Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

What Can't Pull Out? Why the DILL OUT Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, made by the Keystone Watch Case.Company; Philadelphia. It protects the Watch from the pickpocket, and prevents it from dropping. Can only be. had with cases stamped with this trade mark.

3 Sold, without extra charge for-this bow (ring), through Watch dealers only. Ask' your jeweler for pam. philet; or send to makers. JAPANESE. PILE CURE Remember, is a new treatment; you take no chances in buying only pay for the benefits you receive, for your money is itivoly refunded if you are not rured buy it of our nuthorized agents where you will always got the genuine article and a guarantee.

$1 per box, 6 for cent by. mail. -Fry. a free sample. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL -SOAP and- Tollet should always be usod in the treatment of Files.

Eczema, and all inflammations and eruptions of the Skin. It being highly medicated and Perfumed makes it the most exquisite Toilet and Bath soap now in use, THE JAPANESE LIVER PELLETS Prevent Constipation and Piles, care Alek Pill a Headache inatantly, small, easy to, take, one dome. 50 Pills 25c. (5) Riggs Plogaterth, druggists and able agenta, Marlon, $500 Reward.We will pay the above reward for any CARe of Liver Complalot. Dyspepala, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation Coaliveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver A when the directions are atrictly give They are satisfaction.

purely vegetable, Sugar and never fall. to coated, Large boxes containing 30 pills 25 ceata. Beward of counterfeita -and Imitations. The genuine factured only THE JOHN OF WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by Riggs Plogsterth, druggists and sole agents, Marion.

NEW LIFE. NERVE BRAIN "DR. E. O. WEST'S Nerve, and Brain Treat ment, a specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Fits, Neuralgia, Nervous caused by alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, Mental Depreasion, Softening of Brain, Ing insanity, misery, decay, death; prematureold age, Barrenness, Leucorrhoea and all Female Weaknesses, caused by over exertion of braia.

A month's treatment, $1, 6 for by mall. We guarantee six boxes to cure. Each order for 6 boxes. with 8 will 'send written guarantee refund money if: not Guarantees lagued only by Plogatorth, druggists and sole, agents, Marion, Ind. Marion Dye Works.

DYEING, CLEANING AND REPAIRING Gentlemen's and work Guarantond. Keller Mead. Block J. B. BOOT, Proprietor.


All kinds of job work given prompt and "careful attention. Estimates or all new work. First class work guar teed. Reasonabla prices. with promptness "and with good style.

Sunday meals are n. special featuro of a tho business qf this house. The pa: of those board l4 cheerfully solicited. Terma very reasonable. 012d3w 1 Colorado Tourist linter.

Low rate excuesion tickets on sale at principalT. at. L. K. O.

atations. The Clover Leaf route offers through tieketa; via all routes begoad St. Louls. Liberal privileges in, limit and stop overs; Buffet Vestibuled Bleeping Care Buffet Recilning Obaire, seats free. Call on agent or address O.

C. JENKINS, Gen' 1 Panar Ageut, Toledo, Tho The aboro CheroKe6 fertile Strip-12 Noon Sept. 14. lands, about 6,000,000 will be thrown open to the public Naturday Sept. 16th.

The Toledo, Ht. Louie Kansas R. R.I Clover Lent Route, Home: ceeker'e one inre excuralon of Sept. 12th will vance enable of all the to reach the strip three days in adopening. Don't mins It--your chance for a homestead: Choice of routes yond 8t.

Louis. Special conches will be prorided. 1. Call on nearest agent Clover Lent Route or address O. 0, JENKINS, O.

P. Toledo, Oblo. Or Interest to Boarders, Mre. Hatfield has now entire possession of the boarding house known as the Webster property, cor. 5th.

and Washington streets. Tho roots hare been -rofitted and furnished firstclass style, the diningroom boing coo and coinfortablo. Meals- fire sorved WHEN THE TEACHER CAME TO he come we wus as happy as a family well could be. Our talks of wa'n't larned, but 'twas hearty, gay free, And when we gathered round the, board, our evenin meal to eat, The chatter and the laughter was an everlastin treat. Dear mother would beg pardin fer.

every single dish, And we'd all declare in chorus 'twas exactly 4 to our. wish; Then the ball of conversation would begin to circle 14. And each one would take a hand to keep it on the bound. Pad spin the yarns he'd spur so oftle really thought 'em true, And we'd laugh and choke our vittles just as if. they wuz bran new; And we'd chat as long at table as dad thought we could afford.

But everything is altered since the teacher's come to board. When ho come, the neighbors 'envied us and we'd caught a prize, But ho criticise, hadn't cat a meal ho began to And if any of us happened a -word to -mispronounce That pounce. teacher. would be on us with a He started in on poor old dad, who hain't got book And he'd interrupt his stories with long lecturin's The correct pronunciation and the proper way -to spellTill I heerd dad say to mother, "Wisht that teacher wuz Well, The old man acts do queer at times I really almost think This teacher's constant pesterin bez druve him clean to drink. Wa don't have evenin prayers no more, and: dad's atopped sayin grace.

It he abets his eyes, ho says lie sees a grammar hits face All our daughter's meals is died now away; like funerals; all. the We young uns don't dare whisper lest our ignorance we betray; i Dad's appetito's forsook him and he's dumb AS any clam, Though he tries look defiant; like he didn't care a -continental, Poor mother; too, has pined away beneath this reign of terror: She don't dare ask enough to eat, for fear she'll mako an This awful teacher's judgment hangs above us like.a sword, And we cuss the wretched day ho come to criticise and board. -Yankee Blade. The Cook of the Future. The cook of the future will come in the morning and leave again in the evening when her work is- done to secure greater independence, thanshe can have when living under her employer's roof, or If "central kitchens for the cooking of were to be, established generally (such institutions could supply the needs of a certain number of people in towns) cooks will always be.

wanted. There will always be for capable -per- sons. Ono of the chief causes of friction between mistress and maid would be removed. The cook would no longer work in the dark, harassed by the want of knowledge she has had -no means of obtaining, and which she is at present so unjustly blamed for not possessing. -Nineteenth Century.

Announcing Coming. Mr. Lockwood, the eminent Q. has a fund of quiet humor which is the joy of his" intimate friends. A short time ago he and his wife were invited to a danco- given by a fash- and to enter the room at the same time as a Scotch guest, Mr.

of. "Loch Buie. As is customary with many a of high degree, Mr. M- on being asked by the footman for his gave "Loch Buie and Mrs. M-.

"What name, sir?" asked the functionary of Mr. Lockwood. "Fifty-two Portman square and Mrs. Lock wood," promptly- replied the Q. with dignity equal to that of "Loch Buie" and himself.

-Lady's Pictorial -Rapid Progross Guaranteed. McSand (tho grocer, to applicant for post of errand boy)- we are in want o' a strong and willin laddie. Whaur ha'e ye been Applicant--In a writin acawdemy. McSand-Weel, an what kind o' wark did yo thero, whateffer? Applicant--I wis employit to joggle ta table when a scolar writ 'his fair sample o' iny hondwritin before takin instrooction at McScribblo's Calecgrawphic acdwdemy. -Judy.

Tho term carpenter. is from the Latin carpentum, meaning a wagon, and originally denoted the mechanic who constructed the wooden parts of a vehicle, the being the one who made According to a report of tho French minister of finance, 148,808 familios in France have claimed exemption from certain taxes recently voted by parliament on account of having seven or moro children. Tho grand total number of silver, copper and bronze. -now in circulation throughout tho United Kingdom is moro than 900,000,000, which would moan thirco for every inhabitant of Europe. Tho Moors boliove that Boaldlil and his hosts are Bleeping in a cave in the hills of Grenada, and that thoy will sooner or later venturo forth and restore tho glory of tho Moors in Spain: Tho first balloon ascension in tho United Stator was mndo by Mesars.

Rittenhouso and, Hopkins of' Philadolphla so tine in tho your 1783, about 110 years ngd. 4 Containing 370,000,000, 000, 000 gallong; tho son woighs 1, nearly 2,000,000 years to flow over-Ningarn. TYRANT MAN. The Dog Was the Final' Sufferer For the Millionaire's Complaint. "Being a kcen observer," mused Mr.

Greatheed, "Tam greatly impressed with the manifest. tendency of the strong to inflict pain upon the weak. I have found this to be true not only from. my. observations of.

tho animal kingcom, but also from my studies of that bundle of inconsistencies-man. I have noticed that an individual clothed in a little brief authority is prone to tako advantage. rot the unfortunate persons who may. be subject to his commands. "I passed a large office building the other day which was in process of erection, and hearing loud and angry voices -I -stopped to ascertain the cause of the disturbance.

The millionairo who owned the property was displeased with the manner in which the work of construction was being carried on and was rebuking the headcontractor most volubly. I paused to witness the outcome of the affair. When the owner had departed, the hoad contractor abused his superintendent roundly, and the superintendent in. good terms swore at the master mason and the captain: of thie hod carriers. "These individuals made it uncomfortable for their inferiors, and the masons and the hod carriers addressed most disrespectful and abusive invectives to the man in charge of the engine used to hoist their materials to the upper stories, complaining that he in the performance of his duties, Then the engineer i struck the fireman with his clinched fist, and the fireman relieved his feelings by going out and kicking a dog which was enjoying the shade across the street.

Thus do the suffer, and the dumb animals undergo hardships on account of the- perYork Tribune. versity. of the tyrant, man." Visiting a "New" Within the past week I have been very much amused at hearing the experience of a friend who had been induced to stop at the new. house of a new millionaire. From his account the gloss.

had not yet worn off. his host and They breakfasted in state at 10 o'clock, they- lunched at 2. and they dined at 7. hours interfered with -everything he; desired to do, and as were. exacting as to his presence at each of.

these "functions" his stay was made most uncomfortable. He discovered that each other articles of furniture of the drawing rooms had- specified places. This was impressed upon him by the traction of his hostess, who invariably waited for him to leave the room, when she immediately rearranged the furniture and returned his chair to its original position. I do not sympathize with him, because I think ho richly" deserved his fate. I have heard that, my friend's host only a few years ago was a mill operative.

hammed said- that- when -ho was -taken a prisoner into Chilas he and his escort passed one day through one of tho dreariest portions of the mountains of that region. There they heard noise, and quietly approaching to ascertain its cause they sair a company of hears tearing up the grass. and making bundles of it, which they. hugged. Other bears again- wrapped -their heads in grass, and some stood on their hind paws holding a stick in their paws and dancing.

to the sound of the howls of the others. They themranged themselves in rows, at each end of which was a. young bear; on one side a male, ou the other a femalo. These wero supposed to celebrate their marriage. -Dr.

Leitrer in Asiatic Quarterly. 4. Value of a Fruit Diot. More- moro- every year the American -people aro utilizing fruit as all article of diet. Tho cultivation of fruit steadily increases, and fruit canning is.

now ranked among our most extensivo and important industries. With such a variety of cheap and wholesome fruit to bo had in tho markets all tho, year round oven a few pennies daily can furnish abundant food. If, ng has been asserted, there is as much nutrition in three bananas to bo had for five cents as in half a pound of beefsteak, none except the very lamo and very lazy need fear York Commercial -Advertiser. A. Gigantio Dome! "Tho capitol building at Washington has 'only really largo domo of iron in the world.

It is Vast hollow sphero weighing 8,000,300 pounds. Let as what those figures mean. They mean that it weighs over 4,000 tons, or almost, as much as 70,000 full grown persons, or an amount equal to 100 trainlonds of coal, each of 10 cars and each car loaded to its utmost' capacity! The allegorical figuro of "Liberty" surmounting this massivo dome alono weigh: 13,985 Philadelphia Press. Wedding Festival Among Bears. A Mulla of the name of Lar Mo- A tientlo If lut.

Sho--My papa want yourto como to sco mo. Ho (irroverontly)-Your papa- must bo a kicker. Sho- That's what soveral. young men havo found out who have como hero against his HORRIBLE LOSS. OF.

LIFE. Twenty-Seven Lives Lost by the Burning of a Steamer. PETERSBURG, Sept. "12. The steamer Shermoksha has been burned on 'the River Volga.

Most of those on board when the fire broke out were res cued. Fifteen of the crew and 12. passengers were burned or drowned. Deprodatious ofWICHITA, Sept. -Reports.

from nearly every town and" village throughout this section are full of complaints, depredations by boomers. Horses have been stolen by scores, cattle killed, hogs taken, grain bins despoiled and henroosts ransacked, There were 10 horses stolen here Sunday night, three of which had buggies attached, from in front of one church: Grammer Mins Resigned. NEW YORK, Sept. -Word has been received at the office in this city of the I Evansville and. Terre Haute Railrond company' that" President Grammer had resigned by request of the directors.

He will bo. succeeded, it is said, by J. Mackey, LEAGUE BASEBALL. New Cleveland York 0030 3.1 11 ST. LouisSt.

0 00 Brooklyn. 0.00 11: CINCINNATtCincinnati 0 3 0 00 Phil hiR 0.0 6 17 Baltimore: 10 0 Pittsburg 000 Chicago 0. Boston MARKET QUOTATIONS. Prevailing -Prices For- Grain "and Cattle on Sept. 11; Indianapolis WHEAT CORN HOGS--Good to choice mediumand heavy.

mixed and packing, $5.50 choice light weights, 10 CATTLE- -Extra choice shipping and ex: port steers, $4.00 good to choice shipping -steers, fair to medium skipping steers, connon steers, choice fecding steers, $3.00 SHEEP AND Chicago Grain and Provision.WHEAT-Sept. opened closed May opened closed CORN-Sept. opened closed May opened 45c, closed 40. May opened closed opened closed PORK Sept. closed $16.12.

Jan, opened closed opened $8.40, closed, 50. Jan. opened $7.65, closed $7.70. RIBS- Sept. opened closed Jan.

opened $7.10, closed New York. WHEAT-Sept. CORN- -No. 2 a Sand Who ever beard of painting "in sand! The Moki Indians understand that species of art. Two paintings of this kind, copied accurately from the originals, have been nowly placed on exhibition at the National museum.

Perhaps they might better be called mosaics, being dono in sand of six different colors on a flat, horizontal surface. The colorsare yellow, green, white, black and a mixture. Such: pictures are made by Mold priests and priestesses on the floors of their subterranean chambers. The six colors. stand for tho cardinal points.

Yellow. is tho northegreenis the west. red is the south, whito- is the enst, black is the. region above, and- all colors signify tho region One of the two sand paintings is copy of the kind of picturo made for the annual ceremonial of the Mohi women's festival to the germ god, which takes place in September. Tho work of art is executed during the -progress of the secret rites.

It represents two figures in an elaborato framo of different colors. On. the left. is a likeness of La-kone-ma-na, the patroness of the in a white blanket. On tho right, is a portrait of one of the twin gods of war, Who carries a zigzag of lightning in his hands.

The other picture is a facsimile" of the one made by the chief of the Fran ternity of Antelopes at the festival of tho snake dance. Washington Star. A Valuable Old Coat. People ofteu select curious places in which to hide their hoards, but it remained for an unfortunate Welshwoman to choose one more singular perhaps than usual. The good lady lived- in cottago with her husband, and the other day, while she was absent- from home, a tramp called and Tho old man -had nono to bestow upon him, but he.

grivo him an old, dilapidated coat, which ho had long sinco cast aside. On the wife's return she missed the cont- and was horror struck to learn what had hocome of it, for it turned out that the foolish woman had for years been honrding up money aud hiding it away in this samo old coat. Tho, tramp was particularly, fortunate, for ho had netted exactly £82 by this charitable transaction. Wo regret to add that ho vras not honest enough to return the money, and diligent as tho sourch has been to discover His whereabouts ho has not been found. Thus the savings of lifotimo have been lost by a combination of kindness and London Tit-Bita.

For a lamo back or for a pain in the side or chest, try saturating a pioco of dannel with Chamberlain's Pain Balin and binding it on the affected parta. will cure any ordinary cano in one or two days. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. 50 cent bottles for sale Rigdon and John Daris, druggists. Elgin creamery butter at Bailey always oh hand.

B0dtr W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE NOT Do you wear them? When next In need try a Best in the world." 45.00 $3.00 $4.00 $2.50 $3.50 LADIES $2.50 $2.00 $2.25 $1.75 FOR BOYS FOR $2.00 $1.75 FOR SSES If you want a fine DRESS SHOE, mado In tho latest styles, don't pay $6 to $8, try $3, $3.50, $4,00 or $5 Shoo. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as woll if you wish to economize In your footwear, do to by purchasing W. L.

Douglas Shoes. Name and price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy wiL. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by HEAVY SMITH. 7 4, Tutt's Pills CURE CONSTIPATION.

Te enjoy health one shonid hare resalar oracuations trery twen four hours. The evils, both end physical, resulting from HABITUAL CONSTIPATION are many and For the onre of this common tronble, Tatt'a Liver Pills bare popularity sugar conted 80LD EVERYWHERE. MARION TRAIN TIME. an Route, In effect May 31, 1893, GOING MAST. No.

10... 1:15 No. No. 8 No. GOING WEST.

No. No: 1.. 10:67: 81.. No. P.

46 and 45 not Sunday. time carda, Fates of fare; through tickets, baggage regarding the checks, running and any of traina, further information N. MARTIN, Ageat, Marion. lad. Clover BAST.

Leaf. GOING No. No. 10:8 No. Local 1:00 No.

1:50 No. 8. Local 10:32 Nos. 5 and 8 daily bet ween Toledo and St. Louts.

Nor. Tand daily except Sunday be tween Toledo aud Frankfort. Nos. Land dally except Sunday between Blumon and St. Louis, Buffet sleeping cars, aud Bodes re clining chair care, seats free, on and O.

FRASER, Cleveland, Louis Cincinnati, St. Division, Takes effect lea re Tarion, Stay Indiana' Tralne GOING NORTE. GOING SOUTH. No. 3 3:63 1:58 No.

2. 8:45 Nor No. 8..... .10:28 No. 25.

Trains No. 8 and 95 carry chalt sad sleeping cars between Indianapolla and Bay View, Mich. All traina from Marion Dect through and arrive at Indianapolia 10:50 2:50 P. m. and 9:60 p.

For time of trains and rates see W. WELCE, Arent A Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago, a- St Louis- Ry; Big Four lionte The Popular Ronte the Michiran Oities and All southern CONDENSED SCHEDULE OF TRAINS. AFFECTIVE MAT 28, 1803. BOINd UTI. No.

93. No. 21. No 86 Benton Harbor a 8:00 7:13. 8:25 Borrien 7:18 3:30 7:38 Elkhart.

8:18 4:98 8:42 4:55 9:08 5:80 9:81 5:511 North Manchester. 10:15 6:81 10:50 7:50 Wabash 7:20 11:55 8:04 7:33 18:10 8:16 7:41 19:92 8:28 7:58 8:48 8:08 Alexandria. 8:52 8573 Anderson. 1:90 9:80 8:50 9:47 11:05 10:26 1:40 5:30 a to 8:30 Rueh villa. 3:10 7:05 Greeusburg.

8:15 No. 6:10 9:45 a GOING NONTE. A No. 8 we No: 89 No: No, -Vernon 6:18 7:10 Anderson. 8:60 Indianapolia 6:00 a a Anderson 9:10 7:85 1:35 9:10 7:58 2:02 Summitville 9:58 8:08 2:16 10:06 8:38 8:29 10:16 2:10 10.28 8:15 3:48 Wabash 9:35 8:40 9:50 3:56 North Mancheste 10:30 Warsaw 11:13 6:04 11:40 6:80 Goshen 12:10 5:57 Elkbart.

19:33 6:20 Nites 1717 7:03 Berrien 1:37 7:93 Ean. 1:48 7:99 Benton Harbor 8:10 p.m 8:00 Trains dally except Sunday. Day conches between Indianapolie and ton Harbor on trains 24 and 21. Chair and sleeping cars op rains 8 and 25 between In dianapolis and Bay View, Mich. Tourist ticket on sale to Michigan resorte and all authorized tourist points.

For full particulars and ticketa call on 0. W. Welch agent, OSCAR'O. MURRAY, Tratic Cincinnati, Manager, 'o. D.

B. MARTIN, G. P. T. Cincinnati, 0, W.

R. BALDWIN, DiT. PASI. Elkhart, Ind FITTING GLASSES. What in the ase of you going to Chicago when you can bave your eyea examined and tested free at the postoffice.

Eyes measured and spectacles properly justed. New frames put on old glasses. Nev lenses set in old frames. Tryetal and pebble glass always in stock. Lave 'your glasses made to order.

O. FARIS, Optician, lobby a lice, Marion, MARION Business. Directory. Agricultural and Hard Price south side si Architects. La Belle French, Postoffice Block.

Abstracter Titles Hamaker, west side Files Bogie, court house llanks, First National South MY Bank. South Adama, Willson, Jason South Hakery And Restaurant. 7 Repbart, Fred 0., 10S south aide square. Bulldlug Material, landware nad Factory Supples, Campbell, 106 South Washington. loots and Butterworts 118 East Fourth street.

ailsey, Max. Cast side quart Hooks, ITali Paper and Wadow Shades, Coo Balley Aleckler Co. 109 East Third. Confectionery and Restaurant. Dieffenbarber's, 114 Weet Third.

Carriage Wagons and Repairing. The Welsh. Bron 310 East 11th Marion Business College; South: Washington. 1 Druggists, Siddons north able square. Daris, John, 410 South Washington Spencer House Drug Store, 109 South Adama.

Rigion 5 Estelman, 21 East Fourth street. Rigged Plogaterth, 414 South WashingtonWillenta, Mickel bullding, cor. Washington "and Stat. Allen. Homer 502 North Washington street.

Eansler; Mr. D. 1145 South Branson street urackery, China and Glasswares Lord, Alphonzo, 113 South Washington: Baskets, do Harwood's Bazaar, South Washington atreet.a A B. painless dentist, 1024 Fourth street. Kinley, W.

McClure block. Flour, Feed and Hay, Hunter, R. 513 South Furniture. Moser de Deakin, Matter block. Watson Meintire, 421 South Washington.

Floral Designs, Cut Flowers, Plants. Michel, Henry, 17th and Washington. a Florist, Wholesale and Retail. Marion Green House, Sonth Boota, dower depot 34 South Washington. Founders and Machinists.

Hulley, J. corner 8th and Adamar Groceries. Overman cor. Washington and 5th. Arrick Leanex, 724 South Adams street.

Ouster, A. 224 South a Washington. Nelson, G. 105 South Washington. Bish, Otto, 511 South Washington, Carr Thomas, 424 South Washington.

Bish, John, 812 North Washington. Reese, L. 3122 Harness and Buggies. Wigger, J. 116-118 north side aquare.

Hardware, Milt Supplies, Tinware." Kem Wright, cor. Washingion and 31st. Jeweler, Books and Wall Paper. 1 Mark, IT. S.

south aide square. "Millinery and Fancy Pooda. win, Musio Dealer. Boyd, Lee cor. Washington and 5th streets.

Meat and Fish Market. Me Kee, Geo. 218 South Washington. Merchant Tailo. Emes, 503 South Washington.

-Meat. Market; Levy, 515 South Washington. Whisler, J. 416 South Adams. Newand Second- Hand Furniture." Noah's Ark, 507-South-Washington street.Notions, Fancy Goods, Novelties.

The "Racket," '114 south Bide square. -Plumbing, stoves and Mantels. Whisler, D. Son, 104 north side square. Plombing, Pumpa, at Laughrige 190.

East Fifth. Plumbers, Gas and 'steam Fitters. Hamilton cor. Adama and Fifth streeta. Paints and Wall Paper.

The Marion Wall Paper 500 S. Waskington Restaurant. Forler; W. s. (13 West Fourth.

so Buchanan Son, 512 South Washington, Wall Paper, Picture Frames, Stationery. Bireley Fourth street, Has Medicine Failed to Cure Your CHEAPEST THE BEST AND WORLD DOW'S NEW PATENT ELECTRIC BELTS, Now manufactured by the Electro- Belt and Appliance of Elkbart, will sad do cure every narroad chreato disease, when all nther -known treatments and medicines. have failed. Thousands hare already been cared by the uso of these belta, the master triumph of electrical science. These belts are no medicated or contrivance, but a true, scientideally constructed battery belt, that when charred you can Inatantly fool the electric force.

They orate tho true medical of Every belt sold by our local arenta upon this guarantee. Don't fail to call on or write due and agent for full particulars and pamphlet, all about this wonder working appliance PLOGSTERTH. Agents. Oar eye glasses are the best and they must basold, regardless of costa C. C.


Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.