, LA (2 pages); People mentioned: Witness names-Richard
Gill, Andrew Gill, Maley Mixon, W. E. Mixon, George Henry Brumfield, Jack Gill; If
there is anything else you need to know, please write me

(ii) March 31-From Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys and Counselors,
Chicago; People mentioned: Kentwood Oil Mills & Manufacturing Co., Webster Mfg. Co.;
Enclose our check for $10.00, don’t incur unnecessary expense until you are reasonably
certain to derive benefit from same

(jj) March 31-From W. W. Nott, Hammond Planting and Manufacturing Co., Hammond, LA;
People mentioned: Mydland, Thomas, Brakenridge, Smith; Please find enclosed map of
HR 40

(kk) March 31-From State of Illinois, County of Cook; People mentioned: John P. Lenox,
Webster Manufacturing Company, Kentwood Oil Mills & Manufacturing Company of Kentwood,
LA; Sworn statement and bills

(ll) April 2-From Jack Gill, Jr., Aurora, LA; I would like to know about the place
that we were talking to you about

(mm) April 3-From W. W. Nott, Nott & Moore Developing and Selling Dairy Farms, Hammond,
LA (2 pages); People mentioned: Mr. Sillie, Bennedict, Yoctem, Mary Hawberger, Hinsdale;
Make out abstract showing land to be in HR 40 and return all the papers connected
with the 93 acres

(nn) April 5-From Postmaster at Hammond; People mentioned: W. W. Nott; Registry Return

(oo) April 9-From Greensburg, LA; People mentioned: McElvern; The tax title is the
only title we now hold or ever held of land

(pp) April 9-From Brock & Blackwell, General Merchandise, Kentwood, LA; People mentioned:
Mr. Gaines, Goldsby’s Drug Store; Collect and take our your commission

(qq) April 10-From Merchants Coffee Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Vernon & Kemp;
Advise that we received check direct, kindly return the papers in the matter

(rr) April 10-From Carlsbad Mfg. Co., Nashville, TN; People mentioned: W. D. Cox,
Wilmer, LA, S. D. Ellis, Attorney, Amite, LA; Please advise responsibilities, promptness

(ss) April 11-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
We sent you $10.00 for the purpose of bringing suit and would like to know what has
been done

(tt) April 11-From Edward A. Kennedy, Lawyer, Iowa City, IA; People mentioned: E.
A. LeTard, J. C. Cochran; Balance due of $20.81, endeavor to collect

(uu) April 12-From Adolph M. Schwarz, Lawyer, Chicago; People mentioned: Wabash Baking
Powder Co., C. F. Hyde; Amount for collection $23.28

(vv) April 12-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Baker &
Co., F. C. Weist; Please obtain freight receipt from debtor so as to close this matter

(ww) April 12-From M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned D. S. Glasco*ck;
Please make a demand for this amount promptly

(xx) April 12-From Maer Manufacturing Co., Memphis, TN; People mentioned: S. Ferris;
Our object in writing the sheriff was to have the debtor arrested

(yy) April 13-From. E. H. Day, L. D. Day & Son, Yellow Pine Lumber; It will Monday
before I can give you a definite answer to same


BOX 1 –Correspondence


19. 1906, March and April Continued (44 Items)

(zz) April 16-From Randolph H. Blain, Attorney at Law, Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Louisville Lead & Color Co., Brock & Blackwell, Kentwood; I had clients endorse the
check to you and return it for collection

(aaa) April 16-From M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned D. S. Glasco*ck;
We are handing you check to cover cost in suit, please proceed against this party

(bbb) April 17-From Attorneys’ National Clearing House, Minneapolis, MN; People mentioned:
W. H. McLendon; We place this claim in your hands for collection

(ccc) April 17-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Mr. J. E. Merilh, Thos. Blanchard; Kindly let us hear from you in this matter

(ddd) April 18-From Mobile Spring Bed Co., Mobile, AL; People mentioned: C. F. Hyde;
Please forward copy of judgment duly certified by the clerk of the court

(eee) April 18-From W. L. Tidwell, Freiler Mercantile Company, Ltd., General Merchandise,
Greensburg, LA (2 pages); People mentioned: Elijah Williams of Walker, LA; There was
a good deal of land entered by a man by the name of Tidwell in the Parish of Livingston

(fff) April 19-From Thilborger & Duffy, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, New Orleans;
People mentioned: A. F. Leonhardt & Co., E. R. Hoover & Son; Clients report having
received a check from these parties

(ggg) April 19-From S. D. Fink, Quaker Valley Mfg. Company, Chicago to S. D. Ellis,
Attorney, Amite City, LA; People mentioned: Mrs. N. Ellen Poche of Ponchatoula, LA;
She secured goods from us in the amount of $20.55, she remitted $16.70 leaving a balance
of $3.80

(hhh) April 19-From William Goldman Adjustment, successors to Ellsworth Goldman &
Co., Law and Collection Offices; Terms of collections

(iii) April 20-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck.; Check for $46.83, Account
his balanced

(jjj) April 20-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: Mr. E. A. LeTard, Amite, LA; Please advise
if you can collect the account in full for us

(kkk) April 21-From Thilborger & Duffy, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., Ltd., D. S. Glasco*ck; He has filed his
petition in bankruptcy and we are writing clients for proof of debt and power of attorney

(lll) April 21-From Edward A. Kennedy, lawyer, Iowa City, IA; People mentioned: J.
C. Cochran, E. A. LeTard; We advise that the amount of goods returned by this debtor
was $16.69

(mmm) April 23-From Thilborger & Duffy, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, New Orleans;
People mentioned: A Burkenroad-Goldsmith Co., Ltd., Smith Bros., D. S. Glasco*ck; Enclosed
please find proof of debt and power of attorney in re claims

(nnn) April 25-From Thos. J. fa*gin & Co., St. Louis, MO; People mentioned: Ballard
Snow Liniment Company, G. W. Adams, Independence, LA; Please use every effort to collect

(ooo) April 26-From The American Credit-Indemnity Co. of New York, St. Louis, MO;
People mentioned: Taylor & Erwin of Spring Creek, LA; We understand became involved
in some financial difficulty about April 12, 1905


BOX 1 –Correspondence


19. 1906, March and April Continued (44 Items)

(ppp) April 26-From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned: Chamberlain Medicine
Co., W. H. Underwood, Underwood Bros. of Watson; Have you made any recent progress
with this claim

(qqq) April 27-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Evansville
Stove Works, F. C. Weist; We enclose for collection on the terms specified below

(rrr) March 31-From State of Illinois, County of Cook; People mentioned: John P. Lenox,
Webster Manufacturing Company, Kentwood Oil Mills & Manufacturing Company of Kentwood,
LA; Sworn statement

20. 1906, May and June (61 Items)

(a) May-From A. __________ to Mr. Ellis and Mixon; Enclosed find check of $10.00

(b) May 1-From J. Courmes, Independence; People mentioned: Gibson, Carpenter, Bruno;
Will straighten matter up with you, as I do not know where check sent you could have

(c) May 1-From Randolph H. Blain, Attorney at Law, Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Louisville Lead & Color Co., Brock & Blackwell, Kentwood; What is the matter, was
it not paid, I will be glad to hear from you, with remittance, if possible

(d) May 2-From Cole Bros., Greensburg, LA; Have you completed abstract of land

(e) May 3-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys and
Counselors, Chicago; People mentioned: Kentwood Oil Mills & Manufacturing Co., Webster
Mfg. Co.; You are unable to proceed with claim on account of the illness of the judge
in your district

(f) May 4-From Gayer & Ott, Attorneys At Law, Franklinton, LA; People mentioned: Van
Vleet Mansfield Drug Co., B. A. Lea and Son; Please file suit for us in this matter

(g) May 5-From W. Courmes, Independence, LA (2 pages); People mentioned: Gibson, Carpenter,
Bruno, Mr. Huck; Check to see if Carpenter had any money

(h) May 9-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr.
J. E. Merilh, Thos. Blanchard; Kindly let us know what has been done

(i) May 10-From National Surety Company, New York; People Mentioned: Independence
Mer. & Drug., Independence, LA; Claim coupon for $13.00

(j) May 10-From Security Mercantile Agency, St. Paul, MN; People mentioned: The Thos.
D. Murphy Co., Independence Mer. & Drug Co., Claim for $13.00

(k) May 10-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Nick Bruno;
Asking that you close this matter as you say you can with less cost suits

(l) May 11-From Harry S. Haspel, Agent, Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans;
People mentioned: A. V. Houeye; Have heard nothing from you in reference to my claim

(m) May 12-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys and
Counselors, Chicago; People mentioned: Webster Mfg. Co.; You will probably remit the
amount of the claim within two weeks, rush it to a close

(n) May 12-From Charles L. Robertson, Lawyer, Adrian, MI; People mentioned: Page Woven
Wire Fence Co., Fulda; How is this matter coming and when will we be able to secure


BOX 1 –Correspondence


20. 1906, May and June Continued (61 Items)

(o) May 13-From Parker-Fain Grocery Co., Ltd., New Orleans (successors to Preston
& Stauffer, Importers); People mentioned: D. S. Glassco*ck; Please advise what progress
you have made in collecting the balance of our account

(p) May 14-From A. Grimelsky, Independence to S. D. Elliss, Attorney; People mentioned:
Alex Brown; Enclosed find note for $74.00, please collect, if not paid, file suit
in court

(q) May 14-From Maer Manufacturing Co., Memphis, TN; People mentioned: S. Ferris of
Hammond, LA; We do not consider it good policy to invest so much money in advance

(r) May 14-From E. Walter Robinson, The Maryland Adjustment Co., Law and Collections,
Baltimore; People mentioned: Thomas Bros., T. A. Kingston, Arcola, LA; We enclos for
collection and trust you will push this matter to a settlement

(s) May 17-From Aug. J. Claverie, New Orleans; People mentioned: Gibson, Carpenter;
It would please me if you would let us know what progress you have made with my claim

(t) May 17-From Cage, Drew & Company, Ltd., Louisiana Coffee Mills, New Orleans; People
mentioned: C. M. Pierce, Breland, LA; Kindly advise if you have done anything toward
collecting our account of $26.96

(u) May 21-From Jessie Sanders, Independence, LA; People mentioned: Mr. McClendon;
About property being sold for taxes and not knowing about it

(v) May 22-From Maer Manufacturing Co., Memphis, TN; People mentioned: S. Ferris of
Hammond, LA; Appreciate the information, we regret that you are not in position to
look after the matter, but we will send our claim to the District Attorney as you

(w) May 23-From Joe Rogers, Hammond, LA; People mentioned: Warren W. Brown, Laura
Bahm, Joe Brown; Giving marriage date of Dec. 5, 1860, seeing rest of heirs and sending
the money at once

(x) May 26-From W. M. Wright, Attorney at Law, Hammond, LA; If you can find process
of sale in Sheriff’s Office, have heirs complete the record and issue a sheriff’s

(y) May 28-From Geo. W. Hagan, Baton Rouge, LA (2 pages); People mentioned: Ed, Mr.
Mullins; Let me know how you are getting along in your case, try to collect his money

(z) May 28-From Geo. W. Hagan to Mr. Rodger Mullins, Amite, LA; Please pay to Mr.
Mixon $13.40 balance due on livery hire

(aa) May 28-From Philip Merlein, Ltd., Pianos, Church & Parlor Organs, New Orleans;
People mentioned: Mr. Geo. Grace; We have taken up this matter with our tuner who
will endeavor to see that Mr. Grace is satisfied

(bb) May 29-From The Furniture Commercial Agency Co., New York; People mentioned:
L. H. Campbell, Amite City, LA; Enclosed claim is sent you for collection, $54.60

(cc) May 29-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Evansville
Stove Works, F. C. Weist; Unless you can send us the money due in this matter promptly
upon receipt of this, it is advisable to institute suit

(dd) May 31-From W. M. Wright, Attorney at Law, Hammond, LA; People mentioned: Tucker,
Davidson; Abstract received, enclosed find check for $6.00, your fees and fees of
clerk of court


BOX 1 –Correspondence


20. 1906, May and June Continued (61 Items)

(ee) June 1-From The Credit Co., Chicago; Our accounts show $10.00 due from you

(ff) June 1-From M. Pedersen Company, Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans; People
mentioned H. W. Bond, Tangipahoa, LA; Monthly statement for $14.00

(gg) June 1-From The Attorneys’ National Clearing House Co., Minneapolis, MN to W.
H. McClendon, Amite, LA; Statement for $12.00

(hh) June 1-From The Attorneys’ National Clearing House Co., Minneapolis, MN; People
mentioned: W. H. McClendon, Amite, LA; Statement for $12.00

(ii) June 5-From M. L. Hiller & Sons, New York; Asking for names of shoe dealers

(jj) June 7-From Security Mercantile Agency, St. Paul, MN; People mentioned: T. D.
Murphy Co., Independence Mercantile & Drug Co.; About calendars not received and paid
for, press for an early settlement

(kk) June 8-From The Credit Clearing House, New York; People mentioned: Heilman, Loth
& Gutmann, M. L. Cohen Co., Ltd.; Please let us know if you have any information

(ll) June 8-From Andrew Stanga, Ponchatoula, LA; Please help me make a good will

(mm) June 11-From National Surety Company, New York; People Mentioned: Wm. Porterfield,
C. R. I. & P., C. P. Terry; We note that you advise not to press this man at present

(nn) June 11-From Mercantile Adjuster and Clearing House, Chicago; People mentioned:
Interstate Elec. Co., D. H. Hull; About a claim for $1.48

(oo) June 12-From Sam Lee, Alma, LA; People mentioned: Russell Robinson; Please sned
abstract and your price and I’ll settle with you when I come out

(pp) June 13-From John C. Miller, Ponchatoula, LA; People mentioned: Mike Burke; I
was told Mike Burke was in the neighborhood of Fort Jackson, Plaquemines Parish

(qq) June 15-From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Hyman Pickle Co., H. R. Clark; About a claim for $15.03

(rr) June 15-From Law and Collection Office of Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis,
MO; People mentioned: Dittmann, Cohn, Mr. Goldsby; You were paid a dividend of 9 1/2%

(ss) June 15-From Hattie Baker, Tangipahoa, LA; People mentioned: H. Bowden; Sorry
you couldn’t collect, will accept the note back

(tt) June 16-From M. Pedersen Company, Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans; People
mentioned H. W. Bond, Tangipahoa, LA; Exert your best efforts in collecting

(uu) June 16-From Southern Stove Works, Evansville, IN; People mentioned: E. D. Reichert
& Co., Roseland, LA, Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co.; Inquiring for what they have
been sued

(vv) June 19-From Law and Collection Office of Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis,
MO; People mentioned: Dittmann, Cohn; Thank you for your remittance and how much more
do you estimate the estate will pay and about when

(ww) June 20-From Warren J. co*ckerham, Springville, LA; People mentioned: Jos. & Louisa
Scherb?; I received papers in succession, same will have my attention

(xx) June 20-From S. D. Bullock, Office of O. M. Burch, Dealer in General Merchandise,
Covington, LA; People mentioned: Mrs. Kate Baily; Add to your abstract

(yy) June 20-From Kentwood Oil Mills & Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; People mentioned:
Webster Manufacturing Co.; Check attached for $6.35 to cover costs in addition to
cover account


BOX 1 –Correspondence


20. 1906, May and June Continued (61 Items)

(zz) June 21-From Harry S. Haspel, Agent, Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans;
People mentioned: Mr. A. V. Houeye; Try and compel him to pay

(aaa) June 22-From Jno. R. McMahon, McMahon’s Private Detective and Collecting Agency;
People mentioned: T. P. Gluck of Cincinnati, J. T. Kent of Tangipahoa, R. Amacker,
Jr. of Kentwood; Can you collect from either and let me hear from you

(bbb) June 22-From John J. Dwyer, Attorney at Law, Hartford, CT (2 pages); People
mentioned: Lucretia Terry, Mrs Lucy Wands, Mrs. Jennie Elizabeth Gordon, Lucy Wands;
Obtain power of attorney at once authorizing me to represent them

(ccc) June 22-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; People mentioned:
Mr. J. E. Merilh, Thos. Blanchard; The last we heard from you was that the court was
to meet in the first days of June

(ddd) June 24-From G. G. Thomas, Baptist Minister, Amite City, LA; Mr. Mudd, Mr. Herwig;
Change death date of Mr. Mudd I had given you the death date of Mr. Herwig

(eee) June 28-From Security Mercantile Agency, St. Paul, MN; People mentioned: T.
D. Murphy Co., Independence Mercantile & Drug Co.; We would appreciate a report as
to the present status of this matter

(fff) June 28-From Jennie E. Gordon, Arcola, LA; People mentioned: Mr. Wands, Mrs.
Wands; You may expect to hear from me as soon as my sister arrives

(ggg) June 29-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago; People mentioned: Webster Mfg. Co., Kentwood Oil Mills Mfg.
Co.; Have you made collection of this claim or are you doing anything with it at all,
please advise

(hhh) June 29-From John J. Dwyer, Attorney at Law, Hartford, CT (2 pages); People
mentioned: Lucretia Terry; I trust by this time you have secured powers of attorney

(iii) June 29-From The Memphis Credit Men’s Association, Memphis, TN; People mentioned:
Thomas, Barnes & Miller, D. H. Hull, Amite, LA; Terms of account for $4.05


BOX 2 –Correspondence


1. 1906, July and August (65 Items)

(a) July 3-From I. H. Wands & Son, Dealers in General Merchandise, Arcola, LA; People
mentioned: Hartford; About references being sent over

(b) July 5-From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans;
People mentioned: H. W. Bond of Tangipahoa; Failed to receive an acknowledgment of
our claim

(c) July 5-From S. D. Bullock, O. M. Burch, General Merchandise, Covington; People
mentioned: Henesy, Edwards heirs; About getting title perfected

(d) July 5-From T. A. Brown, Roseland; People mentioned: B. M. Young; Have you collected
the bills; let me know next proceeds

(e) July 6-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; Returning form of transfer document
properly signed and attested by the notary

(f) July 7-From J. W. Coon, Kentwood Oil Mills & Mfg. Co., Ltd., Kentwood; People
mentioned: Webster Manufacturing Co.; Payment made in full in amount of $176.22

(g) July 9-From John J. Dwyer, Attorney at Law, Hartford, CT; People mentioned: Lucretia
Terry; Sorry we failed, but I trust something will come our way from which we may
obtain a large fee

(h) July 9-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys and
Counselors, Chicago; People mentioned: Webster Mfg. Co., Kentwood Oil Mills Mfg. Co.;
Received two checks, but one as been dishonored at the bank

(i) July 10-From J. W. Coon, Kentwood Oil Mills & Mfg. Co., Ltd., Kentwood; People
mentioned: Mr. Hoskins, Kentwood Bank, Cosmopolitan Bank & Trust Co.; Send personal
check, please return old check with receipted bill of costs, which will be my voucher

(j) July 10-From Harry S. Haspel, Agent, Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans;
People mentioned: Mr. Houeye; Please get busy and make him pay because I need the

(k) July 11-From Warren I. co*ckerham, Centerville; People mentioned: Mrs. Asfasie
St. Amat. T. S. Seftwiich, G. L. Barman; Received the suit

(l) July 11-From H. W. Bond, Dealer in General Merchandise, Tangipahoa; People mentioned:
M. Pedersen; I think there must be some mistake, for I paid M. Pedersen

(m) July 14-From Robert Legier, Notary Public; People mentioned: M. Pedersen, Mr.
I. W. Bond, Tangipahoa; Sworn statement that Bond is justly and truly indebted unto
him for $14.00; Also attached is monthly statement and three duplicate receipts

(n) July 14-From P. H. Schenk, Independence; Have been looking forward to going to
Centerville with you so I can qualify as administrator, we are very anxious to settle
the business

(o) July 14-From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans;
People mentioned: H. W. Bond; Handing you a sworn account, if necessary to file suit,
please advance costs for us, and we will mail you a check, push matter and keep us

(p) July 14-From Louisiana Tobacco Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: C. F.
Weist; Turned over to you our draft, but we have not received advice from you

(q) July 16-From S. D. Bullock, General Merchandise, Covington; People mentioned:
Henesy, Sanders, Givens; About land being bought with and without timber

(r) July 16-From Stewart Bros. & Co., New Orleans; Enclosing release of the cost by
Clerk of Court; also enclosing receipt for our signature


BOX 2 –Correspondence


1. 1906, July and August Continued (65 Items)

(s) July 16-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; Thanks for check for $165.47,
will throw all business your way that I am able

(t) July 16-From Harry S. Haspel, Agent, Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans;
People mentioned: Mr. Houeye; Enclosed is check for $10.00 and trust luck will attend

(u) July 17-From Gorg Glass, Covington; A few lines to let you know not to go to Baton
Rouge until you get further order, the boys are not ready to go yet

(v) July 17-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago; People mentioned: Webster Mfg. Co.; Please let us hear from
for an explanation in reference to our claim

(w) July 17-From H. W. Bond, Dealer in General Merchandise, Tangipahoa (2 pages);
People mentioned: M. Pedersen; After careful investigation of my books, I find that
I owe M. Pedersen, enclosed find check for $14.00

(x) July 17-From Geo. W. Davison & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: F. I. George
of Tangipahoa; Hasn’t paid on account since December, was paying $5.00 per year for
past two years

(y) July 19-From L. C. Vacher, Kentwood (2 pages); People mentioned: Saal; Enclosed
is check fur $9.21, see that all is straight for me, accept my thanks, and send bill
of what I owe you

(z) July 19-From R. G. Patton, Attorney at Law, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned:
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Underwood Bros., Watson; You state that you collected the
claim and request an increase of the fee, will be glad to receive your remittance
less you commission

(aa) July 19-From Stimpson Computing Scale Co., Detroit, MI (2 pages); People mentioned:
Brock, Blackwell; Enclosing our account of $65, threaten with suit and see what effect
it will have

(bb) July 20-From W. M. Wright, Attorney at Law, Hammond; People mentioned: Alex Bennett;
About interests of heirs and a Supreme Court case

(cc) July 20-From G. W. Lewman, M. T. Lewman Co., Contractors, Louisville, KY; Flyer
trying to get Mixon to represent them for business of repairing court house

(dd) July 21-From Harvey, Pickens, Cox & Kahn, Lawyers, Indianapolis, IN; People Charleston
Broom Co., E. A. LeTard; About collecting a claim

(ee) July 23-From S. D. Bullock, O. M. Burch, General Merchandise, Covington; Please
sent all titles that you have completed so I can draw the money on them

(ff) July 23-From The Memphis Credit Men’s Association, Memphis, TN; People mentioned:
Thomas, Barnes & Miller, D. H. Hull; We send claim for collection and have heard nothing
from you in reply

(gg) July 24-From W. Southworth, The Nineteen Hundred Washer Co., Inc., Binghamton,
NY; People mentioned Chas. Feigler; Advise us what progress you have made on claim,
if uncollectible return to us so we may close same our books

(hh) July 24-From Warren J. co*ckerham, Clerk of 25th Judicial District Court, Parish
of Livingston, Springville; People mentioned: Jos. A. Schenk; Made inventory

(ii) July 24-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: B. F. Johnson
of Hammond; Enclosed is statement which we would thank you to give your usual prompt

(jj) July 25-From J. D. Courmes, Justice of the Peace, Independence; People mentioned:
Hammond State Banks, G. Polichino; Enclose a copy of citation and suit


BOX 2 –Correspondence


1. 1906, July and August Continued (65 Items)

(kk) July 25-From Louisiana Tobacco Co., Ltd., New Orleans; People mentioned: J. T.
Hodges, J. J. Lanher, J. P.; Work in conjunctionwith him and succeed in getting settlement

(ll) July 25-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: Mr. E. H.
Kinchen of Ponchatoula; Enclosed is itemized statement of account for $85.73 which
we want you to collect

(mm) July 26-From Florence Dixon, Hammond, LA; People mentioned: A. B. Booth, Mr.
Neilson, W. M. Wright of Hammond; I returned titles they are to be cleared if possible,
find enclosed your fee as per agreement

(nn) July 27-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: B. F. Johnson
of Hammond; Trust that you will be able to do something for us regarding this case

(oo) July 30-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago; People mentioned: Kentwood Oil Mills & Mfg. Co.; We will
be pleased to receive your remittance at the earliest possible date

(pp) July 31-From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans;
People mentioned: E. A. Letard; Advise what disposition you have made of the account

(qq) July 31-From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans;
People mentioned: H. W. Bond of Tangipahoa; Advise if there are any new developments
in our claim

(rr) July 31-From R. G. Patton, Attorney at Law, Des Moines, IA; People mentioned:
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Underwood Bros.; Enclosing check for $13.67 which has been
credited in settlement of claim

(ss) August 1-From Warren J. co*ckerham, Registry Return Receipt (Postcard)

(tt) August 2-From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans;
People mentioned: H. W. Bond of Tangipahoa; Acknowledge receipt of check for $12.00
and thank you for the promptness with which you handled this claim

(uu) August 2-From J. W. Coon, Kentwood Oil Mill and Manufacturing Company, Limited,
Cotton Ginners, Kentwood; People mentioned: Webster Mfg. Co., Mr. Hoskins; Please
accept thanks for itemized bills of costs in suit

(vv) August 2-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: E. H. Kinchen
of Ponchatoula, B. F. Johnson of Hammond; Advise us what disposition you made to the

(ww) August 3-From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago; Acknowledge receipt of check for $168.60 and thank you for
your attention to this matter

(xx) August 3-From Edgar W. Jacobs, Attorney-At-Law, St. Louis, MO; People mentioned:
The Red Cross Supply Co.; Please find statement of account which I hand you for collection

(yy) August 7-From The Memphis Credit Men’s Association, Memphis, TN; People mentioned:
Thomas, Barnes & Miller, D. H. Hull; He says he will settle it about August 1

(zz) August 8-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: E. H. Kinchen
of Ponchatoula, B. F. Johnson of Hammond; Glad to see that you are right behind these


BOX 2 –Correspondence


1. 1906, July and August Continued (65 Items)

(aaa) August 9-From E. A. Whitman, National Surety Company, NY; Contract for renewal

(bbb) August 10-From W. M. Wright, Attorney At Law, Hammond (2 copies); People mentioned:
Frank or Francis Richardson, George Richardson; About land

(ccc) August 13-From National Surety Company, NY; People mentioned: Wm. Porterfield,
C. P. Terry; Have heard nothing from you in regard to claim

(ddd) August 18-From W. M. Wright, Attorney At Law, Hammond; People mentioned: Nielson;
Please find check for $5.00, ½ of fee

(eee) August 21-From The Central Law Union, Columbus, OH; People mentioned: Bank of
Amite City, Wabash, C. F. Hyde of Hyde, LA; Collection draft for $23.28

(fff) August 22-From Otis Witherspoon, Notary Public, Fulton County, GA; People mentioned:
F. E. Weist, Marcus Loeb; Itemized account of $86.50

(ggg) August 22-From Mayson & Hill, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, GA; People mentioned:
F. E. Weist, Marcus Loeb Co.; If account of $86.50 not paid on demand, institute immediate

(hhh) August 22-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: E. H.
Kinchen of Ponchatoula, B. F. Johnson of Hammond; File suit against Johnston at once
and keep behind Kinchen

(iii) August 22-From J. E. Fiske, The Associated Law Offices, St. Louis, MO; Trying
to get Mixon to make a contract with them

(jjj) August 24-From Stimpson Computing Scale Co., Detroit, MI; People mentioned:
Brock, Blackwell; Let us hear from you with report in regard to claim

(kkk) August 24-From Harry S. Haspel, Agent, Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans;
People mentioned: Mr. A. V. Houeye; Get right at him do something to make him pay

(lll) August 28-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: E. H.
Kinchen of Ponchatoula, B. F. Johnson of Hammond; Advise if there are any new developments

(mmm) August 30-From Mayson & Hill, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, GA; People mentioned:
F. E. Weist, Marcus Loeb Co.; We return claim to you, defendant has not made payment

2. 1906, September and October ( Items)

(a) September 1-From The Memphis Credit Men’s Association, Memphis, TN; People mentioned:
Thomas, Barnes & Miller, D. H. Hull; We presume that the check made payable to our
clients has been paid

(b) September 2-From Wm. Everett, Tangipahoa; People mentioned: Mr. Will Macallum,
Mr. Dude Mccallum; About a cow being killed that was appraised at $45

(c) September 5-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: E. H.
Kinchen of Ponchatoula, B. F. Johnson of Hammond; Advise if there are any new developments

(d) September 6-From Louis Pfister, Wholesale Grocer, New Orleans; People mentioned:
E. A. LeTard; Advise us of the 25% settlement in the matter

(e) September 11-From George W. Burgess, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Baton Rouge;
People mentioned: A. H. Faust; About a note for $157.50


BOX 2 –Correspondence


2. 1906, September and October Continued ( Items)

(f) September 12-From Henry G. Stewart, Law and Notarial Offices, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Ripp & Sons, W. L. Cronin, C. C. Nelson, Mrs. Rabite; I would thank you
for report on this account

(g) September 12-From Thos. Wilson, Office of “Our City,” Oakland, CA; About price
for 80 acres of land west of Tickfaw

(h) September 12-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: E. H.
Kinchen of Ponchatoula, B. F. Johnson of Hammond; Advise if there are any new developments

(i) September 13-From Peaslee-Gaulbert Company, Inc., Manufacturers and Merchants,
Louisville, KY; People mentioned: Brock & Blackwell, Kentwood; Our claim is too little
to compromise 25 cents on the dollar

(j) September 14-From Randolph H. Blain, Attorney At Law, Louisville, KY; People mentioned:
Brock & Blackwell, Peaslee-Gaulbert Company, Inc.; Claim is too small, they will expect
a full settlement

(k) September 24-From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., New Orleans; People mentioned: E. H.
Kinchen of Ponchatoula, B. F. Johnson of Hammond; Will sent you check for $10.00 to
cover costs of suit against Johnson

(l) September 14-From M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans; People
mentioned: Paul J. Ray & Co.; Make demand for the enclosed account, and if payment
is refused file suit immediately

(m) September 17-From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New York; Claims forwarded
to attorneys recommended by us

(n) September 17-From Geo. Hagan, Baton Rouge (2 pages); People mentioned: Redger
Mullins; Did you get paid or not

(o) September 17-From Miller & Morgan, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Covington;
People mentioned: S. D. Bulloch, James L. Hennesey, A. R. Lewis, Banner Lumber Company,
Sanders; About land

(p) September 17-From Miller & Morgan, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Covington;
People mentioned: T. E. Warner, J. G. Ogle, Charles G. Chessley; About land

(q) September 17-From George W. Burgess, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Baton Rouge;
People mentioned: A. H. Faust; About collecting note for $157.50

(r) September 17-From Miller & Morgan, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Covington;
People mentioned: T. E. Warner, J. G. Ogle, Charles G. Chessley; About land

(s) September 18-From Mrs. Florence Dunn, Hammond; People mentioned: Mr. Norten; I
will let you know what to do in case he does not as he agrees to

(t) September 21-From M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans; We beg
to acknowledge receipt of your check for $24.27 and thank you for the promptness

(u) September 21-From George W. Burgess, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Baton Rouge
(2 pages); People mentioned: A. H. Faust; What do you advise about collecting note
for $157.50

(v) September 24-From Baze Hano, Ponchatoula, LA; About redeeming land for taxes

(w) September 25-From Brooks-Scanlon Co., Kentwood; People mentioned: Geo. M. Fendlason;
We cannot see our way clear to pay the price you mention in your letter for the timber


BOX 2 –Correspondence


2. 1906, September and October Continued ( Items)

(x) September 29-From M. C. Rownd, Surveyor, Springfield; People mentioned: Geo. Richardson;
About land

(y) October 1-From K. C. Grey, National Surety Company, NY; Receipt for $5.00

(z) October 2-From George W. Burgess, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Baton Rouge (2
pages); People mentioned: A. H. Faust; He says he will pay when able

(aa) October 3-From McCloskey Brothers, New Orleans; People mentioned: J. T. Hodges;
Give further report to what you have done towards the collection of the account

(bb) October 4-From George Mallard Co., Ltd., Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; People
mentioned: E. A. LeTard; We will accept the proposition of 25% cash in full settlement

(cc) October 4-From Fendlason & Son, Folsom (2 pages); People mentioned: Judge Burns,
Mary Anderson, Kosmosky, L. H. Holliday of Independence; About land

(dd) October 5-From George Mallard Co., Ltd., Wholesale Grocers, New Orleans; Letter
of fourth an error wait for instructions later

(ee) October 5-From Mayson & Hill, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, GA to Mr. S. D. Ellis,
Attorney, Amite City; People mentioned: F. E. Weist, Marcus Loeb Co.; Please find
certificate of the U. S. F. & G. Co.

(ff) October 5-From T. C. Carter, Springfield; I will meet you Wednesday as your request

(gg) October 6-From T. C. Carter, Springfield (3 pages); People mentioned: M. C. Rownd,
G. W. Richardson, Prentiss; About land

(hh) October 6-From Snow, Church & Co., Mercantile Collections and Adjustments, Nashville,
TN; People mentioned: Van-Vleet-Mansfield Drug. Co., C. F. Hyde.

(ii) October 8-From O. A. Cason, Port Gibson Oil Works, Port Gibson, MS; People mentioned,
Mr. J. B. Cason, Mr. A. W. Strickland; Take the matter direct

(jj) October 8-From J. B. Cason, Ponchatoula; People mentioned, Mr. O. A. Cason, Mr.
Aubrey Cason; Write me full particulars

(kk) October 8-From J. M. Carruth, Abstractor of Titles, Greensburg (2 pages); People
mentioned: Phliander Patrick, T. K. Davis, Mrs. Nash at Clinton, Walker, Nat. Co.;
About land

(ll) October 9-From Buck, Walshe & Buck, Law Offices, New Orleans; Merilh, Blanchard;
Kindly let us hear from you

(mm) October 9-From McCloskey Brothers, New Orleans; People mentioned: J. T. Hodges;
The information you give us is very indefinite

(nn) October 10-From National Surety Company, NY; People mentioned: Wm. Porterfield;
Get him to pay one of his notes now and another one a little later

(oo) October 10-From Harry S. Haspel, Agent, Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans;
People mentioned: Mr. A. V. Houeye; I am anxiously awaiting more return from Houeye

3. 1906, November and December ( Items)

4. 1907, January and February ( Items)

5. 1907, March and April ( Items)

6. 1907, May and June ( Items)

7. 1907, July and August ( Items)

8. 1907, September and October ( Items)

9. 1907, November and December ( Items)

10. 1908, January and February ( Items)

11. 1908, March and April ( Items)

12. 1908, May-August ( Items)

13. 1908, September and October ( Items)

14. 1908, November and December ( Items)

15. 1909, January-December ( Items)

16. 1910, January-March ( Items)

17. 1910, June-August ( Items)

18. 1910, September-October ( Items)

19. 1910, November ( Items)

20. 1910, December ( Items)


BOX 3 –Correspondence


1. 1911, January ( Items)

2. 1911, February ( Items)

3. 1911, March ( Items)

4. 1911, April ( Items)

5. 1911, May ( Items)

6. 1911, June ( Items)

7. 1911, July ( Items)

8. 1911, August ( Items)

9. 1911, September ( Items)

10. 1911, October ( Items)

11. 1911, November and December ( Items)


BOX 4 –Correspondence


1. 1912, January ( Items)

2. 1912, February ( Items)

3. 1912, March ( Items)

4. 1912, April ( Items)

5. 1912, May ( Items)

6. 1912, August-December ( Items)

7. 1913, January ( Items)

8. 1913, February ( Items)

9. 1913, March ( Items)

10. 1913, April ( Items)

11. 1913, May ( Items)

12. 1913, June ( Items)

13. 1913, July ( Items)

14. 1913, August ( Items)

15. 1913, September ( Items)

16. 1913, October ( Items)

17. 1913, November ( Items)

18. 1913, December ( Items)


BOX 5 –Correspondence


1. 1914, January ( Items)

2. 1915, January-March ( Items)

3. 1915, April ( Items)

4. 1915, May ( Items)

5. 1915, June ( Items)

6. 1915, July ( Items)

7. 1915, August-October ( Items)

8. 1916, January and December ( Items)

9. 1917, January and February ( Items)

10. 1917, March ( Items)

11. 1917, April ( Items)

12. 1917, May ( Items)

13. 1917, June ( Items)

14. 1917, July ( Items)

15. 1917, August ( Items)

16. 1917, September ( Items)

17. 1917, October-December ( Items)


BOX 2 –Correspondence


1906, July August (65 Items)

(a) July 3–From J. H. Wands, I. H. Wands & Son, Dealers in General Merchandise, Arcola,
LA; wife waiting to hear from Hartford

(b) July 5–From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., LTD., New Orleans, LA; waiting to
receive acknowledgment of claim against H. W. Bond

(c) July 5–From S. D. Bulloch, O. M. Burch dealer in General Merchandise, Covington,

(d) July 5From T. A. Brown, Roseland, La; have you collected bills from B.M. Young

(e) July 6–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; received transfer forms and returned them signed
and attested by the notary

(f) July 7–From J. W. Coon, Kentwood Oil Mills & Mfg., Co., Ltd., Manufacturers Cotton
Seed Products, Kentwood, LA; found no record of check in question

(g) July 9–From John J. Dwyer, Attorney at Law, Hartford, Conn.; sorry we failed

(h) July 9–From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago, IL; received letter stating he received a dishonored check
and waiting to see if other check will be honored

(i) July 10–From J. W. Coon, Kentwood Oil Mills & Mfg., Co., Ltd., Manufacturers
Cotton Seed Products, Kentwood, LA; sent personal check and asked for a receipt

(j) July 10–From Harry S. Haspel, Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., Manufacturers of
Youths & Children’s Suits and Knee Pants, New York, NY; give Mr. Houeyr trouble and
make him pay

(k) July 11–From Warren I. Corkvehaun, Centerville, LA; received the suit sent

(l) July 11From H. W. Bond, dealer in General Merchandise, Tangipahoa, LA; must be
some mistake – I was in the hospital when the bill was to be paid- my store was closed
at that time

(m) July 14From T. J. Mathes, Notorial Offices of J. R. & R. Legier, New Orleans,
LA; owes $14.00

(n) July 14–From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans,
LA; handing a sworn account against Mr. H. W. Bond

(o) July 14–From Collection Department, Louisiana Tobacco Co., Ltd., New Orleans,
LA; collecting $17.50

(p) July 16–From S. D. Bulloch, dealers in General Merchandise, Covington, LA;

(q) July 16–From Stewart Bros. & Co., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, New
Orleans, LA; drawn receipt for $100

(r) July 16–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; received check for $165.07 with thanks

(s) July 16–From Harry S. Haspel, Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., Manufacturers of
Youths & Children’s Suits and Knee Pants, New York, NY; sent check for $10.00 and
asked about getting some promissorynotes paid

(t) July 17–From George Glass, Covington, LA; don’t go to Baton Rouge, because the
boys aren’t ready yet


BOX 2 Correspondence


1906, July and August Continued (65 Items)

(u) July 17–From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago, IL; asking for explanation concerning the Webster Mfg. Co.

(v) July 17–From H. W. Bond, dealer in General Merchandise, Tangipahoa, LA; my mistake
and enclosed is a check for $14.00

(w) July 17–From Geo. W. Davison & Co., Fruit and Produce Dealers and Commission
Merchants, New Orleans, LA; claim account not been paid for past 2 years

(x) July 19–From P. H. Saheck asking to go to Centerville so as to qualify for administrator

(y) July 19–From L. C. Vacher, Kentwood, LA; enclosed a check for $9.21, please take
care of the problem

(z) July19–From R. G. Patton, Attorney at Law, Des Moines, Iowa; concerning the Chamberlain
Medicine Co., vs. Underwood Bros. Watson. #854

(aa) July 19–From Stimpson Computing Scale Co., Detroit, Michigan; threaten this
form with a suit and see what happens, but we do not want to file a suit yet

(bb) July 20–From W. M. Wright, Attorney at Law, Hammond, LA; interest of heirs of
Alex Bennett were sold at private sale

(cc) July 20–From G. W. Lawrence, M. T. Lewman & Co. Contractors, Louisville, KY;
want business in repairing or remodeling the court house

(dd) July 21–From Harvey, Pickens, Cox & Kahn, Lawyers, Indianapolis, Indiana; took
your name from the Clearing House Quarterly

(ee) July 23–From S. D. Bulloch, O. M. Burch dealer in General Merchandise, Covington,
LA; please send all tithes that you have completed and we will finish the balance

(ff) July 23–From Collection Department, The Memphis Credit Men’s Association, Memphis,
TN; we sent for a collection on June 29, but have heard nothing from you

(gg) July 24–From W. Southworth, The Nineteenth Hundred Washer Co., Inc., Binghamton,
NY; what progress has been made on our claim

(hh) July 24–From Warren J. co*ckerham, Clerk of 25th Judicial District Court, Parish
of Livingston, Springville, LA; acknowledge receipt of record

(ii) July 24–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; enclose your statement of B. F. Johnson of

(jj) July 25–From J. D. Courmes, Justice of Peace, Notary Public, Independence, LA;

(kk) July 26–From Collection Department, Louisiana Tobacco Co., Ltd., New Orleans,
LA; asking to work in conjunction with the justice of peace concerning their claim
& collection of $13.50

(ll) July 25–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; enclosed itimized statement of Mr. E. H. Kinchen,
which amounts to $85.73-please collect for us

(mm) July 26–From Florence Dixon, Hammond, LA; returned titles to Mr. A. B. Booth

(nn) July 27–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; sorry to hear that Mr. Johnson is up before
the courts


BOX 2 –Correspondence


1906, July and August Continued (65 Items)

(oo) July 30–From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago, IL; received your letter stating that you received a check
for the full amount of the claim against the Kentwood Oil Mills & Mfg. Co.

(pp) July 31–From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans,
LA; please advise what disposition has been made of the E. A. Letard account-replay
to each claim separately for filing purposes

(qq) July 31–From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans,
LA; please advise of any new development since last letter July 14

(rr) July 31–From R. G. Patton, Attorney at Law, Des Moines, Iowa; enclosed check
for $13.67

(ss) Aug. 1–From Warren J. co*ckerham, Springville, LA; from postmaster-received registered

(tt) Aug. 2—From T. J. Mathes, M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., Fruit and Produce, New Orleans,
LA; have you received $12.00 check yet

(uu) Aug.2– From J. W. Coon, Kentwood Oil Mills & Mfg., Co., Ltd., Manufacturers
Cotton Seed Products, Kentwood, LA; thanks for handling the matter and sent balance
due him

(vv) Aug. 2–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; asking about disposition made relative to E.
H. Kinchen & B. F. Johnson claims

(ww) Aug. 3–From George H. Foster, Newman, Northrup, Levinson & Becker, Attorneys
and Counselors, Chicago, IL; beg to acknowledge receipt of check for $168.60

(xx) Aug. 3–From Edgar W. Jacobs, Attorney at Law, St. Louis, MO; can you make a
collection happen from the Red Cross Supply Co.

(yy) Aug. 7–From -From Collection Department, The Memphis Credit Men’s Association,
Memphis, TN; haven’t heard from you since July 26 concerning Thomas, Barnes & miller
vs. D. H. Hull

(zz) Aug. 8–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; concerned about B. F. Johnson & E. H. Kinchen

(aaa) Aug.9–From E. A. Whitman, National Surety Company, New York, NY; enclosed renewal
contract for representation in The National List

(bbb) Aug. 10–From W. M. Wright, Attorney at Law, Hammond, LA;

(ccc) Aug. 13–From D. A. Macbeth, Jr., National Surety Company, New York, NY; C.P.
Terry owes $300, and soon another $50, should we sue?

(ddd) Aug. 18–From W. M. Wright, Attorney at Law, Hammond, LA;enclosed is a check
for $5.00

(eee) Aug. 21–From The Central Law Union, Law and Collection, Columbus, OH;

(fff) Aug. 22–From Otis Witherspoon, Notary Public, Fulton County, GA; People mentioned:
Marcus Loeb, F.C. Weist; itemized account amounting to $86.50 enclosed

(ggg) Aug. 22–From Mayson & Hill, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, GA; concerning Marcus
Loeb Co. vs. F. C. Weist


BOX 2 –Correspondence


1. 1906, July August Continued (65 Items)

(hhh) Aug. 22–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department
Crescent City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers
of All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; file suit against B.F. Johnson and keep
after E.H. Kinchen until further notice

(iii) Aug. 22–From J. E. Fiske, The Associated Law Offices, St. Louis, MO;

(jjj) Aug. 24-From Stimpson Computing Scale Co., Detroit, Michigan;

(kkk) Aug. 24–From the Office of Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., Manufacturers of
Youths & Children’s Suits and Knee Pants, Harry S. Haspel, agent, New Orleans, LA;
people mentioned: Mr. A.V. Harry.

(lll) Aug. 28–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department
Crescent City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers
of All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; asking for new development in B.F. Johnson
and E. H. Kinchen

(mmm) Aug. 30–From Mayson & Hill, Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, GA; regarding Marcus
Leeb Co., vs. E. C. Weist


BOX 2 –Correspondence


2. 1906, September October ( Items)

(a) Sept. 1–From Collection Department, The Memphis Credit Men’s Association, Memphis,
TN; enclosed $1.33 check for portion of fees

(b) Sept. 2–From W. M. Everett, Tangipahoa, LA; wants to sue a company for killing
his cow that is worth $45

(c) Sept. 5–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; asking for new development in B.F. Johnson
and E. H. Kinchen

(d) Sept.6–From Louis Pfister, Wholesale Grocer, Wines and Liquors, Fancy Butter
and Cheese a Specialty, New Orleans, LA; people mentioned: E.A. LeTard, last heard
from you may 18.

(e) Sept.11–From George W. Burgess, Attorney and Counselor at Law, Baton Rouge, LA;
A.H. Faust owes $157.50, and now hold down a good job-he need to pay the money

(f) Sept. 12–From the Law and Notarist Offices of Henry G. Stewart, New Orleans,
LA; thanks for the report on the claims against Ripp & Sons, W.L. Cronin and C.C.
Nelson, for account of Mrs. Rabito

(g) Sept.12–From Office of “Our City”, Tho Wilson, Oakland, California; will accept
$10 an acre for the land west of Tickfaw

(h) Sept. 12–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; asking for new development in B.F. Johnson
and E. H. Kinchen

(i) Sept.13–From Peaslee-Gaulbert Company Incorporated Manufacturers and Merchants,
Louisville, KY; in matter against Brock & Blackwell, we will not compromise 25 cents
on the dollar, and expect full payment of $12.61.


BOX 2 –Correspondence


2. 1906, September October Continued ( Items)

(j) Sept. 14–From Randolph H. Blain, Attorney at Law, Louisville, KY; plaintiff expects
full payment in matter of Peaslee Gaulbert Co. vs. Brock & Blackwell

(k) Sept.14–From Aug. J. Claverie & Co., Successors to Dressed Beef Department Crescent
City Stock Yards and Slaughter House Co., Ltd. Dressed Meats and Manufacturers of
All Kinds of Sausage, New Orleans, LA; we received you letter updating us about B.F.
Johnson & E.H. Kinchen. We are sending check for $10.00 to cover coast to file suit
against B.F. Johnson

(l) Sept. 14–From T.J. Mathes, with M. Pedersen Co., Ltd. Fruit and Produce, New
Orleans, LA; sent check for $5.00 covering cost of court should they have to sue Paul
J. Ray & Co.

(m) Sept. 17–From the General Offices of The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., For
the Protection of Trade. Guaranteed Correspondents in all Parts of the World, New
York, NY;

(n) Sept. 17–From George Hagan, Baton Rouge, LA; asking if Roger Williams paid or

(o) Sept. 17–From Miller & Morgan, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Covington, LA;inquiring
about payment.

(p) Sept. 17 From Miller & Morgan, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Covington, LA.inquiring
about payment.

(q) Sept. 17 From George Burgess, Attorney at Law, Church Street. Inquiring about

(r) Sept. 17 From Miller and Morgan, Attorneys at Law, Covington, LA. Discussing fees.

(s) Sept. 18 From Mrs. Florence Dunn, Hammond, LA. Inquiring about payment.

(t) Sept. 19 From M. Pedersen Co., Ltd., New Orleans, LA. Discussing fees.

(u) Sept. 21 From George Burgess, Attorney at Law, Church Street. Refusing to pay
contracted price for lumber.

(v) Sept. 24 From Baze Hano, Ponchatula, LA.

(w) Sept. 25 From Brooks-Sranlon Co, Kentwood, LA.(v) Oct. 1 To National Surety Company,
Dr., received payment.

(w) Sept. 24 From Mr. Howard, Springfield, LA., inquiry about land for sale.

(x) Oct. 2 From Burgess, about interest due on a loan.

(y) Oct 3 From McCloskey Brothers about account collection.

(z) Oct 6 From George Mallard, New Orleans, LA., attempt at full settlement.

(aa) Oct 4 From Mr. Seel, Folsom Livery Stable, about calling off a complaint.

(bb) Oct ? From Mr. Seel, Folsom Livery Stable, call about settlement.

(cc) Oct 5 western union telegraph receipt.

(dd) Oct 5 From Mayson and Hull, Attorneys at Law, about bond holdings.

(ee) Oct 5 From T.C. Carter, payment received for services.

(ff) Oct 6 From T.C. Carter, request for further information.

(gg) Oct ? From T.C. Carter, request for a meeting.

(hh) Oct 6 From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., court decision pending.

(ii) Oct 8 From Port Gibson Oil Works, Mississippi, asking for a favor.

(jj) Oct 8 From Gleason, Amite, LA., question about title.

(kk) Oct 8 From Carruth, Abstractor of Titles, about deed transfer.

(ll) Oct 9 From Buck, Walshe, and Buck, New Orleans, LA., re Merilh vs. Blanchard.

(mm) Oct 9 From McCloskey Brothers, New Orleans, LA., request for information.

(nn) Oct 10 From National Surety Company, New York, about Porterfield notes.

` (oo) Oct 10 From Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New York, where is money?

(pp) Oct 13 From Dunn, Hammond, LA, enclosed newspaper clipping.

(qq) Oct 13 From McCloskey Brothers, receipt of bill for $15.

(rr) Oct 15 From The Pacific Coast Official Railway and Steamship Guide, San Francisco,
CA., did you receive our letters?

(ss) Oct 16 From The Temple, Chicago, Ill., did you locate Sager?

(tt) Oct 16 From Crescent Cigar and Tobacco Co., New Orleans, order confirmation.

(uu) Oct 17 From Rufus Paddock, Attorney at Law, New Orleans, note included with final

(vv) Oct 18 From Port Gibson Oil Works, Miss., compromise rejected.

(ww) Oct 18 Sayers Mercantile Agency Co., St. Louis, Mo., request for collection.

(xx) Oct 19 From the National Attorneys Clearing House, Minneapolis, Mn., renewal

(yy) October 19 From The South Industries, New Orleans, request for services.

(zz) Oct 19 From Stimpson Computing Scale, Co., Detroit, MI., request for payment.

(aaa) Oct 20 From P.H. Scherck, estate settlement.

(bbb) Oct 20 From Dr. Russell Stone, notice of cotton farm sale.

(ccc) Oct 20 From Crescent Cigar and Tobacco Co., New Orleans, acceptance of offer.

(ddd) Oct 20 From American Soda Fountain Company, Boston, Mass., request for payment.

(eee) Oct 21 From T.C. Carter, request for a meeting.

(fff) Oct 24 From Pinski Brothers, request for full collection.

(ggg) Oct 24 From George Burgess, Attorney and Counselor at Law, acceptance of settlement.

(hhh) Oct 25 receipt from Crescent Cigar and Tobacco Company.

(iii) Oct 25 From Brooks – Scanlon Co., Kentwood, LA., acknowledgment of impending

(jjj) Oct 25 Receipt from Southern Tobacco Co., Ltd.

(kkk) Oct 26 – From Crescent Cigar and Tobacco Co., statement of account with E.A.
Le Tard.

(lll) Oct 27 Letter from Jessie Anders.

(mmm) Oct 29 Letter from C.E. Wooten concerning and outstanding debt.

(nnn) Oct 29 From the Attorneys’ National Clearing House, Minneapolis, MN., subscription
notice of renewal.

(ooo) Oct 29 From Southern Tobacco Co., acceptance of settlement.

(ppp) Oct 30 From National Surety Company, New York, request for a report.

(qqq) Oct 30 From Rufus J. Paddock, Attorney at Law, New Orleans, ??

(rrr) Oct 31 From T.C. Carter, Springfield, look at some property for me.

(sss) Oct 31 From Thomas J. Wilson, Dealer in Groceries, Produce and Fruit, Tangipahoa,
LA., get $300 from the mayor and the alderman.


BOX 2 Correspondence


3. 1906, November and December

(a) Nov 2 — From W.H. Miller , Tickfaw, LA., come visit.

(b) Nov 5 From Henry G. Stewart, New Orleans, claim against Jay Wall.

(c) Nov 6 From Pinski Brothers, New Orleans, collection of accounts against A.V. Haueye.

(d) Nov 8 From George Hagan, Alexandria, LA., notice of claim.

(e) Nov 9 From Cornish Co., Washington, New Jersey, letter of referral about an organ.

(f) Nov 10 From Thatcher, Gifford and Steinfeld, Amite City, LA., court date question.

(g) Nov 11 From George Marshall, Amite City, LA., delivery of goods.

(h) Nov 11 From G. Bahan, Elmer, LA., ?.

(i) Nov 13 From National Surety Company, New York City, attempt at collection.

(j) Nov 14 From Buck, Walsh, and Buck, New Orleans, re Merilh vs. Blanchard.

(k) Nov 15 From The Attorney’s National Clearing House, Minn., MN., acceptance of
altered contract.

(l) Nov 15 From Charleston Broom Company, Charleston, Ill., collection against LeTard.

(m) Nov 16 From The Credit Clearing House, New York City, re Heilman, Loth, and Gutman
vs. M.L. Cohn Co. Ltd.

(n) Nov 14 From Stimpson Computing Scale Co., Detroit, Michigan, response to claim.

(o) Nov 14 From R.G. Patton, Des Moines, IA., re Chamberlain Medecine Co. vs. Underwood

(p) Nov 22 From Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans, request for information.

(q) Nov 22 Aug. J. Claverie Co., New Orleans, re E.H. Kinochen and B.F. Johnson.

(r) Nov 12 same as above.

(s) Nov 22 Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., claim against Gayer and Otts Attnys.

(t) Nov 20 Snow, Church, and Co., Nashville, TN., re Van Vleet Mansfield Drug Co.
vs. E.A. Lee and Son.

(u) Nov 19 From Cornish Co., Washington, NJ., re Elijah Cooper.

(v) Nov 21 From Cornish Co., Washington, NJ., receipt for piano and organ.

(x) Nov 21 From Cornish Co., Washington, NJ., re E. Cooper.

(y) Nov 23 From Pinski Brothers and Hoffman, Wholesale Cash Grocers, New Orleans,

(z) Nov19 From West Publishing Company, St.Paul, MN., request for payment.

(aa) Nov 24 From Isaac D. Wall, Clinton, LA., announced of a candidate for the position
of judge.

(bb) Nov 24 From G.W. Nesom, Dealer in General Merchandise, Amite City, LA., money
for fertilizer.

(cc) Nov 25 From AC Kinchen, Springfield, LA., building for rent.

(dd) Nov 27 From The Creditors Mercantile Agency Co., New York, request for dues.

(ee) Nov 28 From Warren I. co*ckerham, Clerk of Court, Livingston, ?

(ff) Nov 29 From BB Varnado, Babeux, LA., ?

(gg) Dec 3 From Livingston Times, Springfield, LA., receipt of check in settlement.

(hh) Dec 4 From GW Nesom, Tickfaw, LA., notice of rental of property.

(ii) Dec 4 From Stimpson Computing Scale Co., Detroit, Michigan, re La 651 vs. Brock
and Blackwell.

(jj) Dec 4 From Cornish Co., Washington, NJ, re Elijah Cooper.

(kk) Dec 5 From GW Hagan Hotel, Alexandria, LA., please deliver a note for me.

(ll) Dec 5 From GW Hagan Hotel, Alexandria, LA., interviewed all witnesses.

(mm) Dec 6 From West Publishing Company, St.Paul, MN., receipt.

(nn) Dec 6 From Valley Lard Oil Co., Cleveland, OH., claim against W.C. Harvell.

(oo) Dec 6 From Randolph H. Blain, Louisville, Kentucky, clients need information.

(pp) Dec 7 From Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans, request for information.

(qq) Dec 8 From W.A. Carran Co., Cleveland, OH., credit check on L.M. Johnson.

(rr) Dec 10 From James Burton, ?

(ss) Dec 11 Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans, received check.

(tt) Dec 11 From Seals Piano and Organ Co., Birmingham, Alabama, receipt for new organ.

(uu) Dec 11 From Delhonde and Co., Independence, LA., desire to close out stock in
Amite Bank and Trust.

(vv) Dec 11 Cornish Co., Washington, NJ., re Elijah Cooper.

(ww) Dec 15 From Charleston Broom Company, Charleston, Ill., re E.A. LeTard.

(yy) Dec 21 From H. T. Cottam and Company Limited, New Orleans, re Grace and Son.

(zz) Dec 22 From Miller Guffort, Mississippi, sale of public land.

(aaa) Dec 22 From Charles Daniels, Chicago, IL., claim report of non-payment.

(bbb) Dec 24 From Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., demand an answer to early

(ccc) Dec 24 From T. C. Carter, Springfield, LA., land appraisal.

(ddd) Dec 26 From Farrar, Jonas, and Kruttschnitt, New Orleans, matter for Governor.

(eee) Dec 27 From Cornish Co., Washington, NJ., re Elijah Cooper.

(fff) Dec 29 From Aug. J. Claverie Co., New Orleans, re B. F. Johnson of Ponchatula.

(ggg) Dec 27 From Henry G. Stewart, New Orleans, re Chaubaud vs. Wall.

(hhh) Dec 31 From Cornish Pianos and Organs, Washington, NJ., receipt of payment.


1907, January and February.

(a) Jan 2 From G. G. Sanders, receipt for $10.00.

(b) Jan 2 From Stafford, Lambert, and Robinson, New Orleans, re Del Bondio vs. A.

(c) Jan 2 From Juvenile Novelty Clothing Co., New Orleans, attempt at collection.

(d) Jan 3 From Cornish Co., Washington, NJ., remittance of $6.

(e) Jan 4 From Jos. Riffiner Co. Ltd., New Orleans, claim against Paul J. Ray and

(f) Jan 7 From M. C. Rownd, Springfield, LA., ?

(g) Jan 8 From Buck, Walshe, and Buck, New Orleans, re Merilh vs Blanchard.

(h) Jan 8 From M. C. Rownd, Springfield, LA., re Wells.

(i) Jan 8 From Sayers Mercantile Agency Co., St. Louis, MO., re J. L. Le Noir vs Dora

(j) Jan 9 From G. W. Mixon, M. D., Watson, LA., advice on divorce for a negro woman.

` (k) Jan 9 From Central Collection Agency, New Orleans, re King Bros, Shilstone and
Saint Limited.

(l) Jan 9 From McCloskey Brothers, New Orleans, re J. T. Hodges.

(m) Jan 10 From J. B. Cooms, Vicksburg, MS., re sale of land.

(n) Jan 10 From Col. Stephen D. Ellis, Amite, LA., re Brown vs Morris.

(o) Jan 12 From W. L. Tillery and Co., Greensburg, LA., claims for collection.

(p) Jan 13 From Ellis, Springfield, LA., re The Primary Election.

(q) Jan 14 From Valley Lard Oil Co., Cleveland, OH., claim vs W. C. Harvell.

(r) Jan 15 From McDougall, Johnson, and Ott, Franklinton, LA., re Sandy Jackson.

(s) Jan 15 From Stafford, Lambert, and Robinson, esq., New Orleans, re E. W. Del Bondio
and Co. vs A. Anthany.

(t) Jan 15 From Stafford, Lambert, and Robinson, esq., New Orleans, re Brown vs Morris.

(u) Jan 16 From Crescent Cigar and Tobacco Co., New Orleans, re Mrs. N. L. Strickland.

(v) Jan 16 From E. R. Wells, Ponchatula, LA., re sale of land for Mr. Evans.

(w) Jan 16 From Stafford, Lambert, and Robinson, esq., New Orleans, re Del Bondio.

(x) Jan 19 From Courmes, Notary Public, Independence, LA., re citation against Chandler.

(y) Jan 21 From The Furniture Commercial Agency, Co., Cincinnati, OH., re Mr. H. Mixon.

(z) Jan 21 From Geo. H. Biegel, Ponchatula, LA., request for advance of payment.

(aa) Jan 22 From Jos. Rittiner Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re Paul Ray and Co.

(bb) Jan 23 From J. B. Coams, Vicksburg, MS., re J. D. Ellis.

(cc) Jan 24 The Credit Company, Chicago, IL., advertising order.

(dd) Jan 24 From Stafford, Lambert, and Robinson, esq., New Orleans, re Brown vs.

(ee) Jan 24 From Pinski Brothers, New Orleans, ?

(ff) Jan 25 From Port Gibson Oil Works, Port Gibson, MS., check for $25.

(gg) Jan 25 From S. Dan Corkern, Springville, LA., re land in Hammond.

(hh) Jan 26 From H. C. Chandler, LA., ?

(ii) Jan 30 From Lindsay McDougall, Franklinton, LA., re Sandy Johnson.

(jj) Feb 1 From Charleston Broom Company, Charleston, ILL., status of affairs regarding
opening of account.

(kk) Feb 1 From J. B. Cooms, Vicksburg, MS., re land in Ponchatula.

(ll) Feb 1 From Louis Pfister, New Orleans, re receipt of check from E. A. LeTard.

(mm) Feb 1 From State of Louisiana Land Office, Baton Rouge, re Joel Millner.

(nn) Feb 5 From H. Plies and Co., New Orleans, re A. V. Hawye.

(oo) Feb 6 From John V. Farwell Company, Chicago, IL., re Mr. Fortenberry.

(pp) Feb 7 From Buck, Walshe, and Buck, New Orleans, re obtained judgment.

(qq) Feb 7 From Charles Daniels, Chicago, IL., notice of collection of $30.

(rr) Feb 7 From Chaudley, Independence, LA., re land for sale.

(ss) Feb 8 From Sam, ?

(tt) Feb 8 From J. B. Cooms, Amite, LA., ?

(uu) Feb 9 From I. I. Spiro, Michigan City, IN., re Bank of Amite referral.

(vv) Feb 9 From Central Collection Agency, New Orleans, re King Bros, Shilstone and
Saint, Ltd.

(ww) Feb 10 From L. C. Vacher, New Orleans, re collection of money.

(yy) Feb 11 From Pennamich Lumber Company, Ltd., Tickfaw, LA., land claims.

(zz) Feb 12 From S. Dan Corkern, Springville, LA., check payable for $67.

(aaa) Feb 14 From Huck Manufacturing Co., Quincy, Ill., re F. C. Weist.

(bbb) Feb 16 From The National Adjustment Co., Cleveland, OH., terms of contract.

(ccc) Feb 16 From Snow, Church, and Co., Chicago, Ill., re Oliver Typewriter Co. vs
P. Sims.

(ddd) Feb 18 From Jos. Rittiner Co Ltd., New Orleans, re Paul J. Ray and Co.

(eee) Feb 18 From Coams, Vicksburg, MS., re Amanda Carter.

(fff) Feb 22 From H. Plies and Co., New Orleans, re request for favor.

(ggg) Feb 25 From S. Dan Corkern, Springville, LA., re John Saal.

(hhh) Feb 25 From The New St. Charles, New Orleans, bills for Mr. Rayburn.

(iii) Feb 25 From James R. Duffin, Louisville, KY., re M. S. Schuster vs O. Bahm.

(jjj) Feb 25 From H. Plies and Co., New Orleans, re ?

(kkk) Feb 25 From Coams, Vicksburg, MS., re ?

(lll) Feb 28 From The New St. Charles, New Orleans, bills for Rayburn.


5. 1907, March and April

(a) March 1 From M. C. Rownd, Springfield, LA., receipt of letter.

(b) March 1 From J. William Mahoo, Tangipahoa, LA., re new charter for alderman.

(c) March 1 From H. Plies and Co., New Orleans, re accepting work.

(d) March 3 From J. B. Coombs, Vicksburg, MS., re his mother.

(e) March 4 From S. Dan Corkern, Springville, LA., re record of succession of George

(f) March 4 From Albany Teachers Agency, Albany, NY., re T. R. Lake new principal
of the high school.

(g) March 5 From Snow – Church Co., Louisville, KY., contract for collection.

(h) March 8 From Clifford E. Hays, New Orleans, enclosed is $70 payment.

(i) March 9 From Clifford E. Hays, New Orleans, re Goodwin notes.

(j) March 9 From John Watt, New Orleans, have you found out anything about George

(k) March 9 From Buck, Walshe, and Buck, New Orleans, re Merilh vs Blanchard.

(l) March 7 From Peaslee-Gaulbert Company, Louisville, KY., receipt for window glass.

(m) March 11 From Mr. Walls, Amite City, LA., please send Acts of Legislature.

(n) March 11 From Chaudley, Independence, LA., re taxes on land.

(o) March 12 From Albany Teachers Agency, Albany, NY., re question of ownership.

(p) March 12 From Cheney, Vicksburg, MS., re Mrs. Carter.

(q) March 18 From Mr. Wall, New Orleans, re Goodbee and Acts of 1888.

(r) March 14 From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Oliver Typewriter Co. vs
Milton A. Strickland.

(s) March 14 From Albany Teachers Agency, Albany, NY., job application.

(t) March 15 From Sarver and Ames, Mercantile Collections, Pittsburgh, PA., receipt.

(u) March 15 From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, IA., re Chamberlain Medecine vs CF Hyde.

(v) March 16 From Huck Manufacturing, Co., Quincy, IL., re F. C. Weist.

(w) March 18 From Elizabeth Imasse, Roseland, re Mr. Louis.

(x) March 18 From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, MN., bill for book reprint.

(y) March 19 From John C. Elfer, New Orleans, re bill for typewriter.

(z) March 20 From Murtz, New Orleans, re receipt for services rendered.

(aa) March 20 From American Express Company, New Orleans, money order.

(bb) March 20 From Sayers Mercantile Agency Co., St. Louis, MO., re Dr. Wallace vs
Gus Primes.

(cc) April 1 From Kingan and Co., Indianappolis, IN., re Paul J. Ray and Company.

(dd) March 27 From Charles Daniels, Chicago, IL., receipt for $4.25.

(ee) March 21 From Farrar, Jonas and Kruttschnitt, New Orleans, State vs Hackley and
Hume and Joyce.

(ff) March 22 From Albany Teachers Agency, Albany, NY., re Mr. T. R. Lake.

(gg) March 22 From J. B. Coombs, Vicksburgh, MS., re receipt of letter.

(hh) March 23 From Jos. Rittner Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re Paul J. Ray and Co.

(ii) March 23 From M. Pedersen Co. Ltd, New Orleans, re D.A. Sanders and Co.

(jj) March 25 From Simon Grechman, Independence, LA., request for information.

(kk) March 25 From W.H. McBrayers Cedar Brook Distillery, New Orleans, acct of D.A.Sanders.

(ll) March 25 From Sarver and Ames, Pittsburgh, PA., re Oval and Koster vs Robert
L. Menuet, Principal of Schools.

(mm) March 25 From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Oliver Typewriter Co. vs
Tthos P. Sims.

(nn) March 27 From Jos. Rittiner Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re Paul J. Ray and Co.

(oo) March 28 From J. B. Coombs, Vicksburgh, MS., re Mrs. Carter.

(pp) March 29 From George Palson, enclosed check for $50.

(qq) March 30 From J.L. Moysel Bro., Summit, Mississippi, re W. B. Storey, Weiss,

(rr) undated From The National Adjustment Co., Cleveland, OH., collection notice.

(ss) April 3 From Buck, Walshe, and Buck, New Orleans, re Merilh vs Blanchard.

(tt) April 5 From Jake Collins, Independence, LA., ?

(uu) April 5 From The Shoe and Leather Mercantile Agency, Boston, MA., re Mrs. Stern.

(vv) April 5 From J. B. Coombs, Vicksburgh, MS., re Mrs. Carter.

(ww) April 6 From Joe Metz, New Orleans, re money order for $15.

(xx) April 8 From L. Frank and Co., New Orleans, money order for $11.89.

(yy) April 8 From Albany Teachers Agency, Albany, NY., re T.R. Lake.

(zz) April 11 From Western Manufacturing Company, Minneapolis, MN., receipt.

(aaa) April 12 From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Oliver Typewriter Co. vs

(bbb) April 18 From The EE Sutherland Medecine Co., Paducah, KY., re L. E. Watson.

(ccc) April 19 From Buck, Walshe, and Buck, New Orleans, re Merilh vs Blanchard.

(ddd) April 20 From Henry S. Earley, Sycamore, IL., re Mr. George Brown.

(eee) April 22 From Henry G. Stewart, New Orleans, ?

(fff) April 23 From The Werner Company, Akron, OH., monthly statement.

(ggg) April 23 From The Werner Company, Akron, OH., re Bolivar E. Kemp.

(hhh) April 24 .From West Publishing Company, St.Paul, MN., re Peoples Bank

(iii) April 26 From Sherman James, Amite, LA., ?

(jjj) April 27 From West Publishing Company, St.Paul, MN., re Peoples Bank.

(kkk) April 27 From The Lax-Fos Co., Paducah, KY., re claim against McGovern and Lott.

(lll) April 29 From Law Offices of J. Richard Watts, Louisville, KY., re claim for

(mmm) April 30 From Postal Mercantile Agency, Elmira, NY., re Doherty Hardware.

(nnn) April 30 From Buck, Walshe, and Buck, New Orleans, receipt of check.


1907, May and June

(a) May 2 From Sentell and Barhard, Hammond, LA., re Dr. George W. Jones.

(b) May 12 From Postal Mercantile Agency, Elmira, NY., re rush order.

(c) May 16 From J.R., Tangipahoa, La., re case reassignment.

(d) May 25 From Henry G. Stewart, New Orleans, re Chabaud vs Wall.

(e) May 31 From Snow, Church and Co, Nashville, TN., re Van Vleet Mansfield Drug Co.
vs C. F. Hyde.

(f) May 10 From The Werner Co., Akron, OH., re Bolivar E. Kemp.

(g) May 10 From G, Lobdell, LA., ?

(h) May 14 From W. J. Clair, Iowa City, IA., re Equitable Mfg. Co.

(i) May 16 From E. R. Wells, Ponchatula, LA., enclosed check for $35.

(j) June 24 From Philadelphia Life Insurance Company, Philadelphia, PA., re Mr. Burser.

(k) May 14 From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., to James E. Caldwell, Nashville, TN.

(l) May 1 From Merchants and Manufacturers Collection Agency, Cincinnati, OH., re
The Pure Food Co. vs Lizzie Neal.

(m) May 1 From The Puffer Manufacturing Co, Boston, MA., re R. D. Manard.

(n) May 2 From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN., cash receipt.

(o) May 3 From Allen C. Middleton Shriver Bartlett and Co., Phil., PA., re settlement.

(p) May 3 From H. Plies and Co., New Orleans, re 60 day notice.

(q) May 7 From W. J. Clair, Iowa City, IA., re Equitable Mfg. Co.

(r) May 8 From The Jones Agency, Birmingham, AL., re Sudduth vs Bryant.

(s) May 10 From S & J Katz and Co., New Orleans, re Paul J. Ray and Co.

(t) May 16 From S & J Katz and Co., New Orleans, re Paul J. Ray and Co.

(u) May 20 From J. B. Coombs, Vicksburg, MS., re Mrs. Carter.

(v) May 21 From From Merchants and Manufacturers Collection Agency, Cincinnati, OH.,
re The Pure Food Co. vs Lizzie Neal.

(w) May 23 From From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN., cash receipt.

(x) May 27 From J. Turner Burke, McComb, MS., ?

(y) May 29 From S & J Katz and Co., New Orleans, re Paul J. Ray and Co.

(z) May 31 From Christie Collection Company, Cleveland, OH., re Eclipse Paint and
Mfrg. Co. vs T. O. McCarrell.

(aa) June 5 From National Surety Company, New York, re William Porterfield and G.R.I
and P. Ry Co.

(bb) June 7 From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN., cash receipt.

(cc) June 7 From Liberty – White Railroad Company, McComb, MS., re ?

(dd) June 9 From J. B. Coombs, Vicksburg, MS., re Mrs. Carter.

(ee) June 12 From J. Turner Burke, McComb, MS., re please respond to previous letter.

(ff) June 17 From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN. re sale of stock.

(gg) June 17 From H. Plies and Co., New Orleans, re A. J. Houeye.

(hh) June ? From the National Adjustment Co., Cleveland, OH., re Western Cartridge

(ii) June 21 From Jos. D. Courmes, Independence, LA., re balance owed.

(jj) June 24 From the Lampton Mercantile Co., Magnolia, MS., check enclosed.

(kk) June 24 From Geo. W. Davison and Co., New Orleans, re Corneille and Millett.

(ll) June 26 From The Puffer Manufacturing Co, Boston, MA., re R. D. Manard

(mm) June 28 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Consumers Oil Co. vs
Hughes and Goss.


1907, July and August

(a) July 3 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re reorganization of offices.

(b) July 3 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Consumer Oil Co. vs L.
D. Vernado.

(c) July 5 From The Puffer Manufacturing Co, Boston, MA., re R. D. Manard

(d) July 7 From Philadelphia Life Insurance Company, Philadelphia, PA., re Mr. Burser

(e) July 9 From From Merchants and Manufacturers Collection Agency, Cincinnati, OH.,
re The Pure Food Co. vs Lizzie Neal.

(f) July 12 From American Express Company, Amite, LA., receipt.

(g) July 16 From Amite Manufacturing Co., Amite City, LA., receipt.

(h) July 17 From Strickland, Tangipahoa, LA., re Ray Otis.

(i) July 20 From Puffer Manufacturing Company, re E. M. Kopfler.

(j) July 23 From From Merchants and Manufacturers Collection Agency, Cincinnati, OH.,
re The Pure Food Co. vs Lizzie Neal.

(k) July 24 From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Oliver Typewriter Co. vs Milton

(l) July 30 From M. A. Packard Company, Brockton, MA., receipt.

(m) July 31 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Consumer Oil Co. vs L.
D. Vernado.

(n) August 2 From From West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN., re order request status.

(o) August 8 From John Watt, New Orleans, re George Palmer.

(p) August 12 From State of Minnesota, County of Hennepin, testimony of no funds available
for payment for Mrs. fa*gg.

(q) August 6 From Booksellers Mercantile Association, New York, re Public Opinion
Club vs C. E. Wooten.

(r) August 15 From The Western Union Telegraph Company, New Orleans, payment from
E. M. Kappler.

(s) August 15 From Puffer Manufacturing Company, re E. M. Kopfler.

(t) August 15 From Mrs. Carter, Springfield, LA., re land rights.

(u) August 15 From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Southwestern Broom Mfg.
Co. vs Vernon and Kemp.

(v) August 16 From Linard, re Joe’s sad condition.

(w) August 16 From McCloskey Brothers, New Orleans, re J. T. Hodges.

(x) August 16 From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Southwestern Broom Mfg.
Co. vs Vernon and Kemp.

(y) August 17 From From The EE Sutherland Medecine Co., Paducah, KY., re claims against
W. A. Bell.

(z) August 17 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re National Biscuit vs
F.C. Weist.

(aa) August 19 From John Watt, New Orleans, re Calmers.

(bb) August 21 From Morgan, coming to town to see you.

(cc) August 21 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re S. Gagi.

(dd) August 27 From Puffer Manufacturing Company, re E. M. Kopfler.

(ee) August 28 From McCloskey Brothers, New Orleans, re J. T. Hodges.

(ff) August 28 From the Kemper Thomas Company, Cincinnati, OH., re customer accts.

(gg) August 29 From George A. McDermott, New York City, re McCall Compnay vs Brock,
Lee and Co.

(hh) August 30 From A.P. Wiliamson, St. Louis, MO., re Mrs. Fannie Can.

(ii) August 23 From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money paid.

(jj) August 23 From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money paid.

(kk) August 23 From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money paid.

(ll) From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money paid.


8. 1907, September and October.

(a) September 18 – From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money received.

(b) September 18 – From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money received.

(c) September 5 – From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money received

(d) September 11 – From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money received

(e) September 8 – From Owen Carpenter, Sanger, TX., re please come to visit.

(f) September 18 – From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money received

(g) September 4 – From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money received

(h) September 11 – From offices of Hypolite Mixon, re money received.

(i) September 1 – From V.M. Stevenson, Bogalusa, LA., re change of mind.

(j) September 2 – From Snow, Church, and Co., Nashville, TN., re The Vulean Plow Co.
Vs A. J. Goodbee and Bro.

(k) September 3 – From Howe and Fordham, Chicago, IL., re collection claim.

(l) September 4 – From J. Gibuouo, Independence, LA, re Mr. Gibson.

(m) September 5 – From Thos J. fa*gin, Co., St. Louis, MO., re Ewing Merkle Elec. Co.
Vs Missouri Corporation.

(n) September 8 – From Lillard, Wisson, Miss., re attempt at collection.

(o) September 9 – From S. M. Carpenter, Montpelier, LA., re Brother John.

(p) September 9 – From George A. McDermott, New York City, re McCall Company vs Brock
Lee and Co.

(q) September 9 – From Louis Pay, Denver, Colorado, re return to Hammond.

(r) September 11 – From Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN., re Vernon and

(s) September 12 – From A. J. Goodbee and Bro., Arcola, LA., check enclosed.

(t) September 13 – From V. M. Stevenson, Bogalusa, LA., re payment plan.

(u) September 13 – From W. J. Clark, Iowa City, Iowa, re Equitable Mfg. Co. Vs Amite
Hdw. Co.

(v) September 14 – From L. Franklin and Co., New Orleans, re account against Vernon
and Kemp.

(w) September 16 – From Carpenter, Montpelier, LA., re check received.

(x) September 16 – From George W. Burgess, Baton Rouge, LA., re thank you for the

(y) September 16 – From Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN., re collection
of money from Vernon and Kemp.

(z) September 17 – From V. M. Stevenson, Bogalusa, LA. Re payment terms.

(aa) September 17 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Vulcan Plow Co.
Vs A. J. Goodbee and Bro.

(bb) September 20 – From R. Lewis, re $2500 account.

(cc) September 26 – From W. B. Thompson and Co., New Orleans, re crop prices.

(dd) September 21 – From Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN., re Eugene Aydell.

(ee) September 21 – The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, E. Feibleman and Sons
Co. Vs M. K. Ray.

(ff) September 21 – From John D. Morris and Company, Philadelphia, PA., re Martindale
Mercantile Agency.

(gg) September 24 – From Sandwehr, Cincinnati, OH., re Moyse Bros vs W. B. Eubanks.

(hh) September 27 – From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, MN., receipt.

(ii) September 27 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Parker Fain Grocery
Co. Vs T. J. Strickland.

(jj) September 28 – From A. J. Goodbee and Bro., Arcola, LA., check for $10.

(kk) September 30 – From American Chewing Gum Co., St. Louis, MO., re Chas. Curriere.

(ll) September 30 – From Snow, Church and Co., Louisville, KY., re National Surety

(mm) October 1 – From Amite Hardware Company, Amite City, LA., receipt for goods.

(nn) October 8 – From National Cigar Co., Elkhart, Indiana, re V. Cefalu.

(oo) October 8 – From Jobbers Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re Vernon and Kemp.

(pp) October 9 – From L. H. Campbell, Amite City, LA, , receipt.

(qq) October 9 – From D. Appleton and Company, Atlanta, GA., re Dr. W. H. Brent.

(rr) October 9 – From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Oliver Typewriter Co
vs Milton and Strickland.

(ss) October 9 – From Hypolite Mixon, re lease of Mrs. Louise Joyce.

(tt) October 10 – From John Watt, New Orleans, re ?

(uu) October 10 – From Campbell Glass and Paint and Co., New Orleans, receipt of supplies.

(vv) October 11 – From Sandwehr, Cincinnati, OH., re Moyse Bros.

(ww) October 12 – From J. Genovese, Independence, LA., grocery list.

(xx) October 13 – From Pinski Brothers and Hoffman, New Orleans, re A. V. Hueye.

(yy) October 16 – John D. Morris and Company, Philadelphia, PA., re W. B. Kemp.

(zz) October 17 – From Bernheim Distilling Co, Louisville, KY., re claim against Amacker

(aaa) October 18 – West Publishing Co., St. Paul, Minn., receipt.

(bbb) October 22 – From Sandwehr, Cincinnati, OH., re Moyse Brothers.

(ccc) October 23 – From Mayson and Hill, Atlanta, GA., congratulations on your best

(ddd) October 23 – From Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN., re W. J. Tucker.

(eee) October 23 — From Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN., re Vernon and

(fff) October 24 – From The Attorneys National Clearing House, Minn., MN., re Moyse
Bros vs Eubanks.

(ggg) October 25 – From Allen Middleton Shriver Bartlett and Co., Philadelphia, PA.,
re American Medecine Publishing Co. vs Dr. Stewart.

(hhh) October 25 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re receipt of funds.

(iii) October 28 – From The New Orleans Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company, re bill against
Dr. R. W. Travis for $7.50.

(jjj) October 29 – From The Kemper-Thomas Company, Cincinnati, OH., re J. T. Kent.

(kkk) October 29 – From Cooper and Walshe, New Orleans, re heirs of Samuel L. Boyd.

(lll) October 31 – From J. B. Turner, Jennings, LA., re his sister Martha.

(mmm) October 31 – From Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN., re Vernon and

(nnn) October 31 – From Guy R. Carson, Des Moines, Iowa, re Frank Crone.


9. 1907, November and December.

(a) November 1 – From Amite Hardware Co., Ltd., receipt for sand paper.

(b) November 3 – From Stevenson, Bogalusa, LA., re Amite Bank and Trust.

(c) November 4 – From S. D. Bulloch, Covington, LA., re land taxes.

(d) November 5 – From D. Appleton and Company, Atlanta, GA., re W. H. Brent.

(e) November 7 – From A. J. Alford, Amite City, LA., receipt for feed.

(f) November 7 – From Geo. W. Davison and Co., New Orleans, re A. Collins.

(g) November 7 – From The Kemper Thomas Company, Cincinnati, OH., re A. H. Quindon.

(h) November 10 – From J. G. Morgan, Kentwood, LA., re Hill property.

(i) November 11 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Parker Pain Grocery
vs Simon Gretchman.

(j) November 11 – From Amite Mercantile Co., receipt for supplies.

(k) November 12 – From Robert J. Byron, Philadelphia, PA., re Clearing House Quarterly.

(l) November 12 – From Amite Mercantile Co., receipt for supplies.

(m) November 13 – From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, Iowa, re Faust and Jones.

(n) November 14 – From B. F. Glover and Son Commission Co., New Orleans, re M. A.
Lee and Company.

(o) November 14 – From B. F. Glover and Son Commission Co., New Orleans, re Mr. Terry.

(p) November 16 – From Thancher, Gifford and Steinfeld, Louisville, KY., re Belknap
Hdw. And Mrg. Co.

(q) November 16 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Parker Fain Grocery
vs F. C. Weist. for $14.60.

(r) November 18 – Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN, re Western Mfg. Co.
Vs Eugene Aydell.

(s) November 18 – Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN, re Vernon and Kemp.

(t) November 18 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re A. M. Harrison.

(u) November 20 – From Frederick T. Dorton, Baltimore, MD., re Mr. Fetting and Mr.

(v) November 20 – From W. J. Clair, Iowa City, Iowa, re Equitable Manufacturing Company
vs the Amite Hardware Co.

(w) November 21 – Jobbers Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN, re Vernon and Kemp.

(x) November 22 – From J. Hughes, Hammond, LA., re Mr. Lewis.

(y) November 23 – From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Geo. Mallard Co.
Vs F. J. Campbell.

(z) November 25 – From Charles Daniels, Chicago, IL., re returned check.

(aa) November 27- From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Nicaud Co. Vs B.
J. Scarborough.

(bb) November 27 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Weist.

(cc) November 29 – From Guy J. Ray, Hammond, LA., re ?

(dd) December 3 – From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re Lee vs Allen.

(ee) December 4 – From A. P. Pilstoy, Amite City, LA., re B. Stern.

(ff) December 10 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Schwartz vs M.A.
Lee and Company.

(gg) December 10 – From Guy J. Ray, Hammond, LA., re land owned by West Hammond Bank.

(hh) December 13 – From National Surety Company, New York, re National List.

(ii) December 16 – From S. D. Bulloch, Covington, LA., re land.

(jj) December 17 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, Royaline Medecine
Co. Vs A W Lee and Co.

(kk) December 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Campbell Glass
and Paint vs Dolhonde and Co.

(ll) December 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Parker Fain Grocery
vs T. E. Morgan.

(mm) December 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Elibleman and Sons
vs D. S. Killian.

(nn) December 20 – From Pillsbury, Bienville Street, re claim against B Stern.

(oo) December 20 – From John Watt, New Orleans, re ?

(pp) December 23 – From The St. Helena Echo, Greensburg, LA., re check sent.

(qq) December 24 – From S. D. Bulloch, Covington, LA., re property in question.

(rr) December 26 – From The St. Helena Echo, Greensburg, LA., re Steve Morgan.

(ss) December 26 – From Mrs. Strickland, Independence, LA., Parker Company.

(tt) December 27 – From Freiler Mercantile Co., Ltd., Greensburg, LA., re ?

(uu) December 30 – From The Kemper Thomas Company, Cincinnati, OH., re B. J. Scarborough
and Son.

(vv) December 31- From Amite Bank and Trust Co., receipt.


10. 1908, January and February.

(a) January 10 To John Saal, Dr., Sheriff and Tax Collector Parish of Tangipahoa,
re payment of money owed for court costs.

(b) January 2 From Pauline Laboressie to Hon. J. W. Ellis, re request for collection.

(c) January 25 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re Vernon and Kemp and
$40 owed.

(d) January 3 From The St. Helena Echo to Mixon, re insulting letter from Mr. Purser.

(e) January 11 From Town of Ponchatoula Tax Collector re money owed by Dr. DePuncey.

(f) January 21 From Morgan and Milner, New Orleans, re Mrs. Labouisse and property

(g) January 2 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Parker Pain Grocery
Co. vs Simon Grechman.

(h) January 20 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Marx Weil and Sons
vs. H. V. Hilbern.

(i) January 11 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Feib Lehman and Sons
vs. Nick Shiro.

(j) January 17 From The Provisioners Collection Agency, South Omaha, Nebraska, re
certified statement of collection.

(k) January 2 From The Union Collecting and Reporting Association, New York, re Fuld
vs Dolhonde.

(l) January 2 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re invitation to
represent the ALC.

(m) January 6 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Royaline Medicine vs
A. M. Lea and Co.

(n) January 16 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Natil Oil Works vs
Amite Mfg. Co.

(o) February 25 From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minn., re account rendered.

(p) February 24 From Kost Commission Company, Ltd., New Orleans, re L. H. Campbell
and $71.85 sight draft.

(q) February 5 From C. S. C. Club, Bogue Chitto, Miss., re request for information
on Dr Brett.

(r) February 10 From C. S. C. Club, Bogue Chitto, Miss., re request for information
on Dr Brett.

(s) February 6 From John Scott and Sons, St. Louis, MO., re Conrad and Keller.

(t) February 29 From M. Pedersen Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re draft on C. A. Chapman.

(u) February 24 From Green and Green, Jackson, Miss., re collection against Mr. P.
D. Davis.

(v) February 14 From Tulane Electrical Sanitarium, Limited, New Orleans, re cash advance

(w) February 3 From A. P. Williamson, Claims and Collection, St. Louis, MO., re Veallier
Dillon account.

(x) February 20 From A. P. Williamson, Claims and Collection, St. Louis, MO., re Veallier
Dillon account.

(y) February 28 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Campbell Paint and
Glass vs L. H. Campbell.

(z) February 29 From H. C. Chandler, Independence, LA., re balance due on a claim.

(aa) February 14 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dogherty Hardware
Company vs. A. G. Cook.

(bb) February 19 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Crescent Cider and
Vine Co. vs. J. A. Bennett.

(cc) February 15 From The Lawyers Association, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, re Cedar Rapids
National Bank vs. Bell.

(dd) February 26 From The Lawyers Association, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, re Cedar Rapids
National Bank vs. Bell.

(ee) February 13 From The Attorneys’ National Clearing House, Minn., MN., re Moyse
Bros vs W. C. Tschirn.

(ff) February 13 From R. L. Taylor, Kentwood, LA., re Mr. Ellis.

(gg) February 20 From the Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Marx Weil vs J. T.

(hh) February 18 From W. F. Landwehr Law and Collection Agency, Cincinnati, OH., re
Moyse Bros. vs Tschrin.

(ii) February 10 From The Attorneys’ National Clearing House, Minn., MN., re Moyse
Bros vs Tschrin.

(jj) February 27 From Wilber Mercantile Agency, Cleveland, OH., re Barton vs Nolan.

(kk) February 20 From W. M. Wright, Hammond, LA., re Livingston Parish.

(ll) February 20 From Wood and Wood Law Offices, Chicago, Ill., re Columbia House
vs McDaniel.


11. 1908, March and April

(a) March 19 From Texas Seating Company, Fort Worth, TX., re notes First Baptist Church,
Hammond, LA.

(b) March 3 From R. L. Taylor, Kentwood, LA., re receipt of referral is satisfactory.

(c) March 6 From A. C. Alford, Marie, LA., re request for a bill for services rendered.

(d) March 6 From The Lawyers Association, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, re Cedar Rapids National
Bank vs W. A. Bell.

(e) March 4 From Mrs. W. G. Wilson, Independence, La., re mortgage of Mr. Delhaud.

(f) March 1 From S. J. Campbell, Independence, LA., re offer by Mr. Sanders.

(g) March 8 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, LA., re Doherty Hardware
Co vs A. G. Cook.

(h) March 23 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, LA., re Standard Import
Co vs Vernon and Kemp.

(i) March 25 From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Kemker-Woolwine Candy and
Cracker Co. vs A. Roderiqu.

(j) March 25 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, re The Smith Bros. vs Dyson

(k) March 27 From 26th Judicial District Court, Franklinton, LA., re receipt for certified

(l) March 28 From Geo. L. Mesker and Co., Evansville, IN., re lien on Atherton Co.

(m) March 16 From Geo. L. Mesker and Co., Evansville, IN., re lien on Atherton Co.

(n) March 15 From Miller and Morgan, Covington, LA., re deed of John T. Michel to
Great Southern Lumber Company.

(o) March 21 From The Furniture Commercial Agency Co., High Point, NC., re Marsh Furniture
Company vs L. H. Campbell.

(p) March 9 From Kost Commission Company Ltd., New Orleans, re draft on Mr. L. H.

(q) March 7 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re Wilson and Hilburn.

(r) March 23 From C. S. C. Club, Bogue Chitto, MS., re check for $252.

(s) March 14 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re Wilson and Hilburn

(t) March 11 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re Vernon and Kemp.

(u) March 8 From The Lax-Fos Co., Paducah, KY., re claim against Settoon Bros. of
Springfield, LA.

(v) March 11 From J. Rumain, Amite City, LA., re please transfer my check.

(w) March 19 From Bank of Tangipahoa, re check for $25.

(x) March ? From W. B. Mason and Co., Amite City, LA., invoice for goods purchased.

(y) March 11 From M. Pedersen Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re account of C. A. Chapman.

(z) March 5 From Green and Green, Jackson, MS., re Mr. Wright of Hammond.

(aa) April 9 From Odom and Chaney Co., Baton Rouge, LA., re money owed.

(bb) April 14 From The Credit Clearing House, New York, re Cohen, Endel and Co. vs
P. C. Neist.

(cc) April 29 From Day Brothers Lumber Co., New Orleans, re Leatham and Smith vs J.
H. Womack, Sheriff.

(dd) April 29 From Day Brothers Lumber Co., New Orleans, re Leatham and Smith vs J.
H. Womack, Sheriff

(ee) April 27 From Leathem A. Smith, Sturgeon Bay, Wis., re taxes in St. Helena Parish.

(ff) April 24 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hardware Co
vs A. G. Cook.

(gg) April 25 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Feibleman and Sons Co.
vs D. S. Killian.

(hh) April 15 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Hak vs Malin.

(ii) April 20 From Geo. W. Davison and Co., New Orleans, re Corneille and Millett.

(jj) April 12 From National Surety Company, New York, claim coupon.

(kk) April 1 From The Furniture Commercial Agency Co., Grand Rapids, Mich., re Battle
Creek Table Co. vs D. H. Campbell.

(ll) April 9 From The Hammond Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, Hammond, re Wilson Molino

(mm) April 14 From The Globe Oil Company, Cleveland, OH., re money owed by City of

(nn) April 13 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re L. V. Settoon.

(oo) April 29 From The Jones Agency, Birmingham, Alabama, re Sudduth and Bryant vs
Allen Mins.

(pp) April 23 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Francois Martin and
Co vs M. V. McKie and Co.

(qq) April 20 From Miller and Morgan, Covington, LA., re Abstract of Title.

(rr) April 30 From Miller and Morgan, Covington, LA., re Abstract of Title.

(ss) April 14 From Isaac Petersberger, Davenport, Iowa, re Gordon Van Tine Co. vs
C. A. Kent.

(tt) April 11 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re L. V. Settoon.

(uu) April 4 From Office of Clerk Court, Charleston, SC., re J. Faber Poucher.


12. 1908, May, June, and July and August

(a) July 16 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re J. A. Readheimer.

(b) July 31 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., receipt for $5.

(c) June 5 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Jos Levy and Bros Co. vs
J. W. Tycer.

(d) May 1 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Crescent Cid and Ving Co
vs J. A. Bennett.

(e) July 17 From American Express Company, Amite, LA., re jewelry received from Ellis
and Mixon.

(f) August 8 From Thos. P. Sims, Kentwood, LA., re request for info on Tangipahoa

(g) July 6 From Vernon and Kemp, Amite City, LA., re statement of business day before

(h) August 8 From W. M. Wright, Hammond, LA., re bill of collection.

(i) August 21 Form The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re The Crescent City Vinegar
and Cider Co. vs A. Rodriguez.

(j) July 10 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re Western Mfg. Co. and Vernon
and Kemp.

(k) August 15 From Harry Price, New Orleans, re receipt of letter.

(l) August 15 From Walter Winn Wright, New Orleans, re check for Mrs. Ruiz.


13. 1908, September and October

(a) October 14 From Strauss Brothters, Chicago, ILL., re claim vs Vernon and Kemp.

(b) October 30 From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Nashville Saddlery Co.
vs G. W. Jones.

(c) September 18 From The Martindale System, Cincinnati, OH., re H. F. Johnson.

(d) September 18 From The Kemper Thomas Company, Cinn., OH., re H. F. Johnson.

(e) October 31 From L. H. Campbell, Amite City, LA., re receipt.

(f) October 3 From The Louisiana Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Ltd, New Orleans, re Mrs.
L. Klotz.

(g) October 19 From The Attorneys’ National Clearing House. Minn., MN., re Irby and
Gilliland vs N. Lindsey.

(h) October 15 From Bay State Collection Agency, Westfield, Mass., re Westfield Whip
Co. vs S. D. Stelley.

(i) October 6 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re The Crescent City Vinegar
and Cider Co. vs A. Rodriguez.

(j) September 30 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re The Jos Schwartz
Co vs J. G. Corbin Wall Co.

(k) October 1 From King Bros. Shilstone and Saint, Limited, New Orleans, re receipt
for olive oil.

(l) October 17 From Reynolds and White, Birmingham, AL., re Julius Richards.

(m) October 14 From Sarver and Ames, Pitt., PA., re The Garlock Packing Co vs Hammond
Planting and Mfg. Co.

(n) October 17 From State of Louisiana, Parish of Tangipahoa, 18th Judicial District,
re marriage certificate of Mr. Samuel Lea and Miss Adeline Baham.

(o) October 13 From Burton-Peel Dry Goods Co., Fort Worth, TX., re death of his father.

(p) October 29 From Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re National Clo. Co.
vs A. K. Fletcher.

(q) October 15 From Kentwood Ice Manufacturing and Bottling Works, claim of Gordon
Van Tine.

(r) October 2 From Lazarus, Michel and Lazarus, New Orleans, re Mr. Hart.

(s) October 2 From King Bros. and Saint Ltd., New Orleans, re Bell and Brown.

(t) October 28 From The American Credit-Indemnity Co., St. Louis, MO., re J. F. Strickland.

(u) October 27 From The Orleans Manufacturing Company, New Orleans, re receipt for

(v) October 23 From Felix O. Posten, St. Louis, MO., re Wagner Electric Mfg. Co vs
Central L. P.

(w) October 28 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re National Oil Works
vs Amite Mfg Co.

(x) October 1 From The Credit Reporter Co., St. Louis, MO., re Wagner Electric vs
Central Light and Power.

(y) October 13 From The Strauss Brothers, Inc., Chicago, IL., re receipt for $45.

(z) October 14 From Walter, Winn, Wright, New Orleans, re Mrs. Widow Rosa Ruiz vs
M. Becker.

(aa) September 18 From Addison and Benton, New Orleans, re receipt for $2800.


14. 1908, November and December

(a) November 10 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minn., MN., re Western King Mfg.
vs H. M. Hutchinson.

(b) November 10 From Strauss Brothers, Chicago, IL., re Vernon and Kemp.

(c) December 8 From The Wheeling Potteries Co., Wheeling, WVA., re bill due.

(d) December 14 From Stafford and Lambert, New Orleans, re Powell and Oser vs Weems.

(e) December 18 From Stimpson Computing Scale Co., Detroit, Michigan, re Vernon and

(f) December 21 From The Beck Duplicator Co., New York, re closing accounts.

(g) December 30 From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, Iowa, re Reichert and Co of Roseland,

(h) December 8 From King Bros. and Saint Ltd, New Orleans, re Ellzey and Harrington.

(i) November 19 From Joseph Rogers, Hammond, LA., re request for a case.

(j) December 1 From Stewart’s Drug Store, Amite City, LA., re bill of goods.

(k) November 30 From Family Groceries, New Orleans, re Rehbine Trash.

(l) December 2 From Texas Seating Company, Fort Worth, TX., re Notes First Baptist

(m) December 1 From Hammond State Bank, Hammond, LA., money from widow.

(n) December 3 From The Louisiana Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re collection
from Nesom, Klotz, and Price.

(o) December 29 From The Memphis Credit Men’s Adjustment Bureau, Memphis, Tenn., re
Hoadley ice Cream Co. vs Mrs. L. Klotz.

(p) December 14 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Jos Schwartz Co. vs
J. O. Corbin Wall Co.

(q) December 18 From Sudhoff, Eggers and Buchman, Cincinnati, OH., re receipt for

(r) December 3 From Davidson and Rownd, Springfield, LA., re Papa Aboux.

(s) December 10 From Guy Ray, New Orleans, re Rudopf Flasdick vs Hammond Lumber Co.

(t) December 26 From Sarver and Ames, Pitt., PA., re Garlock Packing Co. vs Hammond
Planting and Mfg. Co.

(u) November 5 From Spiegel, May, Stern Co., Chicago, IL., re Thos. J. Sims.

(v) November 5 From The E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co., Paducah, KY., re W. A. Bell.

(w) November 14 From Strauss Brothers, Chicago, IL., re Vernon and Kemp.

(x) December 19 From Sentell and Barbard, Hammond, LA., re George Jones vs Dr. George
Jones, tutor.

(y) December 3 From Lazarus, Michel and Lazarus, New Orleans, re William Hart.

(z) December 16 From Lazarus, Michel and Lazarus, New Orleans, re William Hart.

(aa) November 20 From Lazarus, Michel and Lazarus, New Orleans, re William Hart.

(bb) November 19 From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re collection from R. L. McCloud.

(cc) November 8 From Lazarus, Michel and Lazarus, New Orleans, re William Hart.

(dd) November 10 From From King Bros. and Saint Ltd, New Orleans, re Spell and Brown.

(ee) December 16 From The Mercantile Clearing House, New Orleans, re Frelidh and Badt
vs J. T. Strickland.

(ff) November 2 From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Tennessee Trust Building.

(gg) December 31 From The National Adjustment Company, Cleveland, OH., re Taylor,
Smith and Taylor Co. vs S. B. Ellsey.

(hh) November 6 From National Packing Company, Chicago, IL., re Sanders and Sons.

(ii) November 3 From Felix O Poston, St. Louis, MO., Wagner Electric Mfg. Co. vs Central
L and P Co.

(jj) November 1 From A. J. Alford, Amite City, LA., re receipt.

(kk) December 21 From Taylor and Gremillion, Crowley, LA., re John Dykes.

(ll) December 12 From The Lawyers Association, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, re collection from
G. W. Jones.

(mm) December 16 From E. W. Ott, Mt. Herman, LA., re money owed.

(nn) November 25 From The Mercantile Clearing House, New Orleans, re Wash Davie vs
J. N. Herrington.

(oo) December 8 From The Mercantile Clearing House, New Orleans, re Wash Davie vs
J. N. Herrington.


15. 1909, January to December.

(a) January 6 From National Collecting Company, Cincinnati, OH., re claim # 55698.

(b) January 27 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Royaline Medicine vs.
A. M. Lea and Co.

(c) April From Alford and Hutchinson, Amite City, LA., re bill for feed.

(d) June 25 From Wm. Pollock Milling and Elevator Co., Hammond, LA., re notes on the
pews of the First Baptist Church of Hammond.

(e) December 11 From Roseland Novelty Works, Roseland, LA., re Mr. Brown.

(f) March 9 From R. G. Patton, Des Moines, Iowa, re Chamberlain Medicine Co. vs J.
N. Herrington.

(g) January 18 From National Packing Company, Chicago, ILL., claim # 14410.

(h) February 26 From The Globe Oil Company, Cleveland, OH., re Sanders Bros. of Arcola,

(i) January 21 From M. N. Sauls, Arcola, LA., re please fix up the paper.

(j) February 9 From Texas Seating Company, Chicago, IL., re Notes First Baptist Church
of Hammond, LA.

(k) January 25 From Texas Seating Company, Chicago, IL., re Notes First Baptist Church
of Hammond, LA.

(l) March 6 From Jackson Vinegar Co., Jackson, Miss., re R. W. Thompson.

(m) January 28 From Swift and Company, Chicago, IL., re W. H. Vernon.

(n) February 26 From W. W. Sanders, Independence, LA., re J. E. Gaines.

(o) February 22 From Stewart’s Drug Store, Amite City, LA., re amount due plus interest.

(p) March 18 From Spencer Medicine Company, Chattanooga, TN., re H. E. Warner of Pine
Grove, LA.

(q) April 3 From W. L. Smart, Sheriff, Springville, LA., re Judge Reid.

(r) January 6 From Western Union Telegraph Company, New Orleans, re answer to wires
received. (two copies).

(s) January 9 From John P. Richardson, New Orleans, re contents of shipment noted.

(t) January 1 From Amite Hardware Co., Ltd., Amite City, LA., re paid receipt.

(u) January 23 From The Memphis Credit Men’s Adjustment Bureau, Memphis, TN., re Hoadley
Ice Cream Co. vs Mrs. L. Klotz.

(v) January 16 From Reid, Purser and Reid, Amite City, LA., re sale of Browns land.

(w) March 11 From Barr and Widen Mercantile Agency, St. Louis, MO., re National Clothing
Co. vs E. S. Robinson.

(x) February 17 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re National Clothing
Co. vs Bell and Brown.

(y) January 15 From The Associated Law Offices, St. Louis, MO., re Seidel Furniture
Manufacturing Company vs G. W. Nesson.

(z) February 2 From H. T. Cottam and Company, Ltd., New Orleans, re Mr. Stafford.

(aa) March 13 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Rolling Aicklen Co.
vs S. D. Stilley.

(bb) February 20 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re National Oil Works
vs J. A. Rutland.

(cc) March 3 From Asahel W. Cooper, New Orleans, re Alford vs Alleyn.

(dd) February 9 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Hawes Von Gal Co.
vs Vernon and Kemp.

(ee) April 5 From John Watt, New Orleans, re C. E. Cate.

(ff) January 25 From Lazarus, Michel and Lazarus, New Orleans, re William Hart.

(gg) January 25 From The Mercantile Adjuster, St. Louis, MO., re G. W. Nesson.

(hh) February 2 From National Surety Company, New York, re Wm. R. Porterfield.

(ii) March 18 From H. B. M. Consul General, New Orleans, re Succession of G. Nelson.

(jj) March 4 From New Orleans Roofing and Metal Works, New Orleans, re A. J. Goodbee
and Co.

(kk) March 17 From Felix O. Poston, St. Louis, MO., re Wagner Mfg Co. vs Central L
and P Co.

(ll) March 1 From The E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co., Paducah, KY., re S. B. Ellzey.

(mm) March 2 From John Dykes, Amite City, LA., re Taylor and Cremillion.

(nn) No date From W. B. Mason and Co., Amite City, LA., re receipt for goods.

(oo) August 18 From The Wilcox Agency, Ltd., New Orleans, re Cable Co. vs C. D. Strickland
of Tangipahoa.

(pp) February 19 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Schwartz Bros vs
M. A. Lee and Co.

(qq) February 4 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Schwartz Bros vs M.
A. Lee and Co.


16. 1910, January March

(a) January 12 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Mound City P and Co.
vs Specialty Wood Works.

(b) January 1 From Ben Cambre, Prairieville, LA., re Mrs. Gray.

(c) January 19 From Post Office Department, New Orleans, re notice of delivery.

(d) April 5 From The Mercantile Adjustment Co., Pittsburgh, PA., re Spiegel, May,
Stern vs G. Evans.

(e) January 10 From The Credit Clearing House, Memphis, TN., re Marks and Fader vs
F. C. Weist.

(f) January 9 From The Credit Clearing House, Memphis, TN., re Marks and Fader vs
S. D. Stelley.

(g) February 23 From The Credit Clearing House, Memphis, TN., re creation of a partnership.

(h) March 21 From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re Gennesee Lumber Company.

(i) March 9 From The Wilcox Agency, Ltd., New Orleans, re Cable Company vs Hannah


17. 1910, June August

(a) July 19 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Mound City P and C Co.
vs Specialty Wood Works.

(b) July 13 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dwyer Bros. Co. vs Day
Commercial Co.

(c) August 25 From Draughon’s, Nashville, TN., re Henry Heabig.

(d) August 6 From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re C. W. Nesom.

(e) June 23 From Mrs. Weiss, Baton Rouge, LA., re Sister Coward.

(f) July 20 From Mr. Kemp, Brooklyn, NY., re attempt to settle some accounts.

(g) July 22 From H. T. Cottam and Company, Ltd., New Orleans, re J. N. Herrington.

(h) July 29 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Co. vs F. W.

(i) August 13 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co vs Leo De Coux.


18. September and October

(a) October 22 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blanke Wenneker Candy
Co vs Daniels Bros.

(b) September 2 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Mound City P and C
Co. vs Specialty Food Works.

(c) September 26 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co vs Leo De Coux.

(d) October 5 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Mound City P and C Co.
vs John J. Dahlstrom.

(e) October 21 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re James Cicero.

(f) October 17 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Co. vs F.
E. Cutrer.

(g) October 25 — From H. T. Cottam and Company, Ltd., New Orleans, re T. H. Easley.

(h) October 29 From H. T. Cottam and Company, Ltd., New Orleans, re Miss M. Cornett.

(i) October 10 From H. J. Heinz Company, St. Louis, MO., re F. C. West.

(j) October 21 From Odom and Chaney Co. Ltd., Baton Rouge, LA., re Frank Melenay.

(k) October 20 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders

(l) October 31 From W. L. Tilley and Co., Greensburg, LA., re ???

(m) September 26 From The Smith Bros. Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re bill rendered.

(n) September 27 From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Smith Bros. Co. Ltd vs
F. C. Weist.

(o) September 24 From Guy J. Ray, New Orleans, re B. Easley.

(p)October 29 From Guy J. Ray, New Orleans, re A. J. Nelson Manufacturing Co. vs James
H. Miller.

(q) September 24 From McIlvaine Adjustment Company, Chicago, IL., re Pomeroy Bros
vs F. C. Weist.

(r) October 11 From George Mallard Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re D. W. Russell of Roseland,


19. 1910, November

(a) November 18 From Carlsbad Manufacturing Co., Nashville, TN., re C. L. Matthews.

(b) November 29 From The Credit Clearing House, Atlanta, GA., re Chatt. Medicine Co.
vs R. T. Boyd.

(c) November 29 From Charles Daniels, Chicago, IL., re H. E. Bucklen Co. vs B. W.

(d) November 22 From Breeden Medicine Co., Chattanooga, TN., re Killiam and Travis.

(e) November 22 From Asahel W. Cooper, New Orleans, re Parker-Blake Company Ltd. vs
J. L. Robertson.

(f) November 1 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Gro. Co
vs F. C. Weist.

(g) November 9 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Co. vs F.
E. Cutrer.

(h) November 29 From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re Western Trimmed
Hat Company.

(i) November 16 From Walter Winn Wright, New Orleans, re Mrs. Ruiz.

(j) November 16 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Gasper T. Schiro.

(k) November 14 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Gasper T. Schiro.

(l) November 3 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Gasper T. Schiro.

(m) November 22 From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Smith Bros. Co. vs Hilburn
and Wheeler.

(n) November 16 From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re D. L. Calmes.

(o) November 16 From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re G. W. Nesom.

(p) November 17 From Benfey and Benfey, Sheboygan, WI., re Herald Publishing Co vs
A. J. Goodbee.

(q) November 29 From Benfey and Benfey, Sheboygan, WI., re Herald Publishing Co vs
A. J. Goodbee.

(r) November 22 From James R. Duffin, Louisville, KY., re Hyman Pickle Company vs
Mrs E. M. Carter.

(s) November 12 From B. F. Glover and Son Commission Co., New Orleans, re A. A. Cambre.

(t) November 2 From Freiler Mercantile Co. Ltd., Greensburg, LA., re Mr. Kent.

(u) November 12 From Cast, Crofts, and Co., Louisville, KY., re Williams Bros.

(v) November 26 From Eastern Mercantile and Collection Association, Cleveland, OH.,
re Ohio Pottery and Glass Co vs B. W. Newson.

(w) November 7 From Orleans Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re H. M. Ansley vs Weir
Lumber Co.

(x) November 17 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co Ltd vs E. R. Mackie.

(y) November 23 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co Ltd vs E. R. Mackie.

(z) November 8, 15, 30 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blanke Wenneker
Candy Co. vs Daniels Bros.

(aa) November 17 From The National Adjustment Company, Cleveland, OH., re The French
China Co. vs W. D. Cox and Co.

(bb) November 26 From Cratty Bros and Jarvis, Chicago, IL., re E. W. Dees.

(cc) November 17 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohn Weil and Co
vs Mrs. L Klotz.

(dd) November 23 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohn Weil and Co
vs Mrs. L Klotz.

(ee) November 15 From Snow-Church and Co., Louisville, KY., re Strater Bros Tobacco
Co. vs W. A. Bell.

(ff) November 11 From Snow-Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Jackson Woolen Mills
vs J. D. Corbin Wall Co.


20. 1910, December

(a) December 3 From the Carlsbad Manufacturing Company, Nashville, TN., re C. L. Matthews.

(b) December 23 From H. T. Cottam and Company, New Orleans, re Mr. H. A. Nesom.

(c) December 24 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Gro. Co.
vs Hilburn and Wheeler.

(d) December 30 From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Eastern Mills Sales
Office vs Bell and Brown.

(e) December 24 From C. J. Bills, New Orleans, re Furniture Company.

(f) December 22 From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re M. Born and Co. vs
F. C. Weist.

(g) December 8 From Breeden Medicine Co., Chattanooga, TN., re A. J. Goodbee.

(h) December 24 From Cratty Brothers, Chicago, ILL., re E. W. Dees.

(i) December 28 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Co. vs
Walter Loving.

(j) December 23 From J. M. Carruth, Greensburg, LA., re Will Hamberlin.

(k) December 28 From H. T. Cottam and Company, New Orleans, re T. H. Easley.

(l) December 29 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Gro. Co
vs C. F. Hyde.

(m) December 29 From A. R. Lewis, Amite City, LA., re Robert S. Ellis.

(n) December 20 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Co. vs
F. E. Cutrer.

(o) December 16 From Jos. F. Walton, New Orleans, re Amite Bank and Trust Company.

(p) December 13 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Co. vs
John T. Simmons.

(q) December 29 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Wash Davis and Co
vs A. A. Jackson.

(r) December 30 From W. M. Wright, Hammond, LA., re Shushman Bros. vs J. T. Covington.

(s) December 20 From Virginia Trunk and Bag Company, Petersburg, VA., re balance due.

(t) December 30 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Gasper T. Schiro.

(u) December 8 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Co. vs Walter

(v) December 30 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re B. Stern.

(w) December 30 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re J. F. Sowell.

(x) December 20 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Dan Russell.

(y) December 20 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Ella May Carter.

(z) December 29 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re N. Schiro.

(aa) December 20 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re James Cicero.

(bb) December 16 From The Wilcox Agency, Ltd., New Orleans, re The Cable Piano Co.
vs Katie J. Curry.

(cc) December 9 From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Smith Bros. vs Amite Merc.

(dd) December 29 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. vs Leo De Coux.

(ee) December 31 From Amite Bank and Trust Company, Amite City, LA., re deposit slip
for $173.

(ff) December 3 From John Janvier, New Orleans, re Succession of John and Emma Bailey.

(gg) December 9 From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re Hyman
Pickle Co. vs Mrs. Carter.

(hh) December 1 From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re Hyman
Pickle Co. vs Mrs. Carter.

(ii) December 28 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re E. S. Haik vs J.

(jj) December 15 From Lumberman’s Credit Association, Chicago, IL., re Robert H. Jenks
Lumber Co. vs Montpelier Lumber Co.

` (kk) December 28 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Gulf Mfg. Co. vs
W. A. Bell.

(ll) December 27 From Sydney B. Wright, Chattanooga, TN., re Garret Carter Co. vs
Peter Da Veitz.

(mm) December 13 From Freiler Mercantile Co., Ltd., Greensburg, LA., re Will Hamberlin.

(nn) December 22 From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Eastern Mills
Sales Office vs Bell and Brown.

(oo) December 8 From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Eastern Mills Sales
Office vs Bell and Brown.

(pp) December 19 From John L. Duncan, Toledo, OH., re Hilder Strong vs Anderson.

(qq) December 30 From The National Adjustment Company, Cleveland, OH., re The Ficks
Carriage and Reed Co. vs Bell and Brown.

(rr) December 13 From Foley and Company, Chicago, IL., re W. A. Bell.

(ss) December 28 From Freiler Mercantile Co., Ltd., Greensburg, LA., re Mr. Kent.

(tt) December 6 From Eastern Mercantile and Collection Association, Cleveland, OH.,
re Ohio Pottery and Glass Co. vs W. B. Newson.

(uu) December 27 From Jos. A. Magnus and Co., Cincinnati, OH., re J. F. Hawkins.

(vv) December 29 From McIlvaine Adjustment Company, Chicago, IL., re Pomeroy Bros.
vs F. C. Weist.

(ww) December 27 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
and Co. vs E. P. Mackie.

(xx) December 21 From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Milburn Wagon
Co. vs C. J. Fulds.

(yy) December 22 From Merchants Publishing Company, Kalamazoo, MI., re G. F. Goldsby.

(zz) December 29 From National Art and Crayon Co., Chicago, IL., re M. A. Lea and
W. D. Cox and Company.

(aaa) December 16 From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Henry Nurre vs Amite
Mfg. Co.

(bbb) December 8 From Frank Lequin and Arnold, New York, re dues for American Lawyer’s

(ccc) December 29 From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Henry Nurre vs Amite
Mfg. Co.

(ddd) December 17 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. vs Leo De Coux.

(eee) December 17 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blanke Wenneker
Co. vs Daniels Bros.

(fff) December 3 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Mound City P and
C Company vs Specialty Wood Works.

(ggg) December 15 From The National Adjustment Company, Cleveland, OH., re The French
China Co. vs W. D. Cox and Co.

(hhh) December 13 From Cratty Brothers and Jarvis, Chicago, IL., re Lyon and Healy
vs E. W. Dees.

(iii) December 24 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re I. L. Lyons and
Co. vs Dr. T. M. Bristen.

(jjj) December 17 From Guy J. Ray, New Orleans, re Gulf Manufacturing Company vs Easley.

(kkk) December 17 From Guy J. Ray, New Orleans, re A. J. Nelson Manufacturing Company
vs James H. Miller.

(lll) December 27 From The Credit Clearing House, Baltimore, MD., re C. A. R. Tobacco
Co. vs F. C. Weist.

(mmm) December 28 From Glazier Lumber Company, Glazier, Miss., re case against Greensburg
Lumber Co.

(nnn) December 29 From Toledo Computing Scale Company, Toledo, OH., re Dan Russell.

(ooo) December 27 From the Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Strauss Bros vs
F. C. Weist.

(ppp) December 19 From Snow-Church and Co., Louisville, KY., re Strater Bros. Tobacco
Co. vs W. A. Bell.

(qqq) December 6 From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re G. W. Nesom.

(rrr) December 6 From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re D. L. Calmes.


BOX 3 Correspondence

Folder 1 1911, January.

(a) January 31 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Gasper T. Schiro.

(b) January 31 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re J. F. Sowell.

(c) January 31 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re N. Schiro.

(d) January 5 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Ella May Carter.

(e) January 9 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Parker Blake Co. vs
L. A. Stevens.

(f) January 16 From Virginia Trunk and Bag Company, Petersburg, VA., re Bell and Brown.

(g) January 10 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re D. W. Russell.

(h) January 17 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Ella May Carter.

(i) January 15 From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re L. O. Ellzey.

(j) January 4 From W. M. Wright, Hammond, LA., re Shushou Bros. vs J. T. Covington.

(k) January 7 From Leo Strauss, New Orleans, re money enclosed.

(l) January 6 From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Smith Bros. Co. Ltd. vs Hilbun
and Wheeler.

(m) January 3 From Snow-Church and Co., Louisville, KY, re Strater Bros. Tobacco Co.
vs W. S. Bell.

(n) January 7 From Swift and Co. Ltd., ?, re A. A. Jackson.

(o) January 7 From Snow-Church and Co., Louisville, KY, re Strater Bros. Tobacco Co.
vs W. S. Bell.

(p) January 6 From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re D. L. Calmes.

(q) January 13 From S. J. Smith, Kentwood, LA., re L. M. Varnards.

(r) January 11 From Sarver and Ames, New York, re Sweet Ore Co. vs Natalbany Lumber

(s) January 11 From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Smith Mfg. Co. vs
L. A. Stevens.

(t) January 6 From Wm. Oldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re Western Trimmed Hat
Co. vs C. L. Matthews.

(u) January 10 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Co. vs Katie
J. Curry.

(v) January 10 From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minn., re solicitation for

(w) January 13 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Weiss Frank and Co.
vs W. C. Tschirn.

(x) January 2 From Walter Winn Wright, New Orleans, re Mrs. Ruiz.

(y) January 19 From Walter Winn Wright, New Orleans, re Mrs. Ruiz vs Becker.

(z) January 23 From Walter Winn Wright, New Orleans, re Mrs. Ruiz vs Becker.

(aa) January 28 From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re Western Trimmed
Hat Co. vs C. L. Matthews.

(bb) January 26 From George S. Kaigen, Newark, NJ., re Sweet-Orr and Co. vs Morgan
Bros. and Co.

(cc) January 21 From From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Shusman Bros.
Co. vs Day Commercial Co.

(dd) January 14 From W. O. Gatewood and Co., St. Louis, MO., re L. A. Stevene.

(ee) January 30 From Guy J. Ray, New Orleans, re Ivy Bankston.

(ff) January 6 From Glazier Lumber Company, Glazier, Miss., re the Greensburg Lumber

(gg) January 23 From Guy J. Ray, New Orleans, re Dr. J. H. Ellis.

(hh) January 16 From Glazier Lumber Company, Glazier, Miss., re the Greensburg Lumber

(ii) January 16 From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, Ill., re Pomeroy Bros. vs
F. C. Weist.

(jj) January 23 From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, Ill., re Pomeroy Bros. vs
F. C. Weist.

(kk) January 16 From Castle Harvell, Harvells Mills, LA., re ??.

(ll) January 17 From Sarver and Ames, Pittsburgh, PA., re H. K. Porter Co. vs Peunamich
Lumber Co.

(mm) January 12 From Guy J. Ray, New Orleans, re Gulf Manufacturing Co. vs B. Easley
and S. B. Elzey.

(nn) January 9 From Guy J. Ray, New Orleans, re Gulf Manufacturing Co. vs B. Easley
and S. B. Elzey.

(oo) January 11 From Glazier Lumber Company, Glazier, Miss., re the Greensburg Lumber

(pp) January 9 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward,
Wight and Co. vs E. Mackiel.

(qq) January 23 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward,
Wight and Co. vs E. Mackiel.

(rr) January 7 From New Jersey Law and Collection Agency, Jersey City, NJ., re National
Beam Co. vs Mrs. Mary L. Daniel.

(ss) January 24 From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re New Era Mfg. Co.
vs Morgan Bros.

(tt) January 6 From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, Ohio, re Henry Nurre vs Amite
Mfg. Co.

(uu) January 23 From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, Ohio, re Henry Nurre vs Amite
Mfg. Co.

(vv) January 4 From Security Mercantile Agency, Minneapolis, MN., re National Biscuit
Company vs C. A. Jackson.

(ww) January 12 From Bamberger, Levi and Mandel, Philadelphia, PA., re ?

(xx) January 21 From Kemp and Spiller , Amite, LA., re F. C. Weist.

(yy) January 20 From H. W. Lindsey, Greensburg, LA., re Dr. Travis.

(zz) January 24 From The Liquid Carbine Company, Chicago, IL., re T. M. Bankston.

(aaa) January 18 From The Credit Clearing House, Memphis, TN., re Marks and Fader
vs F. C. Weist.

(bbb) January 19 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re I. L. Lyons and Co.
vs Dr. T. M. Brister.

(ccc) January 30 From Cratty Brothers, Chicago, IL., re Lyon and Healy vs R. W. Dees.

(ddd) January 20 From The Morgan Brothers Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA., re bill with amount
due listed.

(eee) January 31 From United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Covington, KY.,
re Simon Thomes.

(fff) January 11 From George Mallard Co. Ltd., New Orleans, re D. W. Russell.

(ggg) January 11 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Mound City P and
C Co. vs Specialty Wood Works.

(hhh) January 12 From Adolph M. Schwarz, Chicago, IL., re Mayer Israel and Co. vs
C. C. Edwards.

(iii) January 20 From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Milburn Wagon
Co. vs C. J. Fulda.

(kkk) January 20 From Jos. A. Magnus and Co. Fine Whiskies, Cincinnati, OH., re J.
F. Hawkins.

(lll) January 18 From Jos. A. Magnus and Co. Fine Whiskies, Cincinnati, OH., re J.
F. Hawkins.

(mmm) January 28 From Grand Chapter of the State of Louisiana Royal Arch Masons, New
Orleans, re receipt of membership dues.

(nnn) January 2 From Dr. R. W. Travis, Tangipohoa, LA., re E. J. Hart.

(ooo) January 9 From L. H. Holliday and Co., Hackley, LA., re Mr. Vernon.

(ppp) January 13 From Jobbers’ Collection Agency, Minneapolis, MN., re J. E. Lavigne.

(qqq) January 6 From Jos. A. Magnus and Co. Fine Whiskies, Cincinnati, OH., re J.
F. Hawkins.

(rrr) January 20 From The National Adjustment Company, Cleveland, OH., re Ideal Concrete
Mach. Co. vs W. Smelley.

(sss) January 19 From L. H. Holliday and Co., Hackley, LA., re discussion of timber

(ttt) January 20 From Johnson and Fleury, New Orleans, re D. H. Holmes Co. Ltd. vs
Norman P. Vernon.

(uuu) January 17 From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Hinderer’s Iron Works
vs John Saul.

(vvv) January 30 From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re R. H. Jenks Lumber
Co. vs Montipellier Lumber Co.

(zzz) January 17 From Lumberman’s Credit Association, Chicago, IL., R. H. Jenks Lumber
Co. vs Montipellier Lumber Co.

(aaaa) January 31 From Edward A. Kennedy, Iowa City, Iowa, re Thos. P. Sims.

(bbbb) January 14 From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. vs Leo De Coux.

(cccc) January 5 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Jackson Woolen
Mills vs J. D. Corbin Wall Co.

(dddd) January 7 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re American Type
Founders Co. vs Leo De Coux.

(eeee) January 6 From The Kentwood Commercial, Kentwood, LA., re American Type Founders

(ffff) January 17 From Burch, Fisher and McCuskey, Canton, OH., re Am. C. and R. vs

(gggg) January 26 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re death of Atty.
W. M. Wright.

(hhhh) January 2 From The Southwestern Mercantile Agency, Dallas, TX., re First Texas
Chemical Co vs Dr. G. W. Jones.

(iiii) January 17 From Babson Bros., Chicago, IL. re C. Brasfield.

(jjjj) January 17 From Babson Bros., Chicago, IL. re J. Cutrer.

(kkkk) January 17 From Babson Bros., Chicago, IL. re B. Lovett.

(llll) January 30 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re death of Mr. W.
M. Wright.

(mmmm) January 30 From The Champion Refining Company, Cleveland, OH., re search for
lubricating oil salesman.

(nnnn) January 21 From Asahel W. Cooper, New Orleans, re Bailey succession.

(oooo) January 27 From C. J. Bills, New Orleans, re Chambers Furniture Co. vs Walter
Loving Co.

(pppp) January 25 From From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe.
Co. vs I. D. Easterly.

(qqqq) January 17 From Freiler Mercantile Co. Ltd., Greensburg, LA., re Mr Holland.

(rrrr) January 12 From Freiler Mercantile Co. Ltd., Greensburg, LA., re company net

(ssss) January 20 From The Martindale System, New Jersey, re Ourselves vs Amite Manufacturing

(tttt) January 25 From A. K. Freiler, Greensburg, LA., re coming out Saturday night.

(uuuu) January 31 From National Oil Works, New Orleans, re balance due.

(vvvv) January 11 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re A. Baldwin and Co.
vs Frieler Merc. Co.

(wwww) January 4 From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re claim # 18840.

(xxxx) January 10 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlman Bros. and
Sugarman vs C. L. Matthews.

Folder 2 1911, February

(a) February 1 – From John Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. Vs J. B. Adams.

(b) February 1 – From Cutrer, Tickfaw, LA., re real estate.

(c) February 1 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re The Milburn Wagon
Company vs C. J. Fulda.

(d) February 1 – From Ben Cambre, Baton Rouge, LA., re I’m sick in the sanitarium.

(e) February 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Gro. Co.
Vs Hilburn and Wheeler.

(f) February 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re A. Baldwin and Co.
vs Frieler Merc. Co.

(g) February 1 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re French China
Company vs W. D. Cox and Co.

(h) February 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re LA. Molasses Co.
vs Jonesboro Merc. Co.

(i) February 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlmann Bros. And
Sugarman vs C. L. Matthews.

(j) February 1 – From J. A. Fay and Egan Co., Cincinnati, OH., re Amite Manufacturing

(k) February 2 – From The Credit Clearing House, St. Louis, MO., re Dr. L. D . LeGear
Co. vs J. N. Herrington.

(l) February 2 – From Snow, Church and Company, Memphis, TN., re Webster Warnock Chem.
Co. Vs Dr. T. W. Brister.

(m) February 2 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re J. L. Adams.

(n) February 2 – From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re G. W. Nesom.

(o) February 2 – From Foley and Company, Chicago, IL., re W. A. Bell.

(p) February 2 – From The Credit Clearing House, Memphis, TN., re Marks and Fader
vs F. C. Weist.

(q) February 2 – From Edison Phonograph Distributers, Chicago, IL., re bill for phonograph,
records and needles.

(r) February 3 – From Snow, Church and Co., Memphis, TN., re Van Vleet Mansfield Drug
Co. Vs Dr. R. W. Travis.

(s) February 3 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re B. Stern.

(t) February 3 – From Edison Phonograph Distributers, Chicago, IL., re Joe Cutrer.

(u) February 3 – From A. J. Alford, Amite City, LA., re bill for feed.

(v) February 3 – From Snow, Church and Co., Memphis, TN., re Webster Warner Chem.
Co. Vs T. W. Brister.

(w) February 3 – From Flood and Conklin Co., Newark, NJ., re Amite Mfg. Co.

(x) February 3 – From Holzman Bros., New York, re Chattanooga Overall Co.

(y) February 3 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Henry Nurre vs Amite
Mfg. Co.

(z) February 3 – From L. S. Lesh, Tickfaw, LA., re W. P. Richards.

(aa) February 3 – From National Paper Company, Atlanta, GA., re Mr. Thomas Bankston.

(bb) February 3 – From George S. Kagan, Newark, NJ., re Sweet, Orr and Co. Vs Morgan
Bros. And Co.

(dd) February 4 – From The Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., New Orleans, re bill rendered.

(ee) February 4 – From The James Agency, Nashville, TN., re Cumberland Telephone Co.
Vs H. D. Foote, Jr.

(ff) February 4 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Eastern Mills
Sales Office vs Bell and Brow.

(gg) February 4 – From McIlvaine Adjustment Company, Chicago, IL., re Sahlin Company
vs F. E. Neille Co.

(hh) February 4 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Gro.
Co. Vs Hilburn and Wheeler.

(ii) February 5 – From S. D. Bulloch, Covington, LA., re Rachael.

(jj) February 6 – From C. F. Hyde, Amite, LA., re hauling material.

(kk) February 6 – From W. B. Mason and Co., Amite City, LA., re bill for dry goods
, notions , shoes, etc.

(ll) February 6 – From Castle Harvard, Amite City, LA., re reservoir.

(mm) February 6 – From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re New Era Manufacturing
Co. Vs Morgan Bros.

(nn) February 7 – From S. M. Leole, Greensburg, LA., re sent bonds to John Dean.

(oo) February 7 – From The Champion Refining Company, Cleveland, OH., re sale of lubricating
oils, greases, etc for your client Merritt Edwards.

(pp) February 7 – From Jos. F. Walton, New Orleans, re succession of Duncan.

(qq) February 7 – From The E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co., Paducah, KY., re Moise Law
and Collection Co.

(rr) February 7 – From Moise Law and Collection Co., St. Louis, MO., re W. A. Bell.

(ss) February 7 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co. Vs E. P. Mackie.

(tt) February 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re I. L. Lyons and
Co. Vs Dr. T. M. Brister.

(uu) February 8 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. Vs Leo De Coux.

(vv) February 8 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Milburn Wagon
Co. Vs C. J. Fulda.

(ww) February 8 – From Babson Bros., Chicago. IL., re J. Cutrer.

(xx) February 8 – From John L. Duncan, Toledo, OH., re Wilder Strong vs W. E. Anderson.

(yy) February 8 – From Louis Fulda, Ponchatula, LA., re information about family.

(zz) February 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlmon Bros. And
Sugarman vs C. L. Mathews.

J (aaa) February 9 – From Gifford and Steinfeld, Louisville, KY., re The Crigler and
Crigler Co. Vs Geo. H. Biegel.

(bbb) February 9 – From Bollinger and Block, Davenport, Iowa, re real estate mortgage
of Frank J. Evans and wife.

(ccc) February 10 – From Sarver and Ames, Pittsburgh, PA., re Porter Covs Peunamich
Lumber Co.

(ddd) February 10 – From National Paper Company, Atlanta, GA., re Rather and Wilson.

(eee) February 10 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Isaac Levy vs
H. C. Fondren.

(fff) February 10 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Isaac Levy vs
H. C. Fondren.

(ggg) February 11 – From D. M. Easley and Son, Colyell, LA., re sold interest in saw

(hhh) February 11 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Freiler Mfg. Co.

(iii) February 11 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, Mo., re Blanke Wenneker
Candy Co. Vs Daniels Bros.

(jjj) February 11 – From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re New Era Manufacturing
Co. Vs Morgan Brothers.

(kkk) February 11 – From M. L. George, Tangipahoa, LA., re check enclosed.

(lll) February 11 – From Dave Stafford, Tickfaw, LA., re disputed sale.

(mmm) February 11 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re J. T. Sowell.

(nnn) February 13 – From Jos. F. Walton, New Orleans, re Amite Bank and Trust Company

(ooo) February 13 – From Natlabany Lumber Company, Pine Grove, LA., re request for
$50 from Mixon’s brother Tom.

(ppp) February 13 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe.
Co. Vs D. J. Hall.

(qqq) February 13 – From Joseph Lathrop Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. Vs J. B. Adams.

(rrr) February 13 – From Burch, Fisher and McGurskey, Canton, OH., re American Case
and Register Company vs A. F. Gates.

(sss) February 13 – From Cliff Williams Machine Co., Meridian, MISS., re Mr. Miller
and the note covering the wagons.

(ttt) February 14 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Ella May Carter.

(uuu) February 14 – From The National Adjustment Company, Cleveland, OH., re Ideal
Concrete Machine Co. Vs Smelley.

(vvv) February 14 – From Joseph Lathrop Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co vs Florida Parishes.

(zzz) February 14 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Whtney Co vs N.
J. Tate Lumber Co.

(aaaa) February 14 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdw.
Co vs W. T. Rhodes.

(bbbb) February 15 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Shushan Bros.
Co vs G. W. Mixon.

(cccc) February 15 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re J. Meyer vs B
M. Wendry.

(dddd) February 15 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Marks and Fader
vs F. C. Weist.

(eeee) February 15 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Henry Nurre vs
Amite Mfg. Co.

(ffff) February 16 – From Allen C. Middleton Shriver Bartlett and Co., Philadelphia,
PA., re The Woodbine Children’s Clothing Co. Vs Morgan Bros.

(gggg) February 16 – Form American Bonding Company of Baltimore, New Orleans, re Walter
C. Kent vs Freiler Mer. Co.

(hhhh) February 16 – From Standard Talking Machine Co., Chicago, IL., re John Genovese.

(iiii) February 17 – From Walter Winn Wright, New Orleans, re Becker.

(jjjj) February 17 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co. Vs E. P. Mackie.

(kkkk) February 17 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Gus Mayer Co
vs W. H. Carter.

(llll)February 17 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Gro.
Co vs C. F. Hyde.

(mmmm) February 17 – From A. J. Goodbee, Arcola, LA., re Mr. Hyde.

(nnnn) February 17 – From James B. Adams, Hammond, LA., re payment will be sent on
first of this month.

(oooo) February 17 – From C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re Milburg Wagon Co. Vs
C. J. Fulda.

(pppp) February 18 – From The Ahrens and Ott Mfg. Co., New Orleans, re Amite Mfg.

(qqqq) February 20 – From Jos. A. Magnus and Co, Cincinnati, OH., re J. F. Hawkins.

(rrrr) February 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Gro.
Co vs C. Fondren.

(ssss) February 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Freiler Merc.

(tttt) February 21 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe.
Co. Vs W. T. Rhodes.

(uuuu) February 21 – From D. J. Ellzey, Scanlon, LA., re check enclosed for $10.

(vvvv) February 21 – From T. Jones Cross, Baton Rouge, LA., re Mrs. Parmelia Lannigan.

(wwww) February 21 – From Breeden Medicine Co., Chattanooga, TN., re Killian, Travis,
and Goodbee.

(xxxx) February 22 – From Sarver and Ames, Pittsburgh, PA., re H. K. Porter Co vs
Peunamich Lumber Co.

(yyyy) February 22 – From Henry Nesom, New Orleans, re Ben and Howell.

(zzzz) February 22 – From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Piano Company
vs Kate J. Curry.

(aaaaa) February 23 – Sprague Correspondence School of Law, Detroit, Michigan, re
M. K. Ray.

(bbbbb) February 23 – From W. C. Holland, Greensburg, LA., re his son Wilson’s case.

(ccccc) February 23 – From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, MN., re check sent by

(ddddd) February 23 – From S. M., Greensburg, LA., re please respond.

(eeeee) February 23 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Gro.
Co vs Hilburn and Wheeler.

(fffff) February 23 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Eastern Mills
Sales Office vs Bell and Brown.

(ggggg) February 24 – From Jos. A. Magnus and Co., Cincinnati, OH., re J. F. Hawkins.

(hhhhh) February 24 – From Larned, Carter and Co., Detroit, Michigan, re Mr. R. L.

(iiiii) February 24 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe
Co vs D. J. Hall.

(jjjjj) February 24 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe
Co vs Pennamick Lbr. Co.

(kkkkk) February 25 – From Bower and Zalkin, New York, re Underwood Typewriter Co
vs Miss Mary Dye.

(lllll) February 25 – From B. Dean, Greensburg, LA., re act # 153-1900.

(mmmmm) February 25 – From J. R. Abels’ New Department Store, Ponchatoula, LA., re
W. N. Campbell.

(nnnnnn) February 27 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Gasper T.

(ooooo) February 27 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Gasper T. Schiro.

(ppppp) February 27 – From Cliff Williams Machine Co., Meridian, Miss., re J. H. Miller

(qqqqq) February 27 – From Allen C. Middleton Shriver Bartlett and Co., Philadelphia,
PA., re The Woodbine Children’s Clothing Co. Vs Morgan Bros. Co.

(rrrrr) February 27 – From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minn., re please send
remittance of $57.

(sssss) February 27 – From Sheffield Mfg. Co., St. Louis, MO., re collection against
Mrs. Mary Kowalsky.

(ttttt) February 27 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Henry Nurre
vs Amite Mfg. Co.

(uuuuu) February 27 – From S. J. Hodges, Mt. Pelier, LA., re Judge Ellis.

(vvvvv) February 27 – From The St. Helena Echo, Greensburg, LA., re Masonic Lodge

(wwwww) February 27 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlman Bros
and Sugarman vs C. L. Matthews.

(xxxxx) February 28 – From Edward A. Kennedy, Iowa City, IA., re Johnson City Savings
Bank vs Thos. P. Sims.

(yyyyy) February 28 – From John L. Duncan, Toledo, OH., re Wilden Strong Mfg Co vs
W. B. Anderson #572.

(zzzzz) February 28 – From The National Adjustment Company, Cleveland, OH., re Ficks
Carriage and Reed Co vs Bell and Brown.

Folder 3 – 1911, March

(a) March 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe Co vs Penaunich
Lbr. Co.

(b) March 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe Co vs D.
J. Hall.

(c) March 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe Co vs D.
J. Hall.

(d) March 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re I. M. Levy vs H. C.

(e) March 1 – From Dan Corkern, Springville, LA., re The Gardener Wood Coloring and
Mfg Co.

(f) March 1 – From Bollinger and Block, Davenport, Iowa, re real estate mortgage of
Frank J. Evans.

(g) March 1 – From J. F. Haushim, New Orleans, re about selling a piece of property.

(h) March 2 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re received $135.07 from George Bickford.

(i) March 2 – From Pennamich Lumber Company, Ltd., Tickfaw, LA., re Doherty Hardware

(j) March 2 – From The Globe Tailoring Company, Cincinnati, OH., re receipt for merchandise.

(k) March 2 – From W. M. Carmichael, Kentwood, LA., re Julius Meyer.

(l) March 2 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Lawrence and Hamilton
Feed Co vs Stern Co.

(m) March 2 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Eastern Mills Sales
Office vs Bell and Brown.

(n) March 2 – From Burch, Fisher and McGurskey, Canton, OH., re The American Case
and Register Co vs A. F. Gates.

(o) March 3 – From G. M. Seaule, Ora., Miss., re price of land.

(p) March 4 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe Co vs J.
B. Easterly and I. D. Easterly.

(q) March 4 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re National Oil Works vs
Scarborough Bro and Son.

(r) March 5 – From Swan Abram Hat Company, Louisville, KY., re G. W. Newsome.

(s) March 6 – From Independence Farmers’ Association Incorporated, Independence, LA.,
re purchase of scale is disputed.

(t) March 6 – From Bank of Tangipahoa, Tangipahoa, LA., re request of brother for
support in upcoming Parish Treasury election.

(u) March 6 – From George Bickford, Genesee, LA., re Mixon’s fee too high.

(v) March 6 – From Cutler, Tickfaw, LA., re excuse for why payment not made.

(w) March 7 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Gasper T. Schiro.

(x) March 7 – From Jos. A. Magnus and Co, Cincinnati, OH., re account against J. F.

(y) March 7 – From Allen C. Middleton, Shriver Bartlett and Co., Philadelphia, PA.,
re The Woodbine Childrens Clothing Co vs Morgan Bros. Co.

] (z) March 7 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co, St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co vs Florida Parishes.

(aa) March 7 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe Co vs
D. J. Hall.

(bb) March 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs Justice

(cc) March 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs L.
A. Stevens.

(dd) March 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Louis Levy Gro. Co
vs L. A. Stevens.

(ee) March 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs B.
M. Henry.

(ff) March 8 – From W. E. Settoon, Ponchatoula, LA., re Silas Hodges.

(gg) March 8 – From Burr Manufacturing Company, Richmond, VA., re Joe Bennett.

(hh) March 9 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Shushan Bros vs G.
W. Mixon.

(ii) March 9 – From Mac Fraenkel and Co, New Orleans, re J. P. Covington account.

(jj) March 9 – From Stewart’s Drug Store, Amite City, LA., re receipt for medicine.

(kk) March 9 – From American Bonding Company of Baltimore, New Orleans, re S. M. Cole
receiver in W. C. Kent vs Freiler Mercantile Company.

(ll) March 9 – From J. D. Easterley, Walker, LA., re enclosed check for $50.20.

(mm) March 10 – From Spear and Co., Pittsburgh, PA., re Miss Pearl Pevey.

(nn) March 10 – From Edward A. Kennedy, Iowa City, Iowa, re Johnson County Savings
Bank vs Eubanks.

(oo) March 10 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
vs J. B. Adams.

(pp) March 10 – From Jno. T. Barbee and Co., Louisville, KY., re D. L. Gaines.

` (qq) March 10 – From Allen C. Middleton, Shriver Bartlett and Co., Philadelphia,
PA., re Pennamick Lumber Co.

(rr) March 11 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Smith Mfg Co vs
L. A. Stevens.

(ss) March 11 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dwyer Bros Co vs Day
Commercial Co.

(tt) March 13 – From Bureau of Credit, Attorney’s Department, Wholesale Seedsmen’s
League, Boston, MA., re terms of collection.

(uu) March 13 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Western Mills Sales
Office vs Bell and Brown.

(vv) March 13 – From The Provisioner’s Collection Agency, South Omaha, Nebraska, re
Day Commercial Company.

(ww) March 14 – The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re F. C. Weist.

(xx) March 14 – From Warren B. Place, New York City, re The McCall Company vs C. C.

(yy) March 14 – From J. M. Mixon, Turpentine Department of Natalbany Lumber Company,
Pine Grove, LA., re enclosed check for $100.

(zz) March 15 – From Jno. T. Barbee and Co., Louisville, KY., re D. and L. Gaines.

(aaa) March 15 – From P. Vincent, Prairiville, LA., re description of land.

(bbb) March 16 – From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re G. W. Nesom.

(ccc) March 16 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re L. L. Powers and enclosed check
for $102.57.

(ddd) March 16 – From The Credit Clearing House, Cincinnati, OH., re The Globe Tailoring
Co vs R. L. Cloud.

(eee) March 16 – From R. C. and S. Reed, Amite, LA., re Amite Bank and Trust.

(fff) March 16 – From Babson Bros., Chicago, ILL., re Joe Cutrer, claim #116147.

(ggg) March 17 – From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, Minn., re receipt for book
ordered by Mixon.

(hhh) March 17 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re claim against Mrs. W. C. Wilson
by C. E. Wheelco*ck and Co of Peoria, ILL.

(iii) March 17 – From Jos. A. Magnus and Co., Cincinnati, OH., re claim against J.
W. Hawkins.

(jjj) March 17 – From Burch, Adams and McGuskey, Canton, Ohio, re Am. C. & R. vs Gates.

(kkk) March 18 – From Pennamich Lumber Company, Ltd., Tickfaw, LA., re accounts of
H. K. Porter Co., Simonds Mfg. Co and National Oil Co.

(lll) March 18 – From Justin C. Daspit, Baton Rouge, LA., re land sold to L. L. Powers
and W. B. Bankston.

(mmm) March 18 – From Mercantile Adjustment Company, Minneapolis, MN., re claim of
Thos. D. Murphy Co vs C. D. Moore.

(nnn) March 18 – From Edward A. Kennedy, Iowa City, Iowa, re Johnson County Savings
Bank vs R. C. Eubanks.

(ooo) March 18 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Shushan Bros Co vs
G. W. Mixon.

(ppp) March 18 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re claim of The Globe Tailoring
Co. of Cincinnati, OH.

(qqq) March 20 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Aberdeen Clothing Co
vs H. C. Chandler.

(rrr) March 20 – From Jno. T. Barbee and Co., Louisville, KY., re D. & L. Gaines.

(sss) March 20 — From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Blount Carriage and
Buggy Co vs Hammond Vehicle Co.

(ttt) March 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlman Bros. And
Sugarman vs C. L. Matthews.

(uuu) March 21 – From George S. Kaighn, Newark, NJ., re Sweet, Orr and Co vs Morgan
Bros. Co.

(vvv) March 21 — From Mr. Strickland, Tangipahoa, LA., re negro girl he promised
to send to work for Mixon.

(www) March 21 – From Sarver and Ames, Pittsburgh, PA., re H. K. Porter Co vs Pennamich
Lumber Co.

(xxx) March 21 – From Justin C. Daspit, Baton Rouge, LA., re check enclosed for $10.

(yyy) March 21 – From The Creditors’ National Clearing House, Inc., Providence, RI.,
re collection from Dr. Armand Mary vs Miss Nettie Corbin.

(zzz) March 21 – From The Morgan Brothers Co., Ltd., Kentwood, LA., re compelled to
liquidate assets to settle debts.

(aaaa) March 21 – From the Law Offices of James R. Duffin, The Attorneys Mercantile
Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re Morris, Mann and Reilly vs W. M. Fortenberry.

(bbbb) March 21 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Van Vleet Mansfield
Drug Co. Vs Dr. R. W. Travis.

(cccc) March 22 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe Co
vs D. J. Hall.

(dddd) March 22 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re H. C. Fondren.

(eeee) March 23 – From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Smith Bros. Co vs Milburn
and Wheeler and Smith Bros. Co. Vs F. C. Weist.

(ffff) March 23 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Simonds
Mfg. Co vs Pennamich Lumber Co.

(gggg) March 23 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Blount Carriage and
Buggy Company.

(hhhh) March 24 – From Warren B. Place, New York City, re The McCall Company vs C.
C. Murray.

(iiii) March 24 – From H. J. Heinz Company, St. Louis, MO., re account against F.
C. Weist.

(jjjj) March 25 – From G. W. Nesom, Tickfaw, LA., re about mortgage and thanks for
past favors.

(kkkk) March 25 – From A. J. Goodbee, Arcola, LA., re excuse for bounced checks.

(llll) March 25 – From Cliff Williams Hardware Co., Meridian, Miss., re judgment against
Mr. Nealy.

(mmmm) March 25 – From Jno. T. Barbee and Co., Louisville, KY., re D. & L. Gaines’

(nnnn) March 27 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, Ohio., re G. T. Schiro.

(oooo) March 27 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re National
Oil Works vs Pennamich Lumber Co.

(pppp) March 27 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Milburn Wagon
Co. Vs C. J. Fulda.

(qqqq) March 27 – From W. C. Holland, Greensburg, LA., re letter from Wilson.

(rrrr) March 27 – From George S. Kaigen, Newark, NJ., re Sweet, Orr and Co. Vs Morgan
Brothers and Co.

(ssss) March 27 – From The Liquid Carbine Company, Chicago, IL., re Ozone Drug Store,
Hammond, LA.

(tttt) March 27 – From Burrow, Jones and Dyer, St. Louis, MO., re receipt for goods
sold to Day Commercial Company, Tangipahoa, LA.

(uuuu) March 28 – From The National Cash Register Company, Dayton, OH., re contract
and installment note of Hilburn and Wheeler, of Kentwood.

(vvvv) March 28 – From E. A. Letard, Amite, LA., re receipt to R. Mohr of St. Louis,

(wwww) March 28 – From Schmoller and Mueller Piano Co., Omaha, Neb., re request for
Mixon’s services in Amite City, LA.

(xxxx) March 29 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re French China
Co. Vs W. D. Cox and Co.

(yyyy ) March 30 – From Carter Howorth Lumber Co., Glazier, Miss., re collection from
Greensburg Proposition.

(zzzz) March 30 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co vs Leo De Coux and Blanke Fenneker Candy Co vs Daniels Bros.

(aaaaa) March 30 – From C. E. Carpenter, Chattanooga, Tenn., re J. F. McGregor and
Co vs Bell and Brown.

(bbbbb) March 31 – From National Packing Company, Chicago, IL., re Docket 16262, H.
C. Chandler of Independence, LA.

(ccccc) March 31 – From Mutual Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re Lily Trimmed
Hat Co vs F. C. West.

(ddddd) March 31 – From Jos. A. Magnus and Co., Cincinnati, OH., re J. F. Hawkins
of New Orleans.

(eeeee) March 31 – From Cratty Bros. And Jarvis, Chicago, IL., re Lyon and Healy vs
E. W. Dees. Docket 72448.

Folder 4 – 1911, April

(a) April 1 – From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re Morris
Mann and Reilly vs W. M. Fortenberry.

(b) April 2 – From Beau L. Calembre, Prairiville, La., re questions about his case.

(c) April 3 – From A. J. Alford, Amite City, LA., re bill for goods received by Mixon.

(d) April 3 – From The National Adjustment Company, Cleveland, OH., re Parham Matthews
Hat Co vs Bell and Brown.

(e) April 3 – From Thos. J. fa*gin and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blackwell-Wielandy B.
and S. Co vs J. F. Goldberg.

(f) April 4 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Ella May Carter.

(g) April 4 – From The Liquid Carbine Company, St. Louis, MO., re two witnesses, as
per instructions : S. M. Oviatt and William R. Boos.

(h) April 4 – From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re R. Mohr vs E. A.

(i) April 4 – From The Credit Clearing House, Cincinnati, OH., re Globe Tailoring
Co vs R. L. Cloud.

(j) April 4 – From Eli Lewis, Husser, LA., re $50 enclosed for Percer McMichael.

(k) April 4 – From Carter Howorth Lumber Co., Glazier, Miss., re claim against Greensburg
Lumber Co.

(l) April 4 – From William R. Brown, Chicago, IL., re to the Bank of Hammond and attached
draft on G. W. Nesom.

(m) April 4 – From William R. Brown, Chicago, IL., re taking Mixon’s name from the
C. R. C.

(n) April 5 – From The Mercantile Adjustment Company, Pittsburgh, PA., re Spiegel,
May, Stern vs G. Evans.

(o) April 5 – From Snow-Church and Co., Louisville, KY., re L. Moses and Co vs The
Morgan Bros. Co.

(p) April 6 – From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re New Era Manufacturing
Company vs Morgan Bros.

(q) April 6 – From World Collection Agency, Cleveland, OH., re claim against B. F.
Coxe of Oldfield, LA.

(r) April 6 – From Justin C. Daspit, Baton Rouge, LA., re estate of Miles Morgan.

(s) April 6 – From Law Offices of James R. Duffin, Collection Department of The Attorneys
Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re Swann Abram Hat Company vs G. W. Newsom.

(t) April 7 – From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re copy of letter from T.
J. fa*gin and Company.

(u) April 8 – From the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, re account against
McKnight of Ellendale, LA.

(v) April 8 – From J. Q. Flynn, New Orleans, re poor people.

(w) April 8 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Company vs Bell and Brown.

(x) April 8 – From Thos. J. fa*gin and Company, St. Louis, MO., re Blackwell-Wielandy
B. and S. Co vs J. F. Goldsby.

(y) April 10 – From J. P. Livingston, Springville, LA., re excuse about why he cannot
make it to court.

(z) April 11 – From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Amite Merc. Co.

(aa) April 11 – From George Mallard Co, Ltd., New Orleans, re claim against D. W.

(bb) April 11 – From W. O. Gatewood and Co., St. Louis, MO., re C. F. Simmons Med.
Co vs Chas. L. Gayle.

(cc) April 11 – From Burch, Fisher and McGurskey, Canton, OH., re Am. C. and R. vs
A. F. Gates.

(dd) April 11 – From Beau Lecombre, Prairiville, LA., re the Brick Co.

(ee) April 11 – From Louis H. Porter, New York City, re S. M. Fucich and Son vs W.
B. Suddoth.

(ff) April 11 – From J. Howard Reber, Philadelphia, PA., re ____Meyer and Co. Vs S.
M. McCormick.]

(gg) April 12 – From Snow-Church Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re Best Russell
Cigar Company vs G. F. Godsby.

(hh) April 12 – From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re Morris
Mann and Reilly vs W. M. Fortenberry.

(ii) April 13 – From Asahel W. Cooper, New Orleans, re check received from Mr. Louis
R. Fulda.

(jj) April 13 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Smith Mfg Co vs
L. A. Stevens.

(kk) April 14 – From The National Cash Register Company, Dayton, OH., re Hilburn and

(ll) April 14 – From McKuch, New Orleans, re why he missed court date.

(mm) April 15 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Shushan Bros. Co vs
G. W. Mixon.

(nn) April 19 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Van Vleet Mansfield
Drug Co vs Dr. R. W. Travis.

(oo) April 19 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re Joe Culotto.

(pp) April 20 – From Swann-Abram Hat Co., Louisville, KY., re check received from
G. W. Nesom.

(qq) April 21 – From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re Swann
Abram Hat Co. Vs G. W. Newsom.

(rr) April 22 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blanke Wenneker Candy
Co vs Daniels Bros.

(ss) April 25 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re The Anderson Tool
Co. Vs J. T. Hornsby of Pine Grove, LA.

(tt) April 25 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co vs Bell and Brown.

(uu) April 26 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Van Vleet Mansfield
Drug Co vs Dr. R. W. Travis.

(vv) April 26 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Standard Oil Company
vs E. L. Sternberger.

(ww) April 27 – From Burch, Fisher and McGurskey, Canton, OH., re Am. C. and R. Co.
Vs A. F. Gates.

(xx) April 27 – From Albert Mackie Grocer Co., New Orleans, re Amite Mercantile Co.

(yy) April 27 – From J. Howard Reber, Philadelphia, PA., re Clarence Mayer and Co
vs J. M. McCormick of Hammond, LA.

(zz) April 28 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe. Co vs
D. J. Hall.

Folder 5 – 1911, May

(a) May 1 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re L. O. Ellzey.

(b) May 2 – From The Credit Clearing House, Cincinnati, OH., re Globe Tailoring Co
vs R. L. Cloud.

(c) May 2 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re letter to G. W. Nesom about the collection
of $66.48 against Schwarzschild and Sulzberger Company of LA.

(d) May 4 – From The Liquid Carbine Company, Chicago, IL., re Ozone Dug Store matter.

(e) May 4 – From Cohen, Schulze and Co., New York, re Holzman Bros. Vs Bell and Brown.

(f) May 5 – From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Brown Shoe Co vs Amite Merc.
Co and Hargadine-McKittrick D. G. Co vs Amite Merc. Co.

(g) May 6 – From H. L. Cox, Long Beach, CA., re cemetery plot in Los Angeles, CA.

(h) May 8 – From Warren B. Place, New York City, re The McCall Company vs J. M. McCormick.

(i) May 9 – From United States Credit Company, Louisville, KY., re claim of $167.50
vs J. O. Corban Wall Paper Co.

(j) May 9 – From J. H. Roy, notary public for Orange County, New York, re account
in favor of Sweet, Orr and Co. Vs The Day Corn Co for the sum of $203.72.

(k) May 9 – From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re Anderson Tool Co vs J. T.

(l) May 13 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Smith Mfg. CO vs L.
A. Stevens.

(m) May 14 – From Ben Hinchen, Natalbany, LA., re please work up a pardon for Garfield
as soon as you can.

(n) May 15 – From Cratty Brothers, Chicago, IL., re Lyon and Healy vs E. W. Dees,
no. 72446.

(o) May 16 – From Merchants Publishing Company, Kalamazoo, Mich., re collection against
Amite Drug Co Ltd.

(p) May 16 – From Cohen, Schulze and Co., New York, re Holzman Bros. Vs Bell and Brown.

(q) May 16 – From Importers Coffee Co. Ltd., New Orleans, receipt for G. W. Nesom
for one case of coffee.

(r) May 16 – From Baton Rouge Grocery Co., Baton Rouge, LA., re goods sold to H. C.
Fondren with detailed receipt.

(s) May 17 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Meig Brady Co. Vs L.
A. Stevens.

(t) May 17 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Blount Carriage and Buggy
Co. Vs Hammond Vehicle Co.

(u) May 17 – From Thos. J. fa*gin and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blackwell-Wielandy B.
and S. Co. Vs J. F. Goldsby.

(v) May 18 – From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Brown Shoe Co vs Amite Merc.
Co and Hargadine-McKittrick D. G. Co vs Amite Merc. Co. and Smith Bros. Co., Ltd vs
Amite Merc. Co.

(w) May 18 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blanke Wenneker and Co.
Vs Daniels Bros.

(x) May 19 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Baton Rouge Drug Co vs
H. C. Fondren.

(y) May 19 – From Roberts, Johnson and Rand Shoe Co., Missouri City, MO., re land
of J. E. Nesom.

(z) May 23 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Baton Rouge Drug Co vs
H. C. Fondren.

(aa) May 24 – From Burch, Fisher and McGuskey, Canton, OH., re Am. C and R Co vs A.
F. Gates.

(bb) May 27 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Meig Brady Co vs L.
A. Stevens.

(cc) May 29 – From C. E. Carpenter, Chattanooga, TN., re J. F. McGregor and Co vs
Bell and Brown.

(dd) May 30 – From Burrow, Jones and Dyer, St. Louis, MO., re goods sold to Day Commercial

(ee) May 30 – From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re D. L. Calmes.

(ff) May 31 – From Standard Oil Co of Louisiana, re account with C. L. Sternberger
of Amite, LA.

(gg) May 31 – From Burrow, Jones and Dyer, St. Louis, MO., re goods sold to Day Commercial

(hh) May 31 – From Burrow, Jones and Dyer, St. Louis, MO., re goods sold to Day Commercial

(ii) May 31 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Baton Rouge Drug Co.
Vs H. C. Fondren.

Folder 6 – 1911, June.

(a) June 1 – From C. G. Marchaud, Strader, LA., re $3 check enclosed.

(b) June 2 – From Mercantile Adjustment Company, New Orleans, re Myers Printing House
Ltd. Vs C. P. Terry.

(c) June 5 -From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Shuhan Bros. Co vs Day
Commercial Company.

(d) June 6 – J. B. Camors and Company, New Orleans, re money due from Cefalu and Co.

(e) June 7 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dwyer Bros. Co. Vs Day
Commercial Co.

(f) June 9 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Isaac M. Levy vs H. C.

(g) June 9 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Standard Oil Co. Of LA.
Vs E. L. Sternberger.

(h) June 10 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Henry Nurre vs Amite
Manufacturing Co.

(i) June 10 – From Farmer’s Bank, Montepelier, LA., re note from J. D. Eashley, cashier.

(j) June 10 – From Tennessee Harness Co., Nashville, TN., re Hammond Vehicle Co.

(k) June 10 – From Tailors-in-the-Trade Credit Association, Chicago, IL., re Born
and Co. of Chicago, IL., #20550.

(l) June 12 – From J. Howard Reber, Philadelphia, PA., re Clarence Mayer and Co vs
J. M. McCormick.

(m) June 13 – From The Credit Clearing House, St. Louis, MO., re Star Clothing Co
vs Bell and Brown.

(n) June 13 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs L.A.

(o) June 13 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Lawrence and Hamilton
Feed Co vs B. Stern and Co.

(p) June 14 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs Justice

(q) June 14 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolf Grocery Co
vs H. C. Fondren.

(r) June 15 – From C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re H. Nurre vs Amite Mfg. Co.

(s) June 16 – From Mr. J. Gordon Kemp, Independence, LA., re bill for T. E. Kron,

(t) June 17 – From Pioneer Adjustment Co., Chicago, IL., re please collect from Great
Northern Mfg. Co.

(u) June 17 – From Fairfax Refining Company, Cleveland, OH., re L. D. Dan and Son.

(v) June 17 – From Fairfax Refining Company, Cleveland, OH., re Amite Mfg. Co.

(w) June 20 – From Frederick B. Hovey, Chicago, IL., re Huston Bros. Co. Vs Glenn

(x) June 20 – From Tailors-in-the-Trade Credit Association, Chicago, IL., re M. Born
and Co. Vs G. W. Nesom.

(y) June 20 – From Mercantile Adjustment Group, New Orleans, re Myers Printing House
Ltd. Vs C. P. Terry for $8.50.

(z) June 21 – From M. Born and Company, Chicago, IL., re G. W. Nesom and bills not

(aa) June 21 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co vs Bell and Brown.

(bb) June 21 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Shushan Bros Co vs
G. W. Mixon.

(cc) June 21 – From Cohen, Schulze and Co., New York, re Holzman Bros. Vs Bell and

(dd) June 22 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blanke Wenneker Candy
Co vs Daniels Bros.

(ee) June 22 – From A. J. Goodbee, Arcola, LA., re disputed bill with Chattanooga
Medicine Co.

(ff) June 23 – From Snow, Church and Co., Louisville, KY., re L. Moses and Co vs The
Morgan Bros. Co.

(gg) June 23 – From Snow, Church, and Co., Nashville, TN., re Blunt Carriage and Buggy
CO vs Hammond Vehicle Co.

(hh) June 24 – From Tailors-in-the-Trade Credit Association, Chicago, IL., re M. Born
and Co vs G. W. Nesom.

(ii) June 26 – From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re H. Nurre vs Amite Mfg.

(jj) June 27 – From Standard Oil Compay of Louisiana, New Orleans, re account of John
Saal of Amite, LA.

(kk) June 28 – From Sarver and Ames, Mercantile Collectors, New York, re notice about
commissions for collections.

(ll) June 28 – From The Credit Clearing House, St. Louis, MO., re Star Clothing Co
vs Bell and Brown.

(mm) June 29 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re accounts of: F. Barranco,
Joe Culotto, B. Stern, and I. C. Ellzey.

(nn) June 29 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Smith Mfg Co vs
L. A. Stevens.

(oo) June 29 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs Florida

(pp) June 30 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Standard Oil Co. Vs Jno.

(qq) June 30 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re National Oil Works
vs Scarborough Bro. And Son.

(rr) June 30 – From Mercantile Adjustment Company, New Orleans, re Meyers Printing
House Ltd. Vs C. P. Terry.

(ss) June 30 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs Justice

(tt) June 30 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs L.A.

(uu) June 30 – From H. W. John’s Manville Co., New Orleans, re money owed by Central
Light and Power Co. of Amite, LA.

(vv) June 30 – From Burch, Fisher and McGuskey, Canton, OH., re The American Case
and Register Co vs A. F. Gates.

Folder 7 – 1911, July.

(a) July 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Meig, Brady Co. Vs L.
A. Stevens.

(b) July 3 – From C. E. Carpenter, Chattanooga, TN., re J. F. McGregor vs Bell and

(c) July 3 – From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re Potters Co-operative Co.
Vs Bell and Brown.

(d) July 3 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Standard Oil Co of LA vs
John Saal.

(e) July 5 – From W. B. Mason and Co, Amite City, LA., re bill marked paid.

(f) July 5 – From T. A. Efferson, Dayle, LA., re his wife.

(g) July 6 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs Florida

(h) July 6 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlman Bros. & Sugarman
vs C. L. Matthews.

(i) July 6 – From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Brown Shoe Co. Vs Amite Merc
Co and Hargadine-McKittrick D. G. CO vs Amite Merc Co.

(j) July 7 – From The Credit Clearing House, St. Louis, MO., re Star Clothing Mfg.
Company vs Bell and Brown.

(k) July 10 – From W. H. Addison, Greensburg, LA., re properties in the area.

(l) July 10 – From Sarver and Ames, New York, re Lumberman’s Supply Co. Vs U. H. Corey.

(m) July 11 – From J. T. Hornsby, Pine Grove, LA., re disputed claim.

(n) July 11 – From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re Blunt Carriage and Buggy
Co vs Hammond Vehicle Co.

(o) July 11 – From J. A. McNicol of the Potters Co-Operative Company, Pittsburgh,
PA., re signed affidavit for money owed.

(p) July 11 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Mieg Brady Co vs L.
A. Stevens.

(q) July 12 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs Florida

(r) July 12 – From Darragh Company, Pittsburgh, PA., re Potters Co-Operative Co vs
Bell and Brown.

(s) July 12 – From J. B. Camors and Company, New Orleans, re the Cefalu claim.

(t) July 12 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Whitney Supply Co vs
M. L. Bowman Milling Co.

(u) July 13 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re T. E. Kron
vs J. G. Kemp for $12.50.

(v) July 13 – From Cratty Brothers, Chicago, IL., re Lyon and Healy vs E. W. Dees.

(w) July 13 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co vs Bell and Brown.

(x) July 14 – From Sarver and Ames, New York, re Sweet Orr and Co vs Day Brothers.

(y) July 14 – From J. Strickland, Denham Springs, LA., re Freiler Mercantile business.

(z) July 14 – From George S. Kaigan, Newark, NJ., re Sweet Orr and Co vs The Day Commercial

(aa) July 14 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hardware Co
vs J. B. Easterly.

(bb) July 14 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hardware Co
vs W. B. Story.

(cc) July 15 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re S. and J.
Katz and Co vs Jas. M. Lewis.

(dd) July 15 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co vs E. P. Mackie.

(ee) July 17 – From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re The Cudahay
Packing Company of LA. Ltd. against J. O. Corbin-Wall Co.

(ff) July 19 – From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re suit against
Day Commercial Company.

(gg) July 19 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re N. O. Roofing
and Metal Wks vs Pennamich Lbr. Co.

(hh) July 19 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Isaac M. Levy vs H.
G. Fondren.

(ii) July 19 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Hamilton Overall Co
vs L. A. Stevens.

(jj) July 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hardware Co.
Vs W. B. Story.

(kk) July 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hardware Co.
Vs J. B. Easterly.

(ll) July 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hardware Co.
Vs W. H. co*ckeran.

(mm) July 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hardware Co.
Vs I. D. Easterly.

(nn) July 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dwyer Bros. Co vs Day
Commercial Co.

(oo) July 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs L.
A. Stevens.

(pp) July 20 – From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re Bliunt Carriage and Buggy
Company vs Hammond Vehicle Co.

(qq) July 20 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlman Bros. And Sugarman
vs C. L. Mathews.

(rr) July 25 – From Credit Insurance Adjustment Co., New York, re Smith Mfg. Co. Vs
L. A. Stevens.

(ss) July 26 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dwyer Brothers vs Day
Commercial Co.

(tt) July 26 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co. Vs E. P. Mackie.

(uu) July 26 – From the Darragh Company, Pittsburgh, PA., re Potters Co-op and Co
vs Bell and Brown.

(vv) July 26 – From Exchange Clothing Company, New York, re collection against Willie
M. Coffey.

(ww) July 27 – From Albert Daspit, Baton Rouge, LA., re land sale.

(xx) July 27 – From The Credit Clearing House, St. Louis, MO., re Star Clothing Mnfg.
Company vs Bell and Brown.

(yy) July 27 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hardware Co.
Vs H. C. Fondren.

(zz) July 28 – From Pioneer Adjustment Co., Chicago, IL., re Great Northen Mfg. Co.
Vs C. C. Murray.

(aaa) July 28 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Schwartz Bros. Co.
Vs Dr. W. G. Jones.

(bbb) July 28 – From Sarver and Ames, New York, re Lumbermen’s Supply Co. Vs U. H.

(ccc) July 28 – From Burch, Fisher and McGuskey, Canton, OH., re The American Case
and Register Co. Vs A. F. Gates.

(ddd) July 28 – From Burrow, Jones and Dyer Shoe Co., St. Louis, MO., re money owed
by Day Commercial Co.

(eee) July 29 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re J. B. Camors
and Co. Vs Cefalu and Son.

(fff) July 30 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re S. J. Katz
and Co. Vs J. M. Lewis.

(ggg) July 31 – From D. T. Stringfield, Sunny Hill, LA., re request for more time
to pay collection.

(hhh) July 31 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlman Bros. And
Sugarman vs C. L. Matthews.

(iii) July 31 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co vs Bell and Brown.

(jjj) July 31 – From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re Bluint Carriage and
Buggy Co. Vs Hammond Vehicle Company.

Folder 8 – 1911, August

(a) August 1 – From Wilcox Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re Cable Co. Vs Kate Curry.

(b) August 1 – From A. J. Alford, Amite City, LA., re bill of goods for H. Mixon.

(c) August 1 – From The E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co., Paducah, KY., re interest rate
applied to account of W. C. Tschern of Maurepas, LA.

(d) August 1 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co vs E. P. Makie.

(e) August 1 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co vs J. B. Adams.

(f) August 1 – From National Surety Company, New York, re Bond #600971, The National
Life and Accident Insurance Company.

(g) August 2 – From W. Schofield Rownd, Springville, LA., re the Lowery matter.

(h) August 2 – From Sol. Weiss, New Orleans, re Metzger vs Genesee Lumber Company.

(i) August 3 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re The Anderson Tool Company
vs J. T. Hornsby.

(j) August 4 – From A. A. and L. D. Powers, Jr., Pine Grove, LA., re dispute over
check from the Amite Bank and Trust Co.

(k) August 4 – From Security Mercantile Company, Minneapolis, MN., re National Biscuit
Company vs J. O. Corbin Wall Co.

(l) August 4 – From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Amite Mfg. Co.

(m) August 5 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re C. T. Patterson
Co vs Pennemich Lbr. Co.

(n) August 5 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re C. C. Jackson.

(o) August 6 – From Emma Cooker, Hammond, LA., re her father’s property.

(p) August 6 – From G. S. Yokeuse, Ponchatoula, LA., re promise to send $25 as soon
as he can.

(q) August 7 – From National Surety Company, New York, re Swann Abram Hat Co vs G.
W. Newsom.

(r) August 7 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re J. O. Corbin
Wall Co.

(s) August 8 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re F. Barranco.

(t) August 8 – From The Cudahay Packing Co., New Orleans, re check for advanced costs
in case against Day Commercial Company.

(u) August 8 – From Marion Machine Foundry and Supply Co., Marion, IN., re Kentwood
Ice Mfg. And Bottling Works, Ltd..

(v) August 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs Justice

(w) August 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dwyer Bros. Co vs Mrs.
E. M. Koppler.

(x) August 8 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Cohn Wolff Co vs H.
C. Fondren.

(y) August 9 – From L. H. Trotter, Livingston Parish, LA., re appointing an attorney
to handle the family land.

(z) August 10 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re National Oil Works
vs Scarborough Bros. and Son.

(aa) August 10 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Isaac M. Levy vs
H. C. Fondren.

(bb) August 10 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re response to request
for reports.

(cc) August 10 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re J. D.

(dd) August 11 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dwyer Bros. Vs E.
M. Kopfler.

(ee) August 12 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re T. E.
Kron vs J. G. Kemp.

(ff) August 12 – From Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re Burrow-Jones-Dwyer
Shoe Co. Vs Day Commercial Co.

(gg) August 12 – From C. S. Morehead, Strader, LA., re promise to send money.

(hh) August 14 – From Toledo Computing Scale Company, Toledo, OH., re L. O. Ellzey.

(ii) August 14 – From Toledo Computing Scale Company, Toledo, OH., re Joe Culotto.

(jj) August 14 – From Toledo Computing Scale Company, Toledo, OH., re F. Barranco.

(kk) August 14 – From Woolf’s Incorporated, Chicago, IL., re claim against Thomas
F. Stafford.

(ll) August 14 – From Wm. A. Benton, Baton Rouge, LA., re Mrs. Bell.

(mm) August 14 – From Gifford and Steinfeld, Louisville, KY., re The D. H. Russell
Distilling Co. Vs E. H. Day.

(nn) August 15 – From A. A. and L. D. Powers, Jr., Pine Grove, LA., re thank you for
the information.

(oo) August 15 – From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Company vs L. A. Stevens.

(pp) August 15 – From Wm. Goldman Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re New Era Mfg.
Co. Vs Morgan Bros.

(qq) August 15 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Smith Bros. Co vs
Corbin Wall Co.

(rr) August 15 – From Chicago Belting Company, Chicago, IL., re Pennamich Lumber Company.

(ss) August 15 – From S. M. Cole, Greensburg, LA., re Mr. Kent.

(tt) August 15 – From Oro Manufacturing Company, Chicago, IL., re collection against
Lewis and McGehee.

(uu) August 16 – From Thos. J. fa*gin and Co., St. Louis, MO., re Blackwell-Wielandy
B. and Sta. Co. Vs J. F. Goldsby.

(vv) August 17 – From J. Howard Reber, Philadelphia, PA., re Clarence Mayer and Co
vs J. M. McCormick.

(ww) August 17 – From Law and Collection Office of Sipple Adjustment Company, St.
Louis, MO., re Burrow Jones and Dyer S. Co. Vs Day Commercial Company.

(xx) August 17 – From Snow, Church and Company, Nashville, TN., re Standard Oil Co.
Of LA. Vs E. L. Sternberger.

(yy) August 18 – From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Amite Mfg. Co.

(zz) August 19 – From United States Fidelity Guaranty Company, Baltimore, MD., re
Smith Mfg. Company vs L. A. Stevens.

(aaa) August 19 – From Grant, Carroll and Kennedy, St. Louis, MO., re Wiesert Bros.
Tob. Co. Vs George W. Nesam.

(bbb) August 19 – From C. G. Morehead, Strader, LA., re thank you for payment extension.

(ccc) August 19 – From Rosa Millie Martin, Woodville, Miss., re Mr. Philips.

(ddd) August 19 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Dwyer Bros. Vs Mrs.
E. M. Koppler.

(eee) August 19 – From Henderson and Fribourg, Sioux City, Iowa., re mortgage of W.
R. Stevenson.

(fff) August 21 – From Frederick B. Hovey, Chicago, IL., re H. C. Davidson vs J. A.

(ggg) August 21 – From Allen C. Middleton, Shriver Bartlett and Company, Philadelphia,
PA., re Ruboil Belting Company vs Pennamick Lumber Company.

(hhh) August 21 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Shushan Bros. Co.
Vs G. W. Mixon.

(iii) August 21 – From Chicago Belting Company, Chicago, IL., re Pennamich Lumber

(jjj) August 22 – From W. B. Mason and Co., Amite City, LA., re bill of sale to H.

(kkk) August 22 – From ?, re W. G. Day c/o Day Commercial Company.

(lll) August 22 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. Vs J. B. Adams.

(mmm) August 23 – From Cobb, Howard, and Bailey, Cincinnati, OH., re The Peerless
Millinery Co. Vs Bell and Brown.

(nnn) August 23 – From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Central Light and
Power Company, Amite, LA.

(ooo) August 23 – From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Mr. D. H. Sanders
of Amite.

(ppp) August 23 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlman Bros. And
Sugarman vs C. L. Matthews.

(qqq) August 23 – From Bill West, Folsom, LA., re appointment in Amite.

(rrr) August 23 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. Vs Leo De Coux.

(sss) August 23 – From The Wholesalers Adjustment Company, Kansas City, MO., re S.
Block vs Frank Graziano.

(ttt) August 24 – From The Sefton Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL., re claim against Cefalu
and Son.

(uuu) August 24 – From ?, re payment of notes.

(vvv) August 24 – From The Day Commercial Company, Tangipahoa, LA., re bill owed to
Sweet, Orr and Co. in Newburgh, NY.

(www) August 24 – From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Co. Vs L. A. Stevens.

(xxx) August 24 – From L. Dannenbaum’s Son and Company, Philadelphia, PA., re placing
Mixon’s name on list of attorney’s for service.

(yyy) August 24 – From Credit Adjustment Agency, Atlanta, GA., re Lindsey Wagon Co.
Vs L. D. Day and Son.

(zzz) August 24 – From Kent and Thompson, Hammond, LA., re corrected deed.

(aaaa) August 24 – From L. D. Brandon, Prairie, Miss., re request for notes.

(bbbb) August 24 – From J. E. Wilson, Greensburg, LA., re Mr. E. B. Watson.

(cccc) August 26 – From George S. Kaighn, Newark, NJ., re Sweet-Orr and Company vs
The Day Commercial Company.

(dddd) August 28 – From George S. Kaighn, Newark, NJ., re Sweet-Orr and Company vs
Morgan Brothers.

(eeee) August 28 – From Kaiser and Co., New York, re E. A. LeTard and the closing
of his account.

(ffff) August 28 – From Samuel J. Bennett and Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re a contract
to recover the interest of the heirs of Thomas Bennett, deceased.

(gggg) August 28 – From Sarver and Ames, New York, re Lumbermen’s Supply Company vs
U. H. Corey.

(hhhh) August 29 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re C. T.
Patterson and Co. Vs Pennamich Lumber Company.

(iiii) August 29 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Anderson Tool Co.
Vs J. T. Hornsey.

(jjjj) August 30 – From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Smith Brothers Co. Ltd.
Vs F. C. Weist and Smith Brothers Co. Ltd. Vs Hilburn and Wheeler.

(kkkk) August 30 – From G. A. and M. Sibley, Walker, LA., re case of J. D. Easterley.

(llll) August 30 – From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re The Cudahy
Packing Co. of LA. Ltd. Vs The Day Commercial Co.

(mmmm) August 30 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co. Vs Leo De Coux.

(nnnn) August 31 – From Sipple Adjustment Co., St. Louis, MO., re Day Commercial Company.

(oooo) August 31 – From The National Legal Service Co., Chicago, IL., re claim against
Sarah Fortinberry of Amite, LA.

Folder 9 – 1911, September

(a) September 1 – From United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Baltimore, MD.,
re claim against J. N. Simmons of Independence, LA.

(b) September 1 – From Fairfax Refining Company, Cleveland, OH., re L. D. Day and

(c) September 1 – From The Credit Clearing House, Louisville, KY., re L. Moses and
Co vs Amite Merc. Co.

(d) September 2 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Standard Oil Co of
LA. Vs E. J. Sternberger.

(e) September 2 – Article from The Clarion entitled “Judge O’Neill is a Candidate for Supreme Justice”. (Two copies)

(f) September 5 – From Lance E. Mortimer, New Orleans, re Mrs. Rosa Ruiz vs Maurice

(g) September 5 – From E. M. Kopfler, Independence, LA., re list of creditors for
this firm.

(h) September 5 – From Lyon and Healy, Chicago, IL., re contract between Cratty Bros.
and E. W. Dees.

(i) September 5 – From Credit Adjustment Agency, Atlanta, GA., re Lindsey Wagon Co.
Vs L. D. Day and Son.

(j) September 5 – From W. C. Holland, Greensburg, LA., re check from Wilson divorce.

(k) September 6 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re S & J Katz and Co.
Vs R. W. Thompson.

(l) September 6 – From Henderson and Fribourg, Sioux City, Iowa, re please respond
to letter of August 19.

(m) September 6 – From A. J. Goodbee, Arcola, LA., re account of John Wolff Grocery
and Company.

(n) September 6 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Vories
Baking Company vs J. G. Kemp.

(o) September 6 – From G. W. Nesom, Tickfaw, LA., re buyer for Walter Everett Place.

(p) September 6 – From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Amite Mfg. Co.

(q) September 7 – From George S. Kaighn, Newark, NJ., re Sweet, Orr and Co. Vs Morgan

(r) September 7 – From Snow, Church and Company, Nashville, TN., re Standard Oil Company
vs W. B. Wadsworth.

(s) September 7 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co. Vs E. P. Mackie.

(t) September 7 – From Campaign Headquarters of Charles A. O’Neill, Franklin, LA.,
re request for support in the upcoming election for Justice of the Supreme Court.

(u) September 9 – From G. W. Nesom, Tickfaw, LA., re land sale.

(v) September 9 – From Marion Machine Foundry and Supply Company, Marion, Ind., re
money owed by Kentwood Ice Mfg. And Bottling Company.

(w) September 9 – From Cliff Williams Machine Co., Meridian, Miss., re V. O. Rutland.

(x) September 10 – From M. B. Coates, Holden, LA., re requesting help raising money
for a new Baptist church.

(y) September 11 – From Jackson Vinegar Co., Jackson, Miss., re account against T.
J. Bridges.

(z) September 11 – From D. P. Stringfeild, Sunny Hill, LA., re please write.

(aa) September 11 – From Sarver and Ames, New York, re Lumbermen’s Supply Co. Vs U.
H. Corey.

(bb) September 11 – From M. L. George, Tangipahoa, LA., re please help my Mother collect
rent due.

(cc) September 11 – From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Co. Vs L. A. Stevens.

(dd) September 12 – From Kaiser & Co., New York, re E. A. LeTard.

(ee) September 12 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kohlman Bros and
Sugarman vs C. L. Matthews.

(ff) September 12 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re T.
Hausmann’s Sons vs J. H. Miller.

(gg) September 12 – From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Amite Mfg. Co.

(hh) September 12 – From Walter Winn Wright, New Orleans, re Mrs. Rosa Ruiz vs M.

(ii) September 13 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type
Founders Co vs Leo De Coux.

(jj) September 13 – From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Amite Mercantile Co.

(kk) September 13 – From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re The
Cudahy Packing Co vs Lenoir Co., Inc.

(ll) September 14 – From Attorneys Mercantile Agency, Cincinnati, OH., re Peerless
Millinery Co. Vs Bell and Brown.

(mm) September 14 – From Campaign Headquarters of Charles A. O’Niell, Franklin, LA.,
re solicitation for support from H. Mixon.

(mm) September 15 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re C.
T. Patterson and Co vs Pennamich Lbr. Co.

(nn) September 15 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re S & J Katz and
Co vs R. W. Thompson.

(oo) September 15 – From Julius C Wolff Co., New Orleans, re money owed by F. B. Thomas
of Hammond, LA.

(pp) September 15 – Canceled check from Amite Bank and Trust collected at Savannah
Bank and Trust for $25.

(qq) September 15 – From American Bonding Company of Baltimore, New Orleans, re Walter
C. Kent vs Freiler Mercantile Company.

(rr) September 16 – From United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, New York Office,
re Smith Mfg. Co. Vs L. A. Stevens.

(ss) September 16 – From Stanford-Crowell Co., Advertising Signs and Novelties, Ithaca,
NY., re Otis C. Edwards.

(tt) September 16 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re letter to F. B. Thomas and
past due collection of $100.98.

(uu) September 16 – From Walter Winn Wright, New Orleans, re Rosa Ruiz vs M. Becker.

(vv) September 18 – From V. E. Bertrand, Tangipahoa, LA., re Mrs. Ott.

(ww) September 18 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re J.
B. Camors and Co vs Cefalu and Co.

(xx) September 18 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Holmes and Barnes
vs LE. Noir and Co.

(yy) September 18 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Holmes and Barnes
vs LE. Noir and Co.

(zz) September 18 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Holmes and Barnes
vs LE. Noir and Co.

(aaa) September 18 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re letter to Adolph Zavagnpo
about money owed to Doherty Hardware Co.

(bbb) September 18 – From Julius C. Wolff Co., New Orleans, re claim vs T. B. Thomas.

(ccc) September 18 – From Mrs. Bell West, Folsom, LA., re send me the bank notes.

(ddd) September 18 – From Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re Burrow Jones
and Dyer S. Co. Vs Day Commercial Company.

(eee) September 19 – From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Co. Vs G. W. Neesom.

(fff) September 19 – From Kerlec’s Seed Store, New Orleans, re request from J. Baldini.

(ggg) September 19 – From John W. Farley, Memphis, TN., re American Lumber Company.

(hhh) September 19 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re I. M. Levy vs
H. C. Fondren.

(iii) September 19 – From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re The
Cudahy Packing Co. Vs Lenoir Co.

(jjj) September 19 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re E. Welsch and
Sons vs H. W. Corey.

(kkk) September 19 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Aberdeen Clothing
Co. Vs H. C. Chandler.

(lll) September 20 – From George S. Kaighn, Newark, NJ., re Sweet, Orr and Co vs The
Day Commercial Company.

(mmm) September 20 — From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Mathews
and Sons vs F. S. Hewitt.

(nnn) September 21 – From J. M. Richardson, Osceola, LA., re sickness has prevented
prompt payment of debts.

(ooo) September 21 – From C. T. Patterson Company, New Orleans, re account of Pennamich
Lumber Company of Tickfaw, LA.

(ppp) September 21 – From W. D. Cox and Co., Wilmer, LA., re check enclosed for $80.

(qqq) September 21 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re National Oil
Works vs Scarborough Bro and Son,

(rrr) September 21 – From The Credit Clearing House, Louisville, KY., re L. Moses
and Co vs Amite Merc. Co.

(sss) September 21 – From Credit Adjustment Agency, Atlanta, GA., re Lindsey Wagon
Co vs L. D. Day and Son.

(ttt) September 21 – From New Orleans Typographical Union No. 17, New Orleans, re
Wilson’s pleas for extension of payment.

(uuu) September 21 – From Charles Daniels, Chicago, IL., re The Home Remedies Co vs
Mrs. L. Butler.

O (vvv) September 21 – From Grant, Carroll and Kennedy, St. Louis, MO., re Weisert
Bros. Tob. Co. Vs Geo. W. Nesam.

(www) September 21 – From Beauregard and Wright, New Orleans, re Ruiz vs Becker.

(xxx) September 21 – From The Cudahy Packing Co., New Orleans, re check for $5 on
judgment against Lenoir and Co.

(yyy) September 22 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Nation
Blow Pipe and Mfg. Co vs D. J. Hall.

(zzz) September 22 – From Kaiser and Co., New York, re E. A. LeTard.

(aaaa) September 22 – From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Company vs L. A. Stevens.

(bbbb) September 22 – From Sarver and Ames, New York, re Lumbermen’s Supply Co. Vs
U. H. Corey.

(cccc) September 23 – From The St. Helena Echo, Greensburg, LA., re letter from Wilson.

(dddd) September 23 – From Jackson Vinegar Co., Jackson, Miss., re Peter Cucci of
Independence, LA.

(eeee) September 24 – From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re
Swann Abram Hat Co vs G. W. Newsom.

(ffff) September 25 – From United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Baltimore,
MD., re Smith Mfg. Co. Vs L.A. Stevens.

(gggg) September 25 – From The Credit Clearing House, Atlanta, GA., re Spencer Medicine
Co vs W. A. Bell.

(hhhh) September 25 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re J.
B. Camors and Co vs Cefalu and Co.

(iiii) September 25 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Southern
Coffee Mills vs J. O. Corbin-Wall Co.

(jjjj) September 25 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer
vs Florida Parishes.

(kkkk) September 25 – From King and Morgan, General Merchants, Grangerville, LA.,
re Mr. Fletcher owes us $143.60.

(llll) September 25 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Holmes and Barnes
vs LaNoir and Co.

(mmmm) September 25 – From Tidwell and Carter, Roseland, LA., re closed accounts for

(nnnn) September 26 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re C.
T. Patterson and Co vs Pennamich Lbr. Co.

(oooo) September 26 – From Warner and Stine, Minneapolis, MN., re International Stock
Food Company vs C. T. Johnson.

(pppp) September 26 – From Mrs Bell West, Folsom, LA., re please forward my bank notes.

(qqqq) September 27 – From Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re Burrow Jones
and Dyer Shoe Co vs Day Commercial Company.

(rrrr) September 27 – From J. T. Hornsby, Pine Grove, LA., re suit against Anderson
Tool Co.

(ssss) September 27 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re letter to G. W. Nesom.

(tttt) September 27 – From J. J. White Lumber Company, McComb City, Miss., re enclosed
check for $5 for account of Mixon and Cassidy.

(uuuu) September 27 – From Western Adjustment Bureau, Chicago, IL., re L and S Mercantile
Co. Vs Bell and Brown.

(vvvv) September 27 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type
Founders Co vs Leo De Coux.

(wwww) September 27 – From Ohio Pottery and Glass Co., Cleveland, OH., re C. C. Murray.

(xxxx) September 28 – From Sims and Houghton, Kentwood, LA., re The Guaranty Adjustment
Company vs Nick Schiro.

(yyyy) September 28 – From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re succession of L. R. Stark,

(zzzz) September 28 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re E. M. Koepfler.

(aaaaa) September 29 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re
William Richardson vs Dyson Brothers.

(bbbbb) September 30 – From A. J. Alford, Amite City, LA., re Mixon’s bill of sale.

(ccccc) September 30 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Geo. D. Witt
Shoe Co vs E. A. Letard.

(ddddd) September 30 – From Mixon and Cassidy, McComb, Miss., re J. J. White Lumber

(eeeee) September 30 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Holmes and
Barnes Ltd. Vs Le Noir and Co.

(fffff) September 30 – From Toledo Computing Scale Co., Toledo, OH., re L. O. Ellzey.

(ggggg) September 30 – From Sarver and Ames, New York, re Lumbermen’s Suppy Co. Vs
U. H. Corey.

Folder 10 – 1911, October

(a) October 1 – From Central Light and Power Company, Ltd., Amite City, LA., re meter
reading for September for Mixon Hypolite.

(b) October 1 – From B. J. Scarbrough, Kentwood, LA., re request for understanding
about late payment.

(c) October 2 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co vs E. P. Mackie.

(d) October 2 – From Beauregard and Wright, New Orleans, re injunction against C.
D. Moore, Prosper Vicnair and the Owl Bayou Cypress Company.

(e) October 2 – From Gabriel Hernandez, Jr., Notary Public, New Orleans, re account
against G. W. Newom.

(f) October 2 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re F. Welch and Sons
vs H. W. Corey.

(g) October 3 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re C. C. Nelson.

(h) October 3 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Geo. B.
Matthews and Sons vs F. S. Hewitt.

(i) October 3 – From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Oliver Typewriter Co vs
B. M. Harvard.

(j) October 3 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Barton-Parker Mfg.
Company vs Jos. Barranco and Company.

(k) October 4 – From Reeve, Burch, Peters and Oppenheimer, Cincinnati, OH., re Thomas
Mfg. Co vs Florida Parishes Ptg. And Pub. Co.

(l) October 4 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re National
Blow Pipe Mfg. Co vs D. J. Hall.

(m) October 4 – From The Geo. E. Bennie Manufacturing Co., Nashville, TN., re account
of Lewis and McGehee.

(n) October 5 – From Day Lumber and Brick Company, Tangipahoa, LA., re check for $24.85
for note and interest of the Cudahy Packing Co.

(o) October 5 – From E. L. Sternberger, Inspector in the Louisiana State Board of
Agriculture and Immigration, Amite, LA., re Standard Oil of Louisiana.

(p) October 5 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Jackson Woolen
Mills vs J. D. Corbin Wall Co.

(q) October 5 – From the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, Baltimore, MD.,
re representation in our guaranteed attorneys quarterly.

(r) October 6 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re T. Patterson
Co. Vs Pennamich Lumber Co.

(s) October 6 – From The Credit Clearing House, St. Louis, MO., re Star Clothing Mfg.
Co. Vs Bell and Brown.

(t) October 6 – From the Credit Clearing House, Memphis, TN., re Marks and Fader vs
S. D. Stilley.

(u) October 6 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co vs J. B. Adams.

(v) October 7 – From The A. H. White Company, New Orleans, re account of Mr. H. C.

(w) October 7 – From The Attorneys Mercantile Agency Co., Louisville, KY., re Swann
Abram Hat Co vs G. W. Nesom.

(x) October 7 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Anderson Tool Co.
Vs J. T. Hornsby.

(y) October 9 – From The Kentwood Commercial, Kentwood, LA., re check to apply to
account of A. T. F. Co.

(z) October 9 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Doherty Hdwe. Co vs
S. S. McDonald.

(aa) October 9 – From Joseph Lathrop and Co., St. Louis, MO., re American Type Founders
Co vs Leo De Coux.

(bb) October 10 – From Jackson Vinegar Co., Jackson, MISS., re claim against T. J.

(cc) October 10 – From U. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co., Baltimore, MD., re C. C. Murray.

(dd) October 10 – From Mrs. Ridgel, Hammond, LA., re letter from Mixon’s aunt about
her son Johnny.

(ee) October 10 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Schwartz Bros vs
Jack Minor.

(ff) October 11 – From Snow-Church Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re J. and S.
Goodman vs S. A. Armstead.

(gg) October 11 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Southern
Vehicle and Auto Co vs Dr. W. H. Brent.

(hh) October 11 – From E. J. Sternberger, in account with Standard Oil Co., New Orleans,
re account statement.

(ii) October 11 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Keiffer
Bros. Co vs Lenoir and Co.

(jj) October 11 – From Snow, Church and Co., Chicago, IL., re Oliver Typewriter Co
vs B. M. Harvard.

(kk) October 11 – From J. Howard Reber, Philadelphia, PA., re B. M. Harvard vs Jno.
G. Co.

(ll) October 12 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re National
Blow Pipe Mfg. Co vs D. J. Hall.

(mm) October 12 – From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Co. Vs G. W. Neesom.

(nn) October 12 – From Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re Day Commercial

(oo) October 13 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re LA. Molasses
Co vs A. Gumelsky.

(pp) October 13 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re F. Welsh and Sons
vs H. W. Corey.

(qq) October 13 – From S. M. Leole, Greensburg, LA., re settlement with Mr. Holland.

(rr) October 13 – From Harry P. Sneed, New Orleans, re testimony of Holland v. Holland

(ss) October 13 – From Grant, Carroll and Kennedy, St. Louis, MO., re T. J. Mott and
W. Russell of Arcola, LA.

(tt) October 14 – From The Credit Clearing House, St. Louis, MO., re Star Clothing
Co vs Bell and Brown.

(uu) October 14 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Geo. D. Witt Shoe
Company vs E. A. Letard.

(vv) October 14 – From Jack Rhodes, Hammond, LA., re reasons for missed payments.

(ww) October 16 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re C. T.
Patterson Co vs Pennamich Lbr. Co.

(xx) October 16 – From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re Cudahy
Packing Co vs Day Commercial Co.

(yy) October 16 – From E. M. Kopfer, Independence, LA., re question of land ownership.

(zz) October 16 – From Gast, Crofts and Co., Louisville, KY., re account of Joe Parrino.

(aaa) October 18 – From S. M. Leole, Greensburg, LA., re Mr. Holland.

(bbb) October 18 – From The Mercantile Adjustment Company, Pittsburg, PA., re Speigel,
May, Stern, Co vs J. Thompson.

(ccc) October 19 – From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re Standard Oil Co.
Of LA. Vs E. L. Sternberger.

(ddd) October 19 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re E. M. Koepfler.

(eee) October 19 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re The Anderson Tool
Company vs J. T. Hornsby.

(fff) October 19 – From Water Winn Wright, New Orleans, re Barbier vs Moore et al.

(ggg) October 21 – From Justice of the Peace of Tangipahoa, J. Lauthier, re Homes
and Barnes Ltd vs Lenoir Co. And The Cudahy Packing Co. Vs Lenoir Company.

(hhh) October 22 – From Gabriel Hernandez, Jr., Notary Public of New Orleans, re National
Blow Pipe Mfg. Co, Limited vs D. J. Hall.

(iii) October 24 – From Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re Burrow Jones
and Dyer Shoe Co vs Day Commercial Company.

(jjj) October 24 – From W. B. Mason and Co., Amite City, LA., re Mixon’s monthly bill.

(kkk) October 25 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Diamond Paper Co
vs Bell and Brown.

(lll) October 26 – From Dr. Russel D. Stone, New Orleans, re bill due by William A.

(mmm) October 26 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co vs Bell and Brown.

(nnn) October 27 – From Babson Bros., re account of Joe Cutrer of Amite City, LA.

(ooo) October 27 – From Offices of Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re Hutchinson account.

(ppp) October 27 – From Importers Coffee Company, Ltd., New Orleans, re bill for G.
W. Nesom.

(qqq) October 29 – From Hamilton Overall Company, New Orleans, re account of L. A.

(rrr) October 30 — From E. L. Sternberger, Inspector in the Louisiana State Board
of Agriculture and Immigration, Amite, LA., re Standard Oil of Louisiana.

(sss) October 30 – From Turpentine Department of the National Lumber Co., Pine Grove,
LA., re brother Tom Mixon wants to borrow money for wedding.

(ttt) October 30 – From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Company vs G. W. Neesom.

(uuu) October 31 – From Babson Bros., Chicago, IL., re J. Cutrer.

(vvv) October 31 – From Day Lumber and Brick Co., Tangipahoa, LA., re letter from
Alonzo L. Mixon.

(www) October 31 – From Pratt Food Co., Philadelphia, PA., re G. W. Nesom.

Folder 11 1911, November and December

(a) November 1 From Baggott and Baggott, New York City, re C. H. Thompson Cal vs Geo.
W. Crook.

(b) November 2 From Sipple Adjustment Company, St. Louis, MO., re Burrow Jones and
Dyer S. Co. vs Day Commercial Company.

(c) November 3 From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Brown Shoe Co. vs Amite
Merc. Co and Hargadine-McKittrick Shoe Co. vs Amite Merc. Co. and Smith Bros. Co.,
Ltd. vs Amite Merc. Co.

(d) November 3 The Snow, Church Co., Philadelphia, PA., re South Philadelphia Woolen
Co. vs J. Jordan .

(e) November 3 From Ben E. Herrell, Dennis’ Mills, LA., re question about pending

(f) November 3 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Importers
Coffee Co. vs G. W. Nesom.

(g) November 4 From Manufacturers Protective Association, Cleveland, OH., re The Northern
Chemical Company vs Owl Bayou Cypress Company.

(h) November 4 From Lyon and Healy, Chicago, IL., re E. B. Dees.

(i) November 4 From Creditors Liquidation Association, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Company vs C. C. Murray.

(j) November 4 From Otis C. Edwards, Tangipahoa Notary Public, re Bell and Brown vs
Amite Bank and Trust Company.

(k) November 5 From Leslie LeClaire, Argyle, La., re Kowalsky Estate.

(l) November 6 From Snow, Church and Co., Nashville, TN., re H. B. Wadsworth vs Standard
Oil Company.

(m) November 6 From E. M. Koppler, Independence, LA., re question about the goods.

(n) November 7 From Hypolite Mixon, Amite, LA., re G. W. Nesom.

(o) November 8 From Adolph M. Schwarz, Chicago, IL., re James Ohlen and Sons Saw Manufacturing
Co. vs C. M. Pierce.

(p) November 9 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Welsch and Sons
vs H. W. Corey.

(q) November 9 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Doherty Hdwe
Co. vs W. B. Story.

(r) November 9 From The National Legal Service Co., Chicago, IL., re Bernard Mayer
Co. vs Mres M. L. Akers.

(s) November 10 From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Smith Bros. vs Weist.

(t) November 10 From Baggott and Baggott, New York City, re Thompson Cal. vs Geo.
W. Crook.

(u) November 10 From Thilborger and Duffy, New Orleans, re Smith Bros. vs Weist.

(v) November 10 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re J. and S. Goodman
vs S. A. Armstead.

(w) November 13 From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Amite Manufacturing

(x) November 13 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Schwartz Brothers
vs Jack Minor.

(y) November 14 From Tom Mixon, Pine Grove, LA., re thank you for the much needed

(z) November 14 From Western Adjustment Bureau, Chicago, IL., re L and S Mercantile
Company vs Bell and Brown.

(aa) November 14 From Otis Edwards, Notary Public, Parish of Tangipahoa, re notice
addressed to Central Louisiana Bank and Trust Co., L. Kaplan and Co., The Greenwich
Bank, Savannah Bank and Trust Co., and Bell and Brown.

(bb) November 15 From Lyon and Healy, Chicago, IL., re E. B. Dees.

(cc) November 15 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Julius Meyer
vs Florida Parishes.

(dd) November 16 From The St. Helena Echo, Greensburg, LA., re Mr. Howard’s refusal
to pay bill of Wilson’s .

(ee) November 16 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Chas. E. Claude Co.
vs Dyson Bros.

(ff) November 16 From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re B. H. Flaspoiler
Sons vs C. F. Hyde.

(gg) November 20 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Importers
Coffee Company vs G. W. Nesom.

(hh) November 24 From The Credit Clearing House, Atlanta, GA., re Chattanooga Medicine
Company vs. C. L. Matthews.

(ii) November 25 From M. L. Callihan, Darlington, LA., re case pending.

(jj) November 27 From The Greenwich Bank, New York, re note against Bell and Brown
for $25.

(kk) November 27 From Cliff Williams Machine Co., Meridian, Miss., re Mr. Nealy.

(ll) December 1 From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co. vs Bell and Brown.

(mm) December 7 From H. J. Schultz Collections and Adjustments, New York, re New York
Bargain House vs Bell and Brown.

(nn) December 7 From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Amite Manufacturing

(oo) December 8 From The Martendale Mercantile Agency, New York, re Sefton Mfg. Co.
vs Cefalu and Company.

(pp) December 14 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Gulf Refining
Company vs H. Von Sender.

(qq) December 14 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Jules
C. Koenig vs H. Von Sender.

(rr) December 14 From G. W. Nesom, Tickfaw, LA., re $27 check for A. Falk.

(ss) December 18 From Kohlman Bros. and Sugarman, New Orleans, re bill of sale for
C. L. Matthews.

(tt) December 19 From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co. vs Bell and Brown.

(uu) December 20 From Swift Fertilizer Works, Atlanta, GA., re G. W. Nesom.

(vv) December 27 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re properly executed
contract covering representation for Hammond, LA.

(ww) December 28 From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co. vs E. A. LeTard.

(xx) December 29 From ?, Kentwood, LA., re money owed on account.

(yy) December 29 From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co. vs Bell and Brown.

Mixon, Hypolite Collection

Box 4

Folder 1 1912, January

(a) January 3 From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co. vs E. A. LeTard.

(b) January 3 From Snow, Church and Company, Chicago, IL., re E. E. Strauss and Co.
vs Mrs. L. A. Elsey.

(c) January 3 From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Nathan Herzog and Co.
vs Lewis & McGehee.

(d) January 3 From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, IL., re Nathan Herzog and Co.
vs Lewis & McGehee.

(e) January 9 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Claims vs
H. Von Sender.

(f) January 10 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Southern
Hardware and Woodstock Co. vs Kentwood Auto Company.

(g) January 10 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Doherty Hardware
Co. vs W. B. Story.

(h) January 10 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Van Vleet Mansfield
Drug Co. vs Dr. R. W. Travis.

(i) January 11 From West Publishing Company, St. Paul, MN., re Book 11 Louisiana Reprint
is on the way.

(j) January 12 From The Hoffman Mercantile Agency, Chicago, IL., re J. L. Taylor and
Co. vs Day Commercial Company.

(k) January 15- From J. Chambers, Kentwood, LA., re letter received and the matter
will be taken care of at the end of the month.

(l) January 16 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Jos. Levy
and Brothers vs. I. D. Easterly.

(m) January 17 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Geo. W.
Davison Co. vs T. J. Bridges.

(n) January 17 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re National Oil
Works vs Paul Turrage.

(o) January 18 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re representation
in the American Lawyers Quarterly.

(p) January 19 From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re American Case and Register
Company vs A. F. Gate.

(q) January 23 From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re The Cudahy
Packing Co. of La. Ltd. vs the Lenoir Co., Inc.

(r) January 23 From Creditors Liquidation Association, Chicago, IL., re Hamilton Overall
Company vs C. C. Murray.

(s) January 23 From Doherty Hardware Company, Ltd., Baton Rouge, LA., re bill of sale
for W. W. Godfrey.

(t) January 24 From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re The Cudahy
Packing Co. of La., Ltd. vs J. O. Corbin-Wall Co.

(u) January 26 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re National Oil
Works vs Paul Turrage.

(v) January 28 From W. B. Calmers, Weiss, LA., re payment sent.

(w) January 29 From New Orleans Men’s Credit Association, New Orleans, re National
Blow Pipe Mfg Co. vs D. J. Hall.

(x) January 29 From Leo Stevens, New Orleans, LA., re request for collection of $385.

(y) January 30 From New Orleans Men’s Credit Association, New Orleans, re Liberty
Oil Co. vs J. P. Wall.

(z) January 30 From New Orleans Men’s Credit Association, New Orleans, re Gulf Refining
Co. and Jules C. Koenig vs H. Von Sender.

(aa) January 30 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodwight
Wight and Company vs Kentwood Auto Co.

(bb) January 30 From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re The American
Lawyers Quarterly.

(cc) January 31 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re B. H. Flasspollers
Sons vs Peter Cucci.

(dd) January 31 From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Southern
Vehicle and Auto Co. vs W. H. Brent.

(ee) January 31 From the C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re L. and S. Mercantile
Co. vs Bell and Brown.

Folder 2 1912, February

(a) February 1 – From Bert ?, Greensburg, LA., re claim of Holmes and Barnes.

(b) February 1 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Wm. Richardson
Co. Vs L. O. Ellzey.

(c) February 1 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re William
Richardson vs Dyson Bros.

(d) February 2 – From Estes and Estes, Medidian, Miss., re son of Robert Cooper is
an heir and estate.

(e) February 3 – From M. Pedersen Company, Ltd., New Orleans, re receipt for Eldridge
Merc. Co. of Amite, LA.

(f) February 3 – From Illinois Central Railroad Company, McComb, Miss., re claim of
Mrs. Sauls for hog killed on tracks.

(g) February 5 – From The Item Co. Ltd., Publishers, New Orleans, re receipt for Amite
Drug Company.

(h) February 5 – From R. W. Travis, Tangipahoa, LA., re $15 check enclosed as partial
payment of account.

(i) February 5 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Toppino, Seidenbach
and Larose vs L. O. Ellzey.

(j) February 5 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Doherty Hdwe
Co. Vs W. B. Story.

(k) February 6 – From McKelvey and Favour, New York, re Carroll Lumber Company.

(l) February 6 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re D. H.
Holmes and Co vs J. P. Chambers.

(m) February 6 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re J. B.
Camors and Co. Vs J. T. Hodges.

(n) February 6 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Geo. W.
Davison and Co. Vs Bell and Brown.

(o) February 6 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re National Oil
Works vs Paul Turrage.

(p) February 6 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re The Anderson Tool
Company vs J. T. Hornsby.

(q) February 6 – From H. M. Chandler, Athens, TN., re E. J. Dodson vs Jane Sherman.

(r) February 7 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re J. B.
Camors and Co. Vs Cefalu and Co.

(s) February 7 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs A.
J. Goodloe.

(t) February 7 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs Florida

(u) February 8 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Liberty
Oil Co. Vs Dr. R. W. Travis.

(v) February 9 – From Western Trimmed Hat Company, Tinus, LA., re copy of invoice
for Day Brothers.

(w) February 10 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re letters in
reference to representation.

(x) February 11 – From D. Sanders, Independence, LA., re Pennamich Lumber Co.

(y) February 12 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Williams
Richardson Co. Vs Dyson Bros.

(z) February 12 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re National
Oil Works vs Amite Mfg Co.

(aa) February 12 – From S. J. Hodges, Montpelier, LA., re case against Grafton Perry.

(bb) February 12 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Doherty Hdwe
Co., vs W. B. Story.

(cc) February 13 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Southern
Vehicle Co. Vs Dr. W. H. Brent.

(dd) February 13 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Liberty
Oil Co vs J. P. Wall.

(ee) February 13 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Woodward
Wight and Co vs Kentwood Auto Co.

(ff) February 14 – From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Amite Manufacturing

(gg) February 16 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Cable
Piano Co. Vs Katie Curry.

(hh) February 15 – From The Credit Clearing House, Chicago, ILL., re Nathan Herzog
and Co vs J. H. Morgan.

(ii) February 15 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Toppino,
Seidenbach and Larose vs L. O. Elizey.

(jj) February 15 – From A. A. and L. D. Powers, Jr., Pine Grove, LA., re request for
more time to pay debt of $235.

(kk) February 16 – From H. W. Johns-Manville Co., New Orleans, re Kentwood Auto Supply
and Repair Co.

(ll) February 16 – From H. J. Schultz, New York City, re N. Y. Bargain House vs Bell
and Brown.

(mm) February 16 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Vories
Baking Co vs G. W. Nesom.

(nn) February 16 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Marx Weil and Sons
vs J. E. Mathevien.

(oo) February 16 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Julius Meyer vs
Florida Parishes.

(pp) February 17 – From W. B. Mason and Co., Amite City, LA., re Mixon’s January statement.

(qq) February 17 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re National Oil Works
vs Pennamich Lumber Co.

(rr) February 17 – From Interstate Reporting Co., Chicago, IL., re Hartman Furniture
and Carpet Co vs Alby Rodday.

(ss) February 17 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re National
Oil Works vs Paul Turrage.

(tt) February 17 – From Matthews and Matthews, Cincinnati, OH., re Anderson Tool Company
vs J. T. Hornsby.

(uu) February 19 – From Orleans Mercantile Agency, New Orleans, re The Ahrens and
Ott Mfg. Co. Vs Amite City Mfg. Co.

(vv) February 19 – From Century Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, IL., re collection against
A. C. Patrick.

(ww) February 20 – From George S. Kaighn, Newark, NJ., re Sweet-Orr and Co. Vs The
Day Commercial Company.

(xx) February 20 – From Dixie Mercantile Agency, High Point, NC., re Tomlinson Chair
Mfg Co. Vs W. W. Godfroy.

(yy) February 21 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Doherty Hdwe
Co. Vs W. B . Story.

(zz) February 22 – From Wilcox, Parsons, Burch and Adams, Akron, OH., re The Goodyear
Tire and Rubber Co. Vs Kentwood Auto Supply Company and Repair.

(aaa) February 22 – From J. Sanders, Independence, LA., re request for papers.

(bbb) February 23 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re J.
B. Camors and Co vs J. T. Hodges.

(ccc) February 23 – From The Provisioners Collection Agency, Chicago, IL., re Cudahy
Packing Co vs Lenoir Co.

(ddd) February 23 – From The C-R-C Law List Company, New York, re L. & S. Mercantile
Co. Vs Bell and Brown.

(eee) February 23 – From Burkhardt Adjustment Company, Memphis, TN., re Parham-Matthews
Hat Co vs Bell and Brown.

(fff) February 23 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Southern Mattress
Works vs W. W. Godfrey.

(ggg) February 24 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Southern
Vehicle Co vs Dr. W. H. Brent.

(hhh) February 24 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re Geo.
W. Davison & Co vs Bell and Brown.

(iii) February 24 – From The Credit Clearing House, New Orleans, re Kost Commission
Co vs W. W. Godfrey.

(jjj) February 25 – From Lee Simpleton, Arcola, LA., re request for more time to make

(kkk) February 26 – From New Orleans Credit Men’s Association, New Orleans, re National
Blow Pipe Co vs D. J. Hall.

(lll) February 27 – From W. Buckley and Company, Chicago, IL., re M. J. Scarle.

(mmm) February 27 – From Sims and Houghton, Kentwood, LA., re Toledo Commercial Scale
Co vs F. Barronco.

(nnn) February 27 – From D. J. Hall, Gayle, LA., re I will send you $50 on Saturday.

(ooo) February 28 – From John J. Water, Tangipahoa, LA., re papers for Mr. Gill.

(ppp) February 29 – From The American Lawyers Company, Cleveland, OH., re Doherty
Co vs W. B. Story.

(qqq) February 29 – From D. P. Stringfield, Sunny Hill, LA. , re note of R. S. Thomas.

(rrr) February 29 – From Sarver and Ames, Century Building, Pittsburg, PA., re Sarford-Cromwell
Co. Vs O. G. Edwards.

Hypolite Mixon - Southeastern Louisiana University (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.