Fort Wayne Daily News from Fort Wayne, Indiana (2024)

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Fort Wayne Daily Newsi

Fort Wayne, Indiana

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fTT MttsBit llndecwearJi Time was wWii Ready nfade UifderweajP vnasklmpy Ul ahapcdand mean and that time holds on In most stores but we hav changed all this and hundreds of Fort Wayne women are depending on us for their entire supply Iriose Waists We spoke of yesterday caught the popular fancy No wonder Theres no reason under the sun why we shouldnt ask you double what wc do on these waists yet we donXwand theres more jto day foryou to pick from We Issue our welcome the great houseful wo expect to serve to day Good news dosent need cannon to spread It Theres no getting past or under our prices theyre the result of braini Industry and long experience at your service In this time of low wages and unavoidable needs The people want good goods at low prices Dont neglect to provide the young folks with Stockings from the ones we are offering for In cents Also Hosiery and Underwear At Auction Prices Without the auction Goods from the recent great sale In New York Lots that cant be duplicated for anything like our prices Hosiery Three pairs for 45 cents full regular made cotton hose womens Hermsdorf Past BlacK Beorge BeWalrJ ft tt WMLUTm i VTrat kvh mm WJBB3BW FOR IMPAIRED VITALITY BunVer from Fartr Abneee fteeatt Overwork ie An BUnloU and luuoture la thl remadr It paaltlveir eutr 1 Hervoue DUordera Impauner Atn pbf VrlooMle aBd Nssal Weesowe Drali i obeeaed ar nl vlior isMonf ti lt iTiLm hlriM llMbVMil a borfa a lib written Addnae UAuio Daua Co Cun sujid A ruuuUatA Toi Sal br Moranuret Ti Calhoun street Fort Wavne Ind 111 Il IS 1U Louis Dlether Brother If anniactnrsr ot All Kinds ot WOOD WORK Fine Stain Hardwood Door and House Trimmings Specialty Architects Plans Carefully Followed nu1alitjimhaf Vim antt BM Wlar Bhln flat DulldJnf facer Butt Doors nd Blind Urn and ipucud bills furulilc4 on abort notlM nlBUIOl BlaWW prOmpU Mill VUCTX lUil Office 44 But Superior St Factory 100 Heart at MEMmOQeFfL IHHOOD Because We Want Your Husbands Jobave the pleasure of surprising you wth one of our Standard Sawing Machines The Standard Shuttle lews 810 stitches with 60 turns less ot the big wheel than the vibrator shuttles do Does It pay to run a slow machloeT You wont think to after trj ing The Standard PllfflTilnffl 28 and 40 East Columbia fit Telephone No 80 Mineral Magnetic Well Abbotts Sanitarium this Sanitarium he opened on Monday April lt Arrangements have been made tor all trains oil the Flndley Fort Wayne Western Railway to stop at the Sanitarium Wayne Trace Crossing Trains leaving the city at 6 30 1020 833 a Mnd 3om Returning 930 a 1245 8 and 7 The baths will given by experts only ALFRED GRINDLe ARCHITECT JJASSBLOCtf FTWApiBVPn alteaaiBoolaItT liu iirjxiiuuluil 1SM MM Mies I MM I Br mniMurtnllu Ms Wat will snis BgaA Bleeding Cloitadsa Jtcbtns ruaa Sanaa tbitumorir UW Lb itnhlhiatm astta sonltloe give tnittnt rallotTW 1441a Mia OUaentlnrusaa wt rr arfrvLTJtTri3fiT ai us BlUl WO JTUW IVWWam Ia IT aE5u 7 ai IW KflafrJM TflCRVE SEEDS Thl Pamima BeMfftr ffroguoklr dpnnnsvnoiuir nrtAiii tllfuttM1 much iWfttiat Momnrr Jom of Hriin lowitr llloawlooboWnLsful kwI1 tIKy ovIldMKunaln lenoran Ian dtaciins oaummI bf FUful erriiri hiAui builder plump JCAHllrrnnifti Dot ur nlena A In Vert pocket er 4 vwytWi TM HWpfr MM omi Vy VtrSnMfullnVwtori If th inn and hioon wrefiniy Jlat awunjk Jlessrsi Minor A Dotted oi tuts city couia taie pnowgrapus just the mum Mr Chaa Miner ana uaruert aw otme linn oi Ediputids 4 Jaw electrical contractors have Invented a derlc I which can clip darkness from tho wings of night Mr Miner Is a prominent photographer and he conceived an Idea that photographs can be taken by electric light at night kai well at by U19 8unllghi iia the daytime Man expertdruau have been made but most ostho d6vloes for lighting leave dark shadows which renaer a picture practically wocuuess Mr Miner conceived aa Idea tliat the light could bb properly dlHusod ao that the shadows would be disseminated Mr Law has exemplified this idea trod made a practical success of photogra phy at night Saturday evening Messrs Miner and Law Invited the newspaper men to their parlors and experlminted isuccessfully with their patent It Is a canopy like arrangemsnCaonicUdnglltfi in In verted It la About a foot In thick ness and Is lined on the the exterior with a light diaphanous fabric Tie neath UiU lining la about fifty lncan descent bulbs Tho light from these Is stralnod through tho dlaphlnoua lining so evenly and diffused so carefully that there ate not as many shadows lslble on Uie face as are produced by the sun light The newspaper men were all given a fitting and the negatives were exhibited soon after The work was a practical success and it the subjects had been better looking aomo very artlstlo work could be exhibited llr Applegates whiskers spoiled the appearance of the group Ino work Is Indeed a success as far as practical photography Is concerned and Messrs Miner Dexter are prepared to have their parlors open day and night After the successful exhibition ot their Invention Messrs Mlnerand aw had a banquet served to the newspaper men by Caterer SeldeL WHAT to bat to iidnnow nitFiUFAit lYult 0vn ral Liver and Bacon I oliitoci and Urlln toll Oofflx HUME Jullonno Soup llrnlwd Mutton Broa flauoa Iroon Uora TnmlA and Ciinumbcr Salad Water tbraae Dolle 1 1 olatoo Noctirlno Ida Coneo HIKCIISOH Xiudmoni Omelet In bdnj dlih tettuee and Sandwlcbea lluiulan Tea wim trie Editor near ADtddVHftOWCAVUOACaNrY kUal Phhll Kllelt TtUt JtlraU oflt KUtlatnlh Caturf frem At faluea Cb AT hiUpentmki IIearliUilireiiirl UtwA Allen A Iiurch dmssli ot Mien that Hr Sllai len odl a reaposted eitlten or tht tuwn had bbet ailreil af bad raw ef acUtlo rlicuma tlau bjr the uh jf Pr IllUmi link Pills I Pal rtonle the edilnr tl a Cay uga Cuunlf Mrjinc*nt delfhnlned to knew tha Uutli or tlie roaKcr and went out to M1a Ml Peunell it a farmT ind liaa a neat and comfortablo home near Nlln ake4 Jlr lVnncll if It wa Irua that he bad beoii onred of a bod cue of rlii umaiVm or Dr VUilani link I11J tatd iLt tlirea year ago in Augunl 1891 lm tit telud ith anert paint lu tlia bin Jut wuera the tclallo berra li which gradually ran down III leff rnakinff life a nilwrr lo hlul but not wprevpntlng him Iron doing anma arork en thaTarm Soon after be loading liny nhen he alif ped off the load and hit bit lilt on the wheel After thl heiaa vine tufllrlng great agony and for tenia llu waa unable to do any work lie tonk auch nicdioinoa ai ill ihyaltlan nrcacribod nod improved eomevbtt to that ne pSSSSSSS ffBuH rn could help Bome around the farm again ioui inaniuciTingiinie 1 wat i el pul away tome barrela pf elder Mhkh made when he alralnod hlmtelf an becama licliloat He then Mod another thti result ha got I rjbralcJan tried JlirldllDLJ lift Jilt JiOMldiliUi nl aurJai lilro I or He lire of the elect rlo better and ruedli 1 ntuetwuiru i a pnaenuoa uuc laiiura rai a better and another abd troated him for aome time By Ihia line hit whole body vflbctcd Sharp paini would atlrt in hit hand or foot run up one aide nf Mi bodr over hli I auldera and then down lh other Jo and llien paaa off for a abort time Tlieaeriln would return regularly affect lngbtawhola aiodyand nothing seemed to relieve mm ana he began to dnalr or ever being well la the tpring of 18U1I a relative In another county read of a oaae very ml lar to Mr Pcnneil a which had bern cured by Ptak Me and aont the article to bin taking If It did not tult hia esse Ilwu rer aimiiar auu ne acierminra 10 vj llicm lie aotnnionoed taking I ink Illll and aron felt hotter the palm became ins violent with longer Interval between Ihem lie fell anoou raged and penevered In thilruee and aoon became able to work on ilieftjrni and In April or May he felt foe from pain uai ue oootiuereu nimecLr a aron man again Ilaaaya he baa irahahly liken 0 boieaandablatodoaagoodadaya cork aa any oilier man and we can any that he looke like a hala and heartr man who hail ever known aleVneat Dr Wllllani Pink Pill eonlain all the dement neeeaaary it give new life and rich neat to the blood and rrelore ahattcred nerve They art for aala by all drutrgUta or may ha had by mall from Dr WUlitma Wediolno Company Sohenmtady for ttkt per box or alt boxea for J2D0 II prepaid wrttteng monefrefunilMl Write oonuinttosumonl lntnnaneiiilrefernee Ma BiMhro radiiiiaaimOrdlrvirKV KM Oft MaKiBlo Tampla IUoh III Bold In Fort Wayno tnd by Otto 0 kllnken berg Prnrguit IS Kaat Perry SrecU lu tin Cor Columbia and Lafajctte Sts Are Treiared to do All Kinds of naming Moving Safes a Specialty Moving Wagons from 75o to 3 00 pef load Telephone No 122 Call Us Up White National Bank Capital and Surplus 9229000 Tan 1 Per OanL Internet Par Annum on Ttjc Depodta Bala Depoalt Bole For Sent at St Per Jersey Butters I Samfles of which are now being ais tribute throughout the city art A NEW CRAOKEH A gBACKJJB HB 8UMMEB USE A CBACKEB THAT BEATS TBEMAXI Manufaoturod by THE SKELTOH CO All dlseues ef the skin cored and lostwmplortrotoredliy Johnsons Oriental Soap Cirow 4 Jeljens and DreierfBro Mr Kd Boss Is at St tioub Miss Xash has gone to Defiance on a visit Branch 715 0 Kvof A will hold a meeting this evening Mr and Mrs Willie Green spent Sunday at Tagle Lake Mr and Mrs Joseph Douglas are at Bome City for an outing Mr and Mrs Rank Rlblet left this morning for an eastern trip Mr and Mrs Mont 0 OrffVofChl cago are guests at the Randall Mr Charles Rabus and bride art temjiorarily at home at the MoKlnnie house Mr Johnson is entertalnlne her sister Miss Martha Allen of Cov ington Ky Mr and Mrs Wn Meyer jr and family have returned from a visit to Maxinkuckeo Mr 0 Hack wag at Toledo Ohio to day on i business trip for the Olds Bicycle Kim works This evenlntr Miss Mayme Walton will entertain In honor of II Us Irene Sweet of Grand Rapids Mrs Jacob llctrlck and daughter Mrs JM Neufer returned jesterday from a trip to uunuric uia Mbis erica Hoagland went to To ledo Saturday to be the guest or relatives and friends for several weeks Mr and Mrs Caswell of Co lumbia City were the guests of Mr and Mrs Uufns over Sunday This evening Mr Tom Mills Will celebrate tho eighteenth anniversary of the day he slgnod the total abstinence pledge James Eagy formerly a resident of Tort Wayne but now of Chicago la In the city circulating among his friends The Rev DrandMrsD Moffat and eon William left this morning for Madison Ind to spend six weess in the bills LaPearls Bin 10 and 20 cent Kail road Show the greatest in the modern world will exhibit at TortAVayne July 20 and 22 kiss lylttte Daub of Goshen who has been the guest of the Misses Lulu and Kittle OfenlochJleTt for Defiance tills morning 4 Mesdames John Grohne of Clncln natl Anthony DeWald and Uenry Monaiog are at Home city lor an out Ing of a week Mr A Mertrenthelm lef last even Ing for Atlanflo City to spend a few weeks with his wife and sun who are sojourning at the seaside The Soldiers Sons and Citizens club has passed resolutionif respect to the memory or me late ot irx who was treasurer of the club John Sullivan conductor on the An drew Tort Wayne local freight of the Wabash has been appointed night yardmaster of the wabasn atxuton Mrs Bt Bingham tt Lagrange Is the auest of her daughter Mrs 1 JT Van blyke Mrs A Strong of Minneapolis a sister of Mrs Van Slykeris also her guest The Lalearl children the greatest aerial wonders before the American public With Lalearls Rig 10 and 20 cent Railroad Show Will exhibit at Fort Wayne oa July 30 and 22 James A Ludlnirton of the Penn sylvanla shops Is entertaining his two sons Who are In the city on their summer vacation from the Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home at Knights town The womens bible meeting of the Wayne Street church Is held every Tuesday afternoon at the Sun day school rooms at 4 clocki AU ladies Interested In bible study are In Vlted to attend A coaching party frpm Rcho drove to this city Saturday evening and were the guests of Mends The party onnalatad of tha Misses Irene Ltnma and Margie Metching Bertie Lechner and Jlr thanes Meicmng Misses Bertha and Mary Freeman Mrs Marv Sturn I Mlsg Eliza UudlsIU Mn French Miss Martha French and Mrs Potter and two children left Saturday In a private cat for Maoklnaw Island to spend the TO Sporting Notes The Centllvre strlhg ot horses wQl start at Saginaw this week The trotting stallion Newsboy seen at the Fort Wayne races was turned to death Saturday night In a barn Ore at iiOgansport Constipation is generally caused by Inflammation of the lower portion of the rectum Take 10 dropi of Brazilian Balm twice a day also inject half a tea apoonful each night A two weeks course of this treatment seldom rails to make permanent cure Never purge yourself for conatipallon Sold by Meyer Bros Co Druggists First class work without Injuring the fabric at the Fort Wayne Steam Laundry 10 West Mam street Phone 882 19 Japanese Liver Pellets are small but great In their effects no grlpimri 50 doses 25 cts Gross fc Feller and prelet Bro St Julian Council excursion to Hillsdale July 25 Qo with them The party who has In his possession vol no toi ue latn ueiongingw Bond will please return It to the owner and oblige 8 eod Ct Money to Joan on long time Any amount Easy payments Cook 32 Berry street Wall Oartalaa A pretty fashion baa boon Introduced lately of a wall curtain hanging at the back of a dl an or an upright piano Those curtain of ooune must Ira raado to effortl an agrombfo contrast to the walls on which thoy lang Dooorator and Furnbih crdoaorilw them a about a yard and a qnutor doepand allttlo more Uiantwo Tarda wide On an olive groon wall our tain of bright yUow pongoe Is Tory pretty A pale bluo curtain looks wall on a wall ot IMmpoian njji Allttlo blue allk feurtain Ulmmod With allvor frlngo and Buspondod by allver rings from a alonder allvor rod hi most offootlvo boldntl atosowoot piano and whom there a pink eToct on tho walla Soma of those ourtalDs an mada of Japantno atuffa and some of plush In a aoinber room a vr all eui Ultvof yollow or gold oolorod silk light up wondorfully well and gHo a ohamilng tone to tho wliulo room When loa Spill lak Sliould you spill ink upon tho carpet or upon a wouion tauiwraui uninouiauiiy mrinkloovor It a thick layer of oonimon nlt remarks an oxclinngo Whon thl lina alworbodail tholnkuiat ltoan onrofully aompe It off and apply soma more Koop doing tills until tho ink la taken up If your carpet has an Ink spot upon It that you dldnt know how to attack at the time of the aooldont moluUia lCwIth bot water So oarof ul not to use enough wa ter to make tho Ink spread Tliun apply the salt Your suooos will not com ploU but tho spot will boooiuo dim and poruapa will uon uo nuuouauio Nlee For a FleBle I oncheon TalrA Ail A0lra nrtltMl hftV ftftf fWllrnlt for 85 minute chop the white very line and niuali eaoh yolk with a Ipaapooiif ul of butter Then mix the whlto and yolka aeoaonlng tto taate A Uttlo louion Juloo may be added to the taste fiptoad a elloo of bread ealy with the egg mixture similar slloe with butter and proas tho two together The sandwiches should be covered with a napkin to provont drying Aaparagofe oa Toaat Tl the atalk In bundles koonlnB the head one way and out off tho BUtlks so that they may be ot equal length Put those lntowoll saltod boiling water and cook till tender but no longer Have ready romo thin sllcos ot toast Drain Hie asporagu and arrango upon the toast and pour over It a good whlto saupo Halted Oalona Boll In salted water one half hour lift out with a drain spoon and lay tlfora closely together In a pan anlt and poppoi aim a Bonorgu lump ef butter on onoh onion bale In a bot ovon one half hour when they should bo both tender and browned A II lalilsli aaiiti i i aimiii In he Great Success vwmiMitl COST SALE i at I I FINE WE ATE HAKINQ Op OUR llZollarai OF ffl sai afl dB IIibbI Ba ffl Hn or Nswe oUlce ooti tort 1 lo I omo mcro on oblM Ahuh asoi Call at Hotel Kmcry SlU Is exciting theenvy of some of our would be competitors who are trying to imitate us but like all counterfeits they lack the true merit of the genuine We are still idling those a Mens All Wool Suits at 480 590 775 885 that are perfect in fit superior in wormanship and beautiful in style Dont be mislead by merchants who are loaded up with old out of style i clothing which Is not cheap at any price Everything in our Clothing Department cut down to cost Light Colors and Light Weights less than cost polden Patterson LEADERS OF FASHION 56 Calhoun Street Opposite Court House TfjgHMaiMi IM feAMado a well If MY fpf2sg5 Man of Vtrv rtxi HINDOO MMEDT raooocal Tlia abotb BICHTlT la so tTS 61 lftnal8lMHMiMia 41 llr tfMaor IMmftuuMwtfiraivlanrlKlal nn iu oalrb tMruIr rMlora oldrvouiiir lnllorndln awiaMwkmtfc Hiforaaaewiiaa it ftoMirunki UHuI Xmatmrnimi aitiam but ImmI mi LavlitaV DkHiPtk I fourdrarginkksianotfoi ItvwcwM Mat protiVM SOLD by Grow A Pel Inn DniKRlit CalbooO ot or waynv fuua WAKnttayinu wra atx5 aUUn M4 aVlMtX Co Uh a 0r RESTORE LOST VIGOR tmfj Will brM ft pH Si4wlttiiriITTkV lTOt4ir KmlMiMl from mj IlBOglejCtMl rtel ito Mm iA eHUKipHwtrlaMitit tl ouptKbei by kxuMfvrftk With Trr6 mavaa am mviM vw wfMBslfl vaMNT foe bilk bt uoEDnvBST1 DBuaoraT 11 cluiovs bt avi LM Money Cash Money You carl cet It In any amount from 5 tip on our iSiralturo llano Or gan llorecs AVugon Lie lay it back la any amount at any time Money aavancea on vouchers UiBlnew transacted nrlVatelv and conlldentlaliy iJjctters aauressptrto the onico will receive prompt attention ou can get the the money the same day you apply Address and call at ltoom 1 Arcade DullUng ALBERS UNDERHILL niUfi HSlATi AMI IXAN3 OOlcfj Open In Evening frm 7 to 9 OAPANES13 ise zmw CURE Jtnr a4 rlomplal TrBMmimt aaaalallat af RfWUBITOHIUt OaiMilai el Olnimwt nl two lloiiol Oll Aur IMnur Wlol arcrratlTodMt lumtkif optralloa with Vnlta or Ii ImUon of rartwllq aola wl loa at iwlntul an Mtlaoma pMTnaunl ora ortonr nilUnilalh aanoovurr Whr andura this terrlbla dlaaasa Wa tuiiraotaa boea to out fin ia Aou oiilr tM tor buwUu rooBina alaooKai3 cnturm JAPANESE PILE OINTMENT 50c I Box uuns 1 irA 1 wn iurpiit SmSu rOBinfH 6mllillii and iJjjula Uar Pallet Uk npMUllr adauta Cor oUldna Qngsi a Pellena and Dreler A Bra Fort Warn Ind MfflL MS4ffi jgr 1 iIJUJs ICYGLES Are the Highest of All High Grades Warranted atinerlor to anr BlcvclB bnllt lft thn wnrM rciranl loss of price Do not be Induced to pay more money for an Inferior wheel Insist on havlnor the AVaverlev liulltarrd guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co a million dollar concern whose bond fa as good as gold 21 lb Bco*kCUER 85 22 11 LADIES 75 RANDALL CYCLE CO Exclusive Agents RESTORED MANHOOD I Tl ItOTTB BEEVKEIIH oH tU vniiaa avaranue ao ear ail aarveaa mwaael or ta sanerauva rrgaai vllacr aaz uob a Ktrma I iTouratln talars at lU bood Ima wer Mkr Tj ladans YoipMul jtrran Dtal Warrr eieaailva use of Tabaai a Opium tik laa a OoxiumaUarandlaxDilir TUiaranrMUr eaapaad Uorl voutb and full var la all ha It MU i aiafl wMi tor Vim Bt atua vlavloat Co VHalwAS OR BAH FY DEKIIK BIUX emt MJMkWW ra PtfrmlV TC VijH ahikdX 5t5M fn ATT TAKES THE PUCE or DANCEROU XfAJU CASOLlKE GOES IN ANY STOVE niTlfWPT NO 5U0KE DIRT Ct OOOH vaiji ruriprniuiu wnnn An rnai WAJT AQ ENXS or satarv ex commission Dunu lor uu lUIU Prlroa ana ms NATIONAL OIL BLSNERCO 69 Ccoan ac CLEVELAND OHIO S17VAT16SS UAATfiQ HT iriirrJD Wll ljlD anl clnalnj JZtoer worm 1 uereiren AKTD U4ul wanting a flretlr rjnra vonursimeai oati uu air 4 juuufi ivenuo llr 0 ia njari tutpll at St ett nor loMun Gall on Aloato Tuaonct So JS SkiU aueot near Oak 8k tiriNTED NuralnsU da ladle pcdallr lV Ternu tl 00 per dar reluming noma si nfgbL AddrcM Bos 171 Itr 7 11 ANTKD 1o lilru otftonog anher artiraciiicripnpo A Ino oua lor 1 Slri 1 A Attiimayueitreet ANTED A mo aud wlto soek poaltlonar hare had auvoral rrara Mmofnoe 1U All ANTUl fitTWliiB Bcirblnn el anr kind to ri and lialr liv an anerlanoad man work larauled Adilruna Uraf UtT rllhthllt MALB HBLP WANTED WAlED ArtlitnllunialltowTil P600 I in innnth ran I uindl and will roTi4 IfcirsitimhhaaYiirploiitiwi wriwttii rll ei crr piaiO AtfureM IHa ihwo wwnwu jaawa wu MISCELLANEOUS WATS Vlllj tJortlainonlli Addraa WjUITHD To orrow tor a term ot Teats oco at ner ocnL intcraat on allt edia aonurttv Will not par commlmlou Iddrraa i tnu omoe au irANTrU Wiloir waiii eomtorublr lor room trnnl foom prclenod ttires turulihcd rnnuul lor llahl lioiuckeeplntl ront imiKt on nam namo ana roomaoosr dual jNtwioSlw SU WAJTJtaI i lWe widow and eon Iota nf tLrte li owanllv situated unlur ntHliodrooniKftaftitalllnil ef from lour to tis room rent munt lo rraiionaule rooni plea TOR KENT ITTOlt kkNT IIqiuci S3 and 40 llraiktnrlilgl Jf Mrdt bf 1 llnulunridse lo ll Pillar Hoik SSUn Ml it fir USUI per 1 TTtOK BENT Uorton Club Ball on verf rea 13 aonableterma ornoolallr ailaptodlordano lug parties or can 1 divided for pernianant quarton for lodcoa aodoUoaorcletia Applr to win FOR BEN1 ltoom IBiJ feet and floor Main street tuivi iuil Ifarua Laundrr auitable forllRlitn aniifaoturtngvurpa oa Bteain pow ran lie pplled athmallowt Vateff nd tma 111 kuiiuivr i 17 eaiu 11 1 aio a six A gent Nickel hate TTtOtt BENT 4 room cottago on Bouth Warn niandauimonat Uollta Bt wllb all modem nproteinriila Comtonablo a room 1 ouMi Eait Waablngton land bouacs and lota for aala and V6U iki ind borfcot draft boras Eve jean old 1 hiod aorrclroa later 6 rtara old BWAT14W MalnBt FOR SALE TTIOR BALE Wood for aala hj John Draker rv nhean at mill near water worka All order prompilr attendud to 8Slm TTOBilES FOtt SALE Boarded and Bold an MmmlMlon Snv Run Avonna Bala and EacntrigaBarn Xom Hunt Profrlotor Ull OR 8ALE tock ot central rnerchandlae with or without liulidinsi will lak oltr property fpr park Call at Ml Well Waililngton EOE 8ALBV A very handmrn Boas u1 Oua Gold Watch entirely new Elgin movement Wonld makes beautiful Christmas present tot gentleman WW UeolOVorrohoaiyj Jan aoen at tliii onloe Itt FOR SALE OR RENT The premlsea No 1 Hart Alain street roaaes alon given eltber In July or August neit For panieuura tnquireoi siaa iikkbt aaonifini I1KKBT aaonmnto llSEaat Wayne fit FOR SALE Real ratals In all parts ot the city and rnbur bun addition farmi and acre fraola Farm and city property to eacbanito Aoana negoUotad uhtiiimi rem iwiiuvw NINKR 11ROH AbENCT Oonrt SU HNANCIAL CASH CASH MONEY Aiuyonlnnantairaiibln any amount from 110 tin tor an 1 urooset louiau got It ou your Lfurnliure liauo organ blejele tionK and wagon oowa auiro nxiuuoa or any owcr auisu aw irlty 1 Momyadianeedonoucheraforpsy ou ean pay it batk lu weekly or monthly In sts Imenta mliable lo your cir umnanoe 1 AU laluMS trausacled rlvalily and nn deniially In ttors ad I reaHl to tlio Office 111 reeoive Im tnodjata attention You ean sol the money tho eamo day you apply far It tell ou the Indiana Mortgage Loan Company Rooms Folliiiger Ulotk It If SO OAlllOljN BTltKBT 6 Per Cent Money No eommlHlon no premium Our uew plan la a blowing to tho liorrowar an bs had In any urn Al AN TIME at The Port Wayne Building Loan Fund and Savings Association Ull on Die leorctar MrOoKiLD Biui iMldenL Treasurer A barttld olty like that of Pbmpell Is bo Ing exoavatod In Oentral Amerlta at tho foot of the volcano Agna Iottory Una Eiwaro Jewels cint inacromonu and an skelotona overexfoe loihav taken Pflt MONEY MADE AT HOME Ait month lelearedafternavlnSalteiiienaas tm Ill rnootJi hploro lltd sad hsvs at the ilni atlontud In UT Maulaz biutneaa 1 dllv invrni anvwhera pan dil Mm waII aa 1 nave fioi a paruouiinr guou louavwu auu 001 much sxperfenoa when yon bavs an article that every famlywanta It la veiy oaay Belling 1L Itaeemaatransathat good mhuap Sliui waaher waa never Deiora piacaa on ino maTaoi wiui thaPaneeuon wblnbsoilaferao you ran wa and dry tha dlabee tot a family In two mlnnn without putting tha bands In water A anon peon la aea the hM work they wgnt one and gjckfr VliuTparUonlafi adlfraaa Tha rev rMtlou aflg Cot eallon Bnglewood III I leal oonvlnoad that any lady or genUeuan In any location ean make tt 1 10 a day as even family will vary soon bar a dlabwaaher Try ft awlpubUaliloarvAPtrlaaoi lor lis baneot oi East End Livery and 4 Boarding Stable sTTTJJl rUaaOWIU ValarrittMt lUaf VI uuuwso Wawtlrilmtt vatt low itrira liftckJ lot treddli wd funemli Pleuo oU and aumin oar tnmoaU and tot ooaTlnoed tlit Us7 an tnt JosWeick Co Henna St Between Jefferson ana Washington Streets BED SEAL BOILER COMPOUND FOETBB Removal and Prevention of Scale Grease and Dirt In Steam Boilers MANCFACriRED The Cherry Chemical Co Philadelphia Pa The lied Seal Boiler Comixmnd la entirely free from acids and does not Injure or corrode the Iron In Its action it does not vaporize or pass off with the steam It can be used with perfect safety by Itrowerles Ice Jlanufactur era Dye Houses Hotels Laundries and many other establishments too nume ous to mention where pure live steam Is required All wo ask la a trial of Ked Skai Hoiler CovirouM and we will con vince me moat sEepticai mat it is a superior article to many of the so called boiler compounds on the market Directions for use cheerfully furnished on application to the PROGRESS NOVELTY CO i ADDITION to 5 ACRE LOTS FOR SUE I enquire oEdwln Vans CLAIRVOYANT tVarJunll IhtWorldBeuowned Tram inmla hlm on lnva bnrinM an Baa the wonderful Hindoo and Uaa nbarais wblott mat all anooawfoi SOcj Oanll 0 Ukait Warns Street WWiasSnyaiiuwsraoUyir Ulrnp DR MOTTS PENNYROYAL PILLS The only safe aura and reliable FmJ Pill ver offered Ladles Especially recommended to married Ladles lUwart of 1111s rut up I11 tin boxes as they are dan proas Ask for Vr Moll a Pennyroyal Pills and take tto other Send for eircoJIar Price 1 00 par box 6 boxes for 5 00 Dr IHte 6aM Bs Ctevslsni fflfitoo roa 8alx by dkeIkb BBa vsawaf1 Bjl VN AsaastTlaJN SsWJsaW Are You Going to PAINT TRY OUR FamilyPainis MeverBrosGo Druggists SI PER CENT MONEY To loan In sums of 1000 to 50000 on teal estate security No delay Special funds CURTICE Trl State Bldg fimlled OMET TO LOAN On Fort Warn bnatnaaa ou iiveimi wn roportvon liberal terms Supply Over Old National Bank professionXl TOCTOB MA11T WHEBT uuioe ana nesmrww vo jawiiaon ainx DRBGARD3SSit BpeGisU VIMAJNII OI HAfl Uia WUHAN OKI liilAL 8UKGHRY of either to Ttumm flttv nd mistniTsi enrad lotrA thernnentlA bsmtha In ohronto rheomUnm panlyili looomoioc Mim and pronounced inonmble dtaeMoi urnoe na i wmi aTiaO Bki von w7oiiDa MISCELLANEOUS 08T A brown and wl Ito itttr pup ibout lJ 7itiontUo riuacr wui pieato kraoat73 Eittb DeVvBld ittoet and reoDtTa riodor will pleam learo JUwlt and rwclte liberal toward FOR SALE OR TRADE DotttraUe farmland ImT Knodeltf proiwrty few neat cottuRoi and kcmh lota at Clear Lake at bmraalaa liioiiev to loan lu euma from 1100 ur at roawmtble rata ot Jnu rest Afronl for fin In laraoce Uivi nw oall 1 Room 8 and 4 Jl Ixley block OtUee onn BHut day nighla 2 BABY CARRIAGES tsrgeat Un bandaomeatatylei alroi geat mad gooda beat patents rloga 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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.